import streamlit as st | |
from openai import OpenAI | |
import json, os, httpx, asyncio | |
import requests, time | |
from typing import Dict, Any | |
import pickle | |
from api.calc_consumption_context import get_consumption_context | |
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential | |
from pydantic import BaseModel # Import BaseModel for creating request body | |
from api.nutrient_analyzer import get_nutrient_analysis | |
from api.data_extractor import extract_data, find_product, get_product | |
from api.ingredients_analysis import get_ingredient_analysis | |
from api.claims_analysis import get_claims_analysis | |
from api.cumulative_analysis import generate_final_analysis | |
#Used the @st.cache_resource decorator on this function. | |
#This Streamlit decorator ensures that the function is only executed once and its result (the OpenAI client) is cached. | |
#Subsequent calls to this function will return the cached client, avoiding unnecessary recreation. | |
def get_openai_client(): | |
#Enable debug mode for testing only | |
return OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")) | |
client = get_openai_client() | |
def create_assistant_and_embeddings(): | |
global client | |
assistant1 = client.beta.assistants.create( | |
name="Processing Level", | |
instructions="You are an expert dietician. Use your knowledge base to answer questions about the processing level of food product.", | |
model="gpt-4o", | |
tools=[{"type": "file_search"}], | |
temperature=0, | |
top_p = 0.85 | |
) | |
# Create a vector store | |
vector_store1 = client.beta.vector_stores.create(name="Processing Level Vec") | |
# Ready the files for upload to OpenAI | |
file_paths = ["docs/Processing_Level.docx"] | |
file_streams = [open(path, "rb") for path in file_paths] | |
# Use the upload and poll SDK helper to upload the files, add them to the vector store, | |
# and poll the status of the file batch for completion. | |
file_batch1 = client.beta.vector_stores.file_batches.upload_and_poll( | |, files=file_streams | |
) | |
# You can print the status and the file counts of the batch to see the result of this operation. | |
print(file_batch1.status) | |
print(file_batch1.file_counts) | |
#Processing Level | |
assistant1 = client.beta.assistants.update( | |, | |
tool_resources={"file_search": {"vector_store_ids": []}}, | |
) | |
return assistant1 | |
assistant_p = create_assistant_and_embeddings() | |
def extract_data_from_product_image(images_list): | |
raw_response = extract_data({"images_list" : images_list}) | |
return raw_response | |
def get_product_list(product_name_by_user): | |
raw_response = find_product(product_name_by_user) | |
return raw_response | |
def get_product_info(product_name): | |
print(f"getting product info from mongodb for {product_name}") | |
product_info = get_product(product_name) | |
return product_info | |
# Define a sample request body that matches NutrientAnalysisRequest | |
class NutrientAnalysisRequest(BaseModel): | |
product_info_from_db: dict | |
async def analyze_nutrition_using_icmr_rda(product_info_from_db): | |
raw_response = await get_nutrient_analysis(NutrientAnalysisRequest(product_info_from_db=product_info_from_db)) | |
return raw_response | |
def generate_cumulative_analysis( | |
brand_name: str, | |
product_name: str, | |
nutritional_level: str, | |
processing_level: str, | |
all_ingredient_analysis: str, | |
claims_analysis: str, | |
refs: list | |
): | |
print(f"Calling cumulative-analysis API with refs : {refs}") | |
raw_response = generate_final_analysis({'brand_name': brand_name, 'product_name': product_name, 'nutritional_level': nutritional_level, 'processing_level': processing_level, 'all_ingredient_analysis': all_ingredient_analysis, 'claims_analysis': claims_analysis, 'refs': refs}) | |
return raw_response | |
async def analyze_processing_level_and_ingredients(product_info_from_db, assistant_p_id): | |
print("calling processing level and ingredient_analysis func") | |
print(f"assistant_p_id is of type {type(assistant_p_id)}") | |
request_payload = { | |
"product_info_from_db": product_info_from_db, | |
"assistant_p_id": assistant_p_id | |
} | |
raw_response = await get_ingredient_analysis(request_payload) | |
print("Processing and Ingredient analysis finished!") | |
return raw_response | |
def analyze_claims_list(product_info_from_db): | |
print("calling claims analysis func") | |
raw_response = get_claims_analysis(product_info_from_db) | |
return raw_response | |
async def analyze_product(product_info_from_db): | |
global assistant_p | |
if product_info_from_db: | |
brand_name = product_info_from_db.get("brandName", "") | |
product_name = product_info_from_db.get("productName", "") | |
start_time = time.time() | |
# Verify each function is async and returns a coroutine | |
coroutines = [] | |
# Ensure each function is an async function and returns a coroutine | |
nutrition_coro = analyze_nutrition_using_icmr_rda(product_info_from_db) | |
processing_coro = analyze_processing_level_and_ingredients(product_info_from_db, | |
coroutines.append(nutrition_coro) | |
coroutines.append(processing_coro) | |
# Conditionally add claims analysis | |
# You can use asyncio.to_thread() to run the synchronous analyze_claims function in a separate thread, allowing it to run in parallel with your other asynchronous functions. Here’s how you can do it: | |
if product_info_from_db.get("claims"): | |
claims_coro = asyncio.to_thread(analyze_claims_list, product_info_from_db) | |
coroutines.append(claims_coro) | |
# Debug: Print coroutine types to verify | |
print("Coroutines:", [type(coro) for coro in coroutines]) | |
# Parallel API calls | |
results = await asyncio.gather(*coroutines) | |
# Unpack results based on the number of coroutines | |
nutritional_level_json = results[0] | |
refs_ingredient_analysis_json = results[1] | |
claims_analysis_json = results[2] if len(results) > 2 else None | |
# Extract data from API results | |
nutritional_level = nutritional_level_json["nutrition_analysis"] | |
refs = refs_ingredient_analysis_json["refs"] | |
all_ingredient_analysis = refs_ingredient_analysis_json["all_ingredient_analysis"] | |
processing_level = refs_ingredient_analysis_json["processing_level"] | |
claims_analysis = claims_analysis_json["claims_analysis"] if claims_analysis_json else "" | |
# Generate final analysis | |
final_analysis = generate_cumulative_analysis( | |
brand_name, | |
product_name, | |
nutritional_level, | |
processing_level, | |
all_ingredient_analysis, | |
claims_analysis, | |
refs | |
) | |
print(f"DEBUG - Cumulative analysis finished in {time.time() - start_time} seconds") | |
return final_analysis | |
# Streamlit app | |
# Initialize session state | |
if 'messages' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.messages = [] | |
if 'uploaded_files' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.uploaded_files = [] | |
def chatbot_response(images_list, product_name_by_user, extract_info = True): | |
# Process the user input and generate a response | |
processing_level = "" | |
harmful_ingredient_analysis = "" | |
claims_analysis = "" | |
image_urls = [] | |
if product_name_by_user != "": | |
similar_product_list_json = get_product_list(product_name_by_user) | |
if similar_product_list_json and extract_info == False: | |
with st.spinner("Fetching product information from our database... This may take a moment."): | |
print(f"similar_product_list_json : {similar_product_list_json}") | |
if 'error' not in similar_product_list_json.keys(): | |
similar_product_list = similar_product_list_json['products'] | |
return similar_product_list, "Product list found from our database" | |
else: | |
return [], "Product list not found" | |
elif extract_info == True: | |
with st.spinner("Analyzing product using data from 3,000+ peer-reviewed journal papers..."): | |
st.caption("This may take a few minutes") | |
st.chat_input("Please wait ...", disabled=True) | |
product_info_raw = get_product_info(product_name_by_user) | |
print(f"DEBUG product_info_raw from name: {type(product_info_raw)} {product_info_raw}") | |
if not product_info_raw: | |
return [], "product not found because product information in the db is corrupt" | |
if 'error' not in product_info_raw.keys(): | |
final_analysis = | |
return [], final_analysis | |
else: | |
return [], f"Product information could not be extracted from our database because of {product_info_raw['error']}" | |
else: | |
return [], "Product not found in our database." | |
#elif "http:/" in image_urls_str.lower() or "https:/" in image_urls_str.lower() | |
elif len(images_list) > 1: | |
# Extract image URL from user input | |
#if "," not in image_urls_str: | |
# image_urls.append(image_urls_str) | |
#else: | |
# for url in image_urls_str.split(","): | |
# if "http:/" in url.lower() or "https:/" in url.lower(): | |
# image_urls.append(url) | |
with st.spinner("Analyzing product using data from 3,000+ peer-reviewed journal papers..."): | |
st.caption("This may take a few minutes") | |
st.chat_input("Please wait ...", disabled=True) | |
product_info_raw = extract_data_from_product_image(images_list) | |
print(f"DEBUG product_info_raw from image : {product_info_raw}") | |
if 'error' not in product_info_raw.keys(): | |
final_analysis = | |
return [], final_analysis | |
else: | |
return [], f"Product information could not be extracted from the image because of {json.loads(product_info_raw)['error']}" | |
else: | |
return [], "I'm here to analyze food products. Please provide an image URL (Example : or product name (Example : Harvest Gold Bread)" | |
class SessionState: | |
"""Handles all session state variables in a centralized way""" | |
def initialize(): | |
initial_states = { | |
"messages": [], | |
"uploaded_files": [], | |
"product_selected": False, | |
"product_shared": False, | |
"analyze_more": True, | |
"welcome_shown": False, | |
"yes_no_choice": None, | |
"welcome_msg": "Welcome to ConsumeWise! What product would you like me to analyze today? Example : Noodles, Peanut Butter etc", | |
"similar_products": [], | |
"awaiting_selection": False, | |
"current_user_input": "", | |
"selected_product": None, | |
"awaiting_image_upload": False | |
} | |
for key, value in initial_states.items(): | |
if key not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state[key] = value | |
class ProductSelector: | |
"""Handles product selection logic""" | |
def handle_selection(): | |
if st.session_state.similar_products: | |
# Create a container for the selection UI | |
selection_container = st.container() | |
with selection_container: | |
# Radio button for product selection | |
choice = | |
"Select a product:", | |
st.session_state.similar_products + ["None of the above"], | |
key="product_choice" | |
) | |
# Confirm button | |
confirm_clicked = st.button("Confirm Selection") | |
print(f"Is Selection made by user ? : {confirm_clicked}") | |
# Only process the selection when confirm is clicked | |
msg = "" | |
if confirm_clicked: | |
st.session_state.awaiting_selection = False | |
if choice != "None of the above": | |
#st.session_state.selected_product = choice | |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": f"You selected {choice}"}) | |
print(f"Selection made by user : {choice}") | |
_, msg = chatbot_response([], choice.split(" by ")[0], extract_info=True) | |
print(f"msg is {msg}") | |
#Check if analysis couldn't be done because db had incomplete information | |
if msg != "product not found because product information in the db is corrupt": | |
#Only when msg is acceptable | |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": msg}) | |
with st.chat_message("assistant"): | |
st.markdown(msg) | |
st.session_state.product_selected = True | |
keys_to_keep = ["messages", "welcome_msg"] | |
keys_to_delete = [key for key in st.session_state.keys() if key not in keys_to_keep] | |
for key in keys_to_delete: | |
del st.session_state[key] | |
st.session_state.welcome_msg = "What product would you like me to analyze next?" | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
if (choice == "None of the above" or msg == "product not found because product information in the db is corrupt") and len(st.session_state.uploaded_files) == 0: | |
if not st.session_state.awaiting_image_upload: | |
st.session_state.messages.append( | |
{"role": "assistant", "content": "Please provide the images of the product to analyze based on the latest information."} | |
) | |
with st.chat_message("assistant"): | |
st.markdown("Please provide the images of the product to analyze based on the latest information.") | |
# Add a file uploader to allow users to upload multiple images | |
st.session_state.awaiting_image_upload = True | |
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader( | |
"Upload product images here:", | |
type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"], | |
accept_multiple_files=True | |
) | |
if uploaded_files: | |
st.session_state.messages.append( | |
{"role": "assistant", "content": f"{len(uploaded_files)} images uploaded for analysis."} | |
) | |
with st.chat_message("assistant"): | |
st.markdown(f"{len(uploaded_files)} images uploaded for analysis.") | |
st.session_state.uploaded_files = uploaded_files | |
st.session_state.awaiting_image_upload = False | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
# Prevent further chat input while awaiting selection | |
return True # Indicates selection is in progress | |
return False # Indicates no selection in progress | |
class ChatManager: | |
"""Manages chat interactions and responses""" | |
def process_response(user_input): | |
if not st.session_state.product_selected: | |
#if "http:/" not in user_input and "https:/" not in user_input: | |
print(f"DEBUG : st.session_state.uploaded_files inside process_response : {st.session_state.uploaded_files}") | |
if len(st.session_state.uploaded_files) == 0: | |
response, status = ChatManager._handle_product_name(user_input) | |
else: | |
print("Calling handle_product_url") | |
response, status = ChatManager._handle_product_url() | |
return response, status | |
def _handle_product_name(user_input): | |
if not st.session_state.awaiting_image_upload and user_input: | |
st.session_state.product_shared = True | |
st.session_state.current_user_input = user_input | |
similar_products, _ = chatbot_response( | |
[], user_input, extract_info=False | |
) | |
st.session_state.similar_products = similar_products | |
if len(st.session_state.similar_products) > 0: | |
st.session_state.awaiting_selection = True | |
return "Here are some similar products from our database. Please select:", "no success" | |
# Add a file uploader to allow users to upload multiple images | |
# No similar products found | |
st.session_state.awaiting_image_upload = True | |
# Only show message and uploader if waiting for image upload | |
if st.session_state.awaiting_image_upload and len(st.session_state.uploaded_files) == 0: | |
if user_input: | |
with st.chat_message("assistant"): | |
st.markdown(f"Please provide images of the product since {len(st.session_state.similar_products)} similar products found in our database") | |
# Append the message to session state for chat history | |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": f"Please provide images of the product since {len(st.session_state.similar_products)} similar products found in our database"}) | |
st.chat_input("Please upload files ...", disabled=True) | |
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader( | |
"Upload product images here:", | |
type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"], | |
accept_multiple_files=True | |
) | |
print(f"DEBUG : uploaded_files after st.file_uploader() : {uploaded_files}") | |
if len(uploaded_files) > 0: | |
st.session_state.uploaded_files = uploaded_files | |
st.session_state.awaiting_image_upload = False | |
print(f"DEBUG: User uploaded files: {uploaded_files}") | |
return f"{len(uploaded_files)} images uploaded for analysis.", "no success" | |
else: | |
# Show a temporary message until files are uploaded | |"Waiting for images to be uploaded.") | |
print("Waiting for images to be uploaded!") | |
st.stop() | |
def _handle_product_url(): | |
#is_valid_url = (".jpeg" in user_input or ".jpg" in user_input) and \ | |
# ("http:/" in user_input or "https:/" in user_input) | |
if not st.session_state.product_shared: | |
return "Please provide the product name first" | |
if len(st.session_state.uploaded_files) > 1 and st.session_state.product_shared: | |
_, msg = chatbot_response( | |
st.session_state.uploaded_files, "", extract_info=True | |
) | |
st.session_state.product_selected = True | |
if msg != "product not found because image is not clear" and "Product information could not be extracted from the image" not in msg: | |
response = msg | |
status = "success" | |
elif msg == "product not found because image is not clear": | |
response = msg + ". Please share clear image URLs!" | |
status = "no success" | |
else: | |
response = msg + ".Please re-try!!" | |
status = "no success" | |
return response, status | |
st.session_state.uploaded_files = [] | |
return "Please provide more than 1 images of the product to capture complete information.", "no success" | |
def main(): | |
# Initialize session state | |
SessionState.initialize() | |
# Display title | |
st.title("ConsumeWise - Your Food Product Analysis Assistant") | |
# Show welcome message | |
if not st.session_state.welcome_shown: | |
st.session_state.messages.append({ | |
"role": "assistant", | |
"content": st.session_state.welcome_msg | |
}) | |
st.session_state.welcome_shown = True | |
# Display chat history | |
for message in st.session_state.messages: | |
with st.chat_message(message["role"]): | |
st.markdown(message["content"]) | |
# Handle product selection if awaiting | |
selection_in_progress = False | |
if st.session_state.awaiting_selection: | |
print("Awaiting selection") | |
selection_in_progress = ProductSelector.handle_selection() | |
# Only show chat input if not awaiting selection | |
print(f"Selection in progress ? : {selection_in_progress}") | |
if not selection_in_progress: | |
user_input = st.chat_input("Enter your message:", key="user_input") | |
print(f"DEBUG - user_input : {user_input} and len(st.session_state.uploaded_files) is {len(st.session_state.uploaded_files)}") | |
if user_input or st.session_state.awaiting_image_upload or len(st.session_state.uploaded_files) > 0: | |
if user_input: | |
# Add user message to chat | |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) | |
with st.chat_message("user"): | |
st.markdown(user_input) | |
# Process response | |
print(f"DEBUG - Calling process_response with user_input : {user_input}") | |
response, status = ChatManager.process_response(user_input) | |
print(f"DEBUG - response from process_response is {response}") | |
if "Waiting for images to be uploaded" not in response: | |
with st.chat_message("assistant"): | |
st.markdown(response) | |
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response}) | |
if status == "success": | |
SessionState.initialize() # Reset states for next product | |
keys_to_keep = ["messages", "welcome_msg"] | |
keys_to_delete = [key for key in st.session_state.keys() if key not in keys_to_keep] | |
for key in keys_to_delete: | |
del st.session_state[key] | |
st.session_state.welcome_msg = "What product would you like me to analyze next?" | |
print("Re-running...") | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
else: | |
# Disable chat input while selection is in progress | |
st.chat_input("Please confirm your selection above first...", disabled=True) | |
# Clear chat history button | |
if st.button("Clear Chat History"): | |
st.session_state.clear() | |
st.experimental_rerun() | |
# Call the wrapper function in Streamlit | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() | |