#!/usr/bin/env python3
Tiny AutoEncoder for Stable Diffusion
(DNN for encoding / decoding SD's latent space)
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

import ldm_patched.modules.utils
import ldm_patched.modules.ops

def conv(n_in, n_out, **kwargs):
    return ldm_patched.modules.ops.disable_weight_init.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, 3, padding=1, **kwargs)

class Clamp(nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
        return torch.tanh(x / 3) * 3

class Block(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n_in, n_out):
        self.conv = nn.Sequential(conv(n_in, n_out), nn.ReLU(), conv(n_out, n_out), nn.ReLU(), conv(n_out, n_out))
        self.skip = ldm_patched.modules.ops.disable_weight_init.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, 1, bias=False) if n_in != n_out else nn.Identity()
        self.fuse = nn.ReLU()
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.fuse(self.conv(x) + self.skip(x))

def Encoder():
    return nn.Sequential(
        conv(3, 64), Block(64, 64),
        conv(64, 64, stride=2, bias=False), Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64),
        conv(64, 64, stride=2, bias=False), Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64),
        conv(64, 64, stride=2, bias=False), Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64),
        conv(64, 4),

def Decoder():
    return nn.Sequential(
        Clamp(), conv(4, 64), nn.ReLU(),
        Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64), nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2), conv(64, 64, bias=False),
        Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64), nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2), conv(64, 64, bias=False),
        Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64), Block(64, 64), nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2), conv(64, 64, bias=False),
        Block(64, 64), conv(64, 3),

class TAESD(nn.Module):
    latent_magnitude = 3
    latent_shift = 0.5

    def __init__(self, encoder_path=None, decoder_path=None):
        """Initialize pretrained TAESD on the given device from the given checkpoints."""
        self.taesd_encoder = Encoder()
        self.taesd_decoder = Decoder()
        self.vae_scale = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(1.0))
        if encoder_path is not None:
            self.taesd_encoder.load_state_dict(ldm_patched.modules.utils.load_torch_file(encoder_path, safe_load=True))
        if decoder_path is not None:
            self.taesd_decoder.load_state_dict(ldm_patched.modules.utils.load_torch_file(decoder_path, safe_load=True))

    def scale_latents(x):
        """raw latents -> [0, 1]"""
        return x.div(2 * TAESD.latent_magnitude).add(TAESD.latent_shift).clamp(0, 1)

    def unscale_latents(x):
        """[0, 1] -> raw latents"""
        return x.sub(TAESD.latent_shift).mul(2 * TAESD.latent_magnitude)

    def decode(self, x):
        x_sample = self.taesd_decoder(x * self.vae_scale)
        x_sample = x_sample.sub(0.5).mul(2)
        return x_sample

    def encode(self, x):
        return self.taesd_encoder(x * 0.5 + 0.5) / self.vae_scale