Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 5,776 Bytes
99f47e6 |
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import re
import json
import numpy as np
def get_hparams_from_file(config_path):
with open(config_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data =
config = json.loads(data)
hparams = HParams(**config)
return hparams
class HParams:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if type(v) == dict:
v = HParams(**v)
self[k] = v
def keys(self):
return self.__dict__.keys()
def items(self):
return self.__dict__.items()
def values(self):
return self.__dict__.values()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__dict__)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
return setattr(self, key, value)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.__dict__
def __repr__(self):
return self.__dict__.__repr__()
def string_to_bits(string, pad_len=8):
# Convert each character to its ASCII value
ascii_values = [ord(char) for char in string]
# Convert ASCII values to binary representation
binary_values = [bin(value)[2:].zfill(8) for value in ascii_values]
# Convert binary strings to integer arrays
bit_arrays = [[int(bit) for bit in binary] for binary in binary_values]
# Convert list of arrays to NumPy array
numpy_array = np.array(bit_arrays)
numpy_array_full = np.zeros((pad_len, 8), dtype=numpy_array.dtype)
numpy_array_full[:, 2] = 1
max_len = min(pad_len, len(numpy_array))
numpy_array_full[:max_len] = numpy_array[:max_len]
return numpy_array_full
def bits_to_string(bits_array):
# Convert each row of the array to a binary string
binary_values = [''.join(str(bit) for bit in row) for row in bits_array]
# Convert binary strings to ASCII values
ascii_values = [int(binary, 2) for binary in binary_values]
# Convert ASCII values to characters
output_string = ''.join(chr(value) for value in ascii_values)
return output_string
def split_sentence(text, min_len=10, language_str='[EN]'):
if language_str in ['EN']:
sentences = split_sentences_latin(text, min_len=min_len)
sentences = split_sentences_zh(text, min_len=min_len)
return sentences
def split_sentences_latin(text, min_len=10):
"""Split Long sentences into list of short ones
str: Input sentences.
List[str]: list of output sentences.
# deal with dirty sentences
text = re.sub('[。!?;]', '.', text)
text = re.sub('[,]', ',', text)
text = re.sub('[“”]', '"', text)
text = re.sub('[‘’]', "'", text)
text = re.sub(r"[\<\>\(\)\[\]\"\«\»]+", "", text)
text = re.sub('[\n\t ]+', ' ', text)
text = re.sub('([,.!?;])', r'\1 $#!', text)
# split
sentences = [s.strip() for s in text.split('$#!')]
if len(sentences[-1]) == 0: del sentences[-1]
new_sentences = []
new_sent = []
count_len = 0
for ind, sent in enumerate(sentences):
# print(sent)
count_len += len(sent.split(" "))
if count_len > min_len or ind == len(sentences) - 1:
count_len = 0
new_sentences.append(' '.join(new_sent))
new_sent = []
return merge_short_sentences_latin(new_sentences)
def merge_short_sentences_latin(sens):
"""Avoid short sentences by merging them with the following sentence.
List[str]: list of input sentences.
List[str]: list of output sentences.
sens_out = []
for s in sens:
# If the previous sentense is too short, merge them with
# the current sentence.
if len(sens_out) > 0 and len(sens_out[-1].split(" ")) <= 2:
sens_out[-1] = sens_out[-1] + " " + s
if len(sens_out[-1].split(" ")) <= 2:
sens_out[-2] = sens_out[-2] + " " + sens_out[-1]
return sens_out
def split_sentences_zh(text, min_len=10):
text = re.sub('[。!?;]', '.', text)
text = re.sub('[,]', ',', text)
# 将文本中的换行符、空格和制表符替换为空格
text = re.sub('[\n\t ]+', ' ', text)
# 在标点符号后添加一个空格
text = re.sub('([,.!?;])', r'\1 $#!', text)
# 分隔句子并去除前后空格
# sentences = [s.strip() for s in re.split('(。|!|?|;)', text)]
sentences = [s.strip() for s in text.split('$#!')]
if len(sentences[-1]) == 0: del sentences[-1]
new_sentences = []
new_sent = []
count_len = 0
for ind, sent in enumerate(sentences):
count_len += len(sent)
if count_len > min_len or ind == len(sentences) - 1:
count_len = 0
new_sentences.append(' '.join(new_sent))
new_sent = []
return merge_short_sentences_zh(new_sentences)
def merge_short_sentences_zh(sens):
# return sens
"""Avoid short sentences by merging them with the following sentence.
List[str]: list of input sentences.
List[str]: list of output sentences.
sens_out = []
for s in sens:
# If the previous sentense is too short, merge them with
# the current sentence.
if len(sens_out) > 0 and len(sens_out[-1]) <= 2:
sens_out[-1] = sens_out[-1] + " " + s
if len(sens_out[-1]) <= 2:
sens_out[-2] = sens_out[-2] + " " + sens_out[-1]
return sens_out |