Runtime error
Runtime error
[tool.poetry] | |
name = "graphrag" | |
# Maintainers: do not change the version here manually, use ./scripts/ | |
version = "0.1.1" | |
description = "" | |
authors = [ | |
"Alonso Guevara Fernández <[email protected]>", | |
"Andrés Morales Esquivel <[email protected]>", | |
"Chris Trevino <[email protected]>", | |
"David Tittsworth <[email protected]>", | |
"Dayenne de Souza <[email protected]>", | |
"Gaudy Blanco Meneses <[email protected]>", | |
"Ha Trinh <[email protected]>", | |
"Jonathan Larson <[email protected]>", | |
"Kate Lytvynets <[email protected]>", | |
"Mónica Carvajal", | |
"Nathan Evans <[email protected]>", | |
"Rodrigo Racanicci <[email protected]>", | |
"Sarah Smith <[email protected]>", | |
] | |
license = "MIT" | |
readme = "" | |
packages = [{ include = "graphrag" }] | |
[tool.poetry-dynamic-versioning] | |
enable = true | |
style = "pep440" | |
vcs = "git" | |
bump = true | |
format-jinja = """ | |
{%- if distance == 0 -%} | |
{{ serialize_pep440(base, stage, revision) }} | |
{%- else -%} | |
{{ serialize_pep440(base, stage, revision, dev=distance) }} | |
{%- endif -%} | |
""" | |
[tool.poetry.dependencies] | |
python = ">=3.10,<3.13" | |
environs = "^11.0.0" | |
datashaper = "^0.0.49" | |
# Vector Stores | |
azure-search-documents = "^11.4.0" | |
lancedb = "^0.10.0" | |
# Event Loops | |
uvloop = { version = "^0.19.0", markers = "platform_system != 'Windows'" } | |
nest-asyncio = { version = "^1.6.0", markers = "platform_system == 'Windows'" } | |
# Async IO | |
aiolimiter = "^1.1.0" | |
aiofiles = "^24.1.0" | |
# LLM | |
openai = "^1.35.7" | |
nltk = "3.8.1" | |
tiktoken = "^0.7.0" | |
# Data-Sci | |
numba = "0.60.0" | |
numpy = "^1.25.2" | |
graspologic = "^3.4.1" | |
networkx = "^3" | |
fastparquet = "^2024.2.0" | |
# 1.13.0 was a footgun | |
scipy = "1.12.0" | |
# Configuration | |
pyyaml = "^6.0.1" | |
pyaml-env = "^1.2.1" | |
python-dotenv = "^1.0.0" | |
# Network | |
tenacity = "^8.5.0" | |
swifter = "^1.4.0" | |
pydantic = "^2" | |
rich = "^13.6.0" | |
textual = "^0.72.0" | |
devtools = "^0.12.2" | |
typing-extensions = "^4.12.2" | |
#Azure | |
azure-storage-blob = "^12.19.0" | |
azure-identity = "^1.17.1" | |
[] | |
coverage = "^7.6.0" | |
ipykernel = "^6.29.4" | |
jupyter = "^1.0.0" | |
nbconvert = "^7.16.3" | |
poethepoet = "^0.26.0" | |
pyright = "^1.1.371" | |
pytest = "^8.2.0" | |
pytest-asyncio = "^0.23.4" | |
pytest-timeout = "^2.3.1" | |
ruff = "^0.5.2" | |
semversioner = "^2.0.3" | |
update-toml = "^0.2.1" | |
[build-system] | |
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0", "poetry-dynamic-versioning>=1.0.0,<2.0.0"] | |
build-backend = "poetry_dynamic_versioning.backend" | |
[tool.poe.tasks] | |
_sort_imports = "ruff check --select I --fix . --preview" | |
_format_code = "ruff format . --preview" | |
_ruff_check = 'ruff check . --preview' | |
_pyright = "pyright" | |
_convert_local_search_nb = 'jupyter nbconvert --output-dir=docsite/posts/query/notebooks/ --output="{notebook_name}_nb" --template=docsite/nbdocsite_template --to markdown examples_notebooks/local_search.ipynb' | |
_convert_global_search_nb = 'jupyter nbconvert --output-dir=docsite/posts/query/notebooks/ --output="{notebook_name}_nb" --template=docsite/nbdocsite_template --to markdown examples_notebooks/global_search.ipynb' | |
_semversioner_release = "semversioner release" | |
_semversioner_changelog = "semversioner changelog >" | |
_semversioner_update_toml_version = "update-toml --path tool.poetry.version --value \"$(semversioner current-version)\" pyproject.toml" | |
coverage_report = 'coverage report --omit "**/tests/**" --show-missing' | |
check_format = 'ruff format . --check --preview' | |
fix = "ruff --preview check --fix ." | |
fix_unsafe = "ruff check --preview --fix --unsafe-fixes ." | |
_test_all = "coverage run -m pytest ./tests" | |
test_unit = "pytest ./tests/unit" | |
test_integration = "pytest ./tests/integration" | |
test_smoke = "pytest ./tests/smoke" | |
index = "python -m graphrag.index" | |
query = "python -m graphrag.query" | |
prompt_tune = "python -m graphrag.prompt_tune" | |
# Pass in a test pattern | |
test_only = "pytest -s -k" | |
[[tool.poe.tasks.release]] | |
sequence = [ | |
'_semversioner_release', | |
'_semversioner_changelog', | |
'_semversioner_update_toml_version', | |
] | |
ignore_fail = 'return_non_zero' | |
[[tool.poe.tasks.convert_docsite_notebooks]] | |
sequence = ['_convert_local_search_nb', '_convert_global_search_nb'] | |
ignore_fail = 'return_non_zero' | |
[[tool.poe.tasks.format]] | |
sequence = ['_sort_imports', '_format_code'] | |
ignore_fail = 'return_non_zero' | |
[[tool.poe.tasks.check]] | |
sequence = ['check_format', '_ruff_check', '_pyright'] | |
ignore_fail = 'return_non_zero' | |
[[tool.poe.tasks.test]] | |
sequence = ['_test_all', 'coverage_report'] | |
ignore_fail = 'return_non_zero' | |
[tool.ruff] | |
target-version = "py310" | |
extend-include = ["*.ipynb"] | |
[tool.ruff.format] | |
docstring-code-format = true | |
docstring-code-line-length = 20 | |
[tool.ruff.lint] | |
select = [ | |
"E4", | |
"E7", | |
"E9", | |
"W291", | |
"YTT", | |
"T10", | |
"ICN", | |
"INP", | |
"Q", | |
"RSE", | |
"SLOT", | |
"INT", | |
"FLY", | |
"LOG", | |
"C90", | |
"T20", | |
"D", | |
"RET", | |
"PD", | |
"N", | |
"PIE", | |
"SIM", | |
"S", | |
"G", | |
"ERA", | |
"ASYNC", | |
"TID", | |
"UP", | |
"SLF", | |
"BLE", | |
"C4", | |
"I", | |
"F", | |
"A", | |
"ARG", | |
"PTH", | |
"RUF", | |
"B", | |
"TCH", | |
"DTZ", | |
"PYI", | |
"PT", | |
"EM", | |
"TRY", | |
"PERF", | |
"CPY", | |
# "FBT", # use named arguments for boolean flags | |
# "TD", # todos | |
# "FIX", # fixme | |
# "FURB" # preview rules | |
# ANN # Type annotations, re-enable when we get bandwidth | |
] | |
ignore = [ | |
# Deprecated Rules | |
"ANN101", | |
"ANN102", | |
# Conflicts with interface argument checking | |
"ARG002", | |
"ANN204", | |
# TODO: Inspect these pandas rules for validity | |
"PD002", # prevents inplace=True | |
# TODO RE-Enable when we get bandwidth | |
"PERF203", # Needs restructuring of errors, we should bail-out on first error | |
"C901", # needs refactoring to remove cyclomatic complexity | |
] | |
[tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] | |
"tests/*" = ["S", "D", "ANN", "T201", "ASYNC", "ARG", "PTH", "TRY"] | |
"examples/*" = ["S", "D", "ANN", "T201", "PTH", "TRY", "PERF"] | |
"graphrag/index/config/*" = ["TCH"] | |
"*.ipynb" = ["T201"] | |
[tool.ruff.lint.flake8-builtins] | |
builtins-ignorelist = ["input", "id", "bytes"] | |
[tool.ruff.lint.pydocstyle] | |
convention = "numpy" | |
# | |
[tool.pyright] | |
include = ["graphrag", "tests", "examples", "examples_notebooks"] | |
exclude = ["**/node_modules", "**/__pycache__"] | |
[tool.pytest.ini_options] | |
asyncio_mode = "auto" | |
timeout = 600 | |
# log_cli = true | |
# log_cli_level = "INFO" | |