Build error
Build error
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
"""With os FASHION-EYE_VITON-HD Integrated Full Model Final.ipynb | |
Automatically generated by Colaboratory. | |
""" | |
# !rm -rf sample_data | |
# !rm -rf fashion-eye-try-on/ | |
BASE_DIR = "/home/user/app/fashion-eye-try-on" | |
import os | |
os.system(f"git clone {BASE_DIR}") | |
# !pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url | |
# !pip install -r /content/fashion-eye-try-on/requirements.txt | |
os.system("pip install torch>=1.6.0 torchvision -f") | |
os.system("pip install opencv-python torchgeometry gdown Pillow") | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}") | |
# Download and save checkpoints for cloth mask generation | |
os.system(f"rm -rf {BASE_DIR}/cloth_segmentation/checkpoints/") | |
os.system(f"gdown --id 1mhF3yqd7R-Uje092eypktNl-RoZNuiCJ -O {BASE_DIR}/cloth_segmentation/checkpoints/") | |
os.system(f"git clone {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD") | |
#checkpoints | |
os.system(f"gdown 1RM4OthSM6V4r7kWCu8SbPIPY14Oz8B2u -O {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/checkpoints/alias_final.pth") | |
os.system(f"gdown 1MBHBddaAs7sy8W40jzLmNL83AUh035F1 -O {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/checkpoints/gmm_final.pth") | |
os.system(f"gdown 1MBHBddaAs7sy8W40jzLmNL83AUh035F1 -O {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/checkpoints/gmm_final.pth") | |
os.system(f"gdown 17U1sooR3mVIbe8a7rZuFIF3kukPchHfZ -O {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/checkpoints/seg_final.pth") | |
#test data | |
os.system(f"gdown 1ncEHn_6liOot8sgt3A2DOFJBffvx8tW8 -O {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test_pairs.txt") | |
os.system(f"gdown 1ZA2C8yMOprwc0TV4hvrt0X-ljZugrClq -O {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/") | |
os.system(f"unzip {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/ -d {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/") | |
#@title To clear all the already existing test data | |
# !rm -rf /content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image | |
# !rm -rf /content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image-parse | |
# !rm -rf /content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth | |
# !rm -rf /content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth-mask | |
# !rm -rf /content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/openpose-img | |
# !rm -rf /content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/openpose-json | |
"""Paddle | |
""" | |
os.system(f"git clone {BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle") | |
# Required for paddle and gradio (Jinja2 dependency) | |
os.system("pip install paddlepaddle-gpu pymatting") | |
os.system(f"pip install -r {BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/requirements.txt") | |
os.system(f"rm -rf {BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/models") | |
if not os.path.exists(f"{BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/models/ppmatting-hrnet_w18-human_1024.pdparams"): | |
if not os.path.exists(f"{BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/models"): | |
os.mkdir(f"{BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/models") | |
os.system(f"wget -O {BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/models/ppmatting-hrnet_w18-human_1024.pdparams") | |
# !wget "" -O "/content/fashion-eye-try-on/pipeline_paddle/models/hrnet_w18_ssld.tar.gz" | |
"""Initialization | |
Pose estimator - open pose | |
""" | |
# Clone openpose model repo | |
# os.system(f"git clone {BASE_DIR}/openpose") | |
#@ Building and Installation of openpose model | |
import os | |
import subprocess | |
from os.path import exists, join, basename, splitext | |
project_name = f"{BASE_DIR}/openpose" | |
print(project_name) | |
if not exists(project_name): | |
# see: | |
# install new CMake becaue of CUDA10 | |
os.system(f"wget -q") | |
os.system(f"sudo tar xfz cmake-3.13.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C /usr/local") | |
# clone openpose | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR} && git clone -q --depth 1") | |
os.system("sudo sed -i 's/execute_process(COMMAND git checkout master WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}\/3rdparty\/caffe)/execute_process(COMMAND git checkout f019d0dfe86f49d1140961f8c7dec22130c83154 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}\/3rdparty\/caffe)/g' %s/openpose/CMakeLists.txt" % (BASE_DIR, )) | |
# install system dependencies | |
os.system("sudo apt-get -qq install -y libatlas-base-dev libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compiler libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev liblmdb-dev opencl-headers ocl-icd-opencl-dev libviennacl-dev") | |
# build openpose | |
print("Building openpose ... May take nearly 15 mins to build ...") | |
os.system(f"sudo cd {BASE_DIR}/openpose && rm -rf {BASE_DIR}/openpose/build || true && mkdir {BASE_DIR}/openpose/build && cd {BASE_DIR}/openpose/build && cmake .. && make -j`nproc`") | |
print("Openpose successfully build and installed.") | |
# subprocess.Popen(f"cd {BASE_DIR}/openpose && rm -rf {BASE_DIR}/openpose/build || true && mkdir {BASE_DIR}/openpose/build && cd {BASE_DIR}/openpose/build && cmake .. && make -j`nproc`") | |
#["cd", f"{BASE_DIR}/openpose"]) | |
# subprocess.check_output(["rm", "-rf", f"{BASE_DIR}/openpose/build || true"]) | |
# subprocess.check_output(["mkdir", f"{BASE_DIR}/openpose/build"]) | |
# subprocess.check_output(["cd", f"{BASE_DIR}/openpose/build"]) | |
# subprocess.check_output(["cmake", ".."]) | |
# subprocess.check_output(["make","-j`nproc`"]) | |
# !cd {BASE_DIR}/openpose && rm -rf {BASE_DIR}/openpose/build || true && mkdir {BASE_DIR}/openpose/build && cd {BASE_DIR}/openpose/build && cmake .. && make -j`nproc` | |
"""Self correction human parsing""" | |
os.system(f"git clone {BASE_DIR}/human_parse") | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}/human_parse") | |
os.system(f"mkdir {BASE_DIR}/human_parse/checkpoints") | |
# !mkdir inputs | |
# !mkdir outputs | |
dataset = 'lip' | |
import gdown | |
dataset_url = '' | |
output = f'{BASE_DIR}/human_parse/checkpoints/final.pth' | |, output, quiet=False) | |
# For human parse | |
os.system("pip install ninja") | |
"""Preprocessing | |
""" | |
# png to jpg | |
def convert_to_jpg(path): | |
from PIL import Image | |
import os | |
if os.path.exists(path): | |
cl = | |
jpg_path = path[:-4] + ".jpg" | | | |
def resize_img(path): | |
from PIL import Image | |
print(path) | |
im = | |
im = im.resize((768, 1024), Image.BICUBIC) | | | |
def remove_ipynb_checkpoints(): | |
import os | |
os.system(f"rm -rf {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image/.ipynb_checkpoints") | |
os.system(f"rm -rf {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth/.ipynb_checkpoints") | |
os.system(f"rm -rf {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth-mask/.ipynb_checkpoints") | |
# os.chdir('/content/fashion-eye-try-on') | |
def preprocess(): | |
remove_ipynb_checkpoints() | |
for path in os.listdir(f'{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image/'): | |
resize_img(f'{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image/{path}') | |
for path in os.listdir(f'{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth/'): | |
resize_img(f'{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth/{path}') | |
# for path in os.listdir('/content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth-mask/'): | |
# resize_img(f'/content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth-mask/{path}') | |
"""Paddle - removing background | |
""" | |
# PPMatting hrnet 1024 | |
# --fg_estimate True - for higher quality output but slower prediction | |
def upload_remove_background_and_save_person_image(person_img): | |
# !export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 | |
person_img = person_img.resize((768, 1024), Image.BICUBIC) | |
if os.path.exists(f"{BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/image/person.jpg"): | |
os.remove(f"{BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/image/person.jpg") | |"{BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/image/person.jpg") | |
# resize_img(f'/content/fashion-eye-try-on/pipeline_paddle/image/person.jpg') | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/") | |
os.system(f"python {BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/ \ | |
--config {BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/configs/ppmatting/ppmatting-hrnet_w18-human_1024.yml \ | |
--model_path {BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/models/ppmatting-hrnet_w18-human_1024.pdparams \ | |
--image_path {BASE_DIR}/pipeline_paddle/image/person.jpg \ | |
--background 'w' \ | |
--save_dir {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image \ | |
--fg_estimate True") | |
# --save_dir /content/fashion-eye-try-on/pipeline_paddle/output \ | |
try: | |
convert_to_jpg(f"{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image/person.png") | |
# os.remove("/content/fashion-eye-try-on/pipeline_paddle/output/person_alpha.png") | |
os.remove(f"{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image/person_alpha.png") | |
# os.remove("/content/fashion-eye-try-on/pipeline_paddle/output/person_rgba.png") | |
os.remove(f"{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image/person_rgba.png") | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}") | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}") | |
#@title If multiple GPU available,uncomment and try this code | |
os.system("export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0") | |
# Openpose pose estimation | |
# Ubuntu and Mac | |
def estimate_pose(): | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}/openpose && ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --image_dir {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image --write_json {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/openpose-json/ --display 0 --face --hand --render_pose 0") | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}/openpose && ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --image_dir {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image --write_images {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/openpose-img/ --display 0 --hand --render_pose 1 --disable_blending true") | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}") | |
# !cd /content/fashion-eye-try-on/openpose && ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --image_dir /content/fashion-eye-try-on/pipeline_paddle/output/ --write_images /content/fashion-eye-try-on/openpose_img/ --display 0 --hand --render_pose 1 --disable_blending true | |
# Run self correction human parser | |
# !python3 /content/fashion-eye-try-on/human_parse/ --dataset 'lip' --model-restore '/content/fashion-eye-try-on/human_parse/checkpoints/final.pth' --input-dir '/content/fashion-eye-try-on/image' --output-dir '/content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image-parse' | |
def generate_human_segmentation_map(): | |
# remove_ipynb_checkpoints() | |
os.system(f"python3 {BASE_DIR}/human_parse/ --dataset 'lip' --model-restore '{BASE_DIR}/human_parse/checkpoints/final.pth' --input-dir '{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image' --output-dir '{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image-parse'") | |
# model_image = os.listdir('/content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image') | |
# cloth_image = os.listdir('/content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth') | |
# pairs = zip(model_image, cloth_image) | |
# with open('/content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test_pairs.txt', 'w') as file: | |
# for model, cloth in pairs: | |
# file.write(f"{model} {cloth}\n") | |
def generate_test_pairs_txt(): | |
with open(f"{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test_pairs.txt", 'w') as file: | |
file.write(f"person.jpg cloth.jpg\n") | |
# VITON-HD | |
# Transfer the cloth to the model | |
def generate_viton_hd(): | |
os.system(f"python {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/ --name output --dataset_list {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test_pairs.txt --dataset_dir {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/ --checkpoint_dir {BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/checkpoints --save_dir {BASE_DIR}/") | |
import sys | |
# To resolve ModuleNotFoundError during imports | |
if BASE_DIR not in sys.path: | |
sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) | |
sys.path.append(f"{BASE_DIR}/cloth_segmentation") | |
from cloth_segmentation.networks import U2NET | |
import torchvision.transforms as transforms | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
import os | |
from PIL import Image | |
from collections import OrderedDict | |
import torch | |
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" | |
if device == 'cuda': | |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() | |
# for hugging face | |
# BASE_DIR = "/home/path/app" | |
image_dir = 'cloth' | |
result_dir = 'cloth_mask' | |
checkpoint_path = 'cloth_segmentation/checkpoints/cloth_segm_u2net_latest.pth' | |
def load_checkpoint_mgpu(model, checkpoint_path): | |
if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_path): | |
print("----No checkpoints at given path----") | |
return | |
model_state_dict = torch.load( | |
checkpoint_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu")) | |
new_state_dict = OrderedDict() | |
for k, v in model_state_dict.items(): | |
name = k[7:] # remove `module.` | |
new_state_dict[name] = v | |
model.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) | |
print("----checkpoints loaded from path: {}----".format(checkpoint_path)) | |
return model | |
class Normalize_image(object): | |
"""Normalize given tensor into given mean and standard dev | |
Args: | |
mean (float): Desired mean to substract from tensors | |
std (float): Desired std to divide from tensors | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, mean, std): | |
assert isinstance(mean, (float)) | |
if isinstance(mean, float): | |
self.mean = mean | |
if isinstance(std, float): | |
self.std = std | |
self.normalize_1 = transforms.Normalize(self.mean, self.std) | |
self.normalize_3 = transforms.Normalize( | |
[self.mean] * 3, [self.std] * 3) | |
self.normalize_18 = transforms.Normalize( | |
[self.mean] * 18, [self.std] * 18) | |
def __call__(self, image_tensor): | |
if image_tensor.shape[0] == 1: | |
return self.normalize_1(image_tensor) | |
elif image_tensor.shape[0] == 3: | |
return self.normalize_3(image_tensor) | |
elif image_tensor.shape[0] == 18: | |
return self.normalize_18(image_tensor) | |
else: | |
assert "Please set proper channels! Normlization implemented only for 1, 3 and 18" | |
def get_palette(num_cls): | |
""" Returns the color map for visualizing the segmentation mask. | |
Args: | |
num_cls: Number of classes | |
Returns: | |
The color map | |
""" | |
n = num_cls | |
palette = [0] * (n * 3) | |
for j in range(0, n): | |
lab = j | |
palette[j * 3 + 0] = 0 | |
palette[j * 3 + 1] = 0 | |
palette[j * 3 + 2] = 0 | |
i = 0 | |
while lab: | |
palette[j * 3 + 0] = 255 | |
palette[j * 3 + 1] = 255 | |
palette[j * 3 + 2] = 255 | |
# palette[j * 3 + 0] |= (((lab >> 0) & 1) << (7 - i)) | |
# palette[j * 3 + 1] |= (((lab >> 1) & 1) << (7 - i)) | |
# palette[j * 3 + 2] |= (((lab >> 2) & 1) << (7 - i)) | |
i += 1 | |
lab >>= 3 | |
return palette | |
def generate_cloth_mask(img_dir, output_dir, chkpt_dir): | |
global image_dir | |
global result_dir | |
global checkpoint_path | |
image_dir = img_dir | |
result_dir = output_dir | |
checkpoint_path = chkpt_dir | |
transforms_list = [] | |
transforms_list += [transforms.ToTensor()] | |
transforms_list += [Normalize_image(0.5, 0.5)] | |
transform_rgb = transforms.Compose(transforms_list) | |
net = U2NET(in_ch=3, out_ch=4) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
net = load_checkpoint_mgpu(net, checkpoint_path) | |
net = | |
net = net.eval() | |
palette = get_palette(4) | |
images_list = sorted(os.listdir(image_dir)) | |
for image_name in images_list: | |
img = | |
image_dir, image_name)).convert('RGB') | |
img_size = img.size | |
img = img.resize((768, 768), Image.BICUBIC) | |
image_tensor = transform_rgb(img) | |
image_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(image_tensor, 0) | |
output_tensor = net( | |
output_tensor = F.log_softmax(output_tensor[0], dim=1) | |
output_tensor = torch.max(output_tensor, dim=1, keepdim=True)[1] | |
output_tensor = torch.squeeze(output_tensor, dim=0) | |
output_tensor = torch.squeeze(output_tensor, dim=0) | |
output_arr = output_tensor.cpu().numpy() | |
output_img = Image.fromarray(output_arr.astype('uint8'), mode='L') | |
output_img = output_img.resize(img_size, Image.BICUBIC) | |
output_img.putpalette(palette) | |
output_img = output_img.convert('L') | |, image_name[:-4]+'.jpg')) | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}") | |
from PIL import Image | |
def upload_resize_generate_cloth_mask_and_move_to_viton_hd_test_inputs(cloth_img): | |
os.system(f"cd {BASE_DIR}") | |
cloth_img = cloth_img.resize((768, 1024), Image.BICUBIC) | |"{BASE_DIR}/cloth/cloth.jpg") | |"{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth/cloth.jpg") | |
try: | |
generate_cloth_mask(f"{BASE_DIR}/cloth", f"{BASE_DIR}/cloth_mask", f"{BASE_DIR}/cloth_segmentation/checkpoints/cloth_segm_u2net_latest.pth") | |
cloth_mask_img ="{BASE_DIR}/cloth_mask/cloth.jpg") | |"{BASE_DIR}/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth-mask/cloth.jpg") | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
# Gradio | |
os.system("pip install gradio") | |
import gradio as gr | |
# import cv2 | |
from PIL import Image | |
IMAGEPATH='/content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image' | |
CLOTHPATH='/content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/cloth' | |
CLOTHMASKPATH='/content/fashion-eye-try-on/VITON-HD/datasets/test/image' | |
from threading import Thread | |
def fashion_eye_tryon(person_img, cloth_img): | |
result_img = person_img | |
# + "person.jpg") | |
# + "cloth.jpg") | |
# txt = open("/content/VITON-HD/datasets/test_pairs.txt", "a") | |
# txt.write("person_img.jpg dress_img.jpg\n") | |
# txt.close() | |
# # result | |
# print(, | |
# p_t1 = Thread(target=upload_remove_background_and_save_person_image, args=(person_img, )) | |
# c_t2 = Thread(target=upload_resize_generate_cloth_mask_and_move_to_viton_hd_test_inputs, args=(cloth_img, )) | |
# p_t1.start() | |
# c_t2.start() | |
# p_t1.join() | |
# c_t2.join() | |
# Estimate pose | |
try: | |
upload_resize_generate_cloth_mask_and_move_to_viton_hd_test_inputs(cloth_img) | |
upload_remove_background_and_save_person_image(person_img) | |
remove_ipynb_checkpoints() | |
estimate_pose() | |
# Generate human parse | |
remove_ipynb_checkpoints() | |
generate_human_segmentation_map() | |
generate_test_pairs_txt() | |
remove_ipynb_checkpoints() | |
generate_viton_hd() | |
for p in ["/content/fashion-eye-try-on/output/person_cloth.jpg", "/content/fashion-eye-try-on/output/person.jpg_cloth.jpg"]: | |
if os.path.exists(p): | |
result_img = | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
return | |
return result_img | |
# res = fashion_eye_tryon("", "") | |
# | |
gr.Interface(fn=fashion_eye_tryon, | |
inputs=[gr.Image(type = "pil", label="Your image"), gr.Image(type="pil", label="Dress")], | |
outputs="image" | |
).launch(debug=True) | |
# !pip freeze > /content/requirements_final.txt |