import json import requests from rich.console import Console from import Live from rich.markdown import Markdown from rich.panel import Panel from rich.text import Text class StreamResponseHandler: """ A utility class for handling streaming responses from API endpoints. Provides rich formatting and real-time updates of the response content. """ def __init__(self, console=None): """ Initialize the stream response handler. Args: console (Console, optional): A Rich console instance. If not provided, a new one will be created. """ self.console = console or Console() def check_server_health(self, health_url="http://localhost:8000/health"): """ Check if the server is running and accessible. Args: health_url (str, optional): The URL to check server health. Defaults to "http://localhost:8000/health". Returns: bool: True if the server is running and accessible, False otherwise. """ try: self.console.print("Checking server health...", style="bold yellow") response = requests.get(health_url) if response.status_code == 200: self.console.print("[bold green]✓ Server is running and accessible.[/]") return True else: self.console.print( f"[bold red]✗ Server health check failed[/] with status code: {response.status_code}" ) return False except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.console.print( "[bold red]✗ Error:[/] Could not connect to the server. Make sure it's running." ) return False except Exception as e: self.console.print(f"[bold red]✗ Error checking server health:[/] {e}") return False def stream_response( self, url, payload=None, params=None, method="POST", title="AI Response" ): """ Send a request to an endpoint and stream the output to the terminal. Args: url (str): The URL of the endpoint to send the request to. payload (dict, optional): The JSON payload to send in the request body. Defaults to None. params (dict, optional): The query parameters to send in the request. Defaults to None. method (str, optional): The HTTP method to use. Defaults to "POST". title (str, optional): The title to display in the panel. Defaults to "AI Response". Returns: bool: True if the streaming was successful, False otherwise. """ # Display request information self.console.print(f"Sending request to [bold cyan]{url}[/]") if payload: self.console.print("Payload:", style="bold") self.console.print(json.dumps(payload, indent=2)) if params: self.console.print("Parameters:", style="bold") self.console.print(json.dumps(params, indent=2)) try: # Prepare the request request_kwargs = {"stream": True} if payload: request_kwargs["json"] = payload if params: request_kwargs["params"] = params # Make the request with getattr(requests, method.lower())(url, **request_kwargs) as response: # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code != 200: self.console.print( f"[bold red]Error:[/] Received status code {response.status_code}" ) self.console.print(f"Response: {response.text}") return False # Initialize an empty response text full_response = "" # Use Rich's Live display to update the content in place with Live( Panel("Waiting for response...", title=title, border_style="blue"), refresh_per_second=10, ) as live: # Process the streaming response for line in response.iter_lines(): if line: # Decode the line and parse it as JSON decoded_line = line.decode("utf-8") try: # Parse the JSON data = json.loads(decoded_line) # Extract and display the content if isinstance(data, dict): if "content" in data: for content in data["content"]: if content.get("type") == "text": text_content = content.get("text", "") # Append to the full response full_response += text_content # Update the live display with the current full response live.update( Panel( Markdown(full_response), title=title, border_style="green", ) ) elif content.get("type") == "image_url": image_url = content.get( "image_url", {} ).get("url", "") # Add a note about the image URL image_note = ( f"\n\n[Image URL: {image_url}]" ) full_response += image_note live.update( Panel( Markdown(full_response), title=title, border_style="green", ) ) elif "edited_image_url" in data: # Handle edited image URL from edit endpoint image_url = data.get("edited_image_url", "") image_note = ( f"\n\n[Edited Image URL: {image_url}]" ) full_response += image_note live.update( Panel( Markdown(full_response), title=title, border_style="green", ) ) else: # For other types of data, just show the JSON live.update( Panel( Text(json.dumps(data, indent=2)), title="Raw JSON Response", border_style="yellow", ) ) else: live.update( Panel( Text(decoded_line), title="Raw Response", border_style="yellow", ) ) except json.JSONDecodeError: # If it's not valid JSON, just show the raw line live.update( Panel( Text(f"Raw response: {decoded_line}"), title="Invalid JSON", border_style="red", ) ) self.console.print("[bold green]Stream completed.[/]") return True except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.console.print( f"[bold red]Error:[/] Could not connect to the server at {url}", style="red", ) self.console.print( "Make sure the server is running and accessible.", style="red" ) return False except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: self.console.print(f"[bold red]Error:[/] {e}", style="red") return False