set -exuo pipefail | |
# Parent directory | |
BASEDIR="$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}"; )" &> /dev/null && pwd 2> /dev/null; )" | |
PIP_ARGS=(--no-warn-script-location) | |
# BentoML by default generates two requirement files: | |
# - ./env/python/requirements.lock.txt: all dependencies locked to its version presented during `build` | |
# - ./env/python/requirements.txt: all dependencies as user specified in code or requirements.txt file | |
REQUIREMENTS_TXT="$BASEDIR/requirements.txt" | |
REQUIREMENTS_LOCK="$BASEDIR/requirements.lock.txt" | |
WHEELS_DIR="$BASEDIR/wheels" | |
# Install python packages, prefer installing the requirements.lock.txt file if it exist | |
if [ -f "$REQUIREMENTS_LOCK" ]; then | |
echo "Installing pip packages from 'requirements.lock.txt'.." | |
pip3 install -r "$REQUIREMENTS_LOCK" "${PIP_ARGS[@]}" | |
else | |
if [ -f "$REQUIREMENTS_TXT" ]; then | |
echo "Installing pip packages from 'requirements.txt'.." | |
pip3 install -r "$REQUIREMENTS_TXT" "${PIP_ARGS[@]}" | |
fi | |
fi | |
# Install user-provided wheels | |
if [ -d "$WHEELS_DIR" ]; then | |
echo "Installing wheels packaged in Bento.." | |
pip3 install "$WHEELS_DIR"/*.whl "${PIP_ARGS[@]}" | |
fi | |
# Install the BentoML from PyPI if it's not already installed | |
if python3 -c "import bentoml" &> /dev/null; then | |
existing_bentoml_version=$(python3 -c "import bentoml; print(bentoml.__version__)") | |
if [ "$existing_bentoml_version" != "$BENTOML_VERSION" ]; then | |
echo "WARNING: using BentoML version ${existing_bentoml_version}" | |
fi | |
else | |
pip3 install bentoml=="$BENTOML_VERSION" | |
fi | |