""" Demo is based on https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/applications/plot_stock_market.html """ import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd symbol_dict = { "TOT": "Total", "XOM": "Exxon", "CVX": "Chevron", "COP": "ConocoPhillips", "VLO": "Valero Energy", "MSFT": "Microsoft", "IBM": "IBM", "TWX": "Time Warner", "CMCSA": "Comcast", "CVC": "Cablevision", "YHOO": "Yahoo", "DELL": "Dell", "HPQ": "HP", "AMZN": "Amazon", "TM": "Toyota", "CAJ": "Canon", "SNE": "Sony", "F": "Ford", "HMC": "Honda", "NAV": "Navistar", "NOC": "Northrop Grumman", "BA": "Boeing", "KO": "Coca Cola", "MMM": "3M", "MCD": "McDonald's", "PEP": "Pepsi", "K": "Kellogg", "UN": "Unilever", "MAR": "Marriott", "PG": "Procter Gamble", "CL": "Colgate-Palmolive", "GE": "General Electrics", "WFC": "Wells Fargo", "JPM": "JPMorgan Chase", "AIG": "AIG", "AXP": "American express", "BAC": "Bank of America", "GS": "Goldman Sachs", "AAPL": "Apple", "SAP": "SAP", "CSCO": "Cisco", "TXN": "Texas Instruments", "XRX": "Xerox", "WMT": "Wal-Mart", "HD": "Home Depot", "GSK": "GlaxoSmithKline", "PFE": "Pfizer", "SNY": "Sanofi-Aventis", "NVS": "Novartis", "KMB": "Kimberly-Clark", "R": "Ryder", "GD": "General Dynamics", "RTN": "Raytheon", "CVS": "CVS", "CAT": "Caterpillar", "DD": "DuPont de Nemours", } symbols, names = np.array(sorted(symbol_dict.items())).T quotes = [] for symbol in symbols: print("Fetching quote history for %r" % symbol, file=sys.stderr) url = ( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scikit-learn/examples-data/" "master/financial-data/{}.csv" ) quotes.append(pd.read_csv(url.format(symbol))) close_prices = np.vstack([q["close"] for q in quotes]) open_prices = np.vstack([q["open"] for q in quotes]) # The daily variations of the quotes are what carry the most information variation = close_prices - open_prices from sklearn import covariance alphas = np.logspace(-1.5, 1, num=10) edge_model = covariance.GraphicalLassoCV(alphas=alphas) # standardize the time series: using correlations rather than covariance # former is more efficient for structurerelations rather than covariance # former is more efficient for structure recovery X = variation.copy().T X /= X.std(axis=0) edge_model.fit(X) from sklearn import cluster _, labels = cluster.affinity_propagation(edge_model.covariance_, random_state=0) n_labels = labels.max() # Finding a low-dimension embedding for visualization: find the best position of # the nodes (the stocks) on a 2D plane from sklearn import manifold node_position_model = manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding( n_components=3, eigen_solver="dense", n_neighbors=6 ) embedding = node_position_model.fit_transform(X.T).T import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection import plotly.graph_objs as go def visualize_stocks(): # Plot the graph of partial correlations partial_correlations = edge_model.precision_.copy() d = 1 / np.sqrt(np.diag(partial_correlations)) partial_correlations *= d partial_correlations *= d[:, np.newaxis] non_zero = np.abs(np.triu(partial_correlations, k=1)) > 0.02 # Plot the nodes using the coordinates of our embedding scatter = go.Scatter3d( x=embedding[0], y=embedding[1], z=embedding[2], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=35 * d**2, color=labels, colorscale="Viridis"), hovertext=names, hovertemplate="%{hovertext}<br>", ) # # Plot the edges start_idx, end_idx = np.where(non_zero) # print(non_zero, non_zero.shape) # print(start_idx, start_idx.shape) segments = [ dict( x=[embedding[0][start], embedding[0][stop]], y=[embedding[1][start], embedding[1][stop]], z=[embedding[2][start], embedding[2][stop]], colorscale="Hot", color=np.abs(partial_correlations[start, stop]), line=dict(width=10 * np.abs(partial_correlations[start, stop])), ) for start, stop in zip(start_idx, end_idx) ] fig = go.Figure(data=[scatter]) for idx, segment in enumerate(segments, 1): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter3d( x=segment["x"], # x-coordinates of the line segment y=segment["y"], # y-coordinates of the line segment z=segment["z"], # z-coordinates of the line segment mode="lines", # type of the plot (line) line=dict( color=segment["color"], # color of the line colorscale=segment["colorscale"], # color scale of the line width=segment["line"]["width"] * 2.5, # width of the line ), hoverinfo="none", # disable hover for the line segments ), ) fig.data[idx].showlegend = False return fig import gradio as gr title = " 📈 Visualizing the stock market structure 📈" with gr.Blocks(title=title) as demo: gr.Markdown(f"# {title}") gr.Markdown(" Data is of 56 stocks between the period of 2003 - 2008 <br>") gr.Markdown( " Stocks the move in together with each other are grouped together in a cluster <br>" ) gr.Markdown( " **[Demo is based on sklearn docs](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/applications/plot_stock_market.html)**" ) for i in range(n_labels + 1): gr.Markdown(f"Cluster {i + 1}: {', '.join(names[labels == i])}") btn = gr.Button(value="Visualize") btn.click( visualize_stocks, outputs=gr.Plot(label="Visualizing stock into clusters") ) demo.launch()