// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include C10_DEFINE_string(predict_net, "", "path to model.pb"); C10_DEFINE_string(init_net, "", "path to model_init.pb"); C10_DEFINE_string(input, "", "path to input image"); using namespace std; using namespace caffe2; int main(int argc, char** argv) { caffe2::GlobalInit(&argc, &argv); string predictNetPath = FLAGS_predict_net; string initNetPath = FLAGS_init_net; cv::Mat input = cv::imread(FLAGS_input, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); const int height = input.rows; const int width = input.cols; // FPN models require divisibility of 32 assert(height % 32 == 0 && width % 32 == 0); const int batch = 1; const int channels = 3; // initialize Net and Workspace caffe2::NetDef initNet_, predictNet_; CAFFE_ENFORCE(ReadProtoFromFile(initNetPath, &initNet_)); CAFFE_ENFORCE(ReadProtoFromFile(predictNetPath, &predictNet_)); Workspace workSpace; for (auto& str : predictNet_.external_input()) { workSpace.CreateBlob(str); } CAFFE_ENFORCE(workSpace.CreateNet(predictNet_)); CAFFE_ENFORCE(workSpace.RunNetOnce(initNet_)); // setup inputs auto data = BlobGetMutableTensor(workSpace.GetBlob("data"), caffe2::CPU); data->Resize(batch, channels, height, width); float* ptr = data->mutable_data(); // HWC to CHW for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { for (int i = 0; i < height * width; ++i) { ptr[c * height * width + i] = static_cast(input.data[3 * i + c]); } } auto im_info = BlobGetMutableTensor(workSpace.GetBlob("im_info"), caffe2::CPU); im_info->Resize(batch, 3); float* im_info_ptr = im_info->mutable_data(); im_info_ptr[0] = height; im_info_ptr[1] = width; im_info_ptr[2] = 1.0; // run the network CAFFE_ENFORCE(workSpace.RunNet(predictNet_.name())); // run 3 more times to benchmark int N_benchmark = 3; auto start_time = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); for (int i = 0; i < N_benchmark; ++i) { CAFFE_ENFORCE(workSpace.RunNet(predictNet_.name())); } auto end_time = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto ms = chrono::duration_cast(end_time - start_time) .count(); cout << "Latency (should vary with different inputs): " << ms * 1.0 / 1e6 / N_benchmark << " seconds" << endl; // parse Mask R-CNN outputs caffe2::Tensor bbox( workSpace.GetBlob("bbox_nms")->Get(), caffe2::CPU); caffe2::Tensor scores( workSpace.GetBlob("score_nms")->Get(), caffe2::CPU); caffe2::Tensor labels( workSpace.GetBlob("class_nms")->Get(), caffe2::CPU); caffe2::Tensor mask_probs( workSpace.GetBlob("mask_fcn_probs")->Get(), caffe2::CPU); cout << "bbox:" << bbox.DebugString() << endl; cout << "scores:" << scores.DebugString() << endl; cout << "labels:" << labels.DebugString() << endl; cout << "mask_probs: " << mask_probs.DebugString() << endl; int num_instances = bbox.sizes()[0]; for (int i = 0; i < num_instances; ++i) { float score = scores.data()[i]; if (score < 0.6) continue; // skip them const float* box = bbox.data() + i * 4; int label = labels.data()[i]; cout << "Prediction " << i << ", xyxy=("; cout << box[0] << ", " << box[1] << ", " << box[2] << ", " << box[3] << "); score=" << score << "; label=" << label << endl; const float* mask = mask_probs.data() + i * mask_probs.size_from_dim(1) + label * mask_probs.size_from_dim(2); // save the 28x28 mask cv::Mat cv_mask(28, 28, CV_32FC1); memcpy(cv_mask.data, mask, 28 * 28 * sizeof(float)); cv::imwrite("mask" + std::to_string(i) + ".png", cv_mask * 255.); } return 0; }