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import torch
import streamlit as st
from model import init_model, predict
from data import Tokenizer, load_config
config = load_config(MODEL_PATH)
print('Config:', config)
tokenizer = Tokenizer(config)
# Load the model
model = init_model(MODEL_PATH)
# Create a text area box where the user can enter their text
user_input = st.text_area("Enter some text here", value="Он ҷо, ки висоли дӯстон аст,\nВ-оллоҳ, ки миёни хона саҳрост.")
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
# Run the model on the user's text and store the output
model_output = predict(model, tokenizer, user_input, device)
# Display the model's output in a text area box
st.text_area('Transliteration:', value=str(model_output), max_chars=None, key=None)