import uuid from wrappers import * from embedding_loader import * from initialize_db import QdrantClientInitializer from pdf_loader import PDFLoader from IPython.display import display, Markdown import gradio as gr from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, AIMessage from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory from langchain_core.chat_history import InMemoryChatMessageHistory embeddings = import_embedding() AZURE_OPENAI_KEY = os.getenv('azure_api') os.environ['AZURE_OPENAI_KEY'] = AZURE_OPENAI_KEY openai.api_version = "2024-02-15-preview" # change it with your own version openai.azure_endpoint = os.getenv('azure_endpoint') model = "gpt35turbo" # deployment name on Azure OPENAI Studio myLLM = AzureChatOpenAI(azure_endpoint = openai.azure_endpoint, api_key=AZURE_OPENAI_KEY, api_version=openai.api_version, temperature=0, streaming=True, model = model,) obj_qdrant = QdrantClientInitializer() client = obj_qdrant.initialize_db() obj_loader = PDFLoader() # def print_result(question, result): # output_text = f"""### Question: # {question} # ### Answer: # {result} # """ # return(output_text) # def format_chat_prompt(chat_history): # prompt = [] # for turn in chat_history: # user_message, ai_message = turn # prompt.append(HumanMessage(user_message)) # prompt.append(AIMessage(ai_message)) # chat_history = InMemoryChatMessageHistory(messages=prompt) # memory = ConversationBufferMemory(chat_memory=chat_history, memory_key="history", input_key="question") # return memory # def chat(question, manual, history): # history = history or [] # memory = format_chat_prompt(history) # manual_list = {"Toyota_Corolla_2024_TR": -8580416610875007536, # "Renault_Clio_2024_TR":-5514489544983735006, # "Fiat_Egea_2024_TR":-2026113796962100812} # collection_list = {"Toyota_Corolla_2024_TR": "TOYOTA_MANUAL_COLLECTION_EMBED3", # "Renault_Clio_2024_TR": "RENAULT_MANUAL_COLLECTION_EMBED3", # "Fiat_Egea_2024_TR": "FIAT_MANUAL_COLLECTION_EMBED3"} # collection_name = collection_list[f"{manual}"] # db = obj_loader.load_from_database(embeddings=embeddings, collection_name=collection_name) # CAR_ID = manual_list[f"{manual}"] # wrapper = Wrappers(collection_name, client, embeddings, myLLM, db, CAR_ID, memory) # inputs = {"question": question, "iter_halucination": 0} # app = wrapper.lagchain_graph() # for output in # for key, value in output.items(): # pprint(f"Finished running: {key}:") # # display(Markdown(print_result(question, value["generation"]['text']))) # response = value["generation"]['text'] # history.append((question, response)) # point_id = uuid.uuid4().hex # DatabaseOperations.save_user_history_demo(client, "USER_COLLECTION_EMBED3", question, response, embeddings, point_id, manual) # return '', history # def vote(data: gr.LikeData): # if data.liked: # print("You upvoted this response: ") # return "OK" # else: # print("You downvoted this response: " ) # return "NOK" # manual_list = ["Toyota_Corolla_2024_TR", "Renault_Clio_2024_TR", "Fiat_Egea_2024_TR"] # with gr.Blocks() as demo: # chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=600) # manual = gr.Dropdown(label="Kullanım Kılavuzları", value="Toyota_Corolla_2024_TR", choices=manual_list) # textbox = gr.Textbox() # clear = gr.ClearButton(components=[textbox, chatbot], value='Clear console') # textbox.submit(chat, [textbox, manual, chatbot], [textbox, chatbot]) #, None, None) # Adding this line causes the like/dislike icons to appear in your chatbot # # gr.close_all() # demo.launch(share=True) def print_result(question, result): output_text = f"""### Question: {question} ### Answer: {result} """ return(output_text) def format_chat_prompt(chat_history): prompt = [] print(chat_history) for turn in chat_history: user_message, ai_message = turn prompt.append(HumanMessage(user_message)) prompt.append(AIMessage(ai_message)) chat_history = InMemoryChatMessageHistory(messages=prompt) memory = ConversationBufferMemory(chat_memory=chat_history, memory_key="history", input_key="question") return memory liked_state = gr.State(None) last_interaction = gr.State(None) def chat(question, manual, history, liked): history = history or [] memory = format_chat_prompt(history) manual_list = {"Toyota_Corolla_2024_TR": -8580416610875007536, "Renault_Clio_2024_TR":-5514489544983735006, "Fiat_Egea_2024_TR":-2026113796962100812} collection_list = {"Toyota_Corolla_2024_TR": "TOYOTA_MANUAL_COLLECTION_EMBED3", "Renault_Clio_2024_TR": "RENAULT_MANUAL_COLLECTION_EMBED3", "Fiat_Egea_2024_TR": "FIAT_MANUAL_COLLECTION_EMBED3"} collection_name = collection_list[manual] db = obj_loader.load_from_database(embeddings=embeddings, collection_name=collection_name) CAR_ID = manual_list[manual] wrapper = Wrappers(collection_name, client, embeddings, myLLM, db, CAR_ID, memory) inputs = {"question": question, "iter_halucination": 0} app = wrapper.lagchain_graph() for output in for key, value in output.items(): pprint(f"Finished running: {key}:") response = value["generation"]['text'] history.append((question, response)) # Store the last interaction without saving to the database yet last_interaction.value = { "question": question, "response": response, "manual": manual, "point_id": uuid.uuid4().hex } return '', history def save_last_interaction(feedback): if last_interaction.value: DatabaseOperations.save_user_history_demo( client, "USER_COLLECTION_EMBED3", last_interaction.value["question"], last_interaction.value["response"], embeddings, last_interaction.value["point_id"], last_interaction.value["manual"], feedback ) last_interaction.value = None manual_list = ["Toyota_Corolla_2024_TR", "Renault_Clio_2024_TR", "Fiat_Egea_2024_TR"] with gr.Blocks() as demo: chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=600) manual = gr.Dropdown(label="Kullanım Kılavuzları", value="Toyota_Corolla_2024_TR", choices=manual_list) textbox = gr.Textbox() clear = gr.ClearButton(components=[textbox, chatbot], value='Clear console') def handle_like(data: gr.LikeData): liked_state.value = data.liked if liked_state.value is not None: feedback = "LIKE" if liked_state.value else "DISLIKE" save_last_interaction(feedback) def gradio_chat(question, manual, history): save_last_interaction("N/A") # Save previous interaction before starting a new one return chat(question, manual, history, liked_state.value) textbox.submit(gradio_chat, [textbox, manual, chatbot], [textbox, chatbot]), None, None) demo.launch()