Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -134,189 +134,147 @@ def query_to_SQL_to_MongoDB(query, key, organization):
134 |
return complex_SQL_to_MongoDB(SQL)
135 |
136 |
137 |
keywords = {'INNER', 'FROM', 'WHERE', 'GROUP', 'BY', 'ON', 'SELECT', 'BETWEEN', 'LIMIT', 'AND', 'ORDER'}
138 |
139 |
mapper = {} # maps SQL symbols to MongoDB functions
140 |
141 |
mapper['<'] = '$lt'
142 |
mapper['>'] = '$gt'
143 |
mapper['!='] = '$ne'
144 |
145 |
def complex_SQL_to_MongoDB(query):
146 |
147 |
query = re.split(r' |\n', query) # split the query on spaces and turn in to array
148 |
query = [ x for x in query if len(x) > 0]
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
query += ['ORDER', 'BY', query[0][4:-1], 'DESC' if query[0][:3] == 'MAX' else 'ASC', 'LIMIT', '1']
153 |
154 |
count_str = ''
155 |
156 |
if len(query[0]) > 5 and query[0][:5] == 'COUNT':
157 |
158 |
count_str += ' {$count : '
159 |
if query[0][6] == '*':
160 |
161 |
count_str += '{} }'
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
count_str += query[0][6:-1] + ' }'
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
while query[i] != 'FROM':
171 |
172 |
fields += ' ' + query[i] + ' : 1,'
173 |
i += 1
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
collection = query[i]
178 |
i = i + 1
179 |
if i < len(query) and query[i] not in keywords:
180 |
181 |
i += 1
182 |
answer = 'db.' + collection + ".aggregate( " # MongoDB function for aggregation
183 |
184 |
while i < len(query) and query[i] == 'INNER':
185 |
186 |
i = i + 2
187 |
lookup = '{$lookup: { from : "'
188 |
lookup += query[i] + '", localField: "'
189 |
if query[i+1] not in keywords:
190 |
i += 1
191 |
i = i + 2
192 |
lookup += query[i].split('.')[1] + '", foreignField: "'
193 |
i = i+2
194 |
lookup += query[i].split('.')[1] + '", as: "' + collection + '"} },'
195 |
i = i + 1
196 |
answer += lookup
197 |
198 |
199 |
if i < len(query) and query[i] == 'WHERE':
200 |
201 |
where = '{$match:'
202 |
count = 0
203 |
204 |
while i < len(query) and (query[i] == 'WHERE' or query[i] == 'AND'):
205 |
206 |
count += 1
207 |
i = i+1
208 |
209 |
210 |
conditions = '{' + (query[i].split('.')[1] if len(query[i].split('.')) > 1 else query[i] ) + " : "
211 |
if query[i+1] == '=':
212 |
213 |
conditions += query[i+2]
214 |
i = i + 3
215 |
216 |
elif query[i+1] == 'BETWEEN':
217 |
218 |
conditions += '{$gt: ISODate(' + query[i+2] + '), $lt: ISODate(' + query[i+4] + ')}'
219 |
i+= 5
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
conditions += '{ ' + mapper[query[i+1]] + ' : ' + query[i+2] + ' }'
224 |
i = i+3
225 |
226 |
conditions += '},'
227 |
228 |
if count > 1:
229 |
230 |
where += '{ $and: [' + conditions[:-1] + ']}}'
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
where += conditions[:-1] + '},
235 |
236 |
answer += where
237 |
238 |
239 |
if i < len(query) and (query[i] == 'GROUP' or query[i] == 'ORDER'):
240 |
241 |
i = i + 2
242 |
group = '{$group: { _id: "' + query[i] + '"'
243 |
i += 1
244 |
i -= 3 if query[i -3 ] == 'ORDER' else 0
245 |
if query[i] == 'ORDER' and len(query[i+2]) > 5 and query[i+2][0:5] == 'COUNT':
246 |
247 |
group += ', count: {$count: ' + ('{}' if query[i+2].split('(')[1][:-1] == '*' else ('{' + query[i+2].split('(')[1][:-1].split('.')[1] + '}') ) + '} }}, { $sort: {count : ' + ('1' if query[i+3] == 'ASC' else '-1') + '}},
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
group += '} }, { $sort: {' + query[i+2] + ' : ' + ('1' if query[i+3] == 'ASC' else '-1') + '}},'
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
answer += group
256 |
257 |
if i < len(query) and query[i] == 'LIMIT':
258 |
259 |
answer += '{ $limit : ' + query[i+1] + ' }, '
260 |
261 |
answer += count_str
262 |
answer += ')'
263 |
264 |
return answer
265 |
266 |
267 |
def simple_SQL_to_MongoDB(query): #ignore function as it is replaced by new complex version
268 |
269 |
query = query.split(' ') # split the query on spaces and turn in to array
270 |
query = query[1:] # remove the initial space
271 |
answer = 'db.collection.find' # MongoDB function for selection
272 |
fields = ''
273 |
i = 0
274 |
while query[i] != 'FROM':
275 |
276 |
277 |
i += 1
278 |
279 |
fields = fields[:-1]
280 |
while query[i] != 'WHERE':
281 |
282 |
i += 1
283 |
284 |
i += 1
285 |
conditions = ''
286 |
while i+2 < len(query):
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
conditions += ' ' + query[i] + ' : '
291 |
if query[i+1] == '=':
292 |
293 |
conditions += query[i+2]
294 |
295 |
elif query[i+1] == 'BETWEEN':
296 |
297 |
conditions += '{$gt: ISODate(' + query[i+2] + '), $lt: ISODate(' + query[i+4] + ')}'
298 |
i+= 6
299 |
conditions += ','
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
conditions += '{ ' + mapper[query[i+1]] + ' : ' + query[i+2] + ' }'
305 |
306 |
conditions += ','
307 |
308 |
i+= 4
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
return answer
320 |
321 |
"""# Main method"""
322 |
@@ -343,17 +301,7 @@ def query_creator(key, organization, plain_query):
343 |
MongoDB_query = query_to_SQL_to_MongoDB(modified_query, key, organization)
344 |
return MongoDB_query
345 |
346 |
"""#Testers of query creator"""
347 |
348 |
tests = ["giv me number of orders from the driver elizbeth", "name of driver with maximum ordres", "first two orders with the highest order amount", "address of customer with lowest ordr amount",\
349 |
"id of customer with most complints", "date of customer support with sales id 21695-828", "number of drivers with order amount 20", "numbser of orders by customer martha", "order amount of most recent customer support",\
350 |
"amount of the highest order by customber Federica"]
351 |
352 |
#for test in tests:
353 |
354 |
# print(query_creator(api_key, org_key, test)) # put in your api and org keys to use the tester
355 |
356 |
"""# UI"""
357 |
358 |
iface = gr.Interface(fn=query_creator, inputs= [gr.Textbox(label = "API Key"), gr.Textbox(label = "Organization Key"), gr.Textbox(label = "Plain Text Query")], outputs=gr.Textbox(label = "MongoDB Query"), )
359 |
134 |
return complex_SQL_to_MongoDB(SQL)
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
def complex_SQL_to_MongoDB(query):
139 |
140 |
keywords = {'INNER', 'FROM', 'WHERE', 'GROUP', 'BY', 'ON', 'SELECT', 'BETWEEN', 'LIMIT', 'AND', 'ORDER'} # keyword set used by my MongoDB function
141 |
mapper = {} # maps SQL symbols to MongoDB functions
142 |
mapper['<'] = '$lt'
143 |
mapper['>'] = '$gt'
144 |
mapper['!='] = '$ne'
145 |
146 |
query = re.split(r' |\n', query) # split the query on spaces and turn in to array
147 |
query = [ x for x in query if len(x) > 0] # remove empty strings in the array
148 |
149 |
while query[0][:3] not in ['MAX', 'MIN'] and query[0][:5] != 'COUNT' and query[0] not in keywords:
150 |
151 |
query = query[1:]
152 |
153 |
if query[1] == 'AS':
154 |
155 |
rename = query[2]
156 |
157 |
for i in range(3, len(query)):
158 |
159 |
if query[i] == rename:
160 |
161 |
query[i] = query[0]
162 |
163 |
if len(query[0]) > 3 and (query[0][:3] == 'MAX' or query[0][:3] == 'MIN'): # if the SQL contains a MAX or MIN select then we rewrite the SQL query in an easier format
164 |
165 |
query += ['ORDER', 'BY', query[0][4:-1], 'DESC' if query[0][:3] == 'MAX' else 'ASC', 'LIMIT', '1']
166 |
167 |
count_str = '' # builds a MongoDB statement if there is a count in the select statement
168 |
169 |
if len(query[0]) > 5 and query[0][:5] == 'COUNT': # if there is indeed a count
170 |
171 |
count_str += ' {$count : ' # construct the count sequence
172 |
if query[0][6] == '*':
173 |
174 |
count_str += '{} }' # an asterisk means everything
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
count_str += query[0][6:-1] + ' }' # otherwise write the actual field it wants
179 |
180 |
count_str += ','
181 |
i = 0 # iterator variable
182 |
while query[i] != 'FROM': # as long as we are still in the select continue because you cannot do select in db.Aggregate
183 |
184 |
i += 1
185 |
186 |
i = i +1 # ignore the FROM
187 |
collection = query[i] # table from which the information will be taken
188 |
i = i + 1
189 |
if i < len(query) and query[i] not in keywords: # sometimes SQL queries rename tables but we ignore that in MongoDB
190 |
191 |
i += 1
192 |
answer = 'db.' + collection + ".aggregate( " # MongoDB function for aggregation
193 |
194 |
while i < len(query) and query[i] == 'INNER': # if there is an inner join
195 |
196 |
i = i + 2 # ignore the keywords
197 |
lookup = '{$lookup: { from : "' # MongoDB structure
198 |
lookup += query[i] + '", localField: "' # specifies home key
199 |
if query[i+1] not in keywords: # skip renaming of tables
200 |
i += 1
201 |
i = i + 2
202 |
lookup += query[i].split('.')[1] + '", foreignField: "' # specifies foreign key
203 |
i = i+2
204 |
lookup += query[i].split('.')[1] + '", as: "' + collection + '"} },' # rename final table to the original table
205 |
i = i + 1
206 |
answer += lookup # add this to the MongoDB query
207 |
208 |
209 |
if i < len(query) and query[i] == 'WHERE': # if there is a WHERE clause
210 |
211 |
where = '{$match:' # MongoB keyword
212 |
count = 0 # tells us if there is an AND in the where clause
213 |
conditions = '' # stores the actual conditions required
214 |
215 |
while i < len(query) and (query[i] == 'WHERE' or query[i] == 'AND'):
216 |
217 |
count += 1 # add one every time you find a where matching
218 |
i = i+1
219 |
conditions += '{' + (query[i].split('.')[1] if len(query[i].split('.')) > 1 else query[i] ) + " : " # format to MongoDB
220 |
if query[i+1] == '=': # if there is an equality then use a colon
221 |
222 |
conditions += query[i+2]
223 |
i = i + 3
224 |
225 |
elif query[i+1] == 'BETWEEN': # if there are dates then use the specified date format
226 |
227 |
conditions += '{$gt: ISODate(' + query[i+2] + '), $lt: ISODate(' + query[i+4] + ')}'
228 |
i+= 5
229 |
230 |
else: # else use the mapper function to map the write symbol here
231 |
232 |
conditions += '{ ' + mapper[query[i+1]] + ' : ' + query[i+2] + ' }'
233 |
i = i+3
234 |
235 |
conditions += '},' # end the conditions
236 |
237 |
if count > 1: # if you have been in there for more than once then
238 |
239 |
where += '{ $and: [' + conditions[:-1] + ']}}' # use the AND version of MongoDB
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
where += conditions[:-1] + '},' # otherwise end the clause
244 |
245 |
answer += where # add this to the final query
246 |
247 |
248 |
if i < len(query) and (query[i] == 'GROUP' or query[i] == 'ORDER'): # if there is a Group BY or Order BY
249 |
250 |
i = i + 2
251 |
group = '{$group: { _id: "' + query[i] + '"' # in any case, you use group in MongoDB
252 |
i += 1
253 |
i -= 3 if query[i -3 ] == 'ORDER' else 0 # depending on which one you continue
254 |
if i < len(query) and query[i] == 'ORDER' and len(query[i+2]) > 5 and query[i+2][0:5] == 'COUNT': # if there is an order by with count
255 |
256 |
group += ', count: {$count: ' + ('{}' if query[i+2].split('(')[1][:-1] == '*' else ('{' + query[i+2].split('(')[1][:-1].split('.')[1] + '}') ) + '} }}, { $sort: {count : ' + ('1' if query[i+3] == 'ASC' else '-1') + '}},'
257 |
258 |
elif i < len(query) and query[i] == 'ORDER': # if there is an order by without count
259 |
260 |
group += '} }, { $sort: {' + query[i+2] + ' : ' + ('1' if query[i+3] == 'ASC' else '-1') + '}},'
261 |
262 |
else:group += '} },' # if there is no orde by and only group
263 |
264 |
i += 4
265 |
266 |
answer += group # add answer to group
267 |
268 |
if i < len(query) and query[i] == 'LIMIT': # if there is a limit then add that too
269 |
270 |
answer += '{ $limit : ' + query[i+1] + ' },'
271 |
272 |
answer += '' if count_str == ',' else count_str# finally add back any count command
273 |
answer = answer[:-1]
274 |
answer += ')' # end the whole query
275 |
276 |
return answer # return
277 |
278 |
279 |
"""# Main method"""
280 |
301 |
MongoDB_query = query_to_SQL_to_MongoDB(modified_query, key, organization)
302 |
return MongoDB_query
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
iface = gr.Interface(fn=query_creator, inputs= [gr.Textbox(label = "API Key"), gr.Textbox(label = "Organization Key"), gr.Textbox(label = "Plain Text Query")], outputs=gr.Textbox(label = "MongoDB Query"), )
307 |