import time import subprocess import pyshark from selenium import webdriver from import Service from import ChromeDriverManager from import Options import numpy as np import joblib import pandas as pd import scapy.all as scapy import requests import gradio as gr # Load the pre-trained model and feature names model = joblib.load('extratrees.pkl') all_features = joblib.load('featurenames.pkl') # Modify the capture duration to a longer period def capture_packets(url, capture_duration=30, capture_file="capture.pcap"): try: # Start tshark to capture packets tshark_process = subprocess.Popen( ["tshark", "-i", "any", "-f", "tcp port 80 or tcp port 443 or port 53", "-w", capture_file], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) # Wait for tshark to start time.sleep(2) # Set up Chrome options chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument("--headless") # Run Chrome in headless mode chrome_options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") chrome_options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage") # Use Selenium to visit the URL service = Service(ChromeDriverManager().install()) # Ensure the driver is installed driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service, options=chrome_options) driver.get(url) # Capture packets for the specified duration time.sleep(capture_duration) # Close the browser driver.quit() # Stop tshark tshark_process.terminate() tshark_process.wait() # Read captured packets using pyshark for detailed packet information packets = [] cap = pyshark.FileCapture(capture_file) for packet in cap: packets.append(str(packet)) cap.close() return packets except Exception as e: print(f"Error in capturing packets: {e}") return None # Function to extract features from captured packets def extract_features(capture_file): try: cap = pyshark.FileCapture(capture_file) # Initialize features features = {feature: 0 for feature in all_features} total_packets = 0 total_bytes = 0 start_time = None end_time = None packet_lengths = [] protocol_counts = {'TCP': 0, 'UDP': 0, 'ICMP': 0} tcp_flags = {'SYN': 0, 'ACK': 0, 'FIN': 0, 'RST': 0} for packet in cap: total_packets += 1 total_bytes += int(packet.length) packet_lengths.append(int(packet.length)) timestamp = float(packet.sniff_time.timestamp()) if start_time is None: start_time = timestamp end_time = timestamp # Counting protocols and flags if hasattr(packet, 'tcp'): protocol_counts['TCP'] += 1 if 'SYN' in packet.tcp.flags: tcp_flags['SYN'] += 1 if 'ACK' in packet.tcp.flags: tcp_flags['ACK'] += 1 if 'FIN' in packet.tcp.flags: tcp_flags['FIN'] += 1 if 'RST' in packet.tcp.flags: tcp_flags['RST'] += 1 elif hasattr(packet, 'udp'): protocol_counts['UDP'] += 1 elif hasattr(packet, 'icmp'): protocol_counts['ICMP'] += 1 duration = end_time - start_time if start_time and end_time else 0 # Populate extracted features features.update({ "Flow Duration": duration, "Total Packets": total_packets, "Total Bytes": total_bytes, "Fwd Packet Length Mean": np.mean(packet_lengths) if packet_lengths else 0, "Bwd Packet Length Mean": 0, # Assuming no distinction here "Flow Bytes/s": total_bytes / duration if duration else 0, "Flow Packets/s": total_packets / duration if duration else 0, "Average Packet Size": np.mean(packet_lengths) if packet_lengths else 0, "Min Packet Size": min(packet_lengths) if packet_lengths else 0, "Max Packet Size": max(packet_lengths) if packet_lengths else 0, "Packet Length Variance": np.var(packet_lengths) if len(packet_lengths) > 1 else 0, "TCP Packets": protocol_counts['TCP'], "UDP Packets": protocol_counts['UDP'], "ICMP Packets": protocol_counts['ICMP'], "TCP SYN Flags": tcp_flags['SYN'], "TCP ACK Flags": tcp_flags['ACK'], "TCP FIN Flags": tcp_flags['FIN'], "TCP RST Flags": tcp_flags['RST'] }) return features except Exception as e: print(f"Error in extracting features: {e}") return None # Function to compare features with CIC-IDS-2017 dataset def compare_with_dataset(packet_features): # Convert the extracted features into a format that the model can use packet_features_series = pd.Series(packet_features) packet_features_series = packet_features_series.reindex(all_features, fill_value=0) # Predict using the loaded model prediction = model.predict([packet_features_series])[0] return "benign" if prediction == 0 else "malicious" # Analyze the URL and predict if it's malicious def analyze_url(url): try: # Capture packets using Scapy (updating to capture more specific traffic) response = requests.get(url) packets = scapy.sniff(count=100) # Capture packets with Scapy capture_file = 'capture.pcap' scapy.wrpcap(capture_file, packets) # Extract features from the captured packets packet_features = extract_features(capture_file) if packet_features is not None: prediction = compare_with_dataset(packet_features) # Use Pyshark to capture HTTP/HTTPS/DNS packet details http_dns_packets = capture_packets(url) captured_packets = [str(packet) for packet in packets] return prediction, {"scapy_packets": captured_packets, "http_dns_packets": http_dns_packets} else: return "Error in feature extraction", [] except Exception as e: return str(e), [] # Define the Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=analyze_url, inputs=gr.Textbox(label="Enter URL"), outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Prediction"), gr.JSON(label="Captured Packets")], title="URL Malicious Activity Detection", description="Enter a URL to predict if it's malicious or benign by analyzing the network traffic." ) # Launch the interface iface.launch(debug=True)