import streamlit as st # web development import numpy as np # np mean, np random import pandas as pd # read csv, df manipulation import time # to simulate a real time data, time loop import as px # interactive charts # read csv from a github repo df = pd.read_csv("") st.set_page_config( page_title = 'Real-Time Data Science Dashboard', page_icon = '✅', layout = 'wide' ) # dashboard title st.title("Real-Time / Live Data Science Dashboard") # top-level filters job_filter = st.selectbox("Select the Job", pd.unique(df['job'])) # creating a single-element container. placeholder = st.empty() # dataframe filter df = df[df['job']==job_filter] # near real-time / live feed simulation for seconds in range(200): #while True: df['age_new'] = df['age'] * np.random.choice(range(1,5)) df['balance_new'] = df['balance'] * np.random.choice(range(1,5)) # creating KPIs avg_age = np.mean(df['age_new']) count_married = int(df[(df["marital"]=='married')]['marital'].count() + np.random.choice(range(1,30))) balance = np.mean(df['balance_new']) with placeholder.container(): # create three columns kpi1, kpi2, kpi3 = st.columns(3) # fill in those three columns with respective metrics or KPIs kpi1.metric(label="Age ⏳", value=round(avg_age), delta= round(avg_age) - 10) kpi2.metric(label="Married Count 💍", value= int(count_married), delta= - 10 + count_married) kpi3.metric(label="A/C Balance $", value= f"$ {round(balance,2)} ", delta= - round(balance/count_married) * 100) # create two columns for charts fig_col1, fig_col2 = st.columns(2) with fig_col1: st.markdown("### First Chart") fig = px.density_heatmap(data_frame=df, y = 'age_new', x = 'marital') st.write(fig) with fig_col2: st.markdown("### Second Chart") fig2 = px.histogram(data_frame = df, x = 'age_new') st.write(fig2) st.markdown("### Detailed Data View") st.dataframe(df) time.sleep(1) #placeholder.empty()