import os | |
import re | |
import textwrap | |
from functools import cached_property | |
import pypinyin | |
import torch | |
from hangul_romanize import Transliter | |
from hangul_romanize.rule import academic | |
from num2words import num2words | |
from import Arabic | |
from spacy.lang.en import English | |
from import Spanish | |
from spacy.lang.ja import Japanese | |
from spacy.lang.zh import Chinese | |
from tokenizers import Tokenizer | |
from TTS.tts.layers.xtts.zh_num2words import TextNorm as zh_num2words | |
def get_spacy_lang(lang): | |
if lang == "zh": | |
return Chinese() | |
elif lang == "ja": | |
return Japanese() | |
elif lang == "ar": | |
return Arabic() | |
elif lang == "es": | |
return Spanish() | |
else: | |
# For most languages, Enlish does the job | |
return English() | |
def split_sentence(text, lang, text_split_length=250): | |
"""Preprocess the input text""" | |
text_splits = [] | |
if text_split_length is not None and len(text) >= text_split_length: | |
text_splits.append("") | |
nlp = get_spacy_lang(lang) | |
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer") | |
doc = nlp(text) | |
for sentence in doc.sents: | |
if len(text_splits[-1]) + len(str(sentence)) <= text_split_length: | |
# if the last sentence + the current sentence is less than the text_split_length | |
# then add the current sentence to the last sentence | |
text_splits[-1] += " " + str(sentence) | |
text_splits[-1] = text_splits[-1].lstrip() | |
elif len(str(sentence)) > text_split_length: | |
# if the current sentence is greater than the text_split_length | |
for line in textwrap.wrap( | |
str(sentence), | |
width=text_split_length, | |
drop_whitespace=True, | |
break_on_hyphens=False, | |
tabsize=1, | |
): | |
text_splits.append(str(line)) | |
else: | |
text_splits.append(str(sentence)) | |
if len(text_splits) > 1: | |
if text_splits[0] == "": | |
del text_splits[0] | |
else: | |
text_splits = [text.lstrip()] | |
return text_splits | |
_whitespace_re = re.compile(r"\s+") | |
# List of (regular expression, replacement) pairs for abbreviations: | |
_abbreviations = { | |
"en": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("mrs", "misess"), | |
("mr", "mister"), | |
("dr", "doctor"), | |
("st", "saint"), | |
("co", "company"), | |
("jr", "junior"), | |
("maj", "major"), | |
("gen", "general"), | |
("drs", "doctors"), | |
("rev", "reverend"), | |
("lt", "lieutenant"), | |
("hon", "honorable"), | |
("sgt", "sergeant"), | |
("capt", "captain"), | |
("esq", "esquire"), | |
("ltd", "limited"), | |
("col", "colonel"), | |
("ft", "fort"), | |
] | |
], | |
"es": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("sra", "señora"), | |
("sr", "señor"), | |
("dr", "doctor"), | |
("dra", "doctora"), | |
("st", "santo"), | |
("co", "compañía"), | |
("jr", "junior"), | |
("ltd", "limitada"), | |
] | |
], | |
"fr": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("mme", "madame"), | |
("mr", "monsieur"), | |
("dr", "docteur"), | |
("st", "saint"), | |
("co", "compagnie"), | |
("jr", "junior"), | |
("ltd", "limitée"), | |
] | |
], | |
"de": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("fr", "frau"), | |
("dr", "doktor"), | |
("st", "sankt"), | |
("co", "firma"), | |
("jr", "junior"), | |
] | |
], | |
"pt": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("sra", "senhora"), | |
("sr", "senhor"), | |
("dr", "doutor"), | |
("dra", "doutora"), | |
("st", "santo"), | |
("co", "companhia"), | |
("jr", "júnior"), | |
("ltd", "limitada"), | |
] | |
], | |
"it": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
# ("sig.ra", "signora"), | |
("sig", "signore"), | |
("dr", "dottore"), | |
("st", "santo"), | |
("co", "compagnia"), | |
("jr", "junior"), | |
("ltd", "limitata"), | |
] | |
], | |
"pl": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("p", "pani"), | |
("m", "pan"), | |
("dr", "doktor"), | |
("sw", "święty"), | |
("jr", "junior"), | |
] | |
], | |
"ar": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
# There are not many common abbreviations in Arabic as in English. | |
] | |
], | |
"zh": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
# Chinese doesn't typically use abbreviations in the same way as Latin-based scripts. | |
] | |
], | |
"cs": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("dr", "doktor"), # doctor | |
("ing", "inženýr"), # engineer | |
("p", "pan"), # Could also map to pani for woman but no easy way to do it | |
# Other abbreviations would be specialized and not as common. | |
] | |
], | |
"ru": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\b" % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("г-жа", "госпожа"), # Mrs. | |
("г-н", "господин"), # Mr. | |
("д-р", "доктор"), # doctor | |
# Other abbreviations are less common or specialized. | |
] | |
], | |
"nl": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("dhr", "de heer"), # Mr. | |
("mevr", "mevrouw"), # Mrs. | |
("dr", "dokter"), # doctor | |
("jhr", "jonkheer"), # young lord or nobleman | |
# Dutch uses more abbreviations, but these are the most common ones. | |
] | |
], | |
"tr": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("b", "bay"), # Mr. | |
("byk", "büyük"), # büyük | |
("dr", "doktor"), # doctor | |
# Add other Turkish abbreviations here if needed. | |
] | |
], | |
"hu": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("dr", "doktor"), # doctor | |
("b", "bácsi"), # Mr. | |
("nőv", "nővér"), # nurse | |
# Add other Hungarian abbreviations here if needed. | |
] | |
], | |
"ko": [ | |
(re.compile("\\b%s\\." % x[0], re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
# Korean doesn't typically use abbreviations in the same way as Latin-based scripts. | |
] | |
], | |
} | |
def expand_abbreviations_multilingual(text, lang="en"): | |
for regex, replacement in _abbreviations[lang]: | |
text = re.sub(regex, replacement, text) | |
return text | |
_symbols_multilingual = { | |
"en": [ | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " and "), | |
("@", " at "), | |
("%", " percent "), | |
("#", " hash "), | |
("$", " dollar "), | |
("£", " pound "), | |
("°", " degree "), | |
] | |
], | |
"es": [ | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " y "), | |
("@", " arroba "), | |
("%", " por ciento "), | |
("#", " numeral "), | |
("$", " dolar "), | |
("£", " libra "), | |
("°", " grados "), | |
] | |
], | |
"fr": [ | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " et "), | |
("@", " arobase "), | |
("%", " pour cent "), | |
("#", " dièse "), | |
("$", " dollar "), | |
("£", " livre "), | |
("°", " degrés "), | |
] | |
], | |
"de": [ | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " und "), | |
("@", " at "), | |
("%", " prozent "), | |
("#", " raute "), | |
("$", " dollar "), | |
("£", " pfund "), | |
("°", " grad "), | |
] | |
], | |
"pt": [ | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " e "), | |
("@", " arroba "), | |
("%", " por cento "), | |
("#", " cardinal "), | |
("$", " dólar "), | |
("£", " libra "), | |
("°", " graus "), | |
] | |
], | |
"it": [ | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " e "), | |
("@", " chiocciola "), | |
("%", " per cento "), | |
("#", " cancelletto "), | |
("$", " dollaro "), | |
("£", " sterlina "), | |
("°", " gradi "), | |
] | |
], | |
"pl": [ | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " i "), | |
("@", " małpa "), | |
("%", " procent "), | |
("#", " krzyżyk "), | |
("$", " dolar "), | |
("£", " funt "), | |
("°", " stopnie "), | |
] | |
], | |
"ar": [ | |
# Arabic | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " و "), | |
("@", " على "), | |
("%", " في المئة "), | |
("#", " رقم "), | |
("$", " دولار "), | |
("£", " جنيه "), | |
("°", " درجة "), | |
] | |
], | |
"zh": [ | |
# Chinese | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " 和 "), | |
("@", " 在 "), | |
("%", " 百分之 "), | |
("#", " 号 "), | |
("$", " 美元 "), | |
("£", " 英镑 "), | |
("°", " 度 "), | |
] | |
], | |
"cs": [ | |
# Czech | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " a "), | |
("@", " na "), | |
("%", " procento "), | |
("#", " křížek "), | |
("$", " dolar "), | |
("£", " libra "), | |
("°", " stupně "), | |
] | |
], | |
"ru": [ | |
# Russian | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " и "), | |
("@", " собака "), | |
("%", " процентов "), | |
("#", " номер "), | |
("$", " доллар "), | |
("£", " фунт "), | |
("°", " градус "), | |
] | |
], | |
"nl": [ | |
# Dutch | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " en "), | |
("@", " bij "), | |
("%", " procent "), | |
("#", " hekje "), | |
("$", " dollar "), | |
("£", " pond "), | |
("°", " graden "), | |
] | |
], | |
"tr": [ | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " ve "), | |
("@", " at "), | |
("%", " yüzde "), | |
("#", " diyez "), | |
("$", " dolar "), | |
("£", " sterlin "), | |
("°", " derece "), | |
] | |
], | |
"hu": [ | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " és "), | |
("@", " kukac "), | |
("%", " százalék "), | |
("#", " kettőskereszt "), | |
("$", " dollár "), | |
("£", " font "), | |
("°", " fok "), | |
] | |
], | |
"ko": [ | |
# Korean | |
(re.compile(r"%s" % re.escape(x[0]), re.IGNORECASE), x[1]) | |
for x in [ | |
("&", " 그리고 "), | |
("@", " 에 "), | |
("%", " 퍼센트 "), | |
("#", " 번호 "), | |
("$", " 달러 "), | |
("£", " 파운드 "), | |
("°", " 도 "), | |
] | |
], | |
} | |
def expand_symbols_multilingual(text, lang="en"): | |
for regex, replacement in _symbols_multilingual[lang]: | |
text = re.sub(regex, replacement, text) | |
text = text.replace(" ", " ") # Ensure there are no double spaces | |
return text.strip() | |
_ordinal_re = { | |
"en": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(st|nd|rd|th)"), | |
"es": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(º|ª|er|o|a|os|as)"), | |
"fr": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(º|ª|er|re|e|ème)"), | |
"de": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(st|nd|rd|th|º|ª|\.(?=\s|$))"), | |
"pt": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(º|ª|o|a|os|as)"), | |
"it": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(º|°|ª|o|a|i|e)"), | |
"pl": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(º|ª|st|nd|rd|th)"), | |
"ar": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(ون|ين|ث|ر|ى)"), | |
"cs": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)\.(?=\s|$)"), # In Czech, a dot is often used after the number to indicate ordinals. | |
"ru": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(-й|-я|-е|-ое|-ье|-го)"), | |
"nl": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(de|ste|e)"), | |
"tr": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(\.|inci|nci|uncu|üncü|\.)"), | |
"hu": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(\.|adik|edik|odik|edik|ödik|ödike|ik)"), | |
"ko": re.compile(r"([0-9]+)(번째|번|차|째)"), | |
} | |
_number_re = re.compile(r"[0-9]+") | |
_currency_re = { | |
"USD": re.compile(r"((\$[0-9\.\,]*[0-9]+)|([0-9\.\,]*[0-9]+\$))"), | |
"GBP": re.compile(r"((£[0-9\.\,]*[0-9]+)|([0-9\.\,]*[0-9]+£))"), | |
"EUR": re.compile(r"(([0-9\.\,]*[0-9]+€)|((€[0-9\.\,]*[0-9]+)))"), | |
} | |
_comma_number_re = re.compile(r"\b\d{1,3}(,\d{3})*(\.\d+)?\b") | |
_dot_number_re = re.compile(r"\b\d{1,3}(.\d{3})*(\,\d+)?\b") | |
_decimal_number_re = re.compile(r"([0-9]+[.,][0-9]+)") | |
def _remove_commas(m): | |
text = | |
if "," in text: | |
text = text.replace(",", "") | |
return text | |
def _remove_dots(m): | |
text = | |
if "." in text: | |
text = text.replace(".", "") | |
return text | |
def _expand_decimal_point(m, lang="en"): | |
amount =",", ".") | |
return num2words(float(amount), lang=lang if lang != "cs" else "cz") | |
def _expand_currency(m, lang="en", currency="USD"): | |
amount = float((re.sub(r"[^\d.]", "",",", ".")))) | |
full_amount = num2words(amount, to="currency", currency=currency, lang=lang if lang != "cs" else "cz") | |
and_equivalents = { | |
"en": ", ", | |
"es": " con ", | |
"fr": " et ", | |
"de": " und ", | |
"pt": " e ", | |
"it": " e ", | |
"pl": ", ", | |
"cs": ", ", | |
"ru": ", ", | |
"nl": ", ", | |
"ar": ", ", | |
"tr": ", ", | |
"hu": ", ", | |
"ko": ", ", | |
} | |
if amount.is_integer(): | |
last_and = full_amount.rfind(and_equivalents[lang]) | |
if last_and != -1: | |
full_amount = full_amount[:last_and] | |
return full_amount | |
def _expand_ordinal(m, lang="en"): | |
return num2words(int(, ordinal=True, lang=lang if lang != "cs" else "cz") | |
def _expand_number(m, lang="en"): | |
return num2words(int(, lang=lang if lang != "cs" else "cz") | |
def expand_numbers_multilingual(text, lang="en"): | |
if lang == "zh": | |
text = zh_num2words()(text) | |
else: | |
if lang in ["en", "ru"]: | |
text = re.sub(_comma_number_re, _remove_commas, text) | |
else: | |
text = re.sub(_dot_number_re, _remove_dots, text) | |
try: | |
text = re.sub(_currency_re["GBP"], lambda m: _expand_currency(m, lang, "GBP"), text) | |
text = re.sub(_currency_re["USD"], lambda m: _expand_currency(m, lang, "USD"), text) | |
text = re.sub(_currency_re["EUR"], lambda m: _expand_currency(m, lang, "EUR"), text) | |
except: | |
pass | |
if lang != "tr": | |
text = re.sub(_decimal_number_re, lambda m: _expand_decimal_point(m, lang), text) | |
text = re.sub(_ordinal_re[lang], lambda m: _expand_ordinal(m, lang), text) | |
text = re.sub(_number_re, lambda m: _expand_number(m, lang), text) | |
return text | |
def lowercase(text): | |
return text.lower() | |
def collapse_whitespace(text): | |
return re.sub(_whitespace_re, " ", text) | |
def multilingual_cleaners(text, lang): | |
text = text.replace('"', "") | |
if lang == "tr": | |
text = text.replace("İ", "i") | |
text = text.replace("Ö", "ö") | |
text = text.replace("Ü", "ü") | |
text = lowercase(text) | |
text = expand_numbers_multilingual(text, lang) | |
text = expand_abbreviations_multilingual(text, lang) | |
text = expand_symbols_multilingual(text, lang=lang) | |
text = collapse_whitespace(text) | |
return text | |
def basic_cleaners(text): | |
"""Basic pipeline that lowercases and collapses whitespace without transliteration.""" | |
text = lowercase(text) | |
text = collapse_whitespace(text) | |
return text | |
def chinese_transliterate(text): | |
return "".join( | |
[p[0] for p in pypinyin.pinyin(text, style=pypinyin.Style.TONE3, heteronym=False, neutral_tone_with_five=True)] | |
) | |
def japanese_cleaners(text, katsu): | |
text = katsu.romaji(text) | |
text = lowercase(text) | |
return text | |
def korean_transliterate(text): | |
r = Transliter(academic) | |
return r.translit(text) | |
DEFAULT_VOCAB_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "../data/tokenizer.json") | |
class VoiceBpeTokenizer: | |
def __init__(self, vocab_file=None): | |
self.tokenizer = None | |
if vocab_file is not None: | |
self.tokenizer = Tokenizer.from_file(vocab_file) | |
self.char_limits = { | |
"en": 250, | |
"de": 253, | |
"fr": 273, | |
"es": 239, | |
"it": 213, | |
"pt": 203, | |
"pl": 224, | |
"zh": 82, | |
"ar": 166, | |
"cs": 186, | |
"ru": 182, | |
"nl": 251, | |
"tr": 226, | |
"ja": 71, | |
"hu": 224, | |
"ko": 95, | |
} | |
def katsu(self): | |
import cutlet | |
return cutlet.Cutlet() | |
def check_input_length(self, txt, lang): | |
lang = lang.split("-")[0] # remove the region | |
limit = self.char_limits.get(lang, 250) | |
if len(txt) > limit: | |
print( | |
f"[!] Warning: The text length exceeds the character limit of {limit} for language '{lang}', this might cause truncated audio." | |
) | |
def preprocess_text(self, txt, lang): | |
if lang in {"ar", "cs", "de", "en", "es", "fr", "hu", "it", "nl", "pl", "pt", "ru", "tr", "zh", "ko"}: | |
txt = multilingual_cleaners(txt, lang) | |
if lang == "zh": | |
txt = chinese_transliterate(txt) | |
if lang == "ko": | |
txt = korean_transliterate(txt) | |
elif lang == "ja": | |
txt = japanese_cleaners(txt, self.katsu) | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Language '{lang}' is not supported.") | |
return txt | |
def encode(self, txt, lang): | |
lang = lang.split("-")[0] # remove the region | |
self.check_input_length(txt, lang) | |
txt = self.preprocess_text(txt, lang) | |
lang = "zh-cn" if lang == "zh" else lang | |
txt = f"[{lang}]{txt}" | |
txt = txt.replace(" ", "[SPACE]") | |
return self.tokenizer.encode(txt).ids | |
def decode(self, seq): | |
if isinstance(seq, torch.Tensor): | |
seq = seq.cpu().numpy() | |
txt = self.tokenizer.decode(seq, skip_special_tokens=False).replace(" ", "") | |
txt = txt.replace("[SPACE]", " ") | |
txt = txt.replace("[STOP]", "") | |
txt = txt.replace("[UNK]", "") | |
return txt | |
def __len__(self): | |
return self.tokenizer.get_vocab_size() | |
def get_number_tokens(self): | |
return max(self.tokenizer.get_vocab().values()) + 1 | |
def test_expand_numbers_multilingual(): | |
test_cases = [ | |
# English | |
("In 12.5 seconds.", "In twelve point five seconds.", "en"), | |
("There were 50 soldiers.", "There were fifty soldiers.", "en"), | |
("This is a 1st test", "This is a first test", "en"), | |
("That will be $20 sir.", "That will be twenty dollars sir.", "en"), | |
("That will be 20€ sir.", "That will be twenty euro sir.", "en"), | |
("That will be 20.15€ sir.", "That will be twenty euro, fifteen cents sir.", "en"), | |
("That's 100,000.5.", "That's one hundred thousand point five.", "en"), | |
# French | |
("En 12,5 secondes.", "En douze virgule cinq secondes.", "fr"), | |
("Il y avait 50 soldats.", "Il y avait cinquante soldats.", "fr"), | |
("Ceci est un 1er test", "Ceci est un premier test", "fr"), | |
("Cela vous fera $20 monsieur.", "Cela vous fera vingt dollars monsieur.", "fr"), | |
("Cela vous fera 20€ monsieur.", "Cela vous fera vingt euros monsieur.", "fr"), | |
("Cela vous fera 20,15€ monsieur.", "Cela vous fera vingt euros et quinze centimes monsieur.", "fr"), | |
("Ce sera 100.000,5.", "Ce sera cent mille virgule cinq.", "fr"), | |
# German | |
("In 12,5 Sekunden.", "In zwölf Komma fünf Sekunden.", "de"), | |
("Es gab 50 Soldaten.", "Es gab fünfzig Soldaten.", "de"), | |
("Dies ist ein 1. Test", "Dies ist ein erste Test", "de"), # Issue with gender | |
("Das macht $20 Herr.", "Das macht zwanzig Dollar Herr.", "de"), | |
("Das macht 20€ Herr.", "Das macht zwanzig Euro Herr.", "de"), | |
("Das macht 20,15€ Herr.", "Das macht zwanzig Euro und fünfzehn Cent Herr.", "de"), | |
# Spanish | |
("En 12,5 segundos.", "En doce punto cinco segundos.", "es"), | |
("Había 50 soldados.", "Había cincuenta soldados.", "es"), | |
("Este es un 1er test", "Este es un primero test", "es"), | |
("Eso le costará $20 señor.", "Eso le costará veinte dólares señor.", "es"), | |
("Eso le costará 20€ señor.", "Eso le costará veinte euros señor.", "es"), | |
("Eso le costará 20,15€ señor.", "Eso le costará veinte euros con quince céntimos señor.", "es"), | |
# Italian | |
("In 12,5 secondi.", "In dodici virgola cinque secondi.", "it"), | |
("C'erano 50 soldati.", "C'erano cinquanta soldati.", "it"), | |
("Questo è un 1° test", "Questo è un primo test", "it"), | |
("Ti costerà $20 signore.", "Ti costerà venti dollari signore.", "it"), | |
("Ti costerà 20€ signore.", "Ti costerà venti euro signore.", "it"), | |
("Ti costerà 20,15€ signore.", "Ti costerà venti euro e quindici centesimi signore.", "it"), | |
# Portuguese | |
("Em 12,5 segundos.", "Em doze vírgula cinco segundos.", "pt"), | |
("Havia 50 soldados.", "Havia cinquenta soldados.", "pt"), | |
("Este é um 1º teste", "Este é um primeiro teste", "pt"), | |
("Isso custará $20 senhor.", "Isso custará vinte dólares senhor.", "pt"), | |
("Isso custará 20€ senhor.", "Isso custará vinte euros senhor.", "pt"), | |
( | |
"Isso custará 20,15€ senhor.", | |
"Isso custará vinte euros e quinze cêntimos senhor.", | |
"pt", | |
), # "cêntimos" should be "centavos" num2words issue | |
# Polish | |
("W 12,5 sekundy.", "W dwanaście przecinek pięć sekundy.", "pl"), | |
("Było 50 żołnierzy.", "Było pięćdziesiąt żołnierzy.", "pl"), | |
("To będzie kosztować 20€ panie.", "To będzie kosztować dwadzieścia euro panie.", "pl"), | |
("To będzie kosztować 20,15€ panie.", "To będzie kosztować dwadzieścia euro, piętnaście centów panie.", "pl"), | |
# Arabic | |
("في الـ 12,5 ثانية.", "في الـ اثنا عشر , خمسون ثانية.", "ar"), | |
("كان هناك 50 جنديًا.", "كان هناك خمسون جنديًا.", "ar"), | |
# ("ستكون النتيجة $20 يا سيد.", 'ستكون النتيجة عشرون دولار يا سيد.', 'ar'), # $ and € are mising from num2words | |
# ("ستكون النتيجة 20€ يا سيد.", 'ستكون النتيجة عشرون يورو يا سيد.', 'ar'), | |
# Czech | |
("Za 12,5 vteřiny.", "Za dvanáct celá pět vteřiny.", "cs"), | |
("Bylo tam 50 vojáků.", "Bylo tam padesát vojáků.", "cs"), | |
("To bude stát 20€ pane.", "To bude stát dvacet euro pane.", "cs"), | |
("To bude 20.15€ pane.", "To bude dvacet euro, patnáct centů pane.", "cs"), | |
# Russian | |
("Через 12.5 секунды.", "Через двенадцать запятая пять секунды.", "ru"), | |
("Там было 50 солдат.", "Там было пятьдесят солдат.", "ru"), | |
("Это будет 20.15€ сэр.", "Это будет двадцать евро, пятнадцать центов сэр.", "ru"), | |
("Это будет стоить 20€ господин.", "Это будет стоить двадцать евро господин.", "ru"), | |
# Dutch | |
("In 12,5 seconden.", "In twaalf komma vijf seconden.", "nl"), | |
("Er waren 50 soldaten.", "Er waren vijftig soldaten.", "nl"), | |
("Dat wordt dan $20 meneer.", "Dat wordt dan twintig dollar meneer.", "nl"), | |
("Dat wordt dan 20€ meneer.", "Dat wordt dan twintig euro meneer.", "nl"), | |
# Chinese (Simplified) | |
("在12.5秒内", "在十二点五秒内", "zh"), | |
("有50名士兵", "有五十名士兵", "zh"), | |
# ("那将是$20先生", '那将是二十美元先生', 'zh'), currency doesn't work | |
# ("那将是20€先生", '那将是二十欧元先生', 'zh'), | |
# Turkish | |
# ("12,5 saniye içinde.", 'On iki virgül beş saniye içinde.', 'tr'), # decimal doesn't work for TR | |
("50 asker vardı.", "elli asker vardı.", "tr"), | |
("Bu 1. test", "Bu birinci test", "tr"), | |
# ("Bu 100.000,5.", 'Bu yüz bin virgül beş.', 'tr'), | |
# Hungarian | |
("12,5 másodperc alatt.", "tizenkettő egész öt tized másodperc alatt.", "hu"), | |
("50 katona volt.", "ötven katona volt.", "hu"), | |
("Ez az 1. teszt", "Ez az első teszt", "hu"), | |
# Korean | |
("12.5 초 안에.", "십이 점 다섯 초 안에.", "ko"), | |
("50 명의 병사가 있었다.", "오십 명의 병사가 있었다.", "ko"), | |
("이것은 1 번째 테스트입니다", "이것은 첫 번째 테스트입니다", "ko"), | |
] | |
for a, b, lang in test_cases: | |
out = expand_numbers_multilingual(a, lang=lang) | |
assert out == b, f"'{out}' vs '{b}'" | |
def test_abbreviations_multilingual(): | |
test_cases = [ | |
# English | |
("Hello Mr. Smith.", "Hello mister Smith.", "en"), | |
("Dr. Jones is here.", "doctor Jones is here.", "en"), | |
# Spanish | |
("Hola Sr. Garcia.", "Hola señor Garcia.", "es"), | |
("La Dra. Martinez es muy buena.", "La doctora Martinez es muy buena.", "es"), | |
# French | |
("Bonjour Mr. Dupond.", "Bonjour monsieur Dupond.", "fr"), | |
("Mme. Moreau est absente aujourd'hui.", "madame Moreau est absente aujourd'hui.", "fr"), | |
# German | |
("Frau Dr. Müller ist sehr klug.", "Frau doktor Müller ist sehr klug.", "de"), | |
# Portuguese | |
("Olá Sr. Silva.", "Olá senhor Silva.", "pt"), | |
("Dra. Costa, você está disponível?", "doutora Costa, você está disponível?", "pt"), | |
# Italian | |
("Buongiorno, Sig. Rossi.", "Buongiorno, signore Rossi.", "it"), | |
# ("Sig.ra Bianchi, posso aiutarti?", 'signora Bianchi, posso aiutarti?', 'it'), # Issue with matching that pattern | |
# Polish | |
("Dzień dobry, P. Kowalski.", "Dzień dobry, pani Kowalski.", "pl"), | |
("M. Nowak, czy mogę zadać pytanie?", "pan Nowak, czy mogę zadać pytanie?", "pl"), | |
# Czech | |
("P. Novák", "pan Novák", "cs"), | |
("Dr. Vojtěch", "doktor Vojtěch", "cs"), | |
# Dutch | |
("Dhr. Jansen", "de heer Jansen", "nl"), | |
("Mevr. de Vries", "mevrouw de Vries", "nl"), | |
# Russian | |
("Здравствуйте Г-н Иванов.", "Здравствуйте господин Иванов.", "ru"), | |
("Д-р Смирнов здесь, чтобы увидеть вас.", "доктор Смирнов здесь, чтобы увидеть вас.", "ru"), | |
# Turkish | |
("Merhaba B. Yılmaz.", "Merhaba bay Yılmaz.", "tr"), | |
("Dr. Ayşe burada.", "doktor Ayşe burada.", "tr"), | |
# Hungarian | |
("Dr. Szabó itt van.", "doktor Szabó itt van.", "hu"), | |
] | |
for a, b, lang in test_cases: | |
out = expand_abbreviations_multilingual(a, lang=lang) | |
assert out == b, f"'{out}' vs '{b}'" | |
def test_symbols_multilingual(): | |
test_cases = [ | |
("I have 14% battery", "I have 14 percent battery", "en"), | |
("Te veo @ la fiesta", "Te veo arroba la fiesta", "es"), | |
("J'ai 14° de fièvre", "J'ai 14 degrés de fièvre", "fr"), | |
("Die Rechnung beträgt £ 20", "Die Rechnung beträgt pfund 20", "de"), | |
("O meu email é ana&[email protected]", "O meu email é ana e joao arroba", "pt"), | |
("linguaggio di programmazione C#", "linguaggio di programmazione C cancelletto", "it"), | |
("Moja temperatura to 36.6°", "Moja temperatura to 36.6 stopnie", "pl"), | |
("Mám 14% baterie", "Mám 14 procento baterie", "cs"), | |
("Těším se na tebe @ party", "Těším se na tebe na party", "cs"), | |
("У меня 14% заряда", "У меня 14 процентов заряда", "ru"), | |
("Я буду @ дома", "Я буду собака дома", "ru"), | |
("Ik heb 14% batterij", "Ik heb 14 procent batterij", "nl"), | |
("Ik zie je @ het feest", "Ik zie je bij het feest", "nl"), | |
("لدي 14% في البطارية", "لدي 14 في المئة في البطارية", "ar"), | |
("我的电量为 14%", "我的电量为 14 百分之", "zh"), | |
("Pilim %14 dolu.", "Pilim yüzde 14 dolu.", "tr"), | |
("Az akkumulátorom töltöttsége 14%", "Az akkumulátorom töltöttsége 14 százalék", "hu"), | |
("배터리 잔량이 14%입니다.", "배터리 잔량이 14 퍼센트입니다.", "ko"), | |
] | |
for a, b, lang in test_cases: | |
out = expand_symbols_multilingual(a, lang=lang) | |
assert out == b, f"'{out}' vs '{b}'" | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
test_expand_numbers_multilingual() | |
test_abbreviations_multilingual() | |
test_symbols_multilingual() | |