GPTWorld /
Sasha Rush
history blame
17.6 kB
import os
import sys
import gradio as gr
from dataclasses import dataclass
from chalk import *
from colour import Color
import inspect
import os
import openai
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from enum import Enum
import io
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
import imageio
import tiktoken
import time
openai.api_key = ""
tab = " "
def start2(prompt, board, api_key):
out = ""
# for chunk in openai.ChatCompletion.create(
# model="gpt-4",
# messages=[{
# "role": "user",
# "content": prompt,
# }],
# stream=True,
# temperature= 0
# ):
board = board#Game(boundary=(9, 9), key=(1, 1), flag=(2, 2), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 0)])
actions = [Actions.DOWNRIGHT, Actions.RIGHT, Actions.DOWNRIGHT, Actions.PICKUP, Actions.DOWNRIGHT]
contents = example(board, actions)
# encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-4")
# num_tokens = encoding.encode(string)
for content in contents:
content = content
if content is not None:
out += content
print(content, end="")
yield out
yield out
def start(prompt, board, api_key):
out = ""
# encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-4")
# num_tokens = encoding.encode(string)
content = ""
openai.api_key = api_key
for chunk in openai.ChatCompletion.create(
"role": "user",
"content": prompt,
temperature= 0
# for content in contents:
content = chunk["choices"][0].get("delta", {}).get("content")
if content is not None:
out += content
print(content, end="")
yield out
yield out
def num_tokens_from_string(string: str, encoding_name: str="gpt-4") -> int:
"""Returns the number of tokens in a text string."""
encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(encoding_name)
num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string))
return num_tokens
# + [markdown] id="LMTjwXdD7v-I"
# ## Game Code
# This code creates a mini-game to play. It takes place on a hexagon. You are represented by a circle. You need to first pick up a key represented by a triangle. You finally need to make it to the cross to finish the game. The actions show each of the directions you can move.
# + id="Fv3eTRKiV2ZB" cellView="form"
#@title Game Code
# Possible Actions
class Actions(Enum):
LEFT = "L"
PICKUP = "Pickup"
# Movements
change = {
Actions.UPRIGHT : (-1, 1),
Actions.RIGHT : (0, 2),
Actions.DOWNRIGHT : (1, 1),
Actions.DOWNLEFT : (1, -1),
Actions.LEFT : (0, -2),
Actions.UPLEFT : (-1, -1),
Actions.PICKUP : (0, 0),
change_str = {action.value: change[action] for action in Actions}
def add(a, b):
return a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]
class Board:
grid: List[str]
player_pos: Tuple[int, int]
flag_pos: Tuple[int, int]
wall_pos:List[Tuple[int, int]]
key_pos:Optional[Tuple[int, int]]
def move(self, action: Actions) -> 'Board':
"Move by creating a new board."
d_m = change[action]
if action == Actions.PICKUP:
if self.player_pos == self.key_pos:
return Board(self.grid, self.player_pos, self.flag_pos, self.wall_pos, None)
return self
new_player_pos = add(self.player_pos, d_m)
# Out of bounds
if new_player_pos[0] < 0 or new_player_pos[0] >= len(self.grid):
return self
if new_player_pos[1] < 0 or new_player_pos[1] >= len(self.grid[0]):
return self
# Can't move through walls
if self.grid[new_player_pos[0]][new_player_pos[1]] == 'W':
return self
new_grid = [row[:] for row in self.grid] # Create a copy of the grid
new_grid[self.player_pos[0]][self.player_pos[1]] = '.'
new_grid[new_player_pos[0]][new_player_pos[1]] = '@'
return Board(new_grid, new_player_pos, self.flag_pos, self.wall_pos, self.key_pos)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '\n'.join(''.join(row) for i, row in enumerate(self.grid))
def create_empty_board(cls, size: Tuple[int, int], key_pos, flag_pos, init, wall_pos) -> 'Board':
grid = [['.' if i % 2 == j % 2 else " " for i in range(size[1])] for j in range(size[0])]
player_pos = init
flag_pos = flag_pos
grid[player_pos[0]][player_pos[1]] = '@'
grid[flag_pos[0]][flag_pos[1]] = 'P'
grid[key_pos[0]][key_pos[1]] = 'K'
for pos in wall_pos:
grid[pos[0]][pos[1]] = 'W'
return cls(grid, player_pos, flag_pos, wall_pos, key_pos)
class Game:
def __init__(self, init, flag, walls, key, boundary):
"Create the version of the game that the AI sees."
self.boundary = boundary
self.board = Board.create_empty_board(boundary, key, flag, init, walls)
self.original = self.board
self.actions = []
def move(self, action):
self.board = self.board.move(action)
def walls(self):
return self.board.wall_pos
def __repr__(self) -> str:
walls = ",".join(map(str, self.board.wall_pos))
return f"Game(init={self.board.player_pos}, flag={self.board.flag_pos}, walls={self.board.wall_pos}, boundary={self.boundary}, key={self.board.key_pos})"
# This is the version of move that the AI can see.
def move(game, action, old_pos):
# ACTIONS (must be legal)
offset = change_str[action]
pos = (old_pos[0] + offset[0], old_pos[1] + offset[1])
assert 0 <= pos[0] < game.boundary[0], "Row position out of bounds"
assert 0 <= pos[1] < game.boundary[1], "Col position out of bounds"
assert pos not in game.walls, f"Walked into wall {pos}"
if action == "PU":
assert pos == game.key, f"Not over key"
return pos
# + [markdown] id="PDOcPiQq8u_Y"
# We can look at the board by drawing it.
# + colab={"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 221} id="Ic7WgOTi8uF1" outputId="4dc07cb9-9e5f-4d28-d4ea-470ad4b13141"
#@title Drawing code
def draw_board(grid, num=0):
hex = regular_polygon(6, 1).rotate_by(1/12).line_width(0.5).fill_color(Color("white"))
w = hex.get_envelope().width
canvas = empty()
for r, b in enumerate(grid):
def show(v):
if v == ".":
return hex
if v == "@":
return hex + circle(0.35).fill_color(Color("red"))
if v == "P":
x = rectangle(0.25, 0.7).fill_color(Color("blue")).line_width(0)
return hex + (x.rotate_by(0.25/2) + x.rotate_by(-0.25/2))
if v == "K":
return hex + triangle(0.75).fill_color(Color("purple"))
if v == "W":
return hex.fill_color(Color("black"))
if v ==" ":
return hex
row = hcat(show(v) for i, v in enumerate(b[1 if r %2 else 0::2]))
canvas += row.translate(w * 0.5 if r%2 else 0, 1.5 * r)
canvas = canvas.center_xy().frame(0.5)
canvas = rectangle(canvas.get_envelope().width, canvas.get_envelope().height).line_width(0.5).fill_color(Color("orange")) + canvas
canvas.render_svg(f"pic{num}.svg", 256)
return canvas
# + colab={"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 424} id="nqgPKLu0AMhU" outputId="19e4c6d0-b792-4a34-f4c4-81902974c346"
# game = Game(boundary=(5, 5), key=(0, 2), flag=(4, 4), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 2)])
# display(draw_board(game.board.grid))
# move(game, "DR", (0,0))
# display(draw_board(game.board.grid))
# + [markdown] id="PhqF9af5_jvh"
# ## Prompt Code
# The puzzle is to write prompt code to make the model accomplish this task. We have provided some scaffolding code for you. The code creates:
# * A header for describing the game.
# * A function `make_fun` that shows the AI how to move in code.
# * A footer to describe the final game board that you want the mode to solve.
# You can fill this in a watch how the model moves around.
# + id="jFf7TCOJaVHX"
#@title Make the Prompt
def make_fun(board, actions):
"This function generates python code for few-shot examples"
out = tab + "p = " + str(board.player_pos)
for i, action in enumerate(actions):
new_board = board.move(action)
out += f"""
p = move(b, "{action.value}", p) # TODO ADD CODE"""
board = new_board
return out
def example(game, actions):
This code makes a few shot example. You don't need to edit it.
return f"""
def my_example():
b = {repr(game)}
{make_fun(game.board, actions)}
return b
ex = 0
def prompt(game):
You should fill these sections out to teach the AI how to play the game.
Or you may do your own thing :)
change_str = {change_str}
def example(game, actions):
This code makes a few shot example. You don't need to edit it.
global ex
ex += 1
def example{ex}():
b = {repr(game)}
{make_fun(game.board, actions)}
return b
# ------------
# Create a few shot example (you may not need this)
board = Game(boundary=(3, 3), key=(1, 1), flag=(2, 2), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 0)])
actions = [Actions.DOWNRIGHT, Actions.PICKUP, Actions.DOWNRIGHT]
example(board, actions)
# Test case
# ----
# TODO: ADD any custom example code
# TODO: FINAL description.
# Contraints for this function:", {repr(game)}
# Please fill this in with code like the examples above (do not provide a description):
# The following function `my_example` instantiates a GameBoard called b with these constraints.
# + [markdown] id="-iecyV7nAbFT"
# This code lets you make a game and see the output for a prompt for that game. There are easy, medium, and hard games.
# + colab={"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"} id="cOneYFok_OMe" outputId="97080186-7322-4ba9-b500-095fb39071aa"
# Easy
easy_game = Game(boundary=(3, 3), key=(1, 1), flag=(2, 2), init=(0, 0), walls=[])
# Medium
medium_game = Game(boundary=(5, 5), key=(3, 1), flag=(4, 4), init=(0, 0), walls=[(1, 1)])
# Hard (This is the main one)
hard_game = Game(boundary=(8, 15), key=(3, 1), flag=(7, 13), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 2), (1, 1), (5, 3), (1, 11), (5, 5), (6, 6), (6, 10), (2, 6), (4, 12)])
# Evil
evil_game = Game(boundary=(8, 15), key=(5, 1), flag=(7, 13), init=(0, 0), walls=[(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 2), (1, 1), (2, 4), (7, 11), (5, 3), (1, 11), (5, 5), (6, 6), (6, 10), (2, 6), (4, 12)])
games = {"Easy": easy_game, "Medium": medium_game, "Hard": hard_game, "Evil": evil_game}
# Animate the outputs as a GIF
def animate(l):
images = []
for i in range(l):
return imageio.v2.mimsave('movie.gif', images, **{ 'duration': 0.5 })
def load(inp):
if inp in games:
board = games[inp]
board = eval(inp)
draw_board(board.board.grid, 0).render_svg("tmp.svg")
return ["tmp.svg"], repr(board)
draw_board(hard_game.board.grid, 0).render_svg("hard.svg")
draw_board(easy_game.board.grid, 0).render_svg("easy.svg")
with gr.Blocks() as app:
# test = gr.Code(label="test")
# im2 = gr.Gallery()
<h1>🌎 GPTWorld 🌍</h1>
GPTWorld is a prompting game. Your goal is to get an LLM to complete a maze. You are the red dot (πŸ”΄) need to first get the key (β–²) and then reach the exit (x). The game takes place on a hexagonal grid with walls [Even rows are labeled (0,0), (0, 2), (0,4) and odd rows are labeled (1, 1), (1, 3), (1, 5)]. You play by prompting GPT to write code which solves the game on the right.
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
game_desc = gr.Text(label="Game (Select one first or make your own)")
examples = gr.Radio(show_label=False,
choices=["Easy", "Medium", "Hard", "Evil"])
api_key = gr.Text(label="OpenAI Key", type="password",
prompt = gr.Code(label="Prompt (This is for you to fill out)", language="python", lines=40, value=f"""
# A prompt to describe this game to the GPT model.
# Ideas:
# * Describe how the game works
# * Give code examples that solve similar mazes.
# * Give examples to explain the reasoning process
# You might want to do this in a separate editor and paset in.
# For example you might want to tell it how the moves work
change_str = {change_str}
# Or make up a clear implementation for the move function.
def move(board, action, old_pos):
# ACTIONS (must be legal)
offset = change_str[action]
pos = (old_pos[0] + offset[0], old_pos[1] + offset[1])
assert 0 <= pos[0] < board.boundary[0]
assert 0 <= pos[1] < board.boundary[1]
assert pos not in board.walls
if action == "Pickup":
assert pos == board.key
return pos
# You can also test your code on the right side to make few-shot examples.
# Finally use %GAME% to inject the game description above.
with gr.Row():
start_btn = gr.Button("Prompt >")
cancel_btn = gr.Button("Cancel")
with gr.Column():
im = gr.Gallery(label="Gallery of the Game"), object_fit="scale-down", columns=1, container=True)
output = gr.Code(label="Generating Game Code (You can also edit and rerun)", language="python", value="""def my_example():
b = Game(init=(0, 0), flag=(2, 2), walls= [], boundary= (3, 3), key= (1, 1))
p = (0, 0)
# This is the code you want it to generate.
p = move(b, "DR", p)
p = move(b, "Pickup", p)
p = move(b, "DL", p)
p = move(b, "R", p)
return b
""", lines=50)
msg_box = gr.Text(label="Errors")
counter = gr.Slider(label="length", minimum=0, maximum=3000)
run_btn = gr.Button("Rerun ^")
examples.change(load, inputs=[examples], outputs=[im, game_desc])
game_desc.submit(load, inputs=[game_desc], outputs=[im, game_desc])
def run(data):
board = eval(data[game_desc]) #games[data[examples]]
inp = data[prompt].replace("%GAME%", repr(board))
q = {}
i = 0
count = 0
im_ = [f"tmp.svg"]
yield {im: im_, counter: 0, output: "", msg_box: ""}
for prefix in start(inp, board, data[api_key]):
ps = prefix.split("\n")
count += 1
if len(ps) > 3 and not ps[-2].strip().startswith("#") and prefix.endswith("\n"):
exec(prefix + f"\n return b\nq['board'] = my_example({repr(board)})")
except AssertionError as e:
yield {im: [f"pic{j}.svg" for j in range(i)], counter: count, output: prefix, msg_box: f"You made an illegal move: {e}"}
draw_board(q["board"].board.grid, i).render_svg("tmp.svg")
i += 1
im_ = [f"pic{j}.svg" for j in [i-1]]
yield {im: im_, counter: count, output: prefix}
yield {im: im_, counter: count, output: prefix}
yield {im: [f"pic{j}.svg" for j in range(i)], counter: count, output: prefix}
start_prompt =, inputs={prompt, game_desc, api_key}, outputs={im, output, counter, msg_box}), cancels=[start_prompt])
def run2(data):
c = data[output]
i = 0
for j in range(len(c)):
q = {}
prefix = c[:j]
ps = prefix.split("\n")
if len(ps) > 3 and not ps[-2].strip().startswith("#") and prefix.endswith("\n"):
print("rendering", prefix)
exec(prefix + "\n return b\nq['board'] = my_example()")
draw_board(q["board"].board.grid, i)
i += 1
out = {im: [f"pic{j}.svg" for j in range(i)]}
return out, inputs={output}, outputs={im})
# f = io.StringIO()
# with redirect_stdout(f):
# ex = 0
# prompt(game)
# my_prompt = f.getvalue()
# print(my_prompt)
# # + id="LONWUsBLjOHo" colab={"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000} outputId="472afd19-48c1-4924-cabd-639b5e2ad298"
# # Run an LLM and execute it as it runs.
# q = {}
# i = 0
# for prefix in start(my_prompt):
# ps = prefix.split("\n")
# if len(ps) > 3 and not ps[-2].strip().startswith("#") and prefix.endswith("\n"):
# exec(prefix + "\n return b\nq['board'] = my_example()")
# display(draw_board(q["board"].board.grid, i))
# i += 1
# animate(i)
# display(Image("movie.gif"))
# # Print the number of tokens used
# print("Input Tokens:", num_tokens_from_string(my_prompt))
# print("Output Tokens:", num_tokens_from_string(prefix))