""" Usage: python scripts/task_identification_generator.py """ import json import random random.seed(42) SYMBOLS = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") DELIMETER = "->" INSTRUCTION = "Figure out the pattern in the below examples, and then answer with just \"foo\" or \"bar\"." TASK_NAME = "pattern_identification" def generate_example(): num_symbols = int(len(SYMBOLS) / 2) target_symbol = random.choice(SYMBOLS) symbol_list = random.sample(SYMBOLS, num_symbols) target = "foo" if target_symbol in symbol_list else "bar" return (target_symbol, symbol_list, target) def generate_exemplars_str(num_exemplars: int = 8): exemplars = [generate_example() for _ in range(num_exemplars)] exemplars_str = [f"({exemplar[0]}, {exemplar[1]}) {DELIMETER} {exemplar[2]}".replace("'", "") for exemplar in exemplars] return "\n".join([INSTRUCTION] + exemplars_str) def generate_eval_examples(num_eval_examples: int = 250): eval_examples = [generate_example() for _ in range(num_eval_examples)] eval_examples_str = [f"{generate_exemplars_str()}\n({example[0]}, {example[1]}) {DELIMETER}".replace("'", "") for example in eval_examples] targets = [example[2] for example in eval_examples] return eval_examples_str, targets if __name__ == "__main__": eval_examples_str, targets = generate_eval_examples() output_path = f"evals/registry/data/{TASK_NAME}/samples.v0.jsonl" with open(output_path, "w") as writer: for eval_example_str, target in zip(eval_examples_str, targets): d = { "input": [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": eval_example_str}, ], "ideal": target, } writer.write(json.dumps(d) + "\n") print(f"{len(eval_examples_str)} lines written to {output_path}.")