File size: 14,833 Bytes
02fde7e 422e946 9ad5350 a23e88d 02fde7e f81df75 02fde7e e9f8d41 02fde7e 422e946 b7d851e 3484514 81740ff b8bf7c3 81740ff b8bf7c3 81740ff a23e88d 422e946 02fde7e d0d47f8 02fde7e 422e946 02fde7e 0b41e7e f07bac5 0b41e7e 009c9e0 0b41e7e 37ee0fe 0b41e7e 37ee0fe 0b41e7e 37ee0fe 0b41e7e 37ee0fe aa85c6a 37ee0fe 0b41e7e 37ee0fe 279e629 37ee0fe 781f224 37ee0fe 279e629 37ee0fe 81740ff b8bf7c3 81740ff 37ee0fe 23b4a0b e0b17bb 23b4a0b 422e946 37ee0fe e25b5dd 81740ff e25b5dd 81740ff 37ee0fe 4843304 a50fad5 37ee0fe a50fad5 e25b5dd 422e946 37ee0fe 422e946 37ee0fe a50fad5 e25b5dd 422e946 cfb39ec 37ee0fe 422e946 e25b5dd 422e946 a50fad5 422e946 e25b5dd 796bd91 422e946 e25b5dd a50fad5 37ee0fe a50fad5 37ee0fe a50fad5 37ee0fe 59248ff 37ee0fe b705ef3 b6570bd 81740ff 37ee0fe a50fad5 37ee0fe e25b5dd 796bd91 37ee0fe 81740ff 37ee0fe a50fad5 37ee0fe 422e946 838a5f0 02fde7e 422e946 e25b5dd ac839ac 37ee0fe ac839ac 37ee0fe aa85c6a f81df75 37ee0fe 5832d50 |
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# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the current dataset script contributor.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""TODO: Add a description here."""
import evaluate
import datasets
import re
import dateutil.parser
import numpy as np
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
import sacrebleu
import time
# TODO: Add BibTeX citation
_CITATION = """\
title = {A great new module},
authors={huggingface, Inc.},
# TODO: Add description of the module here
This new module is designed to solve this great ML task and is crafted with a lot of care.
# TODO: Add description of the arguments of the module here
Calculates how good are predictions given some references, using certain scores
predictions: list of predictions to score. Each predictions
should be a string with tokens separated by spaces.
references: list of reference for each prediction. Each
reference should be a string with tokens separated by spaces.
accuracy: description of the first score,
another_score: description of the second score,
Examples should be written in doctest format, and should illustrate how
to use the function.
>>> my_new_module = evaluate.load("my_new_module")
>>> results = my_new_module.compute(references=[0, 1], predictions=[0, 1])
>>> print(results)
{'accuracy': 1.0}
# TODO: Define external resources urls if needed
BAD_WORDS_URL = "http://url/to/external/resource/bad_words.txt"
@evaluate.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION, _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION)
class LogMetric(evaluate.Metric):
"""TODO: Short description of my evaluation module."""
# Constant regex to get timestrings
timestamp_regex = r'^\s*\[?\s*(\d{4}[-/.]\d{2}[-/.]\d{2}(?:[ T]\d{2}[:]\d{2}(?:[:]\d{2}(?:[.,]\d+)?)?(?:Z|[+-]\d{2}[:]\d{2})?)?)\s*\]?\s*'
timestamp_pattern = re.compile(timestamp_regex, re.MULTILINE)
int_regex = r'(-?\d+)'
int_pattern = re.compile(int_regex)
float_regex = r'(-?\d+\.\d+)'
float_pattern = re.compile(float_regex)
sacrebleu_metric = evaluate.load("evaluate-metric/sacrebleu")
def _info(self):
# TODO: Specifies the evaluate.EvaluationModuleInfo object
return evaluate.MetricInfo(
# This is the description that will appear on the modules page.
# This defines the format of each prediction and reference
# Both prediction and reference are strings
"predictions": datasets.Value("string", id="sequence"),
"references": datasets.Value("string", id="sequence"),
# Homepage of the module for documentation
# Additional links to the codebase or references
def _download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager):
"""Optional: download external resources useful to compute the scores"""
# TODO: Download external resources if needed
# Jaccard Similarity to measure closeness of two log-messages
def get_jaccard_similarity(self, set1, set2):
intersection = set1.intersection(set2)
union = set1.union(set2)
if (len(union) == 0):
return 1.0
return len(intersection) / len(union)
# A score depending on the difference in length of two sentences
def get_length_score(self, preds_split, refs_split):
pred_content_lengths = np.vectorize(len)(preds_split)
ref_content_lengths = np.vectorize(len)(refs_split)
return self.smapeScore(pred_content_lengths, ref_content_lengths)
# helper function that computes the smape_score either between two numbers or two lists of numbers (must be the same length)
def smapeScore(self, P, R):
P_isnumber = isinstance(P, (int, float))
R_isnumber = isinstance(R, (int, float))
# either both must be numbers or both must be no number
assert P_isnumber == R_isnumber
if not P_isnumber:
assert(len(P) == len(R))
if P_isnumber and R_isnumber:
if P == 0 and R == 0: return 1.0 # since this leads to (|R| + |P|) = 0
return 1 - (np.sum(np.abs(R - P) / (np.abs(R) + np.abs(P)))) # (n = 1)
if len(P) == 0 and len(R) == 0: return 1.0 # since this leads to n = 0
n = len(P)
P = np.array(P)
R = np.array(R)
denominator = np.abs(R) + np.abs(P)
# Replace zeros in the denominator with 1 to avoid division by zero.
# the denominator[i] = 0 is only possible if R[i] == P[i] == 0, hence we can set denominator[i] = 1 and still achieve the result of 0 after division at index i
denominator[denominator == 0] = 1
return 1 - (1.0/n * np.sum(np.abs(R - P) / denominator))
# splits both strings at \n and then computes the smape_score of their lengths
def getLineCountScore(self, pred, ref):
pred_lines_amt = len(pred.splitlines())
ref_lines_amt = len(ref.splitlines())
# print("#pred_lines:", pred_lines_amt)
# print("#ref_lines:", ref_lines_amt)
return self.smapeScore(pred_lines_amt, ref_lines_amt)
def replaceNumbers(self, text:str):
text = self.int_pattern.sub(r'<|INT|>', text)
text = self.float_pattern.sub(r'<|FLOAT|>', text)
return text
# Get differenct scores regarding the content of a log-message
def getLineContentScore(self, pred_logMessages, ref_logMessages):
if pred_logMessages == [] and ref_logMessages == []:
pred_logMessages = [""]
ref_logMessages = [""]
sacrebleu_score = self.sacrebleu_metric.compute(predictions=pred_logMessages, references=ref_logMessages)["score"] / 100.0
smape_length_score = self.get_length_score(pred_logMessages, ref_logMessages)
vectorized_replaceNumbers = np.vectorize(self.replaceNumbers)
cleaned_pred_logMessages = vectorized_replaceNumbers(pred_logMessages)
cleaned_ref_logMessages = vectorized_replaceNumbers(ref_logMessages)
sacrebleu_withoutExplicitNumbers_score = self.sacrebleu_metric.compute(predictions=cleaned_pred_logMessages, references=cleaned_ref_logMessages)["score"] / 100.0
return sacrebleu_score, sacrebleu_withoutExplicitNumbers_score, smape_length_score
# get different scores regarding the timestamp
def getTimestampsScore(self, pred_timestamps, ref_timestamps):
timestamp_amt_score = self.smapeScore(len(pred_timestamps), len(ref_timestamps))
if (len(pred_timestamps) == 0) and (len(ref_timestamps) == 0):
return timestamp_amt_score, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
# if there are no predicted timestamps, return early. It is still consistent and monotonic.
if (len(pred_timestamps) == 0) and (len(ref_timestamps) != 0):
return timestamp_amt_score, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
# replace all digits in the reference timestamp (first timestamp) with '/d' to get
# a regex that describes the format
pred_timestring_pattern = re.sub(r'\d', r'\\d', re.escape(pred_timestamps[0]))
matchesPatternScore = 1.0
monotonicallyIncreasingScore = 1.0
pred_timedeltas = []
# A variable to save the previous timestamp (as datetime obj) to check monotonicity
prev_datetime = None
# Convert matches to datetime objects
for i in range(len(pred_timestamps)):
ts = pred_timestamps[i]
# Check if the format matches with the format of the first timestamp
# TODO!! Check this later, maybe it is too restricting for training a llm
matchesPattern = re.fullmatch(pred_timestring_pattern, ts) is not None
# Check if the timestamps are monotonically increasing
cur_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(ts)
if prev_datetime == None:
monotonicallyIncreasing = True
monotonicallyIncreasing = prev_datetime <= cur_datetime
pred_timedeltas.append((cur_datetime - prev_datetime).total_seconds())
prev_datetime = cur_datetime
# If one entry doesn't fulfill the matching pattern property or the monotinicity property, set to 0 for whole log
matchesPatternScore = 0.0 if (not matchesPattern) else matchesPatternScore
monotonicallyIncreasingScore = 0.0 if (not monotonicallyIncreasing) else monotonicallyIncreasingScore
except Exception as e:
# e.g. date format not parsable by dateutil.parser
matchesPatternScore = 0.0
monotonicallyIncreasingScore = 0.0
if (len(pred_timestamps) != 0) and (len(ref_timestamps) == 0):
return timestamp_amt_score, matchesPatternScore, monotonicallyIncreasingScore, 0.0
ref_timedeltas = []
prev_datetime = None
for i in range(len(ref_timestamps)):
ts = ref_timestamps[i]
cur_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(ts)
if prev_datetime == None:
ref_timedeltas.append((cur_datetime - prev_datetime).total_seconds())
prev_datetime = cur_datetime
except Exception as e:
minlength = min(len(pred_timedeltas), len(ref_timedeltas))
pred_timedeltas = pred_timedeltas[:minlength]
ref_timedeltas = ref_timedeltas[:minlength]
print("pred_timedeltas:", pred_timedeltas)
print("ref_timedeltas:", ref_timedeltas)
timestampDeltaScore = self.smapeScore(pred_timedeltas, ref_timedeltas)
print("timestampDeltaScore:", timestampDeltaScore)
# matchesPatternScore and monotonicallyIncreasingScore are in {0,1}
return timestamp_amt_score, matchesPatternScore, monotonicallyIncreasingScore, timestampDeltaScore
def getLogMetric(self, pred : str, ref : str):
ref = ref.strip(' \t\n\r')
pred = pred.strip(' \t\n\r')
linecount_difference_SMAPE = self.getLineCountScore(pred, ref)
# Split log on timestamps
pred_split_log = self.timestamp_pattern.split(pred)
ref_split_log = self.timestamp_pattern.split(ref)
# One logentry always consists of timestamp + log-message
# pred_logentries = []
# ref_logentries = []
pred_timestamps = []
pred_logMessages = []
ref_timestamps = []
ref_logMessages = []
# reorganize log into logentry-tuples, consisting of timestamp + log-message
for i in range(1, len(pred_split_log), 2):
# pred_logentries.append((pred_split_log[i],pred_split_log[i+1]))
for i in range(1, len(ref_split_log), 2):
# ref_logentries.append((ref_split_log[i],ref_split_log[i+1]))
# We extend the shorter list to the length of the longer one
max_logentries = max(len(pred_logMessages), len(ref_logMessages))
pred_logMessages += (max_logentries - len(pred_logMessages)) * [" "]
ref_logMessages += (max_logentries- len(ref_logMessages)) * [" "]
linecontent_sacrebleu, linecontent_sacrebleu_withoutExplicitNumbers, linecontentlength_difference_SMAPE = self.getLineContentScore(pred_logMessages, ref_logMessages)
timestamps_difference_SMAPE, timestamps_formatConsistency_absolute, timestamps_monotinicity_absolute, timestamps_delta_SMAPE = self.getTimestampsScore(pred_timestamps, ref_timestamps)
# return weighted overall score of all the different scores
return {"linecount_difference_SMAPE_score": linecount_difference_SMAPE,
"linecontentlength_difference_SMAPE_score": linecontentlength_difference_SMAPE,
"linecontent_sacrebleu_score": linecontent_sacrebleu,
"linecontent_sacrebleu_withoutExplicitNumbers_score": linecontent_sacrebleu_withoutExplicitNumbers,
"timestamps_SMAPE_difference_score": timestamps_difference_SMAPE,
"timestamps_formatConsistency_score": timestamps_formatConsistency_absolute,
"timestamps_monotinicity_score": timestamps_monotinicity_absolute,
"timestamps_delta_SMAPE_score" : timestamps_delta_SMAPE
def _compute(self, predictions, references):
"""Returns the scores"""
# TODO: get separate log entries (split before timestamps), replace timestamps with token and compare the log entry with BLEU
t_before_logmetric = time.perf_counter()
metric_dicts = [self.getLogMetric(p,r) for p,r in zip(predictions,references)]
# Extract keys (assuming all dictionaries have the same keys)
keys = metric_dicts[0].keys()
# Convert list of dictionaries into a 2D numpy array
values = np.array([list(d.values()) for d in metric_dicts])
# Calculate the mean along the vertical axis (axis=0)
mean_values = np.mean(values, axis=0)
# a dictionary, matching the keys with their corresponding mean values
metric_result = dict(zip(keys, mean_values))
t_after_logmetric = time.perf_counter()
logmetric_duration = f"{t_after_logmetric - t_before_logmetric:0.10f}"
return metric_result