Runtime error
Runtime error
import argparse | |
import math | |
import os | |
import numpy as np | |
import toml | |
import json | |
import time | |
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union | |
import torch | |
from accelerate import Accelerator, PartialState | |
from transformers import CLIPTextModel | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from PIL import Image | |
from safetensors.torch import save_file | |
from library import flux_models, flux_utils, strategy_base, train_util | |
from library.device_utils import init_ipex, clean_memory_on_device | |
init_ipex() | |
from .utils import setup_logging, mem_eff_save_file | |
setup_logging() | |
import logging | |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) | |
# region sample images | |
def sample_images( | |
accelerator: Accelerator, | |
args: argparse.Namespace, | |
epoch, | |
steps, | |
flux, | |
ae, | |
text_encoders, | |
sample_prompts_te_outputs, | |
prompt_replacement=None, | |
): | |
if steps == 0: | |
if not args.sample_at_first: | |
return | |
else: | |
if args.sample_every_n_steps is None and args.sample_every_n_epochs is None: | |
return | |
if args.sample_every_n_epochs is not None: | |
# sample_every_n_steps は無視する | |
if epoch is None or epoch % args.sample_every_n_epochs != 0: | |
return | |
else: | |
if steps % args.sample_every_n_steps != 0 or epoch is not None: # steps is not divisible or end of epoch | |
return | |"") | |"generating sample images at step / サンプル画像生成 ステップ: {steps}") | |
if not os.path.isfile(args.sample_prompts) and sample_prompts_te_outputs is None: | |
logger.error(f"No prompt file / プロンプトファイルがありません: {args.sample_prompts}") | |
return | |
distributed_state = PartialState() # for multi gpu distributed inference. this is a singleton, so it's safe to use it here | |
# unwrap unet and text_encoder(s) | |
flux = accelerator.unwrap_model(flux) | |
if text_encoders is not None: | |
text_encoders = [accelerator.unwrap_model(te) for te in text_encoders] | |
# print([(te.parameters().__next__().device if te is not None else None) for te in text_encoders]) | |
prompts = train_util.load_prompts(args.sample_prompts) | |
save_dir = args.output_dir + "/sample" | |
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
# save random state to restore later | |
rng_state = torch.get_rng_state() | |
cuda_rng_state = None | |
try: | |
cuda_rng_state = torch.cuda.get_rng_state() if torch.cuda.is_available() else None | |
except Exception: | |
pass | |
if distributed_state.num_processes <= 1: | |
# If only one device is available, just use the original prompt list. We don't need to care about the distribution of prompts. | |
with torch.no_grad(), accelerator.autocast(): | |
for prompt_dict in prompts: | |
sample_image_inference( | |
accelerator, | |
args, | |
flux, | |
text_encoders, | |
ae, | |
save_dir, | |
prompt_dict, | |
epoch, | |
steps, | |
sample_prompts_te_outputs, | |
prompt_replacement, | |
) | |
else: | |
# Creating list with N elements, where each element is a list of prompt_dicts, and N is the number of processes available (number of devices available) | |
# prompt_dicts are assigned to lists based on order of processes, to attempt to time the image creation time to match enum order. Probably only works when steps and sampler are identical. | |
per_process_prompts = [] # list of lists | |
for i in range(distributed_state.num_processes): | |
per_process_prompts.append(prompts[i :: distributed_state.num_processes]) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
with distributed_state.split_between_processes(per_process_prompts) as prompt_dict_lists: | |
for prompt_dict in prompt_dict_lists[0]: | |
sample_image_inference( | |
accelerator, | |
args, | |
flux, | |
text_encoders, | |
ae, | |
save_dir, | |
prompt_dict, | |
epoch, | |
steps, | |
sample_prompts_te_outputs, | |
prompt_replacement, | |
) | |
torch.set_rng_state(rng_state) | |
if cuda_rng_state is not None: | |
torch.cuda.set_rng_state(cuda_rng_state) | |
clean_memory_on_device(accelerator.device) | |
def sample_image_inference( | |
accelerator: Accelerator, | |
args: argparse.Namespace, | |
flux: flux_models.Flux, | |
text_encoders: Optional[List[CLIPTextModel]], | |
ae: flux_models.AutoEncoder, | |
save_dir, | |
prompt_dict, | |
epoch, | |
steps, | |
sample_prompts_te_outputs, | |
prompt_replacement, | |
): | |
assert isinstance(prompt_dict, dict) | |
# negative_prompt = prompt_dict.get("negative_prompt") | |
sample_steps = prompt_dict.get("sample_steps", 20) | |
width = prompt_dict.get("width", 512) | |
height = prompt_dict.get("height", 512) | |
scale = prompt_dict.get("scale", 3.5) | |
seed = prompt_dict.get("seed") | |
# controlnet_image = prompt_dict.get("controlnet_image") | |
prompt: str = prompt_dict.get("prompt", "") | |
# sampler_name: str = prompt_dict.get("sample_sampler", args.sample_sampler) | |
if prompt_replacement is not None: | |
prompt = prompt.replace(prompt_replacement[0], prompt_replacement[1]) | |
# if negative_prompt is not None: | |
# negative_prompt = negative_prompt.replace(prompt_replacement[0], prompt_replacement[1]) | |
if seed is not None: | |
torch.manual_seed(seed) | |
torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) | |
else: | |
# True random sample image generation | |
torch.seed() | |
torch.cuda.seed() | |
# if negative_prompt is None: | |
# negative_prompt = "" | |
height = max(64, height - height % 16) # round to divisible by 16 | |
width = max(64, width - width % 16) # round to divisible by 16 | |"prompt: {prompt}") | |
#"negative_prompt: {negative_prompt}") | |"height: {height}") | |"width: {width}") | |"sample_steps: {sample_steps}") | |"scale: {scale}") | |
#"sample_sampler: {sampler_name}") | |
if seed is not None: | |"seed: {seed}") | |
# encode prompts | |
tokenize_strategy = strategy_base.TokenizeStrategy.get_strategy() | |
encoding_strategy = strategy_base.TextEncodingStrategy.get_strategy() | |
text_encoder_conds = [] | |
if sample_prompts_te_outputs and prompt in sample_prompts_te_outputs: | |
text_encoder_conds = sample_prompts_te_outputs[prompt] | |
print(f"Using cached text encoder outputs for prompt: {prompt}") | |
if text_encoders is not None: | |
print(f"Encoding prompt: {prompt}") | |
tokens_and_masks = tokenize_strategy.tokenize(prompt) | |
# strategy has apply_t5_attn_mask option | |
encoded_text_encoder_conds = encoding_strategy.encode_tokens(tokenize_strategy, text_encoders, tokens_and_masks) | |
# if text_encoder_conds is not cached, use encoded_text_encoder_conds | |
if len(text_encoder_conds) == 0: | |
text_encoder_conds = encoded_text_encoder_conds | |
else: | |
# if encoded_text_encoder_conds is not None, update cached text_encoder_conds | |
for i in range(len(encoded_text_encoder_conds)): | |
if encoded_text_encoder_conds[i] is not None: | |
text_encoder_conds[i] = encoded_text_encoder_conds[i] | |
l_pooled, t5_out, txt_ids, t5_attn_mask = text_encoder_conds | |
# sample image | |
weight_dtype = ae.dtype # TOFO give dtype as argument | |
packed_latent_height = height // 16 | |
packed_latent_width = width // 16 | |
noise = torch.randn( | |
1, | |
packed_latent_height * packed_latent_width, | |
16 * 2 * 2, | |
device=accelerator.device, | |
dtype=weight_dtype, | |
generator=torch.Generator(device=accelerator.device).manual_seed(seed) if seed is not None else None, | |
) | |
timesteps = get_schedule(sample_steps, noise.shape[1], shift=True) # FLUX.1 dev -> shift=True | |
img_ids = flux_utils.prepare_img_ids(1, packed_latent_height, packed_latent_width).to(accelerator.device, weight_dtype) | |
t5_attn_mask = if args.apply_t5_attn_mask else None | |
with accelerator.autocast(), torch.no_grad(): | |
x = denoise(flux, noise, img_ids, t5_out, txt_ids, l_pooled, timesteps=timesteps, guidance=scale, t5_attn_mask=t5_attn_mask) | |
x = x.float() | |
x = flux_utils.unpack_latents(x, packed_latent_height, packed_latent_width) | |
# latent to image | |
clean_memory_on_device(accelerator.device) | |
org_vae_device = ae.device # will be on cpu | | # distributed_state.device is same as accelerator.device | |
with accelerator.autocast(), torch.no_grad(): | |
x = ae.decode(x) | | | |
clean_memory_on_device(accelerator.device) | |
x = x.clamp(-1, 1) | |
x = x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) | |
image = Image.fromarray((127.5 * (x + 1.0)).float().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)[0]) | |
# adding accelerator.wait_for_everyone() here should sync up and ensure that sample images are saved in the same order as the original prompt list | |
# but adding 'enum' to the filename should be enough | |
ts_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()) | |
num_suffix = f"e{epoch:06d}" if epoch is not None else f"{steps:06d}" | |
seed_suffix = "" if seed is None else f"_{seed}" | |
i: int = prompt_dict["enum"] | |
img_filename = f"{'' if args.output_name is None else args.output_name + '_'}{num_suffix}_{i:02d}_{ts_str}{seed_suffix}.png" | |, img_filename)) | |
# send images to wandb if enabled | |
if "wandb" in [ for tracker in accelerator.trackers]: | |
wandb_tracker = accelerator.get_tracker("wandb") | |
import wandb | |
# not to commit images to avoid inconsistency between training and logging steps | |
wandb_tracker.log({f"sample_{i}": wandb.Image(image, caption=prompt)}, commit=False) # positive prompt as a caption | |
def time_shift(mu: float, sigma: float, t: torch.Tensor): | |
return math.exp(mu) / (math.exp(mu) + (1 / t - 1) ** sigma) | |
def get_lin_function(x1: float = 256, y1: float = 0.5, x2: float = 4096, y2: float = 1.15) -> Callable[[float], float]: | |
m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) | |
b = y1 - m * x1 | |
return lambda x: m * x + b | |
def get_schedule( | |
num_steps: int, | |
image_seq_len: int, | |
base_shift: float = 0.5, | |
max_shift: float = 1.15, | |
shift: bool = True, | |
) -> list[float]: | |
# extra step for zero | |
timesteps = torch.linspace(1, 0, num_steps + 1) | |
# shifting the schedule to favor high timesteps for higher signal images | |
if shift: | |
# eastimate mu based on linear estimation between two points | |
mu = get_lin_function(y1=base_shift, y2=max_shift)(image_seq_len) | |
timesteps = time_shift(mu, 1.0, timesteps) | |
return timesteps.tolist() | |
def denoise( | |
model: flux_models.Flux, | |
img: torch.Tensor, | |
img_ids: torch.Tensor, | |
txt: torch.Tensor, | |
txt_ids: torch.Tensor, | |
vec: torch.Tensor, | |
timesteps: list[float], | |
guidance: float = 4.0, | |
t5_attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, | |
): | |
# this is ignored for schnell | |
guidance_vec = torch.full((img.shape[0],), guidance, device=img.device, dtype=img.dtype) | |
for t_curr, t_prev in zip(tqdm(timesteps[:-1]), timesteps[1:]): | |
t_vec = torch.full((img.shape[0],), t_curr, dtype=img.dtype, device=img.device) | |
model.prepare_block_swap_before_forward() | |
pred = model( | |
img=img, | |
img_ids=img_ids, | |
txt=txt, | |
txt_ids=txt_ids, | |
y=vec, | |
timesteps=t_vec, | |
guidance=guidance_vec, | |
txt_attention_mask=t5_attn_mask, | |
) | |
img = img + (t_prev - t_curr) * pred | |
model.prepare_block_swap_before_forward() | |
return img | |
# endregion | |
# region train | |
def get_sigmas(noise_scheduler, timesteps, device, n_dim=4, dtype=torch.float32): | |
sigmas =, dtype=dtype) | |
schedule_timesteps = | |
timesteps = | |
step_indices = [(schedule_timesteps == t).nonzero().item() for t in timesteps] | |
sigma = sigmas[step_indices].flatten() | |
while len(sigma.shape) < n_dim: | |
sigma = sigma.unsqueeze(-1) | |
return sigma | |
def compute_density_for_timestep_sampling( | |
weighting_scheme: str, batch_size: int, logit_mean: float = None, logit_std: float = None, mode_scale: float = None | |
): | |
"""Compute the density for sampling the timesteps when doing SD3 training. | |
Courtesy: This was contributed by Rafie Walker in | |
SD3 paper reference: | |
""" | |
if weighting_scheme == "logit_normal": | |
# See 3.1 in the SD3 paper ($rf/lognorm(0.00,1.00)$). | |
u = torch.normal(mean=logit_mean, std=logit_std, size=(batch_size,), device="cpu") | |
u = torch.nn.functional.sigmoid(u) | |
elif weighting_scheme == "mode": | |
u = torch.rand(size=(batch_size,), device="cpu") | |
u = 1 - u - mode_scale * (torch.cos(math.pi * u / 2) ** 2 - 1 + u) | |
else: | |
u = torch.rand(size=(batch_size,), device="cpu") | |
return u | |
def compute_loss_weighting_for_sd3(weighting_scheme: str, sigmas=None): | |
"""Computes loss weighting scheme for SD3 training. | |
Courtesy: This was contributed by Rafie Walker in | |
SD3 paper reference: | |
""" | |
if weighting_scheme == "sigma_sqrt": | |
weighting = (sigmas**-2.0).float() | |
elif weighting_scheme == "cosmap": | |
bot = 1 - 2 * sigmas + 2 * sigmas**2 | |
weighting = 2 / (math.pi * bot) | |
else: | |
weighting = torch.ones_like(sigmas) | |
return weighting | |
def get_noisy_model_input_and_timesteps( | |
args, noise_scheduler, latents, noise, device, dtype | |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: | |
bsz, _, h, w = latents.shape | |
sigmas = None | |
if args.timestep_sampling == "uniform" or args.timestep_sampling == "sigmoid": | |
# Simple random t-based noise sampling | |
if args.timestep_sampling == "sigmoid": | |
# | |
t = torch.sigmoid(args.sigmoid_scale * torch.randn((bsz,), device=device)) | |
else: | |
t = torch.rand((bsz,), device=device) | |
timesteps = t * 1000.0 | |
t = t.view(-1, 1, 1, 1) | |
noisy_model_input = (1 - t) * latents + t * noise | |
elif args.timestep_sampling == "shift": | |
shift = args.discrete_flow_shift | |
logits_norm = torch.randn(bsz, device=device) | |
logits_norm = logits_norm * args.sigmoid_scale # larger scale for more uniform sampling | |
timesteps = logits_norm.sigmoid() | |
timesteps = (timesteps * shift) / (1 + (shift - 1) * timesteps) | |
t = timesteps.view(-1, 1, 1, 1) | |
timesteps = timesteps * 1000.0 | |
noisy_model_input = (1 - t) * latents + t * noise | |
elif args.timestep_sampling == "flux_shift": | |
logits_norm = torch.randn(bsz, device=device) | |
logits_norm = logits_norm * args.sigmoid_scale # larger scale for more uniform sampling | |
timesteps = logits_norm.sigmoid() | |
mu = get_lin_function(y1=0.5, y2=1.15)((h // 2) * (w // 2)) | |
timesteps = time_shift(mu, 1.0, timesteps) | |
t = timesteps.view(-1, 1, 1, 1) | |
timesteps = timesteps * 1000.0 | |
noisy_model_input = (1 - t) * latents + t * noise | |
else: | |
# Sample a random timestep for each image | |
# for weighting schemes where we sample timesteps non-uniformly | |
u = compute_density_for_timestep_sampling( | |
weighting_scheme=args.weighting_scheme, | |
batch_size=bsz, | |
logit_mean=args.logit_mean, | |
logit_std=args.logit_std, | |
mode_scale=args.mode_scale, | |
) | |
indices = (u * noise_scheduler.config.num_train_timesteps).long() | |
timesteps = noise_scheduler.timesteps[indices].to(device=device) | |
# Add noise according to flow matching. | |
sigmas = get_sigmas(noise_scheduler, timesteps, device, n_dim=latents.ndim, dtype=dtype) | |
noisy_model_input = sigmas * noise + (1.0 - sigmas) * latents | |
return noisy_model_input, timesteps, sigmas | |
def apply_model_prediction_type(args, model_pred, noisy_model_input, sigmas): | |
weighting = None | |
if args.model_prediction_type == "raw": | |
pass | |
elif args.model_prediction_type == "additive": | |
# add the model_pred to the noisy_model_input | |
model_pred = model_pred + noisy_model_input | |
elif args.model_prediction_type == "sigma_scaled": | |
# apply sigma scaling | |
model_pred = model_pred * (-sigmas) + noisy_model_input | |
# these weighting schemes use a uniform timestep sampling | |
# and instead post-weight the loss | |
weighting = compute_loss_weighting_for_sd3(weighting_scheme=args.weighting_scheme, sigmas=sigmas) | |
return model_pred, weighting | |
def save_models( | |
ckpt_path: str, | |
flux: flux_models.Flux, | |
sai_metadata: Optional[dict], | |
save_dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, | |
use_mem_eff_save: bool = False, | |
): | |
state_dict = {} | |
def update_sd(prefix, sd): | |
for k, v in sd.items(): | |
key = prefix + k | |
if save_dtype is not None and v.dtype != save_dtype: | |
v = v.detach().clone().to("cpu").to(save_dtype) | |
state_dict[key] = v | |
update_sd("", flux.state_dict()) | |
if not use_mem_eff_save: | |
save_file(state_dict, ckpt_path, metadata=sai_metadata) | |
else: | |
mem_eff_save_file(state_dict, ckpt_path, metadata=sai_metadata) | |
def save_flux_model_on_train_end( | |
args: argparse.Namespace, save_dtype: torch.dtype, epoch: int, global_step: int, flux: flux_models.Flux | |
): | |
def sd_saver(ckpt_file, epoch_no, global_step): | |
sai_metadata = train_util.get_sai_model_spec(None, args, False, False, False, is_stable_diffusion_ckpt=True, flux="dev") | |
save_models(ckpt_file, flux, sai_metadata, save_dtype, args.mem_eff_save) | |
train_util.save_sd_model_on_train_end_common(args, True, True, epoch, global_step, sd_saver, None) | |
# epochとstepの保存、メタデータにepoch/stepが含まれ引数が同じになるため、統合している | |
# on_epoch_end: Trueならepoch終了時、Falseならstep経過時 | |
def save_flux_model_on_epoch_end_or_stepwise( | |
args: argparse.Namespace, | |
on_epoch_end: bool, | |
accelerator, | |
save_dtype: torch.dtype, | |
epoch: int, | |
num_train_epochs: int, | |
global_step: int, | |
flux: flux_models.Flux, | |
): | |
def sd_saver(ckpt_file, epoch_no, global_step): | |
sai_metadata = train_util.get_sai_model_spec(None, args, False, False, False, is_stable_diffusion_ckpt=True, flux="dev") | |
save_models(ckpt_file, flux, sai_metadata, save_dtype, args.mem_eff_save) | |
train_util.save_sd_model_on_epoch_end_or_stepwise_common( | |
args, | |
on_epoch_end, | |
accelerator, | |
True, | |
True, | |
epoch, | |
num_train_epochs, | |
global_step, | |
sd_saver, | |
None, | |
) | |
# endregion | |
def add_flux_train_arguments(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"--clip_l", | |
type=str, | |
help="path to clip_l (*.sft or *.safetensors), should be float16 / clip_lのパス(*.sftまたは*.safetensors)、float16が前提", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"--t5xxl", | |
type=str, | |
help="path to t5xxl (*.sft or *.safetensors), should be float16 / t5xxlのパス(*.sftまたは*.safetensors)、float16が前提", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument("--ae", type=str, help="path to ae (*.sft or *.safetensors) / aeのパス(*.sftまたは*.safetensors)") | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"--t5xxl_max_token_length", | |
type=int, | |
default=None, | |
help="maximum token length for T5-XXL. if omitted, 256 for schnell and 512 for dev" | |
" / T5-XXLの最大トークン長。省略された場合、schnellの場合は256、devの場合は512", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"--apply_t5_attn_mask", | |
action="store_true", | |
help="apply attention mask to T5-XXL encode and FLUX double blocks / T5-XXLエンコードとFLUXダブルブロックにアテンションマスクを適用する", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"--guidance_scale", | |
type=float, | |
default=3.5, | |
help="the FLUX.1 dev variant is a guidance distilled model", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"--timestep_sampling", | |
choices=["sigma", "uniform", "sigmoid", "shift", "flux_shift"], | |
default="sigma", | |
help="Method to sample timesteps: sigma-based, uniform random, sigmoid of random normal, shift of sigmoid and FLUX.1 shifting." | |
" / タイムステップをサンプリングする方法:sigma、random uniform、random normalのsigmoid、sigmoidのシフト、FLUX.1のシフト。", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"--sigmoid_scale", | |
type=float, | |
default=1.0, | |
help='Scale factor for sigmoid timestep sampling (only used when timestep-sampling is "sigmoid"). / sigmoidタイムステップサンプリングの倍率(timestep-samplingが"sigmoid"の場合のみ有効)。', | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"--model_prediction_type", | |
choices=["raw", "additive", "sigma_scaled"], | |
default="sigma_scaled", | |
help="How to interpret and process the model prediction: " | |
"raw (use as is), additive (add to noisy input), sigma_scaled (apply sigma scaling)." | |
" / モデル予測の解釈と処理方法:" | |
"raw(そのまま使用)、additive(ノイズ入力に加算)、sigma_scaled(シグマスケーリングを適用)。", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"--discrete_flow_shift", | |
type=float, | |
default=3.0, | |
help="Discrete flow shift for the Euler Discrete Scheduler, default is 3.0. / Euler Discrete Schedulerの離散フローシフト、デフォルトは3.0。", | |
) | |