Runtime error
Runtime error
import os | |
import cv2 | |
import argparse | |
import glob | |
import torch | |
from torchvision.transforms.functional import normalize | |
from basicsr.utils import imwrite, img2tensor, tensor2img | |
from basicsr.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url | |
from basicsr.utils.misc import gpu_is_available, get_device | |
from facelib.utils.face_restoration_helper import FaceRestoreHelper | |
from facelib.utils.misc import is_gray | |
from basicsr.utils.registry import ARCH_REGISTRY | |
pretrain_model_url = { | |
'restoration': '', | |
} | |
def set_realesrgan(): | |
from basicsr.archs.rrdbnet_arch import RRDBNet | |
from basicsr.utils.realesrgan_utils import RealESRGANer | |
use_half = False | |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): # set False in CPU/MPS mode | |
no_half_gpu_list = ['1650', '1660'] # set False for GPUs that don't support f16 | |
if not True in [gpu in torch.cuda.get_device_name(0) for gpu in no_half_gpu_list]: | |
use_half = True | |
model = RRDBNet( | |
num_in_ch=3, | |
num_out_ch=3, | |
num_feat=64, | |
num_block=23, | |
num_grow_ch=32, | |
scale=2, | |
) | |
upsampler = RealESRGANer( | |
scale=2, | |
model_path="", | |
model=model, | |
tile=args.bg_tile, | |
tile_pad=40, | |
pre_pad=0, | |
half=use_half | |
) | |
if not gpu_is_available(): # CPU | |
import warnings | |
warnings.warn('Running on CPU now! Make sure your PyTorch version matches your CUDA.' | |
'The unoptimized RealESRGAN is slow on CPU. ' | |
'If you want to disable it, please remove `--bg_upsampler` and `--face_upsample` in command.', | |
category=RuntimeWarning) | |
return upsampler | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
# device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') | |
device = get_device() | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_path', type=str, default='./inputs/whole_imgs', | |
help='Input image, video or folder. Default: inputs/whole_imgs') | |
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_path', type=str, default=None, | |
help='Output folder. Default: results/<input_name>_<w>') | |
parser.add_argument('-w', '--fidelity_weight', type=float, default=0.5, | |
help='Balance the quality and fidelity. Default: 0.5') | |
parser.add_argument('-s', '--upscale', type=int, default=2, | |
help='The final upsampling scale of the image. Default: 2') | |
parser.add_argument('--has_aligned', action='store_true', help='Input are cropped and aligned faces. Default: False') | |
parser.add_argument('--only_center_face', action='store_true', help='Only restore the center face. Default: False') | |
parser.add_argument('--draw_box', action='store_true', help='Draw the bounding box for the detected faces. Default: False') | |
# large det_model: 'YOLOv5l', 'retinaface_resnet50' | |
# small det_model: 'YOLOv5n', 'retinaface_mobile0.25' | |
parser.add_argument('--detection_model', type=str, default='retinaface_resnet50', | |
help='Face detector. Optional: retinaface_resnet50, retinaface_mobile0.25, YOLOv5l, YOLOv5n, dlib. \ | |
Default: retinaface_resnet50') | |
parser.add_argument('--bg_upsampler', type=str, default='None', help='Background upsampler. Optional: realesrgan') | |
parser.add_argument('--face_upsample', action='store_true', help='Face upsampler after enhancement. Default: False') | |
parser.add_argument('--bg_tile', type=int, default=400, help='Tile size for background sampler. Default: 400') | |
parser.add_argument('--suffix', type=str, default=None, help='Suffix of the restored faces. Default: None') | |
parser.add_argument('--save_video_fps', type=float, default=None, help='Frame rate for saving video. Default: None') | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
# ------------------------ input & output ------------------------ | |
w = args.fidelity_weight | |
input_video = False | |
if args.input_path.endswith(('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'PNG')): # input single img path | |
input_img_list = [args.input_path] | |
result_root = f'results/test_img_{w}' | |
elif args.input_path.endswith(('mp4', 'mov', 'avi', 'MP4', 'MOV', 'AVI')): # input video path | |
from basicsr.utils.video_util import VideoReader, VideoWriter | |
input_img_list = [] | |
vidreader = VideoReader(args.input_path) | |
image = vidreader.get_frame() | |
while image is not None: | |
input_img_list.append(image) | |
image = vidreader.get_frame() | |
audio = vidreader.get_audio() | |
fps = vidreader.get_fps() if args.save_video_fps is None else args.save_video_fps | |
video_name = os.path.basename(args.input_path)[:-4] | |
result_root = f'results/{video_name}_{w}' | |
input_video = True | |
vidreader.close() | |
else: # input img folder | |
if args.input_path.endswith('/'): # solve when path ends with / | |
args.input_path = args.input_path[:-1] | |
# scan all the jpg and png images | |
input_img_list = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(args.input_path, '*.[jpJP][pnPN]*[gG]'))) | |
result_root = f'results/{os.path.basename(args.input_path)}_{w}' | |
if not args.output_path is None: # set output path | |
result_root = args.output_path | |
test_img_num = len(input_img_list) | |
if test_img_num == 0: | |
raise FileNotFoundError('No input image/video is found...\n' | |
'\tNote that --input_path for video should end with .mp4|.mov|.avi') | |
# ------------------ set up background upsampler ------------------ | |
if args.bg_upsampler == 'realesrgan': | |
bg_upsampler = set_realesrgan() | |
else: | |
bg_upsampler = None | |
# ------------------ set up face upsampler ------------------ | |
if args.face_upsample: | |
if bg_upsampler is not None: | |
face_upsampler = bg_upsampler | |
else: | |
face_upsampler = set_realesrgan() | |
else: | |
face_upsampler = None | |
# ------------------ set up CodeFormer restorer ------------------- | |
net = ARCH_REGISTRY.get('CodeFormer')(dim_embd=512, codebook_size=1024, n_head=8, n_layers=9, | |
connect_list=['32', '64', '128', '256']).to(device) | |
# ckpt_path = 'weights/CodeFormer/codeformer.pth' | |
ckpt_path = load_file_from_url(url=pretrain_model_url['restoration'], | |
model_dir='weights/CodeFormer', progress=True, file_name=None) | |
checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path)['params_ema'] | |
net.load_state_dict(checkpoint) | |
net.eval() | |
# ------------------ set up FaceRestoreHelper ------------------- | |
# large det_model: 'YOLOv5l', 'retinaface_resnet50' | |
# small det_model: 'YOLOv5n', 'retinaface_mobile0.25' | |
if not args.has_aligned: | |
print(f'Face detection model: {args.detection_model}') | |
if bg_upsampler is not None: | |
print(f'Background upsampling: True, Face upsampling: {args.face_upsample}') | |
else: | |
print(f'Background upsampling: False, Face upsampling: {args.face_upsample}') | |
face_helper = FaceRestoreHelper( | |
args.upscale, | |
face_size=512, | |
crop_ratio=(1, 1), | |
det_model = args.detection_model, | |
save_ext='png', | |
use_parse=True, | |
device=device) | |
# -------------------- start to processing --------------------- | |
for i, img_path in enumerate(input_img_list): | |
# clean all the intermediate results to process the next image | |
face_helper.clean_all() | |
if isinstance(img_path, str): | |
img_name = os.path.basename(img_path) | |
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(img_name) | |
print(f'[{i+1}/{test_img_num}] Processing: {img_name}') | |
img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) | |
else: # for video processing | |
basename = str(i).zfill(6) | |
img_name = f'{video_name}_{basename}' if input_video else basename | |
print(f'[{i+1}/{test_img_num}] Processing: {img_name}') | |
img = img_path | |
if args.has_aligned: | |
# the input faces are already cropped and aligned | |
img = cv2.resize(img, (512, 512), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) | |
face_helper.is_gray = is_gray(img, threshold=10) | |
if face_helper.is_gray: | |
print('Grayscale input: True') | |
face_helper.cropped_faces = [img] | |
else: | |
face_helper.read_image(img) | |
# get face landmarks for each face | |
num_det_faces = face_helper.get_face_landmarks_5( | |
only_center_face=args.only_center_face, resize=640, eye_dist_threshold=5) | |
print(f'\tdetect {num_det_faces} faces') | |
# align and warp each face | |
face_helper.align_warp_face() | |
# face restoration for each cropped face | |
for idx, cropped_face in enumerate(face_helper.cropped_faces): | |
# prepare data | |
cropped_face_t = img2tensor(cropped_face / 255., bgr2rgb=True, float32=True) | |
normalize(cropped_face_t, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), inplace=True) | |
cropped_face_t = cropped_face_t.unsqueeze(0).to(device) | |
try: | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
output = net(cropped_face_t, w=w, adain=True)[0] | |
restored_face = tensor2img(output, rgb2bgr=True, min_max=(-1, 1)) | |
del output | |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() | |
except Exception as error: | |
print(f'\tFailed inference for CodeFormer: {error}') | |
restored_face = tensor2img(cropped_face_t, rgb2bgr=True, min_max=(-1, 1)) | |
restored_face = restored_face.astype('uint8') | |
face_helper.add_restored_face(restored_face, cropped_face) | |
# paste_back | |
if not args.has_aligned: | |
# upsample the background | |
if bg_upsampler is not None: | |
# Now only support RealESRGAN for upsampling background | |
bg_img = bg_upsampler.enhance(img, outscale=args.upscale)[0] | |
else: | |
bg_img = None | |
face_helper.get_inverse_affine(None) | |
# paste each restored face to the input image | |
if args.face_upsample and face_upsampler is not None: | |
restored_img = face_helper.paste_faces_to_input_image(upsample_img=bg_img, draw_box=args.draw_box, face_upsampler=face_upsampler) | |
else: | |
restored_img = face_helper.paste_faces_to_input_image(upsample_img=bg_img, draw_box=args.draw_box) | |
# save faces | |
for idx, (cropped_face, restored_face) in enumerate(zip(face_helper.cropped_faces, face_helper.restored_faces)): | |
# save cropped face | |
if not args.has_aligned: | |
save_crop_path = os.path.join(result_root, 'cropped_faces', f'{basename}_{idx:02d}.png') | |
imwrite(cropped_face, save_crop_path) | |
# save restored face | |
if args.has_aligned: | |
save_face_name = f'{basename}.png' | |
else: | |
save_face_name = f'{basename}_{idx:02d}.png' | |
if args.suffix is not None: | |
save_face_name = f'{save_face_name[:-4]}_{args.suffix}.png' | |
save_restore_path = os.path.join(result_root, 'restored_faces', save_face_name) | |
imwrite(restored_face, save_restore_path) | |
# save restored img | |
if not args.has_aligned and restored_img is not None: | |
if args.suffix is not None: | |
basename = f'{basename}_{args.suffix}' | |
save_restore_path = os.path.join(result_root, 'final_results', f'{basename}.png') | |
imwrite(restored_img, save_restore_path) | |
# save enhanced video | |
if input_video: | |
print('Video Saving...') | |
# load images | |
video_frames = [] | |
img_list = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(result_root, 'final_results', '*.[jp][pn]g'))) | |
for img_path in img_list: | |
img = cv2.imread(img_path) | |
video_frames.append(img) | |
# write images to video | |
height, width = video_frames[0].shape[:2] | |
if args.suffix is not None: | |
video_name = f'{video_name}_{args.suffix}.png' | |
save_restore_path = os.path.join(result_root, f'{video_name}.mp4') | |
vidwriter = VideoWriter(save_restore_path, height, width, fps, audio) | |
for f in video_frames: | |
vidwriter.write_frame(f) | |
vidwriter.close() | |
print(f'\nAll results are saved in {result_root}') |