import streamlit as st import subprocess # Sidebar for user instructions and input st.sidebar.title("Terminal Command Runner") st.sidebar.write("Enter a terminal command below, and click the **Run Command** button to execute it.") # Main page layout st.title("🚀 Terminal Command Executor") st.markdown(""" This tool allows you to run terminal commands directly from the web interface. Enter a command in the input field, and the output will be displayed below. """) # Create a user-friendly input field with a placeholder and description command = st.text_area("💻 Enter a terminal command:", placeholder="e.g., ls, pwd, echo Hello World") # Create a button to execute the command if st.button("Run Command"): if command: with st.spinner("Running the command..."): try: # Execute the terminal command and capture the output result =, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) # Display the output in the Streamlit app st.subheader("📜 Command Output:") st.code(result.stdout, language="bash") # Display errors, if any if result.stderr: st.error(f"⚠️ Error:\n{result.stderr}") except Exception as e: st.error(f"❌ Error running command: {e}") else: st.warning("⚠️ Please enter a command to run.") # Display additional tips in the sidebar st.sidebar.header("Quick Tips") st.sidebar.write(""" - To list files: `ls` - To show current directory: `pwd` - To display system info: `uname -a` - To print something: `echo "Hello"` """) # A footer for better UI and personalized touch st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Custom footer text for a user-friendly experience st.markdown("💡 **Tip**: Use simple commands and see the output instantly. Happy hacking!")