from typing import Sequence import math import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from typeguard import check_argument_types class VectorQuantizer(nn.Module): """ Reference: [1] """ def __init__(self, num_embeddings: int, hidden_dim: int, beta: float = 0.25): super().__init__() self.K = num_embeddings self.D = hidden_dim self.beta = 0.05 # beta override self.embedding = nn.Embedding(self.K, self.D), 0.1) # override def forward(self, latents: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # latents = latents.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() # (B, D, L) -> (B, L, D) latents_shape = latents.shape flat_latents = latents.view(-1, self.D) # (BL, D) # Compute L2 distance between latents and embedding weights dist = torch.sum(flat_latents ** 2, dim=1, keepdim=True) + \ torch.sum(self.embedding.weight ** 2, dim=1) - \ 2 * torch.matmul(flat_latents, self.embedding.weight.t()) # (BL, K) # Get the encoding that has the min distance encoding_inds = torch.argmin(dist, dim=1) # (BL) output_inds = encoding_inds.view(latents_shape[0], latents_shape[1]) # (B, L) encoding_inds = encoding_inds.unsqueeze(1) # (BL, 1) # Convert to one-hot encodings device = latents.device encoding_one_hot = torch.zeros(encoding_inds.size(0), self.K, device=device) encoding_one_hot.scatter_(1, encoding_inds, 1) # (BL, K) # Quantize the latents # (BL, D) quantized_latents = torch.matmul(encoding_one_hot, self.embedding.weight) quantized_latents = quantized_latents.view(latents_shape) # (B, L, D) # Compute the VQ Losses commitment_loss = F.mse_loss(quantized_latents.detach(), latents) embedding_loss = F.mse_loss(quantized_latents, latents.detach()) vq_loss = commitment_loss * self.beta + embedding_loss # Add the residue back to the latents quantized_latents = latents + (quantized_latents - latents).detach() # print(output_inds) # print(quantized_latents) # The perplexity a useful value to track during training. # It indicates how many codes are 'active' on average. avg_probs = torch.mean(encoding_one_hot, dim=0) # Exponential entropy perplexity = torch.exp(-torch.sum(avg_probs * torch.log(avg_probs + 1e-10))) return quantized_latents, vq_loss, output_inds, self.embedding, perplexity class ProsodyEncoder(nn.Module): """VQ-VAE prosody encoder module. Args: odim (int): Number of input channels (mel spectrogram channels). ref_enc_conv_layers (int, optional): The number of conv layers in the reference encoder. ref_enc_conv_chans_list: (Sequence[int], optional): List of the number of channels of conv layers in the referece encoder. ref_enc_conv_kernel_size (int, optional): Kernal size of conv layers in the reference encoder. ref_enc_conv_stride (int, optional): Stride size of conv layers in the reference encoder. ref_enc_gru_layers (int, optional): The number of GRU layers in the reference encoder. ref_enc_gru_units (int, optional): The number of GRU units in the reference encoder. ref_emb_integration_type: How to integrate reference embedding. adim (int, optional): This value is not that important. This will not change the capacity in the information-bottleneck. num_embeddings (int, optional): The higher this value, the higher the capacity in the information bottleneck. hidden_dim (int, optional): Number of hidden channels. """ def __init__( self, odim: int, adim: int = 64, num_embeddings: int = 10, hidden_dim: int = 3, beta: float = 0.25, ref_enc_conv_layers: int = 2, ref_enc_conv_chans_list: Sequence[int] = (32, 32), ref_enc_conv_kernel_size: int = 3, ref_enc_conv_stride: int = 1, global_enc_gru_layers: int = 1, global_enc_gru_units: int = 32, global_emb_integration_type: str = "add", ) -> None: assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() # store hyperparameters self.global_emb_integration_type = global_emb_integration_type padding = (ref_enc_conv_kernel_size - 1) // 2 self.ref_encoder = RefEncoder( ref_enc_conv_layers=ref_enc_conv_layers, ref_enc_conv_chans_list=ref_enc_conv_chans_list, ref_enc_conv_kernel_size=ref_enc_conv_kernel_size, ref_enc_conv_stride=ref_enc_conv_stride, ref_enc_conv_padding=padding, ) # get the number of ref enc output units ref_enc_output_units = odim for i in range(ref_enc_conv_layers): ref_enc_output_units = ( ref_enc_output_units - ref_enc_conv_kernel_size + 2 * padding ) // ref_enc_conv_stride + 1 ref_enc_output_units *= ref_enc_conv_chans_list[-1] self.fg_encoder = FGEncoder( ref_enc_output_units + global_enc_gru_units, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, ) self.global_encoder = GlobalEncoder( ref_enc_output_units, global_enc_gru_layers=global_enc_gru_layers, global_enc_gru_units=global_enc_gru_units, ) # define a projection for the global embeddings if self.global_emb_integration_type == "add": self.global_projection = nn.Linear(global_enc_gru_units, adim) else: self.global_projection = nn.Linear( adim + global_enc_gru_units, adim ) self.ar_prior = ARPrior( adim, num_embeddings=num_embeddings, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, ) self.vq_layer = VectorQuantizer(num_embeddings, hidden_dim, beta) # define a projection for the quantized fine-grained embeddings self.qfg_projection = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, adim) def forward( self, ys: torch.Tensor, ds: torch.Tensor, hs: torch.Tensor, global_embs: torch.Tensor = None, train_ar_prior: bool = False, ar_prior_inference: bool = False, fg_inds: torch.Tensor = None, ) -> Sequence[torch.Tensor]: """Calculate forward propagation. Args: ys (Tensor): Batch of padded target features (B, Lmax, odim). ds (LongTensor): Batch of padded durations (B, Tmax). hs (Tensor): Batch of phoneme embeddings (B, Tmax, D). global_embs (Tensor, optional): Global embeddings (B, D) Returns: Tensor: Fine-grained quantized prosody embeddings (B, Tmax, adim). Tensor: VQ loss. Tensor: Global prosody embeddings (B, ref_enc_gru_units) """ if ys is not None: print('generating global_embs') ref_embs = self.ref_encoder(ys) # (B, L', ref_enc_output_units) global_embs = self.global_encoder(ref_embs) # (B, ref_enc_gru_units) if ar_prior_inference: print('Using ar prior') hs_integrated = self._integrate_with_global_embs(hs, global_embs) qs, top_inds = self.ar_prior.inference( hs_integrated, fg_inds, self.vq_layer.embedding ) qs = self.qfg_projection(qs) # (B, Tmax, adim) assert hs.size(2) == qs.size(2) p_embs = self._integrate_with_global_embs(qs, global_embs) assert hs.shape == p_embs.shape return p_embs, 0, 0, 0, top_inds # (B, Tmax, adim) # concat global embs to ref embs global_embs_expanded = global_embs.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, ref_embs.size(1), -1) # (B, Tmax, D) ref_embs_integrated =[ref_embs, global_embs_expanded], dim=-1) # (B, Tmax, hidden_dim) fg_embs = self.fg_encoder(ref_embs_integrated, ds, ys.size(1)) # (B, Tmax, hidden_dim) qs, vq_loss, inds, codebook, perplexity = self.vq_layer(fg_embs) # Vector quantization should maintain length assert hs.size(1) == qs.size(1) qs = self.qfg_projection(qs) # (B, Tmax, adim) assert hs.size(2) == qs.size(2) p_embs = self._integrate_with_global_embs(qs, global_embs) assert hs.shape == p_embs.shape ar_prior_loss = 0 if train_ar_prior: # (B, Tmax, adim) hs_integrated = self._integrate_with_global_embs(hs, global_embs) qs, ar_prior_loss = self.ar_prior(hs_integrated, inds, codebook) qs = self.qfg_projection(qs) # (B, Tmax, adim) assert hs.size(2) == qs.size(2) p_embs = self._integrate_with_global_embs(qs, global_embs) assert hs.shape == p_embs.shape return p_embs, vq_loss, ar_prior_loss, perplexity, global_embs def _integrate_with_global_embs( self, qs: torch.Tensor, global_embs: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Integrate ref embedding with spectrogram hidden states. Args: qs (Tensor): Batch of quantized FG embeddings (B, Tmax, adim). global_embs (Tensor): Batch of global embeddings (B, global_enc_gru_units). Returns: Tensor: Batch of integrated hidden state sequences (B, Tmax, adim). """ if self.global_emb_integration_type == "add": # apply projection to hidden states global_embs = self.global_projection(global_embs) res = qs + global_embs.unsqueeze(1) elif self.global_emb_integration_type == "concat": # concat hidden states with prosody embeds and then apply projection # (B, Tmax, ref_emb_dim) global_embs = global_embs.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, qs.size(1), -1) # (B, Tmax, D) res = self.prosody_projection([qs, global_embs], dim=-1)) else: raise NotImplementedError("support only add or concat.") return res class RefEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__( self, ref_enc_conv_layers: int = 2, ref_enc_conv_chans_list: Sequence[int] = (32, 32), ref_enc_conv_kernel_size: int = 3, ref_enc_conv_stride: int = 1, ref_enc_conv_padding: int = 1, ): """Initilize reference encoder module.""" assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() # check hyperparameters are valid assert ref_enc_conv_kernel_size % 2 == 1, "kernel size must be odd." assert ( len(ref_enc_conv_chans_list) == ref_enc_conv_layers ), "the number of conv layers and length of channels list must be the same." convs = [] for i in range(ref_enc_conv_layers): conv_in_chans = 1 if i == 0 else ref_enc_conv_chans_list[i - 1] conv_out_chans = ref_enc_conv_chans_list[i] convs += [ nn.Conv2d( conv_in_chans, conv_out_chans, kernel_size=ref_enc_conv_kernel_size, stride=ref_enc_conv_stride, padding=ref_enc_conv_padding, ), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ] self.convs = nn.Sequential(*convs) def forward(self, ys: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Calculate forward propagation. Args: ys (Tensor): Batch of padded target features (B, Lmax, odim). Returns: Tensor: Batch of spectrogram hiddens (B, L', ref_enc_output_units) """ B = ys.size(0) ys = ys.unsqueeze(1) # (B, 1, Lmax, odim) hs = self.convs(ys) # (B, conv_out_chans, L', odim') hs = hs.transpose(1, 2) # (B, L', conv_out_chans, odim') L = hs.size(1) # (B, L', ref_enc_output_units) -> "flatten" hs = hs.contiguous().view(B, L, -1) return hs class GlobalEncoder(nn.Module): """Module that creates a global embedding from a hidden spectrogram sequence. Args: """ def __init__( self, ref_enc_output_units: int, global_enc_gru_layers: int = 1, global_enc_gru_units: int = 32, ): super().__init__() self.gru = torch.nn.GRU(ref_enc_output_units, global_enc_gru_units, global_enc_gru_layers, batch_first=True) def forward( self, hs: torch.Tensor, ): """Calculate forward propagation. Args: hs (Tensor): Batch of spectrogram hiddens (B, L', ref_enc_output_units). Returns: Tensor: Reference embedding (B, ref_enc_gru_units). """ self.gru.flatten_parameters() _, global_embs = self.gru(hs) # (gru_layers, B, ref_enc_gru_units) global_embs = global_embs[-1] # (B, ref_enc_gru_units) return global_embs class FGEncoder(nn.Module): """Spectrogram to phoneme alignment module. Args: """ def __init__( self, input_units: int, hidden_dim: int = 3, ): assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() self.projection = nn.Sequential( nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(input_units, input_units // 2), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.2), ), nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(input_units // 2, hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(p=0.2), ) ) def forward( self, hs: torch.Tensor, ds: torch.Tensor, Lmax: int ): """Calculate forward propagation. Args: hs (Tensor): Batch of spectrogram hiddens (B, L', ref_enc_output_units + global_enc_gru_units). ds (LongTensor): Batch of padded durations (B, Tmax). Returns: Tensor: aligned spectrogram hiddens (B, Tmax, hidden_dim). """ # (B, Tmax, ref_enc_output_units + global_enc_gru_units) hs = self._align_durations(hs, ds, Lmax) hs = self.projection(hs) # (B, Tmax, hidden_dim) return hs def _align_durations(self, hs, ds, Lmax): """Transform the spectrogram hiddens according to the ground-truth durations so that there's only one hidden per phoneme hidden. Args: # (B, L', ref_enc_output_units + global_enc_gru_units) hs (Tensor): Batch of spectrogram hidden state sequences . ds (LongTensor): Batch of padded durations (B, Tmax) Returns: # (B, Tmax, ref_enc_output_units + global_enc_gru_units) Tensor: Batch of averaged spectrogram hidden state sequences. """ B = hs.size(0) L = hs.size(1) D = hs.size(2) Tmax = ds.size(1) # -1 if Tmax + 1 device = hs.device hs_res = torch.zeros( [B, Tmax, D], device=device ) # (B, Tmax, D) with torch.no_grad(): for b_i in range(B): durations = ds[b_i] multiplier = L / Lmax i = 0 for d_i in range(Tmax): # take into account downsampling because of conv layers d = max(math.floor(durations[d_i].item() * multiplier), 1) if durations[d_i].item() > 0: hs_slice = hs[b_i, i:i + d, :] # (d, D) hs_res[b_i, d_i, :] = torch.mean(hs_slice, 0) i += d hs_res.requires_grad_(hs.requires_grad) return hs_res class ARPrior(nn.Module): # torch.topk(decoder_output, beam_width) """Autoregressive prior. This module is inspired by the AR prior described in `Generating diverse and natural text-to-speech samples using a quantized fine-grained VAE and auto-regressive prosody prior`. This prior is fit in the continuous latent space. """ def __init__( self, adim: int, num_embeddings: int = 10, hidden_dim: int = 3, ): assert check_argument_types() super().__init__() # store hyperparameters self.adim = adim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.num_embeddings = num_embeddings self.qs_projection = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, adim) self.lstm = nn.LSTMCell( self.adim, self.num_embeddings, ) self.criterion = nn.NLLLoss() def inds_to_embs(self, inds, codebook, device): """Returns the quantized embeddings from the codebook, corresponding to the indices. Args: inds (Tensor): Batch of indices (B, Tmax, 1). codebook (Embedding): (num_embeddings, D). Returns: Tensor: Quantized embeddings (B, Tmax, D). """ flat_inds = torch.flatten(inds).unsqueeze(1) # (BL, 1) # Convert to one-hot encodings encoding_one_hot = torch.zeros( flat_inds.size(0), self.num_embeddings, device=device ) encoding_one_hot.scatter_(1, flat_inds, 1) # (BL, K) # Quantize the latents # (BL, D) quantized_embs = torch.matmul(encoding_one_hot, codebook.weight) # (B, L, D) quantized_embs = quantized_embs.view( inds.size(0), inds.size(1), self.hidden_dim ) return quantized_embs def top_embeddings(self, emb_scores: torch.Tensor, codebook): """Returns the top quantized embeddings from the codebook using the scores. Args: emb_scores (Tensor): Batch of embedding scores (B, Tmax, num_embeddings). codebook (Embedding): (num_embeddings, D). Returns: Tensor: Top quantized embeddings (B, Tmax, D). Tensor: Top 3 inds (B, Tmax, 3). """ _, top_inds = emb_scores.topk(1, dim=-1) # (B, L, 1) quantized_embs = self.inds_to_embs( top_inds, codebook, emb_scores.device, ) _, top3_inds = emb_scores.topk(3, dim=-1) # (B, L, 1) return quantized_embs, top3_inds def _forward(self, hs_ref_embs, codebook, fg_inds=None): inds = [] scores = [] embs = [] if fg_inds is not None: init_embs = self.inds_to_embs(fg_inds, codebook, hs_ref_embs.device) embs = [init_emb.unsqueeze(1) for init_emb in init_embs.transpose(1, 0)] start = fg_inds.size(1) if fg_inds is not None else 0 hidden = hs_ref_embs.new_zeros(hs_ref_embs.size(0), self.lstm.hidden_size) cell = hs_ref_embs.new_zeros(hs_ref_embs.size(0), self.lstm.hidden_size) for i in range(start, hs_ref_embs.size(1)): # (B, adim) input = hs_ref_embs[:, i] if i != 0: # (B, 1, adim) qs = self.qs_projection(embs[-1]) # (B, adim) input = hs_ref_embs[:, i] + qs.squeeze() hidden, cell = self.lstm(input, (hidden, cell)) # (B, K) out = hidden.unsqueeze(1) # (B, 1, K) # (B, 1, K) emb_scores = F.log_softmax(out, dim=2) quantized_embs, top_inds = self.top_embeddings(emb_scores, codebook) # (B, 1, hidden_dim) embs.append(quantized_embs) scores.append(emb_scores) inds.append(top_inds) out_embs =, dim=1) # (B, L, hidden_dim) assert(out_embs.size(0) == hs_ref_embs.size(0)) assert(out_embs.size(1) == hs_ref_embs.size(1)) out_emb_scores =, dim=1) if start < hs_ref_embs.size(1) else scores out_inds =, dim=1) if start < hs_ref_embs.size(1) else fg_inds return out_embs, out_emb_scores, out_inds def forward(self, hs_ref_embs, inds, codebook): """Calculate forward propagation. Args: hs_p_embs (Tensor): Batch of phoneme embeddings with integrated global prosody embeddings (B, Tmax, D). inds (Tensor): Batch of ground-truth codebook indices (B, Tmax). Returns: Tensor: Batch of predicted quantized latents (B, Tmax, D). Tensor: Cross entropy loss value. """ quantized_embs, emb_scores, _ = self._forward(hs_ref_embs, codebook) emb_scores = emb_scores.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() # (B, num_embeddings, L) loss = self.criterion(emb_scores, inds) return quantized_embs, loss def inference(self, hs_ref_embs, fg_inds, codebook): """Inference duration. Args: hs_p_embs (Tensor): Batch of phoneme embeddings with integrated global prosody embeddings (B, Tmax, D). Returns: Tensor: Batch of predicted quantized latents (B, Tmax, D). """ # Random sampling # fg_inds = torch.rand(hs_ref_embs.size(0), hs_ref_embs.size(1)) # fg_inds *= codebook.weight.size(0) - 1 # fg_inds = torch.round(fg_inds) # fg_inds = fg_inds.long() quantized_embs, _, top_inds = self._forward(hs_ref_embs, codebook, fg_inds) return quantized_embs, top_inds