cryptocalypse's picture
book of souls arab
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import gradio as gr
import torah
import bible
import quran
from utils import number_to_ordinal_word, custom_normalize, date_to_words, translate_date_to_words
from gematria import calculate_gematria, strip_diacritics
import pandas as pd
from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
from gradio_calendar import Calendar
from datetime import datetime
import math
import json
import re
def create_language_dropdown(label, default_value='en', show_label=True):
"""Creates a Gradio dropdown menu for language selection."""
languages = GoogleTranslator(source='en', target='en').get_supported_languages(as_dict=True)
return gr.Dropdown(
def calculate_gematria_sum(text, date_words):
"""Calculates the Gematria sum for a text and date words."""
if text and date_words: # Only calculate if both inputs are provided
combined_input = f"{text} {date_words}""Combined input for Gematria: {combined_input}")
sum_value = calculate_gematria(strip_diacritics(combined_input))"Gematria sum: {sum_value}")
return sum_value
return None
def perform_els_search(step, rounds_combination, tlang, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk, merge_results, include_torah, include_bible, include_quran): # Removed start and end parameters
"""Performs the Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) search based on the selected scriptures.""""Starting ELS search...")
if step == 0 or rounds_combination == "0,0":"Cant search with step 0 or rounds_combination 0,0")
return None
torah_results = []
bible_results = []
quran_results = []
if include_torah:
torah_results.extend(torah.process_json_files(1, 39, step, rounds_combination, 0, tlang, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics)) # Torah books 1-39
if include_bible:
bible_results.extend(bible.process_json_files(40, 66, step, rounds_combination, 0, tlang, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics)) # Bible books 40-66
if include_quran:
quran_results.extend(quran.process_json_files(1, 114, step, rounds_combination, 0, tlang, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics)) # Quran books 1-114
# Merge results based on merge_results flag
if merge_results:
results = []
max_length = max(len(torah_results), len(bible_results), len(quran_results))
for i in range(max_length):
if i < len(torah_results):
if i < len(bible_results):
if i < len(quran_results):
results = torah_results + bible_results + quran_results
df = pd.DataFrame(results)
df.index = range(1, len(df) + 1)
df.rename(columns={'index': 'Result Number'}, inplace=True)"ELS search results: {df}")
return df
def generate_json_dump(start, end, step, rounds_combination, tlang, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk, search_phrase, results_df):
"""Generates the JSON dump with both configuration and results."""
config = {
"Start Book": start,
"End Book": end,
"Step": step,
"Rounds": rounds_combination,
"Target Language": tlang,
"Strip Spaces": strip_spaces,
"Strip Text in Braces": strip_in_braces,
"Strip Diacritics": strip_diacritics_chk,
"Search Phrase": search_phrase
result = {
"Configuration": config,
"Results": json.loads(results_df.to_json(orient='records', force_ascii=False))
}"Generated JSON dump: {result}")
return json.dumps(result, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
def download_json_file(config_json, step, rounds_combination, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk):
"""Downloads the JSON config file with a descriptive name."""
filename_suffix = ""
if strip_spaces:
filename_suffix += "-stSp"
if strip_in_braces:
filename_suffix += "-stBr"
if strip_diacritics_chk:
filename_suffix += "-stDc"
file_path = f"step-{step}-rounds-{rounds_combination}{filename_suffix}.json" # Include rounds in filename
with open(file_path, "w", encoding='utf-8') as file:
file.write(config_json)"Downloaded JSON file to: {file_path}")
return file_path
# --- Load Forbidden Names ---
def load_forbidden_names(filename="c.txt"):
"""Loads forbidden names from the specified file."""
with open(filename, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
forbidden_names = [line.strip() for line in f]
return forbidden_names
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Error: Forbidden names file '{filename}' not found.")
return []
# --- Name Similarity Check ---
def check_name_similarity(name, forbidden_names, threshold=80):
"""Checks if a name is similar to any forbidden name."""
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
for forbidden_name in forbidden_names:
similarity_ratio = fuzz.ratio(name.lower(), forbidden_name.lower())
if similarity_ratio >= threshold:"Forbidden word {forbidden_name} detected in: {name}")
return True
return False
# --- UI Components ---
with gr.Blocks() as app:
with gr.Row():
tlang = create_language_dropdown("Target Language for Translation", default_value='english')
selected_date = Calendar(type="datetime", label="Date to investigate (optional)", info="Pick a date from the calendar")
date_language_input = create_language_dropdown("Language of the person/topic (optional) (Date Word Language)", default_value='english')
date_words_output = gr.Textbox(label="Date in Words Translated (optional)")
with gr.Row():
gematria_text = gr.Textbox(label="Name and/or Topic (required)", value="Hans Albert Einstein")
gematria_result = gr.Number(label="Journal Sum")
with gr.Row():
#start = gr.Number(label="Start Book", value=1)
#end = gr.Number(label="End Book", value=180)
step = gr.Number(label="Jump Width (Steps) for ELS")
#rounds = gr.Number(label="Rounds through Books", value=1)
float_step = gr.Number(visible=False, value=1) # For half/double step calculations
half_step_btn = gr.Button("Steps / 2")
double_step_btn = gr.Button("Steps * 2")
with gr.Column():
round_x = gr.Number(label="Round (1)", value=1)
round_y = gr.Number(label="Round (2)", value=-1)
#average_combine_chk = gr.Checkbox(label="Average-Combine Combined Rounds (hacky)", value=False)
#mirror_book_numbers = gr.Checkbox(label="Mirror book numbers for negative rounds (axis=book 20)", value=False)
rounds_combination = gr.Textbox(label="Combined Rounds", value="1,-1")
with gr.Row():
include_torah_chk = gr.Checkbox(label="Include Torah", value=True)
include_bible_chk = gr.Checkbox(label="Include Bible", value=True)
include_quran_chk = gr.Checkbox(label="Include Quran", value=True)
merge_results_chk = gr.Checkbox(label="Merge Results (Torah-Bible-Quran)", value=True)
strip_spaces = gr.Checkbox(label="Strip Spaces from Books", value=True)
strip_in_braces = gr.Checkbox(label="Strip Text in Braces from Books", value=True)
strip_diacritics_chk = gr.Checkbox(label="Strip Diacritics from Books", value=True)
acknowledgment_chk = gr.Checkbox(
label="The User of this App or this Api acknowledges that the results may be prone to bugs or translation errors. The User hereby accepts that the User will not harm or stalk anyone with this information, or bet on any of this information, in any regards.", # Add your full disclaimer here
translate_btn = gr.Button("Search with ELS")
markdown_output = gr.Dataframe()
json_output = gr.Textbox(label="JSON Configuration Output")
json_download_btn = gr.Button("Prepare .json for Download")
json_file = gr.File(label="Download Config JSON", file_count="single")
# --- Load Forbidden Names ---
forbidden_names = load_forbidden_names()
# --- Event Handlers ---
def update_date_words(selected_date, date_language_input):
"""Automatically updates the date words when the date or language changes."""
return translate_date_to_words(selected_date, date_language_input)
def update_journal_sum(gematria_text, date_words_output):
"""Automatically updates the journal sum when the text or date words change."""
return calculate_journal_sum(gematria_text, date_words_output)
def update_rounds_combination(round_x, round_y):
"""Updates the rounds_combination textbox based on round_x and round_y."""
return f"{int(round_x)},{int(round_y)}"
def calculate_journal_sum(text, date_words):
"""Calculates the journal sum and updates the step value."""
if check_name_similarity(text, forbidden_names):
return 0, 0, 0 # Raise an error if the name is forbidden
if check_name_similarity(date_words, forbidden_names):
return 0, 0, 0 # Raise an error if the name is forbidden
sum_value = calculate_gematria_sum(text, date_words)
return sum_value, sum_value, sum_value # Returning the same value three times
def update_step_half(float_step):
"""Updates the step value to half."""
new_step = math.ceil(float_step / 2)
return new_step, float_step / 2
def update_step_double(float_step):
"""Updates the step value to double."""
new_step = math.ceil(float_step * 2)
return new_step, float_step * 2
# Update rounds_combination when round_x or round_y changes
round_x.change(update_rounds_combination, inputs=[round_x, round_y], outputs=rounds_combination)
round_y.change(update_rounds_combination, inputs=[round_x, round_y], outputs=rounds_combination)
# Trigger date word calculation on date or language change
selected_date.change(update_date_words, inputs=[selected_date, date_language_input], outputs=[date_words_output])
date_language_input.change(update_date_words, inputs=[selected_date, date_language_input], outputs=[date_words_output])
# Trigger journal sum calculation on text or date word change
gematria_text.change(update_journal_sum, inputs=[gematria_text, date_words_output], outputs=[gematria_result, step, float_step]) # Add float_step here
date_words_output.change(update_journal_sum, inputs=[gematria_text, date_words_output], outputs=[gematria_result, step, float_step]) # Add float_step here
def handle_json_download(config_json, step, rounds_combination, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk):
"""Handles the download of the JSON config file."""
return download_json_file(config_json, step, rounds_combination, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk)
def perform_search_and_create_json(step, rounds_combination, tlang, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk, gematria_text, date_words_output, merge_results, include_torah, include_bible, include_quran):
"""Performs the ELS search, creates the JSON config, and displays the results."""
df = perform_els_search(step, rounds_combination, tlang, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk, merge_results, include_torah, include_bible, include_quran) # Removed start, end arguments
search_phrase = f"{date_words_output} {gematria_text}"
config_json = generate_json_dump(1, 180, step, rounds_combination, tlang, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk, search_phrase, df) # Use dummy values for start and end for JSON dump
return config_json, df
outputs=[step, float_step]
outputs=[step, float_step]
inputs=[step, rounds_combination, tlang, strip_spaces,
strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk, gematria_text, date_words_output,
merge_results_chk, include_torah_chk, include_bible_chk, include_quran_chk],
outputs=[json_output, markdown_output]
inputs=[json_output, step, rounds_combination, strip_spaces, strip_in_braces, strip_diacritics_chk], # Pass rounds to download function
inputs=[selected_date, date_language_input],
inputs=[gematria_text, date_words_output],
outputs=[gematria_result, step, float_step]
if __name__ == "__main__":