import glob import os from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from PIL import Image from torchvision import transforms from tqdm import tqdm import joblib from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from .load_u2net import load_cloth_segm_model from .utils import NormalizeImage, naive_cutout, resize_by_bigger_index, image_resize def segment_garment(inputs_dir, outputs_dir, cls="all"): os.makedirs(outputs_dir, exist_ok=True) device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') transform_fn = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), NormalizeImage(0.5, 0.5)] ) # load model from huggingface file_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="tryonlabs/u2net-cloth-segmentation", filename="u2net_cloth_segm.pth") print("model loaded from huggingface:", file_path) net = load_cloth_segm_model(device, file_path, in_ch=3, out_ch=4) images_list = sorted(os.listdir(inputs_dir)) pbar = tqdm(total=len(images_list)) for image_name in images_list: img =, image_name)).convert('RGB') img_size = img.size img = img.resize((768, 768), Image.BICUBIC) image_tensor = transform_fn(img) image_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(image_tensor, 0) with torch.no_grad(): output_tensor = net( output_tensor = F.log_softmax(output_tensor[0], dim=1) output_tensor = torch.max(output_tensor, dim=1, keepdim=True)[1] output_tensor = torch.squeeze(output_tensor, dim=0) output_arr = output_tensor.cpu().numpy() if cls == "all": classes_to_save = [] # Check which classes are present in the image for cls in range(1, 4): # Exclude background class (0) if np.any(output_arr == cls): classes_to_save.append(cls) elif cls == "upper": classes_to_save = [1] elif cls == "lower": classes_to_save = [2] elif cls == "dress": classes_to_save = [3] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown cls: {cls}") for cls1 in classes_to_save: alpha_mask = (output_arr == cls1).astype(np.uint8) * 255 alpha_mask = alpha_mask[0] # Selecting the first channel to make it 2D alpha_mask_img = Image.fromarray(alpha_mask, mode='L') alpha_mask_img = alpha_mask_img.resize(img_size, Image.BICUBIC), f'{image_name.split(".")[0]}_{cls1}.jpg')) pbar.update(1) pbar.close() def extract_garment(inputs_dir, outputs_dir, cls="all", resize_to_width=None): os.makedirs(outputs_dir, exist_ok=True) cloth_mask_dir = os.path.join(Path(outputs_dir).parent.absolute(), "cloth-mask") os.makedirs(cloth_mask_dir, exist_ok=True) segment_garment(inputs_dir, os.path.join(Path(outputs_dir).parent.absolute(), "cloth-mask"), cls=cls) images_path = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(inputs_dir, "*"))) masks_path = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(cloth_mask_dir, "*"))) img =[0]) for mask_path in masks_path: mask = cutout = np.array(naive_cutout(img, mask)) cutout = resize_by_bigger_index(cutout) canvas = np.ones((1024, 768, 3), np.uint8) * 255 y1, y2 = (canvas.shape[0] - cutout.shape[0]) // 2, (canvas.shape[0] + cutout.shape[0]) // 2 x1, x2 = (canvas.shape[1] - cutout.shape[1]) // 2, (canvas.shape[1] + cutout.shape[1]) // 2 alpha_s = cutout[:, :, 3] / 255.0 alpha_l = 1.0 - alpha_s for c in range(0, 3): canvas[y1:y2, x1:x2, c] = (alpha_s * cutout[:, :, c] + alpha_l * canvas[y1:y2, x1:x2, c]) # resize image before saving if resize_to_width: canvas = image_resize(canvas, width=resize_to_width) canvas = Image.fromarray(canvas), f"{os.path.basename(mask_path).split('.')[0]}.jpg"), format='JPEG')