#!/bin/sh |
printf "\033]0;Installer\007" |
clear |
rm *.bat |
prepare_install() { |
if [ -d ".venv" ]; then |
echo "Venv found. This implies Applio has been already installed or this is a broken install" |
printf "Do you want to execute run-applio.sh? (Y/N): " >&2 |
read -r r |
r=$(echo "$r" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') |
if [ "$r" = "y" ]; then |
./run-applio.sh && exit 1 |
else |
echo "Ok! The installation will continue. Good luck!" |
fi |
. .venv/bin/activate |
else |
echo "Creating venv..." |
requirements_file="requirements.txt" |
echo "Checking if python exists" |
if command -v python3.10 > /dev/null 2>&1; then |
py=$(which python3.10) |
echo "Using python3.10" |
else |
if python --version | grep -qE "3\.(7|8|9|10)\."; then |
py=$(which python) |
echo "Using python" |
else |
echo "Please install Python3 or 3.10 manually." |
exit 1 |
fi |
fi |
$py -m venv .venv |
. .venv/bin/activate |
echo "Installing pip version less than 24.1..." |
python -m pip install "pip<24.1" |
echo |
echo "Installing Applio dependencies..." |
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt |
python -m pip uninstall torch torchvision torchaudio -y |
python -m pip install torch==2.1.1 torchvision==0.16.1 torchaudio==2.1.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121 |
finish |
fi |
} |
finish() { |
if [ -f "${requirements_file}" ]; then |
installed_packages=$(python -m pip freeze) |
while IFS= read -r package; do |
expr "${package}" : "^#.*" > /dev/null && continue |
package_name=$(echo "${package}" | sed 's/[<>=!].*//') |
if ! echo "${installed_packages}" | grep -q "${package_name}"; then |
echo "${package_name} not found. Attempting to install..." |
python -m pip install --upgrade "${package}" |
fi |
done < "${requirements_file}" |
else |
echo "${requirements_file} not found. Please ensure the requirements file with required packages exists." |
exit 1 |
fi |
clear |
echo "Applio has been successfully downloaded. Run the file run-applio.sh to run the web interface!" |
exit 0 |
} |
if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then |
if ! command -v brew >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" |
else |
brew install [email protected] |
fi |
elif [ "$(uname)" != "Linux" ]; then |
echo "Unsupported operating system. Are you using Windows...?" |
echo "If yes, use the batch (.bat) file instead of this one!" |
exit 1 |
fi |
prepare_install |