import os | |
import os.path as osp | |
from glob import glob | |
import numpy as np | |
from config.config import cfg | |
import copy | |
import json | |
import pickle | |
import cv2 | |
import torch | |
from pycocotools.coco import COCO | |
from util.human_models import smpl_x | |
from util.preprocessing import load_img, sanitize_bbox, process_bbox,augmentation_keep_size, load_ply, load_obj | |
from util.transforms import rigid_align, rigid_align_batch | |
import tqdm | |
import random | |
from util.formatting import DefaultFormatBundle | |
from import Normalize | |
from humandata import HumanDataset | |
from detrsmpl.utils.demo_utils import xywh2xyxy, xyxy2xywh, box2cs | |
from detrsmpl.core.conventions.keypoints_mapping import convert_kps | |
import mmcv | |
import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
from detrsmpl.core.visualization.visualize_keypoints2d import visualize_kp2d | |
from detrsmpl.core.visualization.visualize_smpl import visualize_smpl_hmr,render_smpl | |
from detrsmpl.models.body_models.builder import build_body_model | |
from detrsmpl.core.visualization.visualize_keypoints3d import visualize_kp3d | |
from import MultiHumanData | |
from detrsmpl.utils.ffmpeg_utils import video_to_images | |
from mmcv.runner import get_dist_info | |
from config.config import cfg | |
import torch.distributed as dist | |
import shutil | |
class INFERENCE( | |
def __init__(self, img_dir=None,out_path=None): | |
self.output_path = out_path | |
self.img_dir = img_dir | |
self.is_vid = False | |
# can you change isfile to decide if it is mp4 | |
rank, _ = get_dist_info() | |
if self.img_dir.endswith('.mp4'): | |
self.is_vid = True | |
img_name = self.img_dir.split('/')[-1][:-4] | |
# self.img_dir = self.img_dir[:-4] | |
else: | |
img_name = self.img_dir.split('/')[-1] | |
self.img_name = img_name+'_out' | |
self.output_path = os.path.join(self.output_path,self.img_name) | |
os.makedirs(self.output_path, exist_ok=True) | |
self.tmp_dir = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'temp_img') | |
os.makedirs(self.tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
self.result_img_dir = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'res_img') | |
if not self.is_vid: | |
if rank == 0: | |
image_files = sorted(glob(self.img_dir + '/*.jpg') + glob(self.img_dir + '/*.png')) | |
for i, image_file in enumerate(image_files): | |
new_name = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, '%06d.png'%i) | |
shutil.copy(image_file, new_name) | |
dist.barrier() | |
else: | |
if rank == 0: | |
video_to_images(self.img_dir, self.tmp_dir) | |
dist.barrier() | |
self.img_paths = sorted(glob(self.tmp_dir+'/*',recursive=True)) | |
self.score_threshold = 0.2 | |
self.resolution = [720 ,1280] # AGORA test | |
# self.resolution = [1200, 1600] # EHF | |
# self.img_paths = sorted(glob(self.img_dir,recursive=True)) | |
self.format = DefaultFormatBundle() | |
self.normalize = Normalize(mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) | |
def __len__(self): | |
return len(self.img_paths) | |
def __getitem__(self, idx): | |
img = load_img(self.img_paths[idx],'BGR') | |
img_whole_bbox = np.array([0, 0, img.shape[1],img.shape[0]]) | |
img, img2bb_trans, bb2img_trans, _, _ = \ | |
augmentation_keep_size(img, img_whole_bbox, 'test') | |
cropped_img_shape=img.shape[:2] | |
img = (img.astype(np.float32)) | |
inputs = {'img': img} | |
targets = { | |
'body_bbox_center': np.array(img_whole_bbox[None]), | |
'body_bbox_size': np.array(img_whole_bbox[None])} | |
meta_info = { | |
'ori_shape':np.array(self.resolution), | |
'img_shape': np.array(img.shape[:2]), | |
'img2bb_trans': img2bb_trans, | |
'bb2img_trans': bb2img_trans, | |
'ann_idx': idx} | |
result = {**inputs, **targets, **meta_info} | |
result = self.normalize(result) | |
result = self.format(result) | |
return result | |
def inference(self, outs): | |
img_paths = self.img_paths | |
sample_num = len(outs) | |
output = {} | |
for out in outs: | |
ann_idx = out['image_idx'] | |
img_cropped = mmcv.imdenormalize( | |
img=(out['img'].cpu().numpy()).transpose(1, 2, 0), | |
mean=np.array([123.675, 116.28, 103.53]), | |
std=np.array([58.395, 57.12, 57.375]), | |
to_bgr=True).astype(np.uint8) | |
# bb2img_trans = out['bb2img_trans'] | |
# img2bb_trans = out['img2bb_trans'] | |
scores = out['scores'].clone().cpu().numpy() | |
img_shape = out['img_shape'].cpu().numpy()[::-1] # w, h | |
width,height = img_shape | |
width += width % 2 | |
height += height % 2 | |
img_shape = np.array([width, height]) | |
img = cv2.imread(img_paths[ann_idx]) # h, w | |
joint_proj = out['smplx_joint_proj'].clone().cpu().numpy() | |
joint_vis = out['smplx_joint_proj'].clone().cpu().numpy() | |
joint_coco = out['keypoints_coco'].clone().cpu().numpy() | |
joint_coco_raw = joint_coco.copy() | |
smpl_kp3d_coco, _ = convert_kps(out['smpl_kp3d'].clone().cpu().numpy(),src='smplx',dst='coco', approximate=True) | |
body_bbox = out['body_bbox'].clone().cpu().numpy() | |
lhand_bbox = out['lhand_bbox'].clone().cpu().numpy() | |
rhand_bbox = out['rhand_bbox'].clone().cpu().numpy() | |
face_bbox = out['face_bbox'].clone().cpu().numpy() | |
if self.resolution == [720, 1280]: | |
joint_proj[:, :, 0] = joint_proj[:, :, 0] / img_shape[0] * 3840 | |
joint_proj[:, :, 1] = joint_proj[:, :, 1] / img_shape[1] * 2160 | |
joint_vis[:, :, 0] = joint_vis[:, :, 0] / img_shape[0] * img.shape[1] | |
joint_vis[:, :, 1] = joint_vis[:, :, 1]/ img_shape[1] * img.shape[0] | |
joint_coco[:, :, 0] = joint_coco[:, :, 0] / img_shape[0] * img.shape[1] | |
joint_coco[:, :, 1] = joint_coco[:, :, 1]/ img_shape[1] * img.shape[0] | |
scale = np.array([ | |
img.shape[1]/img_shape[0], | |
img.shape[1]/img_shape[0], | |
img.shape[1]/img_shape[0], | |
img.shape[1]/img_shape[0], | |
]) | |
body_bbox_raw = body_bbox.copy() | |
body_bbox = body_bbox * scale | |
lhand_bbox = lhand_bbox * scale | |
rhand_bbox = rhand_bbox * scale | |
face_bbox = face_bbox * scale | |
elif self.resolution == [1200, 1600]: | |
joint_proj[:, :, 0] = joint_proj[:, :, 0] * (1200 / 800) | |
joint_proj[:, :, 1] = joint_proj[:, :, 1] * (1600 / 1066) | |
joint_vis[:, :, 0] = joint_vis[:, :, 0] * (1200 / 800) | |
joint_vis[:, :, 1] = joint_vis[:, :, 1] * (1600 / 1066) | |
scale = np.array([1600/1066, 1200/800, 1600/1066, 1200/800])[None] | |
body_bbox = body_bbox * scale | |
lhand_bbox = lhand_bbox * scale | |
rhand_bbox = rhand_bbox * scale | |
face_bbox = face_bbox * scale | |
for i, score in enumerate(scores): | |
if score < self.score_threshold: | |
break | |
save_name = img_paths[ann_idx].split('/')[-1][:-4] # if not crop should be -4 | |
if self.resolution == (2160, 3840): | |
save_name = save_name.split('_ann_id')[0] | |
else: | |
save_name = save_name.split('_1280x720')[0] | |
save_dict = { | |
'params': { | |
'transl': out['cam_trans'][i].reshape(1, -1).cpu().numpy(), | |
'global_orient': out['smplx_root_pose'][i].reshape(1, -1).cpu().numpy(), | |
'body_pose': out['smplx_body_pose'][i].reshape(1, -1).cpu().numpy(), | |
'left_hand_pose': out['smplx_lhand_pose'][i].reshape(1, -1).cpu().numpy(), | |
'right_hand_pose': out['smplx_rhand_pose'][i].reshape(1, -1).cpu().numpy(), | |
'reye_pose': np.zeros((1, 3)), | |
'leye_pose': np.zeros((1, 3)), | |
'jaw_pose': out['smplx_jaw_pose'][i].reshape(1, -1).cpu().numpy(), | |
'expression': out['smplx_expr'][i].reshape(1, -1).cpu().numpy(), | |
'betas': out['smplx_shape'][i].reshape(1, -1).cpu().numpy()}, | |
'joints': joint_proj[i].reshape(1, -1, 2)[0,:24]} | |
# save | |
exist_result_path = glob(osp.join(self.output_path, 'predictions', save_name + '*')) | |
if len(exist_result_path) == 0: | |
person_idx = 0 | |
else: | |
last_person_idx = max([ | |
int(name.split('personId_')[1].split('.pkl')[0]) | |
for name in exist_result_path | |
]) | |
person_idx = last_person_idx + 1 | |
save_name += '_personId_' + str(person_idx) + '.pkl' | |
os.makedirs(osp.join(self.output_path, 'predictions'), exist_ok=True) | |
with open(osp.join(self.output_path, 'predictions', save_name),'wb') as f: | |
pickle.dump(save_dict, f) | |
# mesh | |
# bbox | |
if i == 0: | |
save_name = img_paths[ann_idx].split('/')[-1][:-4] | |
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.result_img_dir,img_paths[ann_idx].split('/')[-1]), img) | |
else: | |
# dump bbox | |
body_xywh = xyxy2xywh(body_bbox[:i]) | |
score = scores[:i] | |
out_value = [{'bbox': b, 'score': s} for b, s in zip(body_xywh, score)] | |
out_key = img_paths[ann_idx].split('/')[-1] | |
output.update({out_key: out_value}) | |
# show bbox | |
img = mmcv.imshow_bboxes(img, body_bbox[:i], show=False, colors='green') | |
img = mmcv.imshow_bboxes(img, lhand_bbox[:i], show=False, colors='blue') | |
img = mmcv.imshow_bboxes(img, rhand_bbox[:i], show=False, colors='yellow') | |
img = mmcv.imshow_bboxes(img, face_bbox[:i], show=False, colors='red') | |
verts = out['smpl_verts'][:i] + out['cam_trans'][:i][:, None] | |
body_model_cfg = dict( | |
type='smplx', | |
keypoint_src='smplx', | |
num_expression_coeffs=10, | |
num_betas=10, | |
gender='neutral', | |
keypoint_dst='smplx_137', | |
model_path='data/body_models/smplx', | |
use_pca=False, | |
use_face_contour=True) | |
body_model = build_body_model(body_model_cfg).to('cuda') | |
# for n, v in enumerate(verts): | |
# save_obj( | |
# osp.join(self.out_path, 'vis', img_paths[ann_idx].split('/')[-1].rjust(5+4,'0')).replace('.jpg',f'_{n}_.obj'), | |
# verts = v, | |
# faces=torch.tensor(body_model.faces.astype(np.int32)) | |
# ) | |
# print(osp.join(self.out_path, 'vis', img_paths[ann_idx].split('/')[-1])) | |
render_smpl( | |
verts=verts[None], | |
body_model=body_model, | |
# K= np.array( | |
# [[img_shape[0]/2, 0, img_shape[0]/2], | |
# [0, img_shape[0]/2, img_shape[1]/2], | |
# [0, 0, 1]]), | |
K= np.array( | |
[[5000, 0, img_shape[0]/2], | |
[0, 5000, img_shape[1]/2], | |
[0, 0, 1]]), | |
R=None, | |
T=None, | |
# output_path=osp.join(self.out_path, 'vis', img_paths[ann_idx].split('/')[-1].rjust(5+4,'0')), | |
output_path=os.path.join(self.result_img_dir,img_paths[ann_idx].split('/')[-1]), | |
image_array=cv2.resize(img, (img_shape[0],img_shape[1]), cv2.INTER_CUBIC), | |
in_ndc=False, | |
alpha=0.9, | |
convention='opencv', | |
projection='perspective', | |
overwrite=True, | |
no_grad=True, | |
device='cuda', | |
resolution=[img_shape[0],img_shape[1]], | |
render_choice='hq', | |
) | |
return output | |