AiOS / mmcv /tests /test_device /test_ipu /
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
import pytest
import torch.nn as nn
import mmcv
from mmcv.utils import IS_IPU_AVAILABLE
from poptorch.options import _IExecutionStrategy
from mmcv.device.ipu import cfg2options
from mmcv.device.ipu.utils import (build_from_cfg_with_wrapper,
skip_no_ipu = pytest.mark.skipif(
not IS_IPU_AVAILABLE, reason='test case under ipu environment')
class ToyModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(3, 3, 1) = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
self.relu = nn.ReLU6()
def test_build_from_cfg():
BACKBONES = mmcv.Registry('backbone')
class ResNet:
def __init__(self, depth, stages=4):
self.depth = depth
self.stages = stages
class ResNeXt:
def __init__(self, depth, stages=4):
self.depth = depth
self.stages = stages
cfg = dict(type='ResNet', depth=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES)
assert isinstance(model, ResNet)
assert model.depth == 50 and model.stages == 4
cfg = dict(type='ResNet', depth=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(
cfg, BACKBONES, default_args={'stages': 3})
assert isinstance(model, ResNet)
assert model.depth == 50 and model.stages == 3
cfg = dict(type='ResNeXt', depth=50, stages=3)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES)
assert isinstance(model, ResNeXt)
assert model.depth == 50 and model.stages == 3
cfg = dict(type=ResNet, depth=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES)
assert isinstance(model, ResNet)
assert model.depth == 50 and model.stages == 4
# type defined using default_args
cfg = dict(depth=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(
cfg, BACKBONES, default_args=dict(type='ResNet'))
assert isinstance(model, ResNet)
assert model.depth == 50 and model.stages == 4
cfg = dict(depth=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(
cfg, BACKBONES, default_args=dict(type=ResNet))
assert isinstance(model, ResNet)
assert model.depth == 50 and model.stages == 4
# not a registry
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cfg = dict(type='VGG')
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, 'BACKBONES')
# non-registered class
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
cfg = dict(type='VGG')
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES)
# default_args must be a dict or None
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cfg = dict(type='ResNet', depth=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES, default_args=1)
# cfg['type'] should be a str or class
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cfg = dict(type=1000)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES)
# cfg should contain the key "type"
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='must contain the key "type"'):
cfg = dict(depth=50, stages=4)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES)
# cfg or default_args should contain the key "type"
with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='must contain the key "type"'):
cfg = dict(depth=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(
cfg, BACKBONES, default_args=dict(stages=4))
# incorrect registry type
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cfg = dict(type='ResNet', depth=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, 'BACKBONES')
# incorrect default_args type
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cfg = dict(type='ResNet', depth=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES, default_args=0)
# incorrect arguments
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cfg = dict(type='ResNet', non_existing_arg=50)
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES)
# cfg not dict
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cfg = []
model = build_from_cfg_with_wrapper(cfg, BACKBONES)
def test_cast_to_options():
options_cfg = dict(
availableMemoryProportion=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3],
eval_cfg=dict(deviceIterations=1, ),
ipu_options = cfg2options(copy.deepcopy(options_cfg))
assert 'training' in ipu_options
assert 'inference' in ipu_options
assert ipu_options['training']._values['random_seed'] == 888
assert ipu_options['training']._values['replication_factor'] == 1
assert ipu_options['training']._values['available_memory_proportion'] == {
0: 0.3,
1: 0.3,
2: 0.3,
3: 0.3
assert ipu_options['training']._popart.options[
'cachePath'] == 'cache_engine'
assert isinstance(ipu_options['training']._execution_strategy,
assert ipu_options['inference']._values['device_iterations'] == 1
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match='cfg type'):
_options_cfg = copy.deepcopy(options_cfg)
_options_cfg['randomSeed'] = (1, 3)
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match='options_node type'):
_options_cfg = copy.deepcopy(options_cfg)
_options_cfg['train_cfg']['Precision'] = {'autocast_policy': 123}
def test_model_sharding():
model = ToyModel()
split_edges = [dict(layer_to_call='666', ipu_id=0)]
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='split_edges:'):
model_sharding(model, split_edges)
model = ToyModel()
split_edges = [
dict(layer_to_call='conv', ipu_id=0),
dict(layer_to_call=1, ipu_id=0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='The same layer is referenced'):
model_sharding(model, split_edges)
model = ToyModel()
split_edges = [dict(layer_to_call='conv', ipu_id=0)]
model_sharding(model, split_edges)