AiOS / mmcv /tests /test_ops /
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
pytest tests/
import math
import pytest
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmcv.ops.merge_cells import (BaseMergeCell, ConcatCell, GlobalPoolingCell,
# All size (14, 7) below is to test the situation that
# the input size can't be divisible by the target size.
'inputs_x, inputs_y',
[(torch.randn([2, 256, 16, 16]), torch.randn([2, 256, 32, 32])),
(torch.randn([2, 256, 14, 7]), torch.randn([2, 256, 32, 32]))])
def test_sum_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y):
sum_cell = SumCell(256, 256)
output = sum_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y, out_size=inputs_x.shape[-2:])
assert output.size() == inputs_x.size()
output = sum_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y, out_size=inputs_y.shape[-2:])
assert output.size() == inputs_y.size()
output = sum_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y)
assert output.size() == inputs_y.size()
'inputs_x, inputs_y',
[(torch.randn([2, 256, 16, 16]), torch.randn([2, 256, 32, 32])),
(torch.randn([2, 256, 14, 7]), torch.randn([2, 256, 32, 32]))])
def test_concat_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y):
concat_cell = ConcatCell(256, 256)
output = concat_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y, out_size=inputs_x.shape[-2:])
assert output.size() == inputs_x.size()
output = concat_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y, out_size=inputs_y.shape[-2:])
assert output.size() == inputs_y.size()
output = concat_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y)
assert output.size() == inputs_y.size()
'inputs_x, inputs_y',
[(torch.randn([2, 256, 16, 16]), torch.randn([2, 256, 32, 32])),
(torch.randn([2, 256, 14, 7]), torch.randn([2, 256, 32, 32]))])
def test_global_pool_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y):
gp_cell = GlobalPoolingCell(with_out_conv=False)
gp_cell_out = gp_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y, out_size=inputs_x.shape[-2:])
assert (gp_cell_out.size() == inputs_x.size())
gp_cell = GlobalPoolingCell(256, 256)
gp_cell_out = gp_cell(inputs_x, inputs_y, out_size=inputs_x.shape[-2:])
assert (gp_cell_out.size() == inputs_x.size())
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target_size', [(256, 256), (128, 128), (64, 64),
(14, 7)])
def test_resize_methods(target_size):
inputs_x = torch.randn([2, 256, 128, 128])
h, w = inputs_x.shape[-2:]
target_h, target_w = target_size
if (h <= target_h) or w <= target_w:
rs_mode = 'upsample'
rs_mode = 'downsample'
if rs_mode == 'upsample':
upsample_methods_list = ['nearest', 'bilinear']
for method in upsample_methods_list:
merge_cell = BaseMergeCell(upsample_mode=method)
merge_cell_out = merge_cell._resize(inputs_x, target_size)
gt_out = F.interpolate(inputs_x, size=target_size, mode=method)
assert merge_cell_out.equal(gt_out)
elif rs_mode == 'downsample':
merge_cell = BaseMergeCell()
merge_cell_out = merge_cell._resize(inputs_x, target_size)
if h % target_h != 0 or w % target_w != 0:
pad_h = math.ceil(h / target_h) * target_h - h
pad_w = math.ceil(w / target_w) * target_w - w
pad_l = pad_w // 2
pad_r = pad_w - pad_l
pad_t = pad_h // 2
pad_b = pad_h - pad_t
pad = (pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b)
inputs_x = F.pad(inputs_x, pad, mode='constant', value=0.0)
kernel_size = (inputs_x.shape[-2] // target_h,
inputs_x.shape[-1] // target_w)
gt_out = F.max_pool2d(
inputs_x, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=kernel_size)
print(merge_cell_out.shape, gt_out.shape)
assert (merge_cell_out == gt_out).all()
assert merge_cell_out.shape[-2:] == target_size