* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const React = require('react');
const CompLibrary = require('../../core/CompLibrary.js');
const MarkdownBlock = CompLibrary.MarkdownBlock; /* Used to read markdown */
const Container = CompLibrary.Container;
const GridBlock = CompLibrary.GridBlock;
const bash = (...args) => `~~~bash\n${String.raw(...args)}\n~~~`;
class HomeSplash extends React.Component {
render() {
const {siteConfig, language = ''} = this.props;
const {baseUrl, docsUrl} = siteConfig;
const docsPart = `${docsUrl ? `${docsUrl}/` : ''}`;
const langPart = `${language ? `${language}/` : ''}`;
const docUrl = doc => `${baseUrl}${docsPart}${langPart}${doc}`;
const SplashContainer = props => (
<div className="homeContainer">
<div className="homeSplashFade">
<div className="wrapper homeWrapper">{props.children}</div>
const Logo = props => (
<div className="splashLogo">
<img src={props.img_src} alt="Project Logo" />
const ProjectTitle = props => (
<h2 className="projectTitle">
const PromoSection = props => (
<div className="section promoSection">
<div className="promoRow">
<div className="pluginRowBlock">{props.children}</div>
const Button = props => (
<div className="pluginWrapper buttonWrapper">
<a className="button" href={props.href} target={}>
return (
<Logo img_src={baseUrl + 'img/pytorch3dlogowhite.svg'} />
<div className="inner">
<ProjectTitle tagline={siteConfig.tagline} title={siteConfig.title} />
<Button href={docUrl('why_pytorch3d.html')}>Docs</Button>
<Button href={`${baseUrl}tutorials/`}>Tutorials</Button>
<Button href={'#quickstart'}>Get Started</Button>
class Index extends React.Component {
render() {
const {config: siteConfig, language = ''} = this.props;
const {baseUrl} = siteConfig;
const Block = props => (
padding={['bottom', 'top']}
const Description = () => (
<Block background="light">
'This is another description of how this project is useful',
image: `${baseUrl}img/docusaurus.svg`,
imageAlign: 'right',
title: 'Description',
const pre = '```';
const codeExample = `${pre}python
from pytorch3d.utils import ico_sphere
from import load_obj
from pytorch3d.structures import Meshes
from pytorch3d.ops import sample_points_from_meshes
from pytorch3d.loss import chamfer_distance
# Use an ico_sphere mesh and load a mesh from an .obj e.g. model.obj
sphere_mesh = ico_sphere(level=3)
verts, faces, _ = load_obj("model.obj")
test_mesh = Meshes(verts=[verts], faces=[faces.verts_idx])
# Differentiably sample 5k points from the surface of each mesh and then compute the loss.
sample_sphere = sample_points_from_meshes(sphere_mesh, 5000)
sample_test = sample_points_from_meshes(test_mesh, 5000)
loss_chamfer, _ = chamfer_distance(sample_sphere, sample_test)
const QuickStart = () => (
style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>
<h2>Get Started</h2>
<strong>Install PyTorch3D </strong> (following the instructions <a href="">here</a>)
<strong>Try a few 3D operators </strong>
e.g. compute the chamfer loss between two meshes:
const Features = () => (
<div className="productShowcaseSection" style={{textAlign: 'center'}}>
<Block layout="fourColumn">
'Supports batching of 3D inputs of different sizes ' +
'such as meshes' ,
image: `${baseUrl}img/batching.svg`,
imageAlign: 'top',
title: 'Heterogeneous Batching',
'Supports optimized implementations of ' +
'several common functions for 3D data',
image: `${baseUrl}img/ops.png`,
imageAlign: 'top',
title: 'Fast 3D Operators',
'Modular differentiable rendering API ' +
'with parallel implementations in ' +
'PyTorch, C++ and CUDA' ,
image: `${baseUrl}img/rendering.svg`,
imageAlign: 'top',
title: 'Differentiable Rendering',
const Showcase = () => {
if ((siteConfig.users || []).length === 0) {
return null;
const showcase = siteConfig.users
.filter(user => user.pinned)
.map(user => (
<a href={user.infoLink} key={user.infoLink}>
<img src={user.image} alt={user.caption} title={user.caption} />
const pageUrl = page => baseUrl + (language ? `${language}/` : '') + page;
return (
<div className="productShowcaseSection paddingBottom">
<h2>Who is Using This?</h2>
<p>This project is used by all these people</p>
<div className="logos">{showcase}</div>
<div className="more-users">
<a className="button" href={pageUrl('users.html')}>
More {siteConfig.title} Users
return (
<HomeSplash siteConfig={siteConfig} language={language} />
<div className="landingPage mainContainer">
<Features />
<QuickStart />
module.exports = Index;