import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer scibert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased') classifier = pipeline("text-classification", model="tugot17/S2ORC-topic-classificaton", max_length=512, tokenizer=scibert_tokenizer) title_1 = "Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Oral Diabetic Medications, Insulin Therapy, and Overall Breast Cancer Risk" abstract_1 = "Breast cancer is among the most common cancers worldwide. Diabetes is an important chronic health problem associated with insulin resistance, increased insulin level, changes in growth hormones and factors, and activation of mitogen-activating protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, leading to an increased breast cancer risk. This paper looked at the epidemiologic studies of the association between type 2 diabetes and risk of breast cancer and its effect on overall cancer-specific survival. The combined evidence overall supported a modest association between type 2 diabetes and the risk of breast cancer, which was found to be more prevalent among postmenopausal women. Effect of oral diabetics and insulin therapy on breast cancer risk was also evaluated. It was found that metformin and thiazolidinones tended to have a protective role. Metformin therapy trials for its use as an adjuvant for breast cancer treatment are still ongoing. Sulfonylurea and insulin therapy were found to be mildly associated with increased overall cancers. No evidence or studies evaluated the association of DPPIV inhibitors and GLP 1 agonists with breast cancer risk because of their recent introduction into the management of diabetes." text_1 = """During the 2 nd International Go Game Science Conference, held within the LIX European Go Congress (Liberec, CZ) on the 29 th -30 th July 2015, we presented PhotoKifu, 1 a software for Windows operating systems indeed able to reconstruct the record of a Go game from a series of photographs taken during the game itself, each one after each move played. We described the program in detail, explaining the importance of taking each photograph immediately after a stone had been released on the goban; we described the algorithms employed to first identify the grid on the goban, also inferring the position and orientation of the camera, then to track the grid through the pictures (in order to compensate for small, accidental movements like some bumping on the table and so on), and eventually to detect every new stone placed on the goban. We also described how to avoid false negatives (stones not detected), false positives (stones wrongly detected), how to circumvent problems caused by "disturbance" (for example, hands of the players still visible in the pictures) as well as missing or duplicate pictures and how, in the worst cases, manual correction of the moves is allowed. The performance of the program was """ title_2 = "Diagnosing and quantifying a common deficit in multiple sclerosis: Internuclear ophthalmoplegia" abstract_2 = "Objective We present an objective and quantitative approach for diagnosing internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) in multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods A validated standardized infrared oculography protocol (DEMoNS [Demonstrate Eye Movement Networks with Saccades]) was used for quantifying prosaccades in patients with MS and healthy controls (HCs). The versional dysconjugacy index (VDI) was calculated, which describes the ratio between the abducting and adducting eye. The VDI was determined for peak velocity, peak acceleration, peak velocity divided by amplitude, and area under the curve (AUC) of the saccadic trajectory. We calculated the diagnostic accuracy for the several VDI parameters by a receiver operating characteristic analysis comparing HCs and patients with MS. The National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire–25 was used to investigate vision-related quality of life of MS patients with INO. Results Two hundred ten patients with MS and 58 HCs were included. The highest diagnostic accuracy was achieved by the VDI AUC of 15Β° horizontal prosaccades. Based on a combined VDI AUC and peak velocity divided by amplitude detection, the prevalence of an INO in MS calculated to 34%. In the INO group, 35.2% of the patients with MS reported any complaints of double vision, compared to 18.4% in the non-INO group (p = 0.010). MS patients with an INO had a lower overall vision-related quality of life (median 89.9, interquartile range 12.8) compared to patients without an INO (median 91.8, interquartile range 9.3, p = 0.011). Conclusions This study provides an accurate quantitative and clinically relevant definition of an INO in MS. This infrared oculography-based INO standard will require prospective validation. The high prevalence of INO in MS provides an anatomically well described and accurately quantifiable model for treatment trials in MS." text_2 = """ During the 2 nd International Go Game Science Conference, held within the LIX European Go Congress (Liberec, CZ) on the 29 th -30 th July 2015, we presented PhotoKifu, 1 a software for Windows operating systems indeed able to reconstruct the record of a Go game from a series of photographs taken during the game itself, each one after each move played. We described the program in detail, explaining the importance of taking each photograph immediately after a stone had been released on the goban; we described the algorithms employed to first identify the grid on the goban, also inferring the position and orientation of the camera, then to track the grid through the pictures (in order to compensate for small, accidental movements like some bumping on the table and so on), and eventually to detect every new stone placed on the goban. We also described how to avoid false negatives (stones not detected), false positives (stones wrongly detected), how to circumvent problems caused by "disturbance" (for example, hands of the players still visible in the pictures) as well as missing or duplicate pictures and how, in the worst cases, manual correction of the moves is allowed. The performance of the program was very good, as shown in the paper we wrote for the occasion [CC15] , and further improved in the following releases of PhotoKifu, when we were eventually able to make use of the OpenCV 2 library, in place of the effective, but slow, ImageMagick 3 suite that was needed for some preprocessing of the pictures before the actual algorithms could do their job.""" class_map = {"LABEL_0": 'Biology πŸ¦ πŸ§¬πŸ¦–', "LABEL_1": 'Chemistry πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬βš—οΈπŸ”¬', "LABEL_2": 'Computer Science πŸ€–πŸ’»πŸŒ', "LABEL_3": 'Medicine πŸ’‰πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈπŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ', "LABEL_4": 'Physics 🌌🌠🌟', } ['Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Computer Science', 'Medicine', 'Physics'] def predict(title:str, abstract: str, aricle_text): output = {} text = f"{title}\n {abstract}\n {aricle_text}" for result in classifier(text, top_k=None): label = class_map[result["label"]] output[label] = result["score"] return output iface = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="Title"), gr.Textbox(lines=5, label="Absract"), gr.Textbox(lines=5, label="Article Text")], outputs=gr.Label(num_top_classes=5), examples=[[title_1, abstract_1, text_1], [title_2, abstract_2, text_2]], title="Article topic classifier", description= "Upload the paper title, its abstract, and the beginning of the text. Our model will figure out whether this is a Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Medicine or Physics related article." ) iface.launch()