"""Routines for processing data.""" import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd from PIL import Image from skimage.segmentation import slic, mark_boundaries import torch from torchvision import datasets, transforms # The number of segments to use for the images NSEGMENTS = 20 PARAMS = { 'protected_class': 1, 'unprotected_class': 0, 'positive_outcome': 1, 'negative_outcome': 0 } IMAGENET_LABELS = { 'french_bulldog': 245, 'scuba_diver': 983, 'corn': 987, 'broccoli': 927 } def get_and_preprocess_compas_data(): """Handle processing of COMPAS according to: https://github.com/propublica/compas-analysis Parameters ---------- params : Params Returns ---------- Pandas data frame X of processed data, np.ndarray y, and list of column names """ PROTECTED_CLASS = PARAMS['protected_class'] UNPROTECTED_CLASS = PARAMS['unprotected_class'] POSITIVE_OUTCOME = PARAMS['positive_outcome'] NEGATIVE_OUTCOME = PARAMS['negative_outcome'] compas_df = pd.read_csv("./data/compas-scores-two-years.csv", index_col=0) compas_df = compas_df.loc[(compas_df['days_b_screening_arrest'] <= 30) & (compas_df['days_b_screening_arrest'] >= -30) & (compas_df['is_recid'] != -1) & (compas_df['c_charge_degree'] != "O") & (compas_df['score_text'] != "NA")] compas_df['length_of_stay'] = (pd.to_datetime(compas_df['c_jail_out']) - pd.to_datetime(compas_df['c_jail_in'])).dt.days X = compas_df[['age', 'two_year_recid','c_charge_degree', 'race', 'sex', 'priors_count', 'length_of_stay']] # if person has high score give them the _negative_ model outcome y = np.array([NEGATIVE_OUTCOME if score == 'High' else POSITIVE_OUTCOME for score in compas_df['score_text']]) sens = X.pop('race') # assign African-American as the protected class X = pd.get_dummies(X) sensitive_attr = np.array(pd.get_dummies(sens).pop('African-American')) X['race'] = sensitive_attr # make sure everything is lining up assert all((sens == 'African-American') == (X['race'] == PROTECTED_CLASS)) cols = [col for col in X] categorical_features = [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] output = { "X": X.values, "y": y, "column_names": cols, "cat_indices": categorical_features } return output def get_and_preprocess_german(): """"Handle processing of German. We use a preprocessed version of German from Ustun et. al. https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.06514. Thanks Berk! Parameters: ---------- params : Params Returns: ---------- Pandas data frame X of processed data, np.ndarray y, and list of column names """ PROTECTED_CLASS = PARAMS['protected_class'] UNPROTECTED_CLASS = PARAMS['unprotected_class'] POSITIVE_OUTCOME = PARAMS['positive_outcome'] NEGATIVE_OUTCOME = PARAMS['negative_outcome'] X = pd.read_csv("./data/german_processed.csv") y = X["GoodCustomer"] X = X.drop(["GoodCustomer", "PurposeOfLoan"], axis=1) X['Gender'] = [1 if v == "Male" else 0 for v in X['Gender'].values] y = np.array([POSITIVE_OUTCOME if p == 1 else NEGATIVE_OUTCOME for p in y.values]) categorical_features = [0, 1, 2] + list(range(9, X.shape[1])) output = { "X": X.values, "y": y, "column_names": [c for c in X], "cat_indices": categorical_features, } return output def get_PIL_transf(): """Gets the PIL image transformation.""" transf = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize((256, 256)), transforms.CenterCrop(224) ]) return transf def load_image(path): """Loads an image by path.""" with open(os.path.abspath(path), 'rb') as f: with Image.open(f) as img: return img.convert('RGB') def get_imagenet(name, get_label=True): """Gets the imagenet data. Arguments: name: The name of the imagenet dataset """ images_paths = [] # Store all the paths of the images data_dir = os.path.join("./data", name) for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(data_dir): for fn in filenames: if fn != ".DS_Store": images_paths.append(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) # Load & do transforms for the images pill_transf = get_PIL_transf() images, segs = [], [] for img_path in images_paths: img = load_image(img_path) PIL_transformed_image = np.array(pill_transf(img)) segments = slic(PIL_transformed_image, n_segments=NSEGMENTS, compactness=100, sigma=1) images.append(PIL_transformed_image) segs.append(segments) images = np.array(images) if get_label: assert name in IMAGENET_LABELS, "Get label set to True but name not in known imagenet labels" y = np.ones(images.shape[0]) * IMAGENET_LABELS[name] else: y = np.ones(images.shape[0]) * -1 segs = np.array(segs) output = { "X": images, "y": y, "segments": segs } return output def get_mnist(num): """Gets the MNIST data for a certain digit. Arguments: num: The mnist digit to get """ # Get the mnist data test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(datasets.MNIST('./data/mnist', train=False, download=True, transform=transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,)) ])), batch_size=1, shuffle=False) all_test_mnist_of_label_num, all_test_segments_of_label_num = [], [] # Get all instances of label num for data, y in test_loader: if y[0] == num: # Apply segmentation sample = np.squeeze(data.numpy().astype('double'),axis=0) segments = slic(sample.reshape(28,28,1), n_segments=NSEGMENTS, compactness=1, sigma=0.1).reshape(1,28,28) all_test_mnist_of_label_num.append(sample) all_test_segments_of_label_num.append(segments) all_test_mnist_of_label_num = np.array(all_test_mnist_of_label_num) all_test_segments_of_label_num = np.array(all_test_segments_of_label_num) output = { "X": all_test_mnist_of_label_num, "y": np.ones(all_test_mnist_of_label_num.shape[0]) * num, "segments": all_test_segments_of_label_num } return output def get_dataset_by_name(name, get_label=True): if name == "compas": d = get_and_preprocess_compas_data() elif name == "german": d = get_and_preprocess_german() elif "mnist" in name: d = get_mnist(int(name[-1])) elif "imagenet" in name: d = get_imagenet(name[9:], get_label=get_label) else: raise NameError("Unkown dataset %s", name) d['name'] = name return d