ortha / mixofshow /pipelines /trainer_edlora.py
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import itertools
import math
import re
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from accelerate.logging import get_logger
from diffusers import AutoencoderKL, DDPMScheduler, UNet2DConditionModel
from diffusers.utils.import_utils import is_xformers_available
from einops import rearrange
from transformers import CLIPTextModel, CLIPTokenizer
from mixofshow.models.edlora import (LoRALinearLayer, revise_edlora_unet_attention_controller_forward,
from mixofshow.pipelines.pipeline_edlora import bind_concept_prompt
from mixofshow.utils.ptp_util import AttentionStore
class EDLoRATrainer(nn.Module):
def __init__(
enable_edlora, # true for ED-LoRA, false for LoRA
reg_full_identity=True, # True for thanos, False for real person (don't need to encode clothes)
# 1. Load the model.
self.vae = AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained(pretrained_path, subfolder='vae')
self.tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained(pretrained_path, subfolder='tokenizer')
self.text_encoder = CLIPTextModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_path, subfolder='text_encoder')
self.unet = UNet2DConditionModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_path, subfolder='unet')
if gradient_checkpoint:
if enable_xformers:
assert is_xformers_available(), 'need to install xformer first'
# 2. Define train scheduler
self.scheduler = DDPMScheduler.from_pretrained(pretrained_path, subfolder='scheduler')
# 3. define training cfg
self.enable_edlora = enable_edlora
self.new_concept_cfg = self.init_new_concept(new_concept_token, initializer_token, enable_edlora=enable_edlora)
self.attn_reg_weight = attn_reg_weight
self.reg_full_identity = reg_full_identity
if self.attn_reg_weight is not None:
self.controller = AttentionStore(training=True)
revise_edlora_unet_attention_controller_forward(self.unet, self.controller) # support both lora and edlora forward
revise_edlora_unet_attention_forward(self.unet) # support both lora and edlora forward
if finetune_cfg:
self.noise_offset = noise_offset
self.use_mask_loss = use_mask_loss
def set_finetune_cfg(self, finetune_cfg):
logger = get_logger('mixofshow', log_level='INFO')
params_to_freeze = [self.vae.parameters(), self.text_encoder.parameters(), self.unet.parameters()]
# step 1: close all parameters, required_grad to False
for params in itertools.chain(*params_to_freeze):
params.requires_grad = False
# step 2: begin to add trainable paramters
params_group_list = []
# 1. text embedding
if finetune_cfg['text_embedding']['enable_tuning']:
text_embedding_cfg = finetune_cfg['text_embedding']
params_list = []
for params in self.text_encoder.get_input_embeddings().parameters():
params.requires_grad = True
params_group = {'params': params_list, 'lr': text_embedding_cfg['lr']}
if 'weight_decay' in text_embedding_cfg:
params_group.update({'weight_decay': text_embedding_cfg['weight_decay']})
logger.info(f"optimizing embedding using lr: {text_embedding_cfg['lr']}")
# 2. text encoder
if finetune_cfg['text_encoder']['enable_tuning'] and finetune_cfg['text_encoder'].get('lora_cfg'):
text_encoder_cfg = finetune_cfg['text_encoder']
where = text_encoder_cfg['lora_cfg'].pop('where')
assert where in ['CLIPEncoderLayer', 'CLIPAttention']
self.text_encoder_lora = nn.ModuleList()
params_list = []
for name, module in self.text_encoder.named_modules():
if module.__class__.__name__ == where:
for child_name, child_module in module.named_modules():
if child_module.__class__.__name__ == 'Linear':
lora_module = LoRALinearLayer(name + '.' + child_name, child_module, **text_encoder_cfg['lora_cfg'])
params_group_list.append({'params': params_list, 'lr': text_encoder_cfg['lr']})
logger.info(f"optimizing text_encoder ({len(self.text_encoder_lora)} LoRAs), using lr: {text_encoder_cfg['lr']}")
# 3. unet
if finetune_cfg['unet']['enable_tuning'] and finetune_cfg['unet'].get('lora_cfg'):
unet_cfg = finetune_cfg['unet']
where = unet_cfg['lora_cfg'].pop('where')
assert where in ['Transformer2DModel', 'Attention']
self.unet_lora = nn.ModuleList()
params_list = []
for name, module in self.unet.named_modules():
if module.__class__.__name__ == where:
for child_name, child_module in module.named_modules():
if child_module.__class__.__name__ == 'Linear' or (child_module.__class__.__name__ == 'Conv2d' and child_module.kernel_size == (1, 1)):
lora_module = LoRALinearLayer(name + '.' + child_name, child_module, **unet_cfg['lora_cfg'])
params_group_list.append({'params': params_list, 'lr': unet_cfg['lr']})
logger.info(f"optimizing unet ({len(self.unet_lora)} LoRAs), using lr: {unet_cfg['lr']}")
# 4. optimize params
self.params_to_optimize_iterator = params_group_list
def get_params_to_optimize(self):
return self.params_to_optimize_iterator
def init_new_concept(self, new_concept_tokens, initializer_tokens, enable_edlora=True):
logger = get_logger('mixofshow', log_level='INFO')
new_concept_cfg = {}
new_concept_tokens = new_concept_tokens.split('+')
if initializer_tokens is None:
initializer_tokens = ['<rand-0.017>'] * len(new_concept_tokens)
initializer_tokens = initializer_tokens.split('+')
assert len(new_concept_tokens) == len(initializer_tokens), 'concept token should match init token.'
for idx, (concept_name, init_token) in enumerate(zip(new_concept_tokens, initializer_tokens)):
if enable_edlora:
num_new_embedding = 16
num_new_embedding = 1
new_token_names = [f'<new{idx * num_new_embedding + layer_id}>' for layer_id in range(num_new_embedding)]
num_added_tokens = self.tokenizer.add_tokens(new_token_names)
assert num_added_tokens == len(new_token_names), 'some token is already in tokenizer'
new_token_ids = [self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(token_name) for token_name in new_token_names]
# init embedding
token_embeds = self.text_encoder.get_input_embeddings().weight.data
if init_token.startswith('<rand'):
sigma_val = float(re.findall(r'<rand-(.*)>', init_token)[0])
init_feature = torch.randn_like(token_embeds[0]) * sigma_val
logger.info(f'{concept_name} ({min(new_token_ids)}-{max(new_token_ids)}) is random initialized by: {init_token}')
# Convert the initializer_token, placeholder_token to ids
init_token_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(init_token, add_special_tokens=False)
# print(token_ids)
# Check if initializer_token is a single token or a sequence of tokens
if len(init_token_ids) > 1 or init_token_ids[0] == 40497:
raise ValueError('The initializer token must be a single existing token.')
init_feature = token_embeds[init_token_ids]
logger.info(f'{concept_name} ({min(new_token_ids)}-{max(new_token_ids)}) is random initialized by existing token ({init_token}): {init_token_ids[0]}')
for token_id in new_token_ids:
token_embeds[token_id] = init_feature.clone()
concept_name: {
'concept_token_ids': new_token_ids,
'concept_token_names': new_token_names
return new_concept_cfg
def get_all_concept_token_ids(self):
new_concept_token_ids = []
for _, new_token_cfg in self.new_concept_cfg.items():
return new_concept_token_ids
def forward(self, images, prompts, masks, img_masks):
latents = self.vae.encode(images).latent_dist.sample()
latents = latents * 0.18215
# Sample noise that we'll add to the latents
noise = torch.randn_like(latents)
if self.noise_offset is not None:
noise += self.noise_offset * torch.randn((latents.shape[0], latents.shape[1], 1, 1), device=latents.device)
bsz = latents.shape[0]
# Sample a random timestep for each image
timesteps = torch.randint(0, self.scheduler.config.num_train_timesteps, (bsz, ), device=latents.device)
timesteps = timesteps.long()
# Add noise to the latents according to the noise magnitude at each timestep
# (this is the forward diffusion process)
noisy_latents = self.scheduler.add_noise(latents, noise, timesteps)
if self.enable_edlora:
prompts = bind_concept_prompt(prompts, new_concept_cfg=self.new_concept_cfg) # edlora
# get text ids
text_input_ids = self.tokenizer(
# Get the text embedding for conditioning
encoder_hidden_states = self.text_encoder(text_input_ids)[0]
if self.enable_edlora:
encoder_hidden_states = rearrange(encoder_hidden_states, '(b n) m c -> b n m c', b=latents.shape[0]) # edlora
# Predict the noise residual
model_pred = self.unet(noisy_latents, timesteps, encoder_hidden_states).sample
# Get the target for loss depending on the prediction type
if self.scheduler.config.prediction_type == 'epsilon':
target = noise
elif self.scheduler.config.prediction_type == 'v_prediction':
target = self.scheduler.get_velocity(latents, noise, timesteps)
raise ValueError(f'Unknown prediction type {self.scheduler.config.prediction_type}')
if self.use_mask_loss:
loss_mask = masks
loss_mask = img_masks
loss = F.mse_loss(model_pred.float(), target.float(), reduction='none')
loss = ((loss * loss_mask).sum([1, 2, 3]) / loss_mask.sum([1, 2, 3])).mean()
if self.attn_reg_weight is not None:
attention_maps = self.controller.get_average_attention()
attention_loss = self.cal_attn_reg(attention_maps, masks, text_input_ids)
if not torch.isnan(attention_loss): # full mask
loss = loss + attention_loss
return loss
def cal_attn_reg(self, attention_maps, masks, text_input_ids):
attention_maps: {down_cross:[], mid_cross:[], up_cross:[]}
masks: torch.Size([1, 1, 64, 64])
text_input_ids: torch.Size([16, 77])
# step 1: find token position
batch_size = masks.shape[0]
text_input_ids = rearrange(text_input_ids, '(b l) n -> b l n', b=batch_size)
# print(masks.shape) # torch.Size([2, 1, 64, 64])
# print(text_input_ids.shape) # torch.Size([2, 16, 77])
new_token_pos = []
all_concept_token_ids = self.get_all_concept_token_ids()
for text in text_input_ids:
text = text[0] # even multi-layer embedding, we extract the first one
new_token_pos.append([idx for idx in range(len(text)) if text[idx] in all_concept_token_ids])
# step2: aggregate attention maps with resolution and concat heads
attention_groups = {'64': [], '32': [], '16': [], '8': []}
for _, attention_list in attention_maps.items():
for attn in attention_list:
res = int(math.sqrt(attn.shape[1]))
cross_map = attn.reshape(batch_size, -1, res, res, attn.shape[-1])
for k, cross_map in attention_groups.items():
cross_map = torch.cat(cross_map, dim=-4) # concat heads
cross_map = cross_map.sum(-4) / cross_map.shape[-4] # e.g., 64 torch.Size([2, 64, 64, 77])
cross_map = torch.stack([batch_map[..., batch_pos] for batch_pos, batch_map in zip(new_token_pos, cross_map)]) # torch.Size([2, 64, 64, 2])
attention_groups[k] = cross_map
attn_reg_total = 0
# step3: calculate loss for each resolution: <new1> <new2> -> <new1> is to penalize outside mask, <new2> to align with mask
for k, cross_map in attention_groups.items():
map_adjective, map_subject = cross_map[..., 0], cross_map[..., 1]
map_subject = map_subject / map_subject.max()
map_adjective = map_adjective / map_adjective.max()
gt_mask = F.interpolate(masks, size=map_subject.shape[1:], mode='nearest').squeeze(1)
if self.reg_full_identity:
loss_subject = F.mse_loss(map_subject.float(), gt_mask.float(), reduction='mean')
loss_subject = map_subject[gt_mask == 0].mean()
loss_adjective = map_adjective[gt_mask == 0].mean()
attn_reg_total += self.attn_reg_weight * (loss_subject + loss_adjective)
return attn_reg_total
def load_delta_state_dict(self, delta_state_dict):
# load embedding
logger = get_logger('mixofshow', log_level='INFO')
if 'new_concept_embedding' in delta_state_dict and len(delta_state_dict['new_concept_embedding']) != 0:
new_concept_tokens = list(delta_state_dict['new_concept_embedding'].keys())
# check whether new concept is initialized
token_embeds = self.text_encoder.get_input_embeddings().weight.data
if set(new_concept_tokens) != set(self.new_concept_cfg.keys()):
logger.warning('Your checkpoint have different concept with your model, loading existing concepts')
for concept_name, concept_cfg in self.new_concept_cfg.items():
logger.info(f'load: concept_{concept_name}')
token_embeds[concept_cfg['concept_token_ids']] = token_embeds[
# load text_encoder
if 'text_encoder' in delta_state_dict and len(delta_state_dict['text_encoder']) != 0:
load_keys = delta_state_dict['text_encoder'].keys()
if hasattr(self, 'text_encoder_lora') and len(load_keys) == 2 * len(self.text_encoder_lora):
logger.info('loading LoRA for text encoder:')
for lora_module in self.text_encoder_lora:
for name, param, in lora_module.named_parameters():
logger.info(f'load: {lora_module.name}.{name}')
for name, param, in self.text_encoder.named_parameters():
if name in load_keys and 'token_embedding' not in name:
logger.info(f'load: {name}')
# load unet
if 'unet' in delta_state_dict and len(delta_state_dict['unet']) != 0:
load_keys = delta_state_dict['unet'].keys()
if hasattr(self, 'unet_lora') and len(load_keys) == 2 * len(self.unet_lora):
logger.info('loading LoRA for unet:')
for lora_module in self.unet_lora:
for name, param, in lora_module.named_parameters():
logger.info(f'load: {lora_module.name}.{name}')
for name, param, in self.unet.named_parameters():
if name in load_keys:
logger.info(f'load: {name}')
def delta_state_dict(self):
delta_dict = {'new_concept_embedding': {}, 'text_encoder': {}, 'unet': {}}
# save_embedding
for concept_name, concept_cfg in self.new_concept_cfg.items():
learned_embeds = self.text_encoder.get_input_embeddings().weight[concept_cfg['concept_token_ids']]
delta_dict['new_concept_embedding'][concept_name] = learned_embeds.detach().cpu()
# save text model
for lora_module in self.text_encoder_lora:
for name, param, in lora_module.named_parameters():
delta_dict['text_encoder'][f'{lora_module.name}.{name}'] = param.cpu().clone()
# save unet model
for lora_module in self.unet_lora:
for name, param, in lora_module.named_parameters():
delta_dict['unet'][f'{lora_module.name}.{name}'] = param.cpu().clone()
return delta_dict