Iconator / app.py
umuth's picture
Create app.py
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import gradio as gr
import os
import tempfile
from PIL import Image
import subprocess
import logging
import base64
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import re
from iconsheet import icon_sheet_interface
import mimetypes
# Set up logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='svgmaker.log', level=logging.INFO,
format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
def process_single_image(image_file, stroke_width, fill, stroke, opacity, output_size, output_dir):
logging.info(f"Processing image: {image_file.name}")
with Image.open(image_file.name) as image:
# Calculate new dimensions maintaining aspect ratio
aspect_ratio = image.width / image.height
if aspect_ratio > 1:
new_width = output_size
new_height = int(output_size / aspect_ratio)
new_height = output_size
new_width = int(output_size * aspect_ratio)
logging.info(f"Resizing image to {new_width}x{new_height}")
# Resize image
image = image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS)
# Convert to grayscale
image = image.convert('L')
# Save as temporary PGM file
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pgm', delete=False) as temp_pgm:
temp_pgm_path = temp_pgm.name
# Run potrace with improved settings
output_svg = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_file.name))[0]}.svg")
"--output", output_svg,
"--turdsize", "2",
"--alphamax", "1",
"--opttolerance", "0.2",
"--unit", "10",
], check=True)
# Clean up temporary PGM
# Modify SVG with user-specified styles and remove unnecessary elements
with open(output_svg, 'r') as f:
svg_content = f.read()
# Remove namespace prefixes and metadata
svg_content = re.sub(r'<ns0:', '<', svg_content)
svg_content = re.sub(r'</ns0:', '</', svg_content)
svg_content = re.sub(r'xmlns:ns0="[^"]+"', '', svg_content)
svg_content = re.sub(r'<metadata>.*?</metadata>', '', svg_content, flags=re.DOTALL)
# Remove unnecessary group transformation
svg_content = re.sub(r'<g transform="[^"]+">', '<g>', svg_content)
# Update SVG attributes
svg_tree = ET.fromstring(svg_content)
svg_tree.set('width', str(new_width))
svg_tree.set('height', str(new_height))
svg_tree.set('viewBox', f"0 0 {new_width} {new_height}")
for path in svg_tree.findall('.//{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}path'):
path.set('fill', fill)
path.set('fill-opacity', str(opacity))
path.set('stroke', stroke)
path.set('stroke-width', str(stroke_width))
path.set('stroke-opacity', str(opacity))
svg_content = ET.tostring(svg_tree, encoding='unicode')
# Final cleanup
svg_content = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', svg_content) # Remove excess whitespace
svg_content = re.sub(r'> <', '><', svg_content) # Remove space between tags
with open(output_svg, 'w') as f:
# Create a base64 encoded version of the SVG for preview
svg_base64 = base64.b64encode(svg_content.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
preview = f"data:image/svg+xml;base64,{svg_base64}"
return output_svg, preview
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing image {image_file.name}: {str(e)}")
return None, None
def vectorize_icons(images, stroke_width, fill, stroke, opacity, output_size, output_dir, progress=gr.Progress()):
vectorized_icons = []
svg_previews = []
total_images = len(images)
logging.info(f"Vectorizing {total_images} images")
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
future_to_image = {executor.submit(process_single_image, image, stroke_width, fill, stroke, opacity, output_size, output_dir): image for image in images}
for i, future in enumerate(as_completed(future_to_image)):
image = future_to_image[future]
progress((i + 1) / total_images, f"Vectorizing image {i+1}/{total_images}")
result, preview = future.result()
logging.info(f"Successfully vectorized image {i+1}")
progress((i + 1) / total_images, f"Vectorized image {i+1}/{total_images}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error vectorizing icon {image.name}: {str(e)}")
progress((i + 1) / total_images, f"Failed to vectorize image {i+1}/{total_images}: {str(e)}")
progress(1.0, "Vectorization complete")
logging.info(f"Vectorization complete. Successful: {len([i for i in vectorized_icons if i is not None])}, Failed: {len([i for i in vectorized_icons if i is None])}")
return vectorized_icons, svg_previews
def create_preview_grid(svg_previews):
# Dynamically create grid based on number of SVG previews
num_images = len([preview for preview in svg_previews if preview is not None])
# Define the number of columns for the grid
columns = 4
grid_html = f'<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat({columns}, 1fr); gap: 10px; background-color: #f0f0f0; padding: 20px; border-radius: 10px;">'
for preview in svg_previews:
if preview:
grid_html += f'''
<div style="background-color: white; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px;">
<img src="{preview}" style="width: 100%; height: auto;" onclick="this.classList.toggle('zoomed')" class="zoomable">
grid_html += '<div style="background-color: white; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px;"><p>Error</p></div>'
grid_html += '</div>'
# Add CSS for zoom functionality
grid_html += '''
.zoomable { transition: transform 0.3s ease; }
.zoomable.zoomed { transform: scale(2.5); z-index: 1000; position: relative; }
return grid_html
with gr.Blocks() as app:
gr.Markdown("# SVG Maker and Icon Sheet Generator")
with gr.Tabs():
with gr.TabItem("SVG Maker"):
gr.Markdown("# SVG Maker")
with gr.Row():
image_input = gr.File(label="Upload Images", file_count="multiple")
with gr.Row():
stroke_width = gr.Slider(0, 10, label="Stroke Width", value=1)
fill = gr.ColorPicker(label="Fill Color", value="#000000")
stroke = gr.ColorPicker(label="Stroke Color", value="#000000")
opacity = gr.Slider(0, 1, label="Opacity", value=1, step=0.1)
with gr.Row():
output_size = gr.Slider(32, 1024, label="Output Size (px)", value=512, step=32)
output_dir = gr.Textbox(label="Output Directory", value="output", placeholder="Enter output directory path")
vectorize_btn = gr.Button("Vectorize")
svg_output = gr.File(label="Vectorized Icons", file_count="multiple")
svg_preview = gr.HTML(label="SVG Previews")
def process_and_display(images, stroke_width, fill, stroke, opacity, output_size, output_dir):
vectorized_icons, svg_previews = vectorize_icons(images, stroke_width, fill, stroke, opacity, output_size, output_dir)
preview_html = create_preview_grid(svg_previews)
# Filter out None values from vectorized_icons
valid_icons = [icon for icon in vectorized_icons if icon is not None]
return valid_icons, preview_html
inputs=[image_input, stroke_width, fill, stroke, opacity, output_size, output_dir],
outputs=[svg_output, svg_preview])
with gr.TabItem("Icon Sheet"):
mimetypes.add_type('image/svg+xml', '.svg')
if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to launch app: {str(e)}")