Open Multilingual Basque LLM Evaluation Leaderboard

' INTRO_TEXT = f""" ## About This leaderboard tracks progress and ranks performance of large language models (LLMs) developed for different languages, emphasizing on non-English languages to democratize benefits of LLMs to broader society. Our current leaderboard provides evaluation data for Basque. """ HOW_TO = f""" ## How to list your model performance on this leaderboard: Run the evaluation of your model using this repo: mlmm_basque_evaluation. And then, push the evaluation log and make a pull request. """ CREDIT = f""" ## Credit To make this website, we use the following resources: - Leaderboard code (Huggingface4's open_llm_leaderboard repo) """ CITATION = f""" ## Citation ``` @misc{{lai2023openllmbenchmark, author = {{Idoia Lertxundi, thanks to Viet Lai and Nghia Trung Ngo and Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh and Franck Dernoncourt and Thien Huu Nguyen}}, title={{Open Basque LLM Evaluation Leaderboard}}, year={{2024}} }} ``` """