"""Implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer for camera calibration.""" |
import logging |
import time |
from types import SimpleNamespace |
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
from geocalib.camera import BaseCamera, camera_models |
from geocalib.gravity import Gravity |
from geocalib.misc import J_focal2fov |
from geocalib.perspective_fields import J_perspective_field, get_perspective_field |
from geocalib.utils import focal2fov, rad2deg |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
def get_trivial_estimation(data: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], camera_model: BaseCamera) -> BaseCamera: |
"""Get initial camera for optimization with roll=0, pitch=0, vfov=0.7 * max(h, w). |
Args: |
data (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Input data dictionary. |
camera_model (BaseCamera): Camera model to use. |
Returns: |
BaseCamera: Initial camera for optimization. |
""" |
"""Get initial camera for optimization with roll=0, pitch=0, vfov=0.7 * max(h, w).""" |
ref = data.get("up_field", data["latitude_field"]) |
ref = ref.detach() |
h, w = ref.shape[-2:] |
batch_h, batch_w = ( |
ref.new_ones((ref.shape[0],)) * h, |
ref.new_ones((ref.shape[0],)) * w, |
) |
init_r = ref.new_zeros((ref.shape[0],)) |
init_p = ref.new_zeros((ref.shape[0],)) |
focal = data.get("prior_focal", 0.7 * torch.max(batch_h, batch_w)) |
init_vfov = focal2fov(focal, h) |
params = {"width": batch_w, "height": batch_h, "vfov": init_vfov} |
params |= {"scales": data["scales"]} if "scales" in data else {} |
params |= {"k1": data["prior_k1"]} if "prior_k1" in data else {} |
camera = camera_model.from_dict(params) |
camera = camera.float().to(ref.device) |
gravity = Gravity.from_rp(init_r, init_p).float().to(ref.device) |
if "prior_gravity" in data: |
gravity = data["prior_gravity"].float().to(ref.device) |
gravity = Gravity(gravity) if isinstance(gravity, torch.Tensor) else gravity |
return camera, gravity |
def scaled_loss( |
x: torch.Tensor, fn: Callable, a: float |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
"""Apply a loss function to a tensor and pre- and post-scale it. |
Args: |
x: the data tensor, should already be squared: `x = y**2`. |
fn: the loss function, with signature `fn(x) -> y`. |
a: the scale parameter. |
Returns: |
The value of the loss, and its first and second derivatives. |
""" |
a2 = a**2 |
loss, loss_d1, loss_d2 = fn(x / a2) |
return loss * a2, loss_d1, loss_d2 / a2 |
def huber_loss(x: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
"""The classical robust Huber loss, with first and second derivatives.""" |
mask = x <= 1 |
sx = torch.sqrt(x + 1e-8) |
isx = torch.max(sx.new_tensor(torch.finfo(torch.float).eps), 1 / sx) |
loss = torch.where(mask, x, 2 * sx - 1) |
loss_d1 = torch.where(mask, torch.ones_like(x), isx) |
loss_d2 = torch.where(mask, torch.zeros_like(x), -isx / (2 * x)) |
return loss, loss_d1, loss_d2 |
def early_stop(new_cost: torch.Tensor, prev_cost: torch.Tensor, atol: float, rtol: float) -> bool: |
"""Early stopping criterion based on cost convergence.""" |
return torch.allclose(new_cost, prev_cost, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) |
def update_lambda( |
lamb: torch.Tensor, |
prev_cost: torch.Tensor, |
new_cost: torch.Tensor, |
lambda_min: float = 1e-6, |
lambda_max: float = 1e2, |
) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""Update damping factor for Levenberg-Marquardt optimization.""" |
new_lamb = lamb.new_zeros(lamb.shape) |
new_lamb = lamb * torch.where(new_cost > prev_cost, 10, 0.1) |
lamb = torch.clamp(new_lamb, lambda_min, lambda_max) |
return lamb |
def optimizer_step( |
G: torch.Tensor, H: torch.Tensor, lambda_: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6 |
) -> torch.Tensor: |
"""One optimization step with Gauss-Newton or Levenberg-Marquardt. |
Args: |
G (torch.Tensor): Batched gradient tensor of size (..., N). |
H (torch.Tensor): Batched hessian tensor of size (..., N, N). |
lambda_ (torch.Tensor): Damping factor for LM (use GN if lambda_=0) with shape (B,). |
eps (float, optional): Epsilon for damping. Defaults to 1e-6. |
Returns: |
torch.Tensor: Batched update tensor of size (..., N). |
""" |
diag = H.diagonal(dim1=-2, dim2=-1) |
diag = diag * lambda_.unsqueeze(-1) |
H = H + diag.clamp(min=eps).diag_embed() |
H_, G_ = H.cpu(), G.cpu() |
try: |
U = torch.linalg.cholesky(H_) |
except RuntimeError: |
logger.warning("Cholesky decomposition failed. Stopping.") |
delta = H.new_zeros((H.shape[0], H.shape[-1])) |
else: |
delta = torch.cholesky_solve(G_[..., None], U)[..., 0] |
return delta.to(H.device) |
class LMOptimizer(nn.Module): |
"""Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer for camera calibration.""" |
default_conf = { |
"camera_model": "pinhole", |
"shared_intrinsics": False, |
"num_steps": 30, |
"lambda_": 0.1, |
"fix_lambda": False, |
"early_stop": True, |
"atol": 1e-8, |
"rtol": 1e-8, |
"use_spherical_manifold": True, |
"use_log_focal": True, |
"up_loss_fn_scale": 1e-2, |
"lat_loss_fn_scale": 1e-2, |
"verbose": False, |
} |
def __init__(self, conf: Dict[str, Any]): |
"""Initialize the LM optimizer.""" |
super().__init__() |
self.conf = conf = SimpleNamespace(**{**self.default_conf, **conf}) |
self.num_steps = conf.num_steps |
self.set_camera_model(conf.camera_model) |
self.setup_optimization_and_priors(shared_intrinsics=conf.shared_intrinsics) |
def set_camera_model(self, camera_model: str) -> None: |
"""Set the camera model to use for the optimization. |
Args: |
camera_model (str): Camera model to use. |
""" |
assert ( |
camera_model in camera_models.keys() |
), f"Unknown camera model: {camera_model} not in {camera_models.keys()}" |
self.camera_model = camera_models[camera_model] |
self.camera_has_distortion = hasattr(self.camera_model, "dist") |
logger.debug( |
f"Using camera model: {camera_model} (with distortion: {self.camera_has_distortion})" |
) |
def setup_optimization_and_priors( |
self, data: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, shared_intrinsics: bool = False |
) -> None: |
"""Setup the optimization and priors for the LM optimizer. |
Args: |
data (Dict[str, torch.Tensor], optional): Dict potentially containing priors. Defaults |
to None. |
shared_intrinsics (bool, optional): Whether to share the intrinsics across the batch. |
Defaults to False. |
""" |
if data is None: |
data = {} |
self.shared_intrinsics = shared_intrinsics |
if shared_intrinsics: |
assert ( |
self.camera_model == camera_models["pinhole"] |
), f"Shared intrinsics only supported with pinhole camera model: {self.camera_model}" |
self.estimate_gravity = True |
if "prior_gravity" in data: |
self.estimate_gravity = False |
logger.debug("Using provided gravity as prior.") |
self.estimate_focal = True |
if "prior_focal" in data: |
self.estimate_focal = False |
logger.debug("Using provided focal as prior.") |
self.estimate_k1 = True |
if "prior_k1" in data: |
self.estimate_k1 = False |
logger.debug("Using provided k1 as prior.") |
self.gravity_delta_dims = (0, 1) if self.estimate_gravity else (-1,) |
self.focal_delta_dims = ( |
(max(self.gravity_delta_dims) + 1,) if self.estimate_focal else (-1,) |
) |
self.k1_delta_dims = (max(self.focal_delta_dims) + 1,) if self.estimate_k1 else (-1,) |
logger.debug(f"Camera Model: {self.camera_model}") |
logger.debug(f"Optimizing gravity: {self.estimate_gravity} ({self.gravity_delta_dims})") |
logger.debug(f"Optimizing focal: {self.estimate_focal} ({self.focal_delta_dims})") |
logger.debug(f"Optimizing k1: {self.estimate_k1} ({self.k1_delta_dims})") |
logger.debug(f"Shared intrinsics: {self.shared_intrinsics}") |
def calculate_residuals( |
self, camera: BaseCamera, gravity: Gravity, data: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] |
) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: |
"""Calculate the residuals for the optimization. |
Args: |
camera (BaseCamera): Optimized camera. |
gravity (Gravity): Optimized gravity. |
data (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Input data containing the up and latitude fields. |
Returns: |
Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: Residuals for the optimization. |
""" |
perspective_up, perspective_lat = get_perspective_field(camera, gravity) |
perspective_lat = torch.sin(perspective_lat) |
residuals = {} |
if "up_field" in data: |
up_residual = (data["up_field"] - perspective_up).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) |
residuals["up_residual"] = up_residual.reshape(up_residual.shape[0], -1, 2) |
if "latitude_field" in data: |
target_lat = torch.sin(data["latitude_field"]) |
lat_residual = (target_lat - perspective_lat).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) |
residuals["latitude_residual"] = lat_residual.reshape(lat_residual.shape[0], -1, 1) |
return residuals |
def calculate_costs( |
self, residuals: torch.Tensor, data: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] |
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: |
"""Calculate the costs and weights for the optimization. |
Args: |
residuals (torch.Tensor): Residuals for the optimization. |
data (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Input data containing the up and latitude confidence. |
Returns: |
Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: Costs and weights for the |
optimization. |
""" |
costs, weights = {}, {} |
if "up_residual" in residuals: |
up_cost = (residuals["up_residual"] ** 2).sum(dim=-1) |
up_cost, up_weight, _ = scaled_loss(up_cost, huber_loss, self.conf.up_loss_fn_scale) |
if "up_confidence" in data: |
up_conf = data["up_confidence"].reshape(up_weight.shape[0], -1) |
up_weight = up_weight * up_conf |
up_cost = up_cost * up_conf |
costs["up_cost"] = up_cost |
weights["up_weights"] = up_weight |
if "latitude_residual" in residuals: |
lat_cost = (residuals["latitude_residual"] ** 2).sum(dim=-1) |
lat_cost, lat_weight, _ = scaled_loss(lat_cost, huber_loss, self.conf.lat_loss_fn_scale) |
if "latitude_confidence" in data: |
lat_conf = data["latitude_confidence"].reshape(lat_weight.shape[0], -1) |
lat_weight = lat_weight * lat_conf |
lat_cost = lat_cost * lat_conf |
costs["latitude_cost"] = lat_cost |
weights["latitude_weights"] = lat_weight |
return costs, weights |
def calculate_gradient_and_hessian( |
self, |
J: torch.Tensor, |
residuals: torch.Tensor, |
weights: torch.Tensor, |
shared_intrinsics: bool, |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
"""Calculate the gradient and Hessian for given the Jacobian, residuals, and weights. |
Args: |
J (torch.Tensor): Jacobian. |
residuals (torch.Tensor): Residuals. |
weights (torch.Tensor): Weights. |
shared_intrinsics (bool): Whether to share the intrinsics across the batch. |
Returns: |
Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Gradient and Hessian. |
""" |
dims = () |
if self.estimate_gravity: |
dims = (0, 1) |
if self.estimate_focal: |
dims += (2,) |
if self.camera_has_distortion and self.estimate_k1: |
dims += (3,) |
assert dims, "No parameters to optimize" |
J = J[..., dims] |
Grad = torch.einsum("...Njk,...Nj->...Nk", J, residuals) |
Grad = weights[..., None] * Grad |
Grad = Grad.sum(-2) |
if shared_intrinsics: |
Grad_g = Grad[..., :2].reshape(1, -1) |
Grad_f = Grad[..., 2].reshape(1, -1).sum(-1, keepdim=True) |
Grad = torch.cat([Grad_g, Grad_f], dim=-1) |
Hess = torch.einsum("...Njk,...Njl->...Nkl", J, J) |
Hess = weights[..., None, None] * Hess |
Hess = Hess.sum(-3) |
if shared_intrinsics: |
H_g = torch.block_diag(*list(Hess[..., :2, :2])) |
J_fg = Hess[..., :2, 2].flatten() |
J_gf = Hess[..., 2, :2].flatten() |
J_f = Hess[..., 2, 2].sum() |
dims = H_g.shape[-1] + 1 |
Hess = Hess.new_zeros((dims, dims), dtype=torch.float32) |
Hess[:-1, :-1] = H_g |
Hess[-1, :-1] = J_gf |
Hess[:-1, -1] = J_fg |
Hess[-1, -1] = J_f |
Hess = Hess.unsqueeze(0) |
return Grad, Hess |
def setup_system( |
self, |
camera: BaseCamera, |
gravity: Gravity, |
residuals: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], |
weights: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], |
as_rpf: bool = False, |
shared_intrinsics: bool = False, |
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: |
"""Calculate the gradient and Hessian for the optimization. |
Args: |
camera (BaseCamera): Optimized camera. |
gravity (Gravity): Optimized gravity. |
residuals (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Residuals for the optimization. |
weights (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Weights for the optimization. |
as_rpf (bool, optional): Wether to calculate the gradient and Hessian with respect to |
roll, pitch, and focal length. Defaults to False. |
shared_intrinsics (bool, optional): Whether to share the intrinsics across the batch. |
Defaults to False. |
Returns: |
Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Gradient and Hessian for the optimization. |
""" |
J_up, J_lat = J_perspective_field( |
camera, |
gravity, |
spherical=self.conf.use_spherical_manifold and not as_rpf, |
log_focal=self.conf.use_log_focal and not as_rpf, |
) |
J_up = J_up.reshape(J_up.shape[0], -1, J_up.shape[-2], J_up.shape[-1]) |
J_lat = J_lat.reshape(J_lat.shape[0], -1, J_lat.shape[-2], J_lat.shape[-1]) |
n_params = ( |
2 * self.estimate_gravity |
+ self.estimate_focal |
+ (self.camera_has_distortion and self.estimate_k1) |
) |
Grad = J_up.new_zeros(J_up.shape[0], n_params) |
Hess = J_up.new_zeros(J_up.shape[0], n_params, n_params) |
if shared_intrinsics: |
N_params = Grad.shape[0] * (n_params - 1) + 1 |
Grad = Grad.new_zeros(1, N_params) |
Hess = Hess.new_zeros(1, N_params, N_params) |
if "up_residual" in residuals: |
Up_Grad, Up_Hess = self.calculate_gradient_and_hessian( |
J_up, residuals["up_residual"], weights["up_weights"], shared_intrinsics |
) |
if self.conf.verbose: |
logger.info(f"Up J:\n{Up_Grad.mean(0)}") |
Grad = Grad + Up_Grad |
Hess = Hess + Up_Hess |
if "latitude_residual" in residuals: |
Lat_Grad, Lat_Hess = self.calculate_gradient_and_hessian( |
J_lat, |
residuals["latitude_residual"], |
weights["latitude_weights"], |
shared_intrinsics, |
) |
if self.conf.verbose: |
logger.info(f"Lat J:\n{Lat_Grad.mean(0)}") |
Grad = Grad + Lat_Grad |
Hess = Hess + Lat_Hess |
return Grad, Hess |
def estimate_uncertainty( |
self, |
camera_opt: BaseCamera, |
gravity_opt: Gravity, |
errors: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], |
weights: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], |
) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: |
"""Estimate the uncertainty of the optimized camera and gravity at the final step. |
Args: |
camera_opt (BaseCamera): Final optimized camera. |
gravity_opt (Gravity): Final optimized gravity. |
errors (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Costs for the optimization. |
weights (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Weights for the optimization. |
Returns: |
Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: Uncertainty estimates for the optimized camera and gravity. |
""" |
_, Hess = self.setup_system( |
camera_opt, gravity_opt, errors, weights, as_rpf=True, shared_intrinsics=False |
) |
Cov = torch.inverse(Hess) |
roll_uncertainty = Cov.new_zeros(Cov[..., 0, 0].shape) |
pitch_uncertainty = Cov.new_zeros(Cov[..., 0, 0].shape) |
gravity_uncertainty = Cov.new_zeros(Cov[..., 0, 0].shape) |
if self.estimate_gravity: |
roll_uncertainty = Cov[..., 0, 0] |
pitch_uncertainty = Cov[..., 1, 1] |
try: |
delta_uncertainty = Cov[..., :2, :2] |
eigenvalues = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(delta_uncertainty.cpu()) |
gravity_uncertainty = torch.max(eigenvalues, dim=-1).values.to(Cov.device) |
except RuntimeError: |
logger.warning("Could not calculate gravity uncertainty") |
gravity_uncertainty = Cov.new_zeros(Cov.shape[0]) |
focal_uncertainty = Cov.new_zeros(Cov[..., 0, 0].shape) |
fov_uncertainty = Cov.new_zeros(Cov[..., 0, 0].shape) |
if self.estimate_focal: |
focal_uncertainty = Cov[..., self.focal_delta_dims[0], self.focal_delta_dims[0]] |
fov_uncertainty = ( |
J_focal2fov(camera_opt.f[..., 1], camera_opt.size[..., 1]) ** 2 * focal_uncertainty |
) |
return { |
"covariance": Cov, |
"roll_uncertainty": torch.sqrt(roll_uncertainty), |
"pitch_uncertainty": torch.sqrt(pitch_uncertainty), |
"gravity_uncertainty": torch.sqrt(gravity_uncertainty), |
"focal_uncertainty": torch.sqrt(focal_uncertainty) / 2, |
"vfov_uncertainty": torch.sqrt(fov_uncertainty / 2), |
} |
def update_estimate( |
self, camera: BaseCamera, gravity: Gravity, delta: torch.Tensor |
) -> Tuple[BaseCamera, Gravity]: |
"""Update the camera and gravity estimates with the given delta. |
Args: |
camera (BaseCamera): Optimized camera. |
gravity (Gravity): Optimized gravity. |
delta (torch.Tensor): Delta to update the camera and gravity estimates. |
Returns: |
Tuple[BaseCamera, Gravity]: Updated camera and gravity estimates. |
""" |
delta_gravity = ( |
delta[..., self.gravity_delta_dims] |
if self.estimate_gravity |
else delta.new_zeros(delta.shape[:-1] + (2,)) |
) |
new_gravity = gravity.update(delta_gravity, spherical=self.conf.use_spherical_manifold) |
delta_f = ( |
delta[..., self.focal_delta_dims] |
if self.estimate_focal |
else delta.new_zeros(delta.shape[:-1] + (1,)) |
) |
new_camera = camera.update_focal(delta_f, as_log=self.conf.use_log_focal) |
delta_dist = ( |
delta[..., self.k1_delta_dims] |
if self.camera_has_distortion and self.estimate_k1 |
else delta.new_zeros(delta.shape[:-1] + (1,)) |
) |
if self.camera_has_distortion: |
new_camera = new_camera.update_dist(delta_dist) |
return new_camera, new_gravity |
def optimize( |
self, |
data: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], |
camera_opt: BaseCamera, |
gravity_opt: Gravity, |
) -> Tuple[BaseCamera, Gravity, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: |
"""Optimize the camera and gravity estimates. |
Args: |
data (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Input data. |
camera_opt (BaseCamera): Optimized camera. |
gravity_opt (Gravity): Optimized gravity. |
Returns: |
Tuple[BaseCamera, Gravity, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]: Optimized camera, gravity |
estimates and optimization information. |
""" |
key = list(data.keys())[0] |
B = data[key].shape[0] |
lamb = data[key].new_ones(B) * self.conf.lambda_ |
if self.shared_intrinsics: |
lamb = data[key].new_ones(1) * self.conf.lambda_ |
infos = {"stop_at": self.num_steps} |
for i in range(self.num_steps): |
if self.conf.verbose: |
logger.info(f"Step {i+1}/{self.num_steps}") |
errors = self.calculate_residuals(camera_opt, gravity_opt, data) |
costs, weights = self.calculate_costs(errors, data) |
if i == 0: |
prev_cost = sum(c.mean(-1) for c in costs.values()) |
for k, c in costs.items(): |
infos[f"initial_{k}"] = c.mean(-1) |
infos["initial_cost"] = prev_cost |
Grad, Hess = self.setup_system( |
camera_opt, |
gravity_opt, |
errors, |
weights, |
shared_intrinsics=self.shared_intrinsics, |
) |
delta = optimizer_step(Grad, Hess, lamb) |
if self.shared_intrinsics: |
delta_g = delta[..., :-1].reshape(B, 2) |
delta_f = delta[..., -1].expand(B, 1) |
delta = torch.cat([delta_g, delta_f], dim=-1) |
camera_opt, gravity_opt = self.update_estimate(camera_opt, gravity_opt, delta) |
new_cost, _ = self.calculate_costs( |
self.calculate_residuals(camera_opt, gravity_opt, data), data |
) |
new_cost = sum(c.mean(-1) for c in new_cost.values()) |
if not self.conf.fix_lambda and not self.shared_intrinsics: |
lamb = update_lambda(lamb, prev_cost, new_cost) |
if self.conf.verbose: |
logger.info(f"Cost:\nPrev: {prev_cost}\nNew: {new_cost}") |
logger.info(f"Camera:\n{camera_opt._data}") |
if early_stop(new_cost, prev_cost, atol=self.conf.atol, rtol=self.conf.rtol): |
infos["stop_at"] = min(i + 1, infos["stop_at"]) |
if self.conf.early_stop: |
if self.conf.verbose: |
logger.info(f"Early stopping at step {i+1}") |
break |
prev_cost = new_cost |
if i == self.num_steps - 1 and self.conf.early_stop: |
logger.warning("Reached maximum number of steps without convergence.") |
final_errors = self.calculate_residuals(camera_opt, gravity_opt, data) |
final_cost, weights = self.calculate_costs(final_errors, data) |
if not self.training: |
infos |= self.estimate_uncertainty(camera_opt, gravity_opt, final_errors, weights) |
infos["stop_at"] = camera_opt.new_ones(camera_opt.shape[0]) * infos["stop_at"] |
for k, c in final_cost.items(): |
infos[f"final_{k}"] = c.mean(-1) |
infos["final_cost"] = sum(c.mean(-1) for c in final_cost.values()) |
return camera_opt, gravity_opt, infos |
def forward(self, data: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: |
"""Run the LM optimization.""" |
camera_init, gravity_init = get_trivial_estimation(data, self.camera_model) |
self.setup_optimization_and_priors(data, shared_intrinsics=self.shared_intrinsics) |
start = time.time() |
camera_opt, gravity_opt, infos = self.optimize(data, camera_init, gravity_init) |
if self.conf.verbose: |
logger.info(f"Optimization took {(time.time() - start)*1000:.2f} ms") |
logger.info(f"Initial camera:\n{rad2deg(camera_init.vfov)}") |
logger.info(f"Optimized camera:\n{rad2deg(camera_opt.vfov)}") |
logger.info(f"Initial gravity:\n{rad2deg(gravity_init.rp)}") |
logger.info(f"Optimized gravity:\n{rad2deg(gravity_opt.rp)}") |
return {"camera": camera_opt, "gravity": gravity_opt, **infos} |