# Adapted from PixLoc, Paul-Edouard Sarlin, ETH Zurich # https://github.com/cvg/pixloc # Released under the Apache License 2.0 """Convenience classes a for camera models. Based on PyTorch tensors: differentiable, batched, with GPU support. """ from abc import abstractmethod from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch from torch.func import jacfwd, vmap from torch.nn import functional as F from siclib.geometry.gravity import Gravity from siclib.utils.conversions import deg2rad, focal2fov, fov2focal, rad2rotmat from siclib.utils.tensor import TensorWrapper, autocast # mypy: ignore-errors class BaseCamera(TensorWrapper): """Camera tensor class.""" eps = 1e-3 @autocast def __init__(self, data: torch.Tensor): """Camera parameters with shape (..., {w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy, *dist}). Tensor convention: (..., {w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy, pitch, roll, *dist}) where - w, h: image size in pixels - fx, fy: focal lengths in pixels - cx, cy: principal points in normalized image coordinates - dist: distortion parameters Args: data (torch.Tensor): Camera parameters with shape (..., {6, 7, 8}). """ # w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy, dist assert data.shape[-1] in {6, 7, 8}, data.shape pad = data.new_zeros(data.shape[:-1] + (8 - data.shape[-1],)) data = torch.cat([data, pad], -1) if data.shape[-1] != 8 else data super().__init__(data) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, param_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> "BaseCamera": """Create a Camera object from a dictionary of parameters. Args: param_dict (Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): Dictionary of parameters. Returns: Camera: Camera object. """ for key, value in param_dict.items(): if not isinstance(value, torch.Tensor): param_dict[key] = torch.tensor(value) h, w = param_dict["height"], param_dict["width"] cx, cy = param_dict.get("cx", w / 2), param_dict.get("cy", h / 2) vfov = param_dict.get("vfov") f = param_dict.get("f", fov2focal(vfov, h)) if "dist" in param_dict: k1, k2 = param_dict["dist"][..., 0], param_dict["dist"][..., 1] elif "k1_hat" in param_dict: k1 = param_dict["k1_hat"] * (f / h) ** 2 k2 = param_dict.get("k2", torch.zeros_like(k1)) else: k1 = param_dict.get("k1", torch.zeros_like(f)) k2 = param_dict.get("k2", torch.zeros_like(f)) fx, fy = f, f if "scales" in param_dict: scales = param_dict["scales"] fx = fx * scales[..., 0] / scales[..., 1] params = torch.stack([w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy, k1, k2], dim=-1) return cls(params) def pinhole(self): """Return the pinhole camera model.""" return self.__class__(self._data[..., :6]) @property def size(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Size (width height) of the images, with shape (..., 2).""" return self._data[..., :2] @property def f(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Focal lengths (fx, fy) with shape (..., 2).""" return self._data[..., 2:4] @property def vfov(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Vertical field of view in radians.""" return focal2fov(self.f[..., 1], self.size[..., 1]) @property def hfov(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Horizontal field of view in radians.""" return focal2fov(self.f[..., 0], self.size[..., 0]) @property def c(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Principal points (cx, cy) with shape (..., 2).""" return self._data[..., 4:6] @property def K(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Returns the self intrinsic matrix with shape (..., 3, 3).""" shape = self.shape + (3, 3) K = self._data.new_zeros(shape) K[..., 0, 0] = self.f[..., 0] K[..., 1, 1] = self.f[..., 1] K[..., 0, 2] = self.c[..., 0] K[..., 1, 2] = self.c[..., 1] K[..., 2, 2] = 1 return K def update_focal(self, delta: torch.Tensor, as_log: bool = False): """Update the self parameters after changing the focal length.""" f = torch.exp(torch.log(self.f) + delta) if as_log else self.f + delta # clamp focal length to a reasonable range for stability during training min_f = fov2focal(self.new_ones(self.shape[0]) * deg2rad(150), self.size[..., 1]) max_f = fov2focal(self.new_ones(self.shape[0]) * deg2rad(5), self.size[..., 1]) min_f = min_f.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, 2) max_f = max_f.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, 2) f = f.clamp(min=min_f, max=max_f) # make sure focal ration stays the same (avoid inplace operations) fx = f[..., 1] * self.f[..., 0] / self.f[..., 1] f = torch.stack([fx, f[..., 1]], -1) dist = self.dist if hasattr(self, "dist") else self.new_zeros(self.f.shape) return self.__class__(torch.cat([self.size, f, self.c, dist], -1)) def scale(self, scales: Union[float, int, Tuple[Union[float, int]]]): """Update the self parameters after resizing an image.""" scales = (scales, scales) if isinstance(scales, (int, float)) else scales s = scales if isinstance(scales, torch.Tensor) else self.new_tensor(scales) dist = self.dist if hasattr(self, "dist") else self.new_zeros(self.f.shape) return self.__class__(torch.cat([self.size * s, self.f * s, self.c * s, dist], -1)) def crop(self, pad: Tuple[float]): """Update the self parameters after cropping an image.""" pad = pad if isinstance(pad, torch.Tensor) else self.new_tensor(pad) size = self.size + pad.to(self.size) c = self.c + pad.to(self.c) / 2 dist = self.dist if hasattr(self, "dist") else self.new_zeros(self.f.shape) return self.__class__(torch.cat([size, self.f, c, dist], -1)) def undo_scale_crop(self, data: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]): """Undo transforms done during scaling and cropping.""" camera = self.crop(-data["crop_pad"]) if "crop_pad" in data else self return camera.scale(1.0 / data["scales"]) @autocast def in_image(self, p2d: torch.Tensor): """Check if 2D points are within the image boundaries.""" assert p2d.shape[-1] == 2 size = self.size.unsqueeze(-2) return torch.all((p2d >= 0) & (p2d <= (size - 1)), -1) @autocast def project(self, p3d: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: """Project 3D points into the self plane and check for visibility.""" z = p3d[..., -1] valid = z > self.eps z = z.clamp(min=self.eps) p2d = p3d[..., :-1] / z.unsqueeze(-1) return p2d, valid def J_project(self, p3d: torch.Tensor): """Jacobian of the projection function.""" x, y, z = p3d[..., 0], p3d[..., 1], p3d[..., 2] zero = torch.zeros_like(z) z = z.clamp(min=self.eps) J = torch.stack([1 / z, zero, -x / z**2, zero, 1 / z, -y / z**2], dim=-1) J = J.reshape(p3d.shape[:-1] + (2, 3)) return J # N x 2 x 3 @abstractmethod def distort(self, pts: torch.Tensor, return_scale: bool = False) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: """Distort normalized 2D coordinates and check for validity of the distortion model.""" raise NotImplementedError("distort() must be implemented.") def J_distort(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "pts") -> torch.Tensor: """Jacobian of the distortion function.""" if wrt == "scale2pts": # (..., 2) J = [ vmap(jacfwd(lambda x: self[idx].distort(x, return_scale=True)[0]))(p2d[idx])[None] for idx in range(p2d.shape[0]) ] return torch.cat(J, dim=0).squeeze(-3, -2) elif wrt == "scale2dist": # (..., 1) J = [] for idx in range(p2d.shape[0]): # loop to batch pts dimension def func(x): params = torch.cat([self._data[idx, :6], x[None]], -1) return self.__class__(params).distort(p2d[idx], return_scale=True)[0] J.append(vmap(jacfwd(func))(self[idx].dist)) return torch.cat(J, dim=0) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Jacobian not implemented for wrt={wrt}") @abstractmethod def undistort(self, pts: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: """Undistort normalized 2D coordinates and check for validity of the distortion model.""" raise NotImplementedError("undistort() must be implemented.") def J_undistort(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "pts") -> torch.Tensor: """Jacobian of the undistortion function.""" if wrt == "pts": # (..., 2, 2) J = [ vmap(jacfwd(lambda x: self[idx].undistort(x)[0]))(p2d[idx])[None] for idx in range(p2d.shape[0]) ] return torch.cat(J, dim=0).squeeze(-3) elif wrt == "dist": # (..., 1) J = [] for batch_idx in range(p2d.shape[0]): # loop to batch pts dimension def func(x): params = torch.cat([self._data[batch_idx, :6], x[None]], -1) return self.__class__(params).undistort(p2d[batch_idx])[0] J.append(vmap(jacfwd(func))(self[batch_idx].dist)) return torch.cat(J, dim=0) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Jacobian not implemented for wrt={wrt}") @autocast def up_projection_offset(self, p2d: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the offset for the up-projection.""" return self.J_distort(p2d, wrt="scale2pts") # (B, N, 2) def J_up_projection_offset(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "uv") -> torch.Tensor: """Jacobian of the distortion offset for up-projection.""" if wrt == "uv": # (B, N, 2, 2) J = [ vmap(jacfwd(lambda x: self[idx].up_projection_offset(x)[0, 0]))(p2d[idx])[None] for idx in range(p2d.shape[0]) ] return torch.cat(J, dim=0) elif wrt == "dist": # (B, N, 2) J = [] for batch_idx in range(p2d.shape[0]): # loop to batch pts dimension def func(x): params = torch.cat([self._data[batch_idx, :6], x[None]], -1)[None] return self.__class__(params).up_projection_offset(p2d[batch_idx][None]) J.append(vmap(jacfwd(func))(self[batch_idx].dist)) return torch.cat(J, dim=0).squeeze(1) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Jacobian not implemented for wrt={wrt}") @autocast def denormalize(self, p2d: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert normalized 2D coordinates into pixel coordinates.""" return p2d * self.f.unsqueeze(-2) + self.c.unsqueeze(-2) def J_denormalize(self): """Jacobian of the denormalization function.""" return torch.diag_embed(self.f) # ..., 2 x 2 @autocast def normalize(self, p2d: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert pixel coordinates into normalized 2D coordinates.""" return (p2d - self.c.unsqueeze(-2)) / (self.f.unsqueeze(-2)) def J_normalize(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "f"): """Jacobian of the normalization function.""" # ... x N x 2 x 2 if wrt == "f": J_f = -(p2d - self.c.unsqueeze(-2)) / ((self.f.unsqueeze(-2)) ** 2) return torch.diag_embed(J_f) elif wrt == "pts": J_pts = 1 / self.f return torch.diag_embed(J_pts) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Jacobian not implemented for wrt={wrt}") def pixel_coordinates(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Pixel coordinates in self frame. Returns: torch.Tensor: Pixel coordinates as a tensor of shape (B, h * w, 2). """ w, h = self.size[0].unbind(-1) h, w = h.round().to(int), w.round().to(int) # create grid x = torch.arange(0, w, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) y = torch.arange(0, h, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) x, y = torch.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="xy") xy = torch.stack((x, y), dim=-1).reshape(-1, 2) # shape (h * w, 2) # add batch dimension (normalize() would broadcast but we make it explicit) B = self.shape[0] xy = xy.unsqueeze(0).expand(B, -1, -1) # if B > 0 else xy return xy.to(self.device).to(self.dtype) def normalized_image_coordinates(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Normalized image coordinates in self frame. Returns: torch.Tensor: Normalized image coordinates as a tensor of shape (B, h * w, 3). """ xy = self.pixel_coordinates() uv1, _ = self.image2world(xy) B = self.shape[0] uv1 = uv1.reshape(B, -1, 3) return uv1.to(self.device).to(self.dtype) @autocast def pixel_bearing_many(self, p3d: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Get the bearing vectors of pixel coordinates. Args: p2d (torch.Tensor): Pixel coordinates as a tensor of shape (..., 3). Returns: torch.Tensor: Bearing vectors as a tensor of shape (..., 3). """ return F.normalize(p3d, dim=-1) @autocast def world2image(self, p3d: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: """Transform 3D points into 2D pixel coordinates.""" p2d, visible = self.project(p3d) p2d, mask = self.distort(p2d) p2d = self.denormalize(p2d) valid = visible & mask & self.in_image(p2d) return p2d, valid @autocast def J_world2image(self, p3d: torch.Tensor): """Jacobian of the world2image function.""" p2d_proj, valid = self.project(p3d) J_dnorm = self.J_denormalize() J_dist = self.J_distort(p2d_proj) J_proj = self.J_project(p3d) J = torch.einsum("...ij,...jk,...kl->...il", J_dnorm, J_dist, J_proj) return J, valid @autocast def image2world(self, p2d: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Transform point in the image plane to 3D world coordinates.""" p2d = self.normalize(p2d) p2d, valid = self.undistort(p2d) ones = p2d.new_ones(p2d.shape[:-1] + (1,)) p3d = torch.cat([p2d, ones], -1) return p3d, valid @autocast def J_image2world(self, p2d: torch.Tensor, wrt: str = "f") -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Jacobian of the image2world function.""" if wrt == "dist": p2d_norm = self.normalize(p2d) return self.J_undistort(p2d_norm, wrt) elif wrt == "f": J_norm2f = self.J_normalize(p2d, wrt) p2d_norm = self.normalize(p2d) J_dist2norm = self.J_undistort(p2d_norm, "pts") return torch.einsum("...ij,...jk->...ik", J_dist2norm, J_norm2f) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown wrt: {wrt}") @autocast def undistort_image(self, img: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Undistort an image using the distortion model.""" assert self.shape[0] == 1, "Batch size must be 1." W, H = self.size.unbind(-1) H, W = H.int().item(), W.int().item() x, y = torch.arange(0, W), torch.arange(0, H) x, y = torch.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="xy") coords = torch.stack((x, y), dim=-1).reshape(-1, 2) p3d, _ = self.pinhole().image2world(coords.to(self.device).to(self.dtype)) p2d, _ = self.world2image(p3d) mapx, mapy = p2d[..., 0].reshape((1, H, W)), p2d[..., 1].reshape((1, H, W)) grid = torch.stack((mapx, mapy), dim=-1) grid = 2.0 * grid / torch.tensor([W - 1, H - 1]).to(grid) - 1 return F.grid_sample(img, grid, align_corners=True) def get_img_from_pano( self, pano_img: torch.Tensor, gravity: Gravity, yaws: torch.Tensor = 0.0, resize_factor: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Render an image from a panorama. Args: pano_img (torch.Tensor): Panorama image of shape (3, H, W) in [0, 1]. gravity (Gravity): Gravity direction of the camera. yaws (torch.Tensor | list, optional): Yaw angle in radians. Defaults to 0.0. resize_factor (torch.Tensor, optional): Resize the panorama to be a multiple of the field of view. Defaults to 1. Returns: torch.Tensor: Image rendered from the panorama. """ B = self.shape[0] if B > 0: assert self.size[..., 0].unique().shape[0] == 1, "All images must have the same width." assert self.size[..., 1].unique().shape[0] == 1, "All images must have the same height." w, h = self.size[0].unbind(-1) h, w = h.round().to(int), w.round().to(int) if isinstance(yaws, (int, float)): yaws = [yaws] if isinstance(resize_factor, (int, float)): resize_factor = [resize_factor] yaws = ( yaws.to(self.dtype).to(self.device) if isinstance(yaws, torch.Tensor) else self.new_tensor(yaws) ) if isinstance(resize_factor, torch.Tensor): resize_factor = resize_factor.to(self.dtype).to(self.device) elif resize_factor is not None: resize_factor = self.new_tensor(resize_factor) assert isinstance(pano_img, torch.Tensor), "Panorama image must be a torch.Tensor." pano_img = pano_img if pano_img.dim() == 4 else pano_img.unsqueeze(0) # B x H x W x 3 pano_imgs = [] for i, yaw in enumerate(yaws): if resize_factor is not None: # resize the panorama such that the fov of the panorama has the same height as the # image vfov = self.vfov[i] if B != 0 else self.vfov scale = np.pi / float(vfov) * float(h) / pano_img.shape[0] * resize_factor[i] pano_shape = (int(pano_img.shape[0] * scale), int(pano_img.shape[1] * scale)) # pano_img = pano_img.permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0) mode = "bicubic" if scale >= 1 else "area" resized_pano = F.interpolate(pano_img, size=pano_shape, mode=mode) else: # make sure to copy: resized_pano = pano_img resized_pano = pano_img pano_shape = pano_img.shape[-2:][::-1] pano_imgs.append((resized_pano, pano_shape)) xy = self.pixel_coordinates() uv1, valid = self.image2world(xy) bearings = self.pixel_bearing_many(uv1) # rotate bearings R_yaw = rad2rotmat(self.new_zeros(yaw.shape), self.new_zeros(yaw.shape), yaws) rotated_bearings = bearings @ gravity.R @ R_yaw # spherical coordinates lon = torch.atan2(rotated_bearings[..., 0], rotated_bearings[..., 2]) lat = torch.atan2( rotated_bearings[..., 1], torch.norm(rotated_bearings[..., [0, 2]], dim=-1) ) images = [] for idx, (resized_pano, pano_shape) in enumerate(pano_imgs): min_lon, max_lon = -torch.pi, torch.pi min_lat, max_lat = -torch.pi / 2.0, torch.pi / 2.0 min_x, max_x = 0, pano_shape[0] - 1.0 min_y, max_y = 0, pano_shape[1] - 1.0 # map Spherical Coordinates to Panoramic Coordinates nx = (lon[idx] - min_lon) / (max_lon - min_lon) * (max_x - min_x) + min_x ny = (lat[idx] - min_lat) / (max_lat - min_lat) * (max_y - min_y) + min_y # reshape and cast to numpy for remap mapx = nx.reshape((1, h, w)) mapy = ny.reshape((1, h, w)) grid = torch.stack((mapx, mapy), dim=-1) # Add batch dimension # Normalize to [-1, 1] grid = 2.0 * grid / torch.tensor([pano_shape[-2] - 1, pano_shape[-1] - 1]).to(grid) - 1 # Apply grid sample image = F.grid_sample(resized_pano, grid, align_corners=True) images.append(image) return torch.concatenate(images, 0) if B > 0 else images[0] def __repr__(self): """Print the Camera object.""" return f"{self.__class__.__name__} {self.shape} {self.dtype} {self.device}"