defaults: - data: openpano-radial - train: geocalib - model: geocalib - _self_ data: # smaller batch size since lm takes more memory train_batch_size: 18 val_batch_size: 18 test_batch_size: 18 model: optimizer: camera_model: simple_radial weights: weights/geocalib.tar train: lr: 1e-5 # smaller lr since we are fine-tuning num_steps: 200_000 # adapt to see same number of samples as previous training lr_schedule: type: SequentialLR on_epoch: false options: # adapt to see same number of samples as previous training milestones: [5_000] schedulers: - type: LinearLR options: start_factor: 1e-3 total_iters: 5_000 - type: MultiStepLR options: gamma: 0.1 # adapt to see same number of samples as previous training milestones: [110_000, 170_000]