"""Image loading and general conversion utilities.""" import collections.abc as collections from pathlib import Path from types import SimpleNamespace from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple import cv2 import kornia import numpy as np import torch import torchvision # mypy: ignore-errors def fit_to_multiple(x: torch.Tensor, multiple: int, mode: str = "center", crop: bool = False): """Get padding to make the image size a multiple of the given number. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. multiple (int, optional): Multiple to fit to. crop (bool, optional): Whether to crop or pad. Defaults to False. Returns: torch.Tensor: Padding. """ h, w = x.shape[-2:] if crop: pad_w = (w // multiple) * multiple - w pad_h = (h // multiple) * multiple - h else: pad_w = (multiple - w % multiple) % multiple pad_h = (multiple - h % multiple) % multiple if mode == "center": pad_l = pad_w // 2 pad_r = pad_w - pad_l pad_t = pad_h // 2 pad_b = pad_h - pad_t elif mode == "left": pad_l, pad_r = 0, pad_w pad_t, pad_b = 0, pad_h else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {mode}") return (pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b) def fit_features_to_multiple( features: torch.Tensor, multiple: int = 32, crop: bool = False ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Tuple[int, int]]: """Pad or crop image to a multiple of the given number. Args: features (torch.Tensor): Input features. multiple (int, optional): Multiple. Defaults to 32. crop (bool, optional): Whether to crop or pad. Defaults to False. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, Tuple[int, int]]: Padded features and padding. """ pad = fit_to_multiple(features, multiple, crop=crop) return torch.nn.functional.pad(features, pad, mode="reflect"), pad class ImagePreprocessor: """Preprocess images for calibration.""" default_conf = { "resize": 320, # target edge length, None for no resizing "edge_divisible_by": None, "side": "short", "interpolation": "bilinear", "align_corners": None, "antialias": True, "square_crop": False, "add_padding_mask": False, "resize_backend": "kornia", # torchvision, kornia } def __init__(self, conf) -> None: """Initialize the image preprocessor.""" self.conf = {**self.default_conf, **conf} self.conf = SimpleNamespace(**self.conf) def __call__(self, img: torch.Tensor, interpolation: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """Resize and preprocess an image, return image and resize scale.""" h, w = img.shape[-2:] size = h, w if self.conf.square_crop: min_size = min(h, w) offset = (h - min_size) // 2, (w - min_size) // 2 img = img[:, offset[0] : offset[0] + min_size, offset[1] : offset[1] + min_size] size = img.shape[-2:] if self.conf.resize is not None: if interpolation is None: interpolation = self.conf.interpolation size = self.get_new_image_size(h, w) img = self.resize(img, size, interpolation) scale = torch.Tensor([img.shape[-1] / w, img.shape[-2] / h]).to(img) T = np.diag([scale[0].cpu(), scale[1].cpu(), 1]) data = { "scales": scale, "image_size": np.array(size[::-1]), "transform": T, "original_image_size": np.array([w, h]), } if self.conf.edge_divisible_by is not None: # crop to make the edge divisible by a number w_, h_ = img.shape[-1], img.shape[-2] img, _ = fit_features_to_multiple(img, self.conf.edge_divisible_by, crop=True) crop_pad = torch.Tensor([img.shape[-1] - w_, img.shape[-2] - h_]).to(img) data["crop_pad"] = crop_pad data["image_size"] = np.array([img.shape[-1], img.shape[-2]]) data["image"] = img return data def resize(self, img: torch.Tensor, size: Tuple[int, int], interpolation: str) -> torch.Tensor: """Resize an image using the specified backend.""" if self.conf.resize_backend == "kornia": return kornia.geometry.transform.resize( img, size, side=self.conf.side, antialias=self.conf.antialias, align_corners=self.conf.align_corners, interpolation=interpolation, ) elif self.conf.resize_backend == "torchvision": return torchvision.transforms.Resize(size, antialias=self.conf.antialias)(img) else: raise ValueError(f"{self.conf.resize_backend} not implemented.") def load_image(self, image_path: Path) -> dict: """Load an image from a path and preprocess it.""" return self(load_image(image_path)) def get_new_image_size(self, h: int, w: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the new image size after resizing.""" side = self.conf.side if isinstance(self.conf.resize, collections.Iterable): assert len(self.conf.resize) == 2 return tuple(self.conf.resize) side_size = self.conf.resize aspect_ratio = w / h if side not in ("short", "long", "vert", "horz"): raise ValueError( f"side can be one of 'short', 'long', 'vert', and 'horz'. Got '{side}'" ) return ( (side_size, int(side_size * aspect_ratio)) if side == "vert" or (side != "horz" and (side == "short") ^ (aspect_ratio < 1.0)) else (int(side_size / aspect_ratio), side_size) ) def numpy_image_to_torch(image: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor: """Normalize the image tensor and reorder the dimensions.""" if image.ndim == 3: image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # HxWxC to CxHxW elif image.ndim == 2: image = image[None] # add channel axis else: raise ValueError(f"Not an image: {image.shape}") return torch.tensor(image / 255.0, dtype=torch.float) def torch_image_to_numpy(image: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray: """Normalize and reorder the dimensions of an image tensor.""" if image.ndim == 3: image = image.permute((1, 2, 0)) # CxHxW to HxWxC elif image.ndim == 2: image = image[None] # add channel axis else: raise ValueError(f"Not an image: {image.shape}") return (image.cpu().detach().numpy() * 255).astype(np.uint8) def read_image(path: Path, grayscale: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Read an image from path as RGB or grayscale.""" if not Path(path).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"No image at path {path}.") mode = cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE if grayscale else cv2.IMREAD_COLOR image = cv2.imread(str(path), mode) if image is None: raise IOError(f"Could not read image at {path}.") if not grayscale: image = image[..., ::-1] return image def write_image(img: torch.Tensor, path: Path): """Write an image tensor to a file.""" img = torch_image_to_numpy(img) if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor) else img cv2.imwrite(str(path), img[..., ::-1]) def load_image(path: Path, grayscale: bool = False, return_tensor: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor: """Load an image from a path and return as a tensor.""" image = read_image(path, grayscale=grayscale) if return_tensor: return numpy_image_to_torch(image) assert image.ndim in [2, 3], f"Not an image: {image.shape}" image = image[None] if image.ndim == 2 else image return torch.tensor(image.copy(), dtype=torch.uint8) def skew_symmetric(v: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Create a skew-symmetric matrix from a (batched) vector of size (..., 3). Args: (torch.Tensor): Vector of size (..., 3). Returns: (torch.Tensor): Skew-symmetric matrix of size (..., 3, 3). """ z = torch.zeros_like(v[..., 0]) return torch.stack( [z, -v[..., 2], v[..., 1], v[..., 2], z, -v[..., 0], -v[..., 1], v[..., 0], z], dim=-1 ).reshape(v.shape[:-1] + (3, 3)) def rad2rotmat( roll: torch.Tensor, pitch: torch.Tensor, yaw: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert (batched) roll, pitch, yaw angles (in radians) to rotation matrix. Args: roll (torch.Tensor): Roll angle in radians. pitch (torch.Tensor): Pitch angle in radians. yaw (torch.Tensor, optional): Yaw angle in radians. Defaults to None. Returns: torch.Tensor: Rotation matrix of shape (..., 3, 3). """ if yaw is None: yaw = roll.new_zeros(roll.shape) Rx = pitch.new_zeros(pitch.shape + (3, 3)) Rx[..., 0, 0] = 1 Rx[..., 1, 1] = torch.cos(pitch) Rx[..., 1, 2] = torch.sin(pitch) Rx[..., 2, 1] = -torch.sin(pitch) Rx[..., 2, 2] = torch.cos(pitch) Ry = yaw.new_zeros(yaw.shape + (3, 3)) Ry[..., 0, 0] = torch.cos(yaw) Ry[..., 0, 2] = -torch.sin(yaw) Ry[..., 1, 1] = 1 Ry[..., 2, 0] = torch.sin(yaw) Ry[..., 2, 2] = torch.cos(yaw) Rz = roll.new_zeros(roll.shape + (3, 3)) Rz[..., 0, 0] = torch.cos(roll) Rz[..., 0, 1] = torch.sin(roll) Rz[..., 1, 0] = -torch.sin(roll) Rz[..., 1, 1] = torch.cos(roll) Rz[..., 2, 2] = 1 return Rz @ Rx @ Ry def fov2focal(fov: torch.Tensor, size: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute focal length from (vertical/horizontal) field of view.""" return size / 2 / torch.tan(fov / 2) def focal2fov(focal: torch.Tensor, size: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute (vertical/horizontal) field of view from focal length.""" return 2 * torch.arctan(size / (2 * focal)) def pitch2rho(pitch: torch.Tensor, f: torch.Tensor, h: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the distance from principal point to the horizon.""" return torch.tan(pitch) * f / h def rho2pitch(rho: torch.Tensor, f: torch.Tensor, h: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the pitch angle from the distance to the horizon.""" return torch.atan(rho * h / f) def rad2deg(rad: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert radians to degrees.""" return rad / torch.pi * 180 def deg2rad(deg: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert degrees to radians.""" return deg / 180 * torch.pi def get_device() -> str: """Get the device (cpu, cuda, mps) available.""" device = "cpu" if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda" elif torch.backends.mps.is_available(): device = "mps" return device def print_calibration(results: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> None: """Print the calibration results.""" camera, gravity = results["camera"], results["gravity"] vfov = rad2deg(camera.vfov) roll, pitch = rad2deg(gravity.rp).unbind(-1) print("\nEstimated parameters (Pred):") print(f"Roll: {roll.item():.1f}° (± {rad2deg(results['roll_uncertainty']).item():.1f})°") print(f"Pitch: {pitch.item():.1f}° (± {rad2deg(results['pitch_uncertainty']).item():.1f})°") print(f"vFoV: {vfov.item():.1f}° (± {rad2deg(results['vfov_uncertainty']).item():.1f})°") print(f"Focal: {camera.f[0, 1].item():.1f} px (± {results['focal_uncertainty'].item():.1f} px)") if hasattr(camera, "k1"): print(f"K1: {camera.k1.item():.1f}")