{ "errors": { "CONECTION_NO_WORD_ENTERED": "Error: Enter at least one word to continue", "EMBEDDING_NO_WORD_PROVIDED": "Error: First you most enter a word!", "EMBEDDING_WORD_OOV": "Error: The word '{}' is not in the vocabulary!", "BIASEXPLORER_NOT_ENOUGH_WORD_2_KERNELS": "At least one word should be in the to diagnose list, bias 1 list and bias 2 list", "BIASEXPLORER_NOT_ENOUGH_WORD_4_KERNELS": "To plot with 4 spaces, you must enter at least one word in all lists", "RANKSENTS_NO_SENTENCE_PROVIDED": "Error: You most enter a sentence!", "RANKSENTS_NO_MASK_IN_SENTENCE": "Error: The entered sentence needs to contain a ' * ' in order to predict the word!", "RANKSENTS_TOO_MANY_MASKS_IN_SENTENCE": "Error: The sentence entered must contain only one ' * '!", "RANKSENTS_TOKENIZER_MAX_TOKENS_REACHED": "Error: The sentence has more than {} tokens!", "CROWS-PAIRS_BAD_FORMATTED_SENTENCE": "Error: The sentence Nº {} does not have the correct format!", "CROWS-PAIRS_MANDATORY_SENTENCE_MISSING": "Error: The sentence Nº{} can not be empty!", "WORD2CONTEXT_WORDS_OR_SET_MISSING": "Error: Word not entered and/or interest set(s) not selected!" } }