import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytz from datetime import datetime from typing import List class DateLogs: def __init__( self, zone: str = "America/Argentina/Cordoba" ) -> None: self.time_zone = pytz.timezone(zone) def full( self ) -> str: now = return now.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y") def day( self ) -> str: now = return now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") def take_two_sides_extreme_sorted( df: pd.DataFrame, n_extreme: int, part_column: str=None, head_value: str='', tail_value: str='' ) -> pd.DataFrame: head_df = df.head(n_extreme)[:] tail_df = df.tail(n_extreme)[:] if part_column is not None: head_df[part_column] = head_value tail_df[part_column] = tail_value return (pd.concat([head_df, tail_df]) .drop_duplicates() .reset_index(drop=True)) def normalize( v: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Normalize a 1-D vector.""" if v.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('v should be 1-D, {}-D was given'.format( v.ndim)) norm = np.linalg.norm(v) if norm == 0: return v return v / norm def project_params( u: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Projecting and rejecting the vector v onto direction u with scalar.""" normalize_u = normalize(u) projection = (v @ normalize_u) projected_vector = projection * normalize_u rejected_vector = v - projected_vector return projection, projected_vector, rejected_vector def cosine_similarity( v: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the cosine similarity between two vectors.""" v_norm = np.linalg.norm(v) u_norm = np.linalg.norm(u) similarity = v @ u / (v_norm * u_norm) return similarity def axes_labels_format( left: str, right: str, sep: str, word_wrap: int = 4 ) -> str: def sparse( word: str, max_len: int ) -> str: diff = max_len-len(word) rest = diff if diff > 0 else 0 return word+" "*rest def gen_block( list_: List[str], n_rows:int, n_cols:int ) -> List[str]: block = [] block_row = [] for r in range(n_rows): for c in range(n_cols): i = r * n_cols + c w = list_[i] if i <= len(list_) - 1 else "" block_row.append(w) if (i+1) % n_cols == 0: block.append(block_row) block_row = [] return block # Transform 'string' to list of string l_list = [word.strip() for word in left.split(",") if word.strip() != ""] r_list = [word.strip() for word in right.split(",") if word.strip() != ""] # Get longest word, and longest_list longest_list = max(len(l_list), len(r_list)) longest_word = len(max( max(l_list, key=len), max(r_list, key=len))) # Creation of word blocks for each list n_rows = (longest_list // word_wrap) if longest_list % word_wrap == 0 else (longest_list // word_wrap) + 1 n_cols = word_wrap l_block = gen_block(l_list, n_rows, n_cols) r_block = gen_block(r_list, n_rows, n_cols) # Transform list of list to sparse string labels = "" for i,(l,r) in enumerate(zip(l_block, r_block)): line = ' '.join([sparse(w, longest_word) for w in l]) + sep + \ ' '.join([sparse(w, longest_word) for w in r]) labels += f"← {line} →\n" if i==0 else f" {line} \n" return labels