import pandas as pd from typing import List, Dict, Tuple class Vocabulary: def __init__( self, subset_name: str ) -> None: # Dataset info self.subset_name = subset_name self.ds_path = f"data/{subset_name}" # Pandas dataset self.df_vocab = None # Minimal list with (percentile,freq) tuples to be able to plot the word distribution graph self.histogram = None # Load vocabulary dataset self.__load() def __contains__( self, word: str ) -> bool: return word in self.df_vocab['word'].to_list() def __load( self ) -> None: print(f"Preparing {self.subset_name} vocabulary...") # --- Download vocab dataset --- self.df_vocab = pd.read_json(self.ds_path) # --- Create min histogram to plot the word distribution graph --- x_values = self.df_vocab['percentile'].to_list() y_values = self.df_vocab['freq'].to_list() # Delete duplicated tups uniques_tups_list = set(list(zip(x_values, y_values))) # Leave only tuples with different first element uniques_tups_list = dict(uniques_tups_list) self.histogram = sorted( uniques_tups_list.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[0], reverse=True ) def __getValue( self, word: str, feature: str ): word_id, value = None, None if word in self: word_id = self.df_vocab['word'].to_list().index(word) if word_id != None: value = self.df_vocab[feature].to_list()[word_id] return value def getFreq( self, word ) -> int: return self.__getValue(word, 'freq') def getPercentile( self, word:str ) -> float: return self.__getValue(word, 'percentile') def getSplits( self, word: str ) -> List[str]: return self.__getValue(word, 'splits') def getSubsets( self, word: str ) -> Dict[str, int]: return self.__getValue(word, 'in_subset') def distribution( self ) -> Tuple: x_values, y_values = zip(*self.histogram) return x_values, y_values def getWordNeighbors( self, word: str, n_neighbors: int=20 )-> Tuple: word_id = self.df_vocab['word'].to_list().index(word) words = self.df_vocab['word'].to_list() freqs = self.df_vocab['freq'].to_list() l_sorted = list(zip(words, freqs)) g = l_sorted[max(0, word_id-n_neighbors):word_id] # less than e = l_sorted[word_id] # equal than l = l_sorted[word_id+1:word_id+n_neighbors] # greter than dic = dict(g+[e]+l) l = [x[0] for x in l] g = [x[0] for x in g] return dic, l, g