{ "app": { "phraseExplorer": "Phrase bias", "crowsPairsExplorer": "Crows-Pairs" }, "PhraseExplorer_interface": { "step1": "1. Enter a sentence", "step2": "2. Enter words of interest (Optional)", "step3": "3. Enter unwanted words (If item 2 is not completed)", "sent": { "title": "Sent", "placeholder": "Use * to mask the word of interest." }, "wordList": { "title": "Words of interest", "placeholder": "The words in the list must be comma separated" }, "bannedWordList": { "title": "", "placeholder": "The words in the list must be comma separated" }, "excludeArticles": "Exclude articles", "excludePrepositions": "Excluir Prepositions", "excludeConjunctions": "Excluir Conjunctions", "resultsButton": "Get", "plot": "Display of proportions", "examples": "Examples" }, "CrowsPairs_interface": { "title": "1. Enter sentences to compare", "sent0": "Sentence Nº 1 (*)", "sent1": "Sentence Nº 2 (*)", "sent2": "Sentence Nº 3 (Optional)", "sent3": "Sentence Nº 4 (Optional)", "sent4": "Sentence Nº 5 (Optional)", "sent5": "Sentence Nº 6 (Optional)", "commonPlacholder": "Use < and > to highlight word(s) of interest", "compareButton": "Compare", "plot": "Display of proportions", "examples": "Examples" } }