from modules.module_ann import Ann from memory_profiler import profile from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from gensim.models import KeyedVectors from typing import List, Any import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np from numpy import dot from gensim import matutils class Embedding: def __init__(self, path: str, limit: int=None, randomizedPCA: bool=False, max_neighbors: int=20, nn_method: str='sklearn' ) -> None: # Embedding vars self.path = path self.limit = limit self.randomizedPCA = randomizedPCA self.max_neighbors = max_neighbors self.availables_nn_methods = ['sklearn', 'ann'] self.nn_method = nn_method # Full embedding dataset self.ds = None # Estimate NearestNeighbors self.ann = None # Aproximate with Annoy method self.neigh = None # Exact with Sklearn method # Load embedding and pca dataset self.__load() def __load( self, ) -> None: assert(self.nn_method in self.availables_nn_methods), f"Error: The value of the parameter 'nn method' can only be {self.availables_nn_methods}!" print(f"Preparing {os.path.basename(self.path)} embeddings...") # --- Prepare dataset --- self.ds = self.__preparate( self.path, self.limit, self.randomizedPCA ) # --- Estimate Nearest Neighbors if self.nn_method == 'sklearn': # Method A: Througth Sklearn method self.__init_sklearn_method( max_neighbors=self.max_neighbors, vectors=self.ds['embedding'].to_list() ) elif self.nn_method == 'ann': # Method B: Througth annoy using forest tree self.__init_ann_method( words=self.ds['word'].to_list(), vectors=self.ds['embedding'].to_list(), coord=self.ds['pca'].to_list() ) def __preparate( self, path: str, limit: int, randomizedPCA: bool ) -> pd.DataFrame: if randomizedPCA: pca = PCA( n_components=2, copy=False, whiten=False, svd_solver='randomized', iterated_power='auto' ) else: pca = PCA( n_components=2 ) try: model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format( fname=path, binary=path.endswith('.bin'), limit=limit, unicode_errors='ignore' ) except: raise Exception(f"Can't load {path}. If it's a .bin extended file, only gensims c binary format are valid") # Cased Vocab cased_words = model.index_to_key cased_emb = model.get_normed_vectors() cased_pca = pca.fit_transform(cased_emb) df_cased = pd.DataFrame( zip( cased_words, cased_emb, cased_pca ), columns=['word', 'embedding', 'pca'] ) df_cased['word'] = df_cased.word.apply(lambda w: w.lower()) df_uncased = df_cased.drop_duplicates(subset='word') return df_uncased def __init_ann_method( self, words: List[str], vectors: List[float], coord: List[float], n_trees: int=20, metric: str='dot' ) -> None: print("Initializing Annoy method to search for nearby neighbors...") self.ann = Ann( words=words, vectors=vectors, coord=coord, ) self.ann.init( n_trees=n_trees, metric=metric, n_jobs=-1 ) def __init_sklearn_method( self, max_neighbors: int, vectors: List[float] ) -> None: print("Initializing sklearn method to search for nearby neighbors...") self.neigh = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=max_neighbors ) X=vectors ) def __getValue( self, word: str, feature: str ) -> Any: word_id, value = None, None if word in self: word_id = self.ds['word'].to_list().index(word) if word_id != None: value = self.ds[feature].to_list()[word_id] else: print(f"The word '{word}' does not exist") return value def getEmbedding( self, word: str ) -> np.ndarray: return self.__getValue(word, 'embedding') def getPCA( self, word: str ) -> np.ndarray: return self.__getValue(word, 'pca') def getNearestNeighbors( self, word: str, n_neighbors: int=10, nn_method: str='sklearn' ) -> List[str]: assert(n_neighbors <= self.max_neighbors), f"Error: The value of the parameter 'n_neighbors:{n_neighbors}' must less than or equal to {self.max_neighbors}!." assert(nn_method in self.availables_nn_methods), f"Error: The value of the parameter 'nn method' can only be {self.availables_nn_methods}!" neighbors_list = [] if word not in self: print(f"The word '{word}' does not exist") return neighbors_list if nn_method == 'ann': if self.ann is None: self.__init_ann_method( words=self.ds['word'].to_list(), vectors=self.ds['embedding'].to_list(), coord=self.ds['pca'].to_list() ) neighbors_list = self.ann.get(word, n_neighbors) elif nn_method == 'sklearn': if self.neigh is None: self.__init_sklearn_method( max_neighbors=self.max_neighbors, vectors=self.ds['embedding'].to_list() ) word_emb = self.getEmbedding(word).reshape(1,-1) _, nn_ids = self.neigh.kneighbors(word_emb, n_neighbors + 1) neighbors_list = [self.ds['word'].to_list()[idx] for idx in nn_ids[0]][1:] return neighbors_list def cosineSimilarities( self, vector_1, vectors_all ): norm = np.linalg.norm(vector_1) all_norms = np.linalg.norm(vectors_all, axis=1) dot_products = dot(vectors_all, vector_1) similarities = dot_products / (norm * all_norms) return similarities def getCosineSimilarities( self, w1, w2 ): return dot( matutils.unitvec(self.getEmbedding(w1)), matutils.unitvec(self.getEmbedding(w2)) ) def __contains__( self, word: str ) -> bool: return word in self.ds['word'].to_list()