import { app } from '../../../scripts/app.js' import { api } from '../../../scripts/api.js' import { applyTextReplacements } from "../../../scripts/utils.js"; function chainCallback(object, property, callback) { if (object == undefined) { //This should not happen. console.error("Tried to add callback to non-existant object") return; } if (property in object) { const callback_orig = object[property] object[property] = function () { const r = callback_orig.apply(this, arguments); callback.apply(this, arguments); return r }; } else { object[property] = callback; } } function injectHidden(widget) { widget.computeSize = (target_width) => { if (widget.hidden) { return [0, -4]; } return [target_width, 20]; }; widget._type = widget.type Object.defineProperty(widget, "type", { set : function(value) { widget._type = value; }, get : function() { if (widget.hidden) { return "hidden"; } return widget._type; } }); } const convDict = { VHS_LoadImages : ["directory", null, "image_load_cap", "skip_first_images", "select_every_nth"], VHS_LoadImagesPath : ["directory", "image_load_cap", "skip_first_images", "select_every_nth"], VHS_VideoCombine : ["frame_rate", "loop_count", "filename_prefix", "format", "pingpong", "save_image"], VHS_LoadVideo : ["video", "force_rate", "force_size", "frame_load_cap", "skip_first_frames", "select_every_nth"], VHS_LoadVideoPath : ["video", "force_rate", "force_size", "frame_load_cap", "skip_first_frames", "select_every_nth"] }; const renameDict = {VHS_VideoCombine : {save_output : "save_image"}} function useKVState(nodeType) { chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function () { chainCallback(this, "onConfigure", function(info) { if (!this.widgets) { //Node has no widgets, there is nothing to restore return } if (typeof(info.widgets_values) != "object") { //widgets_values is in some unknown inactionable format return } let widgetDict = info.widgets_values if (info.widgets_values.length) { //widgets_values is in the old list format if (this.type in convDict) { //widget does not have a conversion format provided let convList = convDict[this.type]; if(info.widgets_values.length >= convList.length) { //has all required fields widgetDict = {} for (let i = 0; i < convList.length; i++) { if(!convList[i]) { //Element should not be processed (upload button on load image sequence) continue } widgetDict[convList[i]] = info.widgets_values[i]; } } else { //widgets_values is missing elements marked as required //let it fall through to failure state } } } if (widgetDict.length == undefined) { for (let w of this.widgets) { if ( in widgetDict) { w.value = widgetDict[]; } else { //Check for a legacy name that needs migrating if (this.type in renameDict && in renameDict[this.type]) { if (renameDict[this.type][] in widgetDict) { w.value = widgetDict[renameDict[this.type][]] continue } } //attempt to restore default value let inputs = LiteGraph.getNodeType(this.type).nodeData.input; let initialValue = null; if (inputs?.required?.hasOwnProperty( { if (inputs.required[][1]?.hasOwnProperty("default")) { initialValue = inputs.required[][1].default; } else if (inputs.required[][0].length) { initialValue = inputs.required[][0][0]; } } else if (inputs?.optional?.hasOwnProperty( { if (inputs.optional[][1]?.hasOwnProperty("default")) { initialValue = inputs.optional[][1].default; } else if (inputs.optional[][0].length) { initialValue = inputs.optional[][0][0]; } } if (initialValue) { w.value = initialValue; } } } } else { //Saved data was not a map made by this method //and a conversion dict for it does not exist //It's likely an array and that has been blindly applied if (info?.widgets_values?.length != this.widgets.length) { //Widget could not have restored properly //Note if multiple node loads fail, only the latest error dialog displays"Failed to restore node: " + this.title + "\nPlease remove and re-add it.") this.bgcolor = "#C00" } } }); chainCallback(this, "onSerialize", function(info) { info.widgets_values = {}; if (!this.widgets) { //object has no widgets, there is nothing to store return; } for (let w of this.widgets) { info.widgets_values[] = w.value; } }); }) } function fitHeight(node) { node.setSize([node.size[0], node.computeSize([node.size[0], node.size[1]])[1]]) node?.graph?.setDirtyCanvas(true); } async function uploadFile(file) { //TODO: Add uploaded file to cache with Cache.put()? try { // Wrap file in formdata so it includes filename const body = new FormData(); const i = file.webkitRelativePath.lastIndexOf('/'); const subfolder = file.webkitRelativePath.slice(0,i+1) const new_file = new File([file],, { type: file.type, lastModified: file.lastModified, }); body.append("image", new_file); if (i > 0) { body.append("subfolder", subfolder); } const resp = await api.fetchApi("/upload/image", { method: "POST", body, }); if (resp.status === 200) { return resp.status } else { alert(resp.status + " - " + resp.statusText); } } catch (error) { alert(error); } } function addDateFormatting(nodeType, field, timestamp_widget = false) { chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { const widget = this.widgets.find((w) => === field); widget.serializeValue = () => { return applyTextReplacements(app, widget.value); }; }); } function addTimestampWidget(nodeType, nodeData, targetWidget) { const newWidgets = {}; for (let key in nodeData.input.required) { if (key == targetWidget) { //TODO: account for duplicate entries? newWidgets["timestamp_directory"] = ["BOOLEAN", {"default": true}] } newWidgets[key] = nodeData.input.required[key]; } nodeDta.input.required = newWidgets; chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function () { const directoryWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === "directory_name"); const timestampWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === "timestamp_directory"); directoryWidget.serializeValue = () => { if (timestampWidget.value) { //ignore actual value and return timestamp return formatDate("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss", new Date()); } return directoryWidget.value }; timestampWidget._value = value; Object.definteProperty(timestampWidget, "value", { set : function(value) { this._value = value; directoryWidget.disabled = value; }, get : function() { return this._value; } }); }); } function addCustomSize(nodeType, nodeData, widgetName) { //Add a callback which sets up the actual logic once the node is created chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { const node = this; const sizeOptionWidget = node.widgets.find((w) => === widgetName); const widthWidget = node.widgets.find((w) => === "custom_width"); const heightWidget = node.widgets.find((w) => === "custom_height"); injectHidden(widthWidget); injectHidden(heightWidget); sizeOptionWidget._value = sizeOptionWidget.value; Object.defineProperty(sizeOptionWidget, "value", { set : function(value) { //TODO: Only modify hidden/reset size when a change occurs if (value == "Custom Width") { widthWidget.hidden = false; heightWidget.hidden = true; } else if (value == "Custom Height") { widthWidget.hidden = true; heightWidget.hidden = false; } else if (value == "Custom") { widthWidget.hidden = false; heightWidget.hidden = false; } else{ widthWidget.hidden = true; heightWidget.hidden = true; } node.setSize([node.size[0], node.computeSize([node.size[0], node.size[1]])[1]]) this._value = value; }, get : function() { return this._value; } }); //Ensure proper visibility/size state for initial value sizeOptionWidget.value = sizeOptionWidget._value; sizeOptionWidget.serializePreview = function() { if (this.value == "Custom Width") { return widthWidget.value + "x?"; } else if (this.value == "Custom Height") { return "?x" + heightWidget.value; } else if (this.value == "Custom") { return widthWidget.value + "x" + heightWidget.value; } else { return this.value; } }; }); } function addUploadWidget(nodeType, nodeData, widgetName, type="video") { chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { const pathWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === widgetName); const fileInput = document.createElement("input"); chainCallback(this, "onRemoved", () => { fileInput?.remove(); }); if (type == "folder") { Object.assign(fileInput, { type: "file", style: "display: none", webkitdirectory: true, onchange: async () => { const directory = fileInput.files[0].webkitRelativePath; const i = directory.lastIndexOf('/'); if (i <= 0) { throw "No directory found"; } const path = directory.slice(0,directory.lastIndexOf('/')) if (pathWidget.options.values.includes(path)) { alert("A folder of the same name already exists"); return; } let successes = 0; for(const file of fileInput.files) { if (await uploadFile(file) == 200) { successes++; } else { //Upload failed, but some prior uploads may have succeeded //Stop future uploads to prevent cascading failures //and only add to list if an upload has succeeded if (successes > 0) { break } else { return; } } } pathWidget.options.values.push(path); pathWidget.value = path; if (pathWidget.callback) { pathWidget.callback(path) } }, }); } else if (type == "video") { Object.assign(fileInput, { type: "file", accept: "video/webm,video/mp4,video/mkv,image/gif", style: "display: none", onchange: async () => { if (fileInput.files.length) { if (await uploadFile(fileInput.files[0]) != 200) { //upload failed and file can not be added to options return; } const filename = fileInput.files[0].name; pathWidget.options.values.push(filename); pathWidget.value = filename; if (pathWidget.callback) { pathWidget.callback(filename) } } }, }); } else { throw "Unknown upload type" } document.body.append(fileInput); let uploadWidget = this.addWidget("button", "choose " + type + " to upload", "image", () => { //clear the active click event app.canvas.node_widget = null; }); uploadWidget.options.serialize = false; }); } function addVideoPreview(nodeType) { chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { var element = document.createElement("div"); const previewNode = this; var previewWidget = this.addDOMWidget("videopreview", "preview", element, { serialize: false, hideOnZoom: false, getValue() { return element.value; }, setValue(v) { element.value = v; }, }); previewWidget.computeSize = function(width) { if (this.aspectRatio && !this.parentEl.hidden) { let height = (previewNode.size[0]-20)/ this.aspectRatio + 10; if (!(height > 0)) { height = 0; } this.computedHeight = height + 10; return [width, height]; } return [width, -4];//no loaded src, widget should not display }['pointer-events'] = "none" previewWidget.value = {hidden: false, paused: false, params: {}} previewWidget.parentEl = document.createElement("div"); previewWidget.parentEl.className = "vhs_preview";['width'] = "100%" element.appendChild(previewWidget.parentEl); previewWidget.videoEl = document.createElement("video"); previewWidget.videoEl.controls = false; previewWidget.videoEl.loop = true; previewWidget.videoEl.muted = true;['width'] = "100%" previewWidget.videoEl.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", () => { previewWidget.aspectRatio = previewWidget.videoEl.videoWidth / previewWidget.videoEl.videoHeight; fitHeight(this); }); previewWidget.videoEl.addEventListener("error", () => { //TODO: consider a way to properly notify the user why a preview isn't shown. previewWidget.parentEl.hidden = true; fitHeight(this); }); previewWidget.imgEl = document.createElement("img");['width'] = "100%" previewWidget.imgEl.hidden = true; previewWidget.imgEl.onload = () => { previewWidget.aspectRatio = previewWidget.imgEl.naturalWidth / previewWidget.imgEl.naturalHeight; fitHeight(this); }; var timeout = null; this.updateParameters = (params, force_update) => { if (!previewWidget.value.params) { if(typeof(previewWidget.value != 'object')) { previewWidget.value = {hidden: false, paused: false} } previewWidget.value.params = {} } Object.assign(previewWidget.value.params, params) if (!force_update && !app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("VHS.AdvancedPreviews", false)) { return; } if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } if (force_update) { previewWidget.updateSource(); } else { timeout = setTimeout(() => previewWidget.updateSource(),100); } }; previewWidget.updateSource = function () { if (this.value.params == undefined) { return; } let params = {} Object.assign(params, this.value.params);//shallow copy this.parentEl.hidden = this.value.hidden; if (params.format?.split('/')[0] == 'video' || app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("VHS.AdvancedPreviews", false) && (params.format?.split('/')[1] == 'gif') || params.format == 'folder') { this.videoEl.autoplay = !this.value.paused && !this.value.hidden; let target_width = 256 if ( { //overscale to allow scrolling. Endpoint won't return higher than native target_width =,-2)*2; } if (!params.force_size || params.force_size.includes("?") || params.force_size == "Disabled") { params.force_size = target_width+"x?" } else { let size = params.force_size.split("x") let ar = parseInt(size[0])/parseInt(size[1]) params.force_size = target_width+"x"+(target_width/ar) } if (app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("VHS.AdvancedPreviews", false)) { this.videoEl.src = api.apiURL('/viewvideo?' + new URLSearchParams(params)); } else { previewWidget.videoEl.src = api.apiURL('/view?' + new URLSearchParams(params)); } this.videoEl.hidden = false; this.imgEl.hidden = true; } else if (params.format?.split('/')[0] == 'image'){ //Is animated image this.imgEl.src = api.apiURL('/view?' + new URLSearchParams(params)); this.videoEl.hidden = true; this.imgEl.hidden = false; } } previewWidget.parentEl.appendChild(previewWidget.videoEl) previewWidget.parentEl.appendChild(previewWidget.imgEl) }); } function addPreviewOptions(nodeType) { chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "getExtraMenuOptions", function(_, options) { // The intended way of appending options is returning a list of extra options, // but this isn't used in widgetInputs.js and would require // less generalization of chainCallback let optNew = [] const previewWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === "videopreview"); let url = null if (previewWidget.videoEl?.hidden == false && previewWidget.videoEl.src) { //Use full quality video url = api.apiURL('/view?' + new URLSearchParams(previewWidget.value.params)); } else if (previewWidget.imgEl?.hidden == false && previewWidget.imgEl.src) { url = previewWidget.imgEl.src; url = new URL(url); } if (url) { optNew.push( { content: "Open preview", callback: () => {, "_blank") }, }, { content: "Save preview", callback: () => { const a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; a.setAttribute("download", new URLSearchParams(previewWidget.value.params).get("filename")); document.body.append(a);; requestAnimationFrame(() => a.remove()); }, } ); } const PauseDesc = (previewWidget.value.paused ? "Resume" : "Pause") + " preview"; if(previewWidget.videoEl.hidden == false) { optNew.push({content: PauseDesc, callback: () => { //animated images can't be paused and are more likely to cause performance issues. //changing src to a single keyframe is possible, //For now, the option is disabled if an animated image is being displayed if(previewWidget.value.paused) { previewWidget.videoEl?.play(); } else { previewWidget.videoEl?.pause(); } previewWidget.value.paused = !previewWidget.value.paused; }}); } //TODO: Consider hiding elements if no video preview is available yet. //It would reduce confusion at the cost of functionality //(if a video preview lags the computer, the user should be able to hide in advance) const visDesc = (previewWidget.value.hidden ? "Show" : "Hide") + " preview"; optNew.push({content: visDesc, callback: () => { if (!previewWidget.videoEl.hidden && !previewWidget.value.hidden) { previewWidget.videoEl.pause(); } else if (previewWidget.value.hidden && !previewWidget.videoEl.hidden && !previewWidget.value.paused) {; } previewWidget.value.hidden = !previewWidget.value.hidden; previewWidget.parentEl.hidden = previewWidget.value.hidden; fitHeight(this); }}); optNew.push({content: "Sync preview", callback: () => { //TODO: address case where videos have varying length //Consider a system of sync groups which are opt-in? for (let p of document.getElementsByClassName("vhs_preview")) { for (let child of p.children) { if (child.tagName == "VIDEO") { child.currentTime=0; } else if (child.tagName == "IMG") { child.src = child.src; } } } }}); if(options.length > 0 && options[0] != null && optNew.length > 0) { optNew.push(null); } options.unshift(...optNew); }); } function addFormatWidgets(nodeType) { function parseFormats(options) { options.fullvalues = options._values; options._values = []; for (let format of options.fullvalues) { if (Array.isArray(format)) { options._values.push(format[0]); } else { options._values.push(format); } } } chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { var formatWidget = null; var formatWidgetIndex = -1; for(let i = 0; i < this.widgets.length; i++) { if (this.widgets[i].name === "format"){ formatWidget = this.widgets[i]; formatWidgetIndex = i+1; } } let formatWidgetsCount = 0; //Pre-process options to just names formatWidget.options._values = formatWidget.options.values; parseFormats(formatWidget.options); Object.defineProperty(formatWidget.options, "values", { set : (value) => { formatWidget.options._values = value; parseFormats(formatWidget.options); }, get : () => { return formatWidget.options._values; } }) formatWidget._value = formatWidget.value; Object.defineProperty(formatWidget, "value", { set : (value) => { formatWidget._value = value; let newWidgets = []; const fullDef = formatWidget.options.fullvalues.find((w) => Array.isArray(w) ? w[0] === value : w === value); if (!Array.isArray(fullDef)) { formatWidget._value = value; } else { formatWidget._value = fullDef[0]; for (let wDef of fullDef[1]) { //create widgets. Heavy borrowed from web/scripts/app.js //default implementation doesn't work since it automatically adds //the widget in the wrong spot. //TODO: consider letting this happen and just removing from list? let w = {}; = wDef[0]; let inputData = wDef.slice(1); w.type = inputData[0]; w.options = inputData[1] ? inputData[1] : {}; if (Array.isArray(w.type)) { w.value = w.type[0]; w.options.values = w.type; w.type = "combo"; } if(inputData[1]?.default) { w.value = inputData[1].default; } if (w.type == "INT") { Object.assign(w.options, {"precision": 0, "step": 10}) w.callback = function (v) { const s = this.options.step / 10; this.value = Math.round(v / s) * s; } } const typeTable = {BOOLEAN: "toggle", STRING: "text", INT: "number", FLOAT: "number"}; if (w.type in typeTable) { w.type = typeTable[w.type]; } newWidgets.push(w); } } this.widgets.splice(formatWidgetIndex, formatWidgetsCount, ...newWidgets); fitHeight(this); formatWidgetsCount = newWidgets.length; }, get : () => { return formatWidget._value; } }); }); } function addLoadVideoCommon(nodeType, nodeData) { addCustomSize(nodeType, nodeData, "force_size") addVideoPreview(nodeType); addPreviewOptions(nodeType); chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { const pathWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === "video"); const frameCapWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === 'frame_load_cap'); const frameSkipWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === 'skip_first_frames'); const rateWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === 'force_rate'); const skipWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === 'select_every_nth'); const sizeWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === 'force_size'); //widget.callback adds unused arguements which need culling let update = function (value, _, node) { let param = {} param[] = value node.updateParameters(param); } chainCallback(frameCapWidget, "callback", update); chainCallback(frameSkipWidget, "callback", update); chainCallback(rateWidget, "callback", update); chainCallback(skipWidget, "callback", update); let priorSize = sizeWidget.value; let updateSize = function(value, _, node) { if (sizeWidget.value == 'Custom' || priorSize != sizeWidget.value) { node.updateParameters({"force_size": sizeWidget.serializePreview()}); } priorSize = sizeWidget.value; } chainCallback(sizeWidget, "callback", updateSize); chainCallback(this.widgets.find((w) => === "custom_width"), "callback", updateSize); chainCallback(this.widgets.find((w) => === "custom_height"), "callback", updateSize); //do first load requestAnimationFrame(() => { for (let w of [frameCapWidget, frameSkipWidget, rateWidget, pathWidget, skipWidget]) { w.callback(w.value, null, this); } }); }); } function addLoadImagesCommon(nodeType, nodeData) { addVideoPreview(nodeType); addPreviewOptions(nodeType); chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { const pathWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === "directory"); const frameCapWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === 'image_load_cap'); const frameSkipWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === 'skip_first_images'); const skipWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === 'select_every_nth'); //widget.callback adds unused arguements which need culling let update = function (value, _, node) { let param = {} param[] = value node.updateParameters(param); } chainCallback(frameCapWidget, "callback", (value, _, node) => { node.updateParameters({frame_load_cap: value}) }); chainCallback(frameSkipWidget, "callback", update); chainCallback(skipWidget, "callback", update); //do first load requestAnimationFrame(() => { for (let w of [frameCapWidget, frameSkipWidget, pathWidget, skipWidget]) { w.callback(w.value, null, this); } }); }); } function path_stem(path) { let i = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (i >= 0) { return [path.slice(0,i+1),path.slice(i+1)]; } return ["",path]; } function searchBox(event, [x,y], node) { //Ensure only one dialogue shows at a time if (this.prompt) return; this.prompt = true; let pathWidget = this; let dialog = document.createElement("div"); dialog.className = "litegraph litesearchbox graphdialog rounded" dialog.innerHTML = 'Path
' dialog.close = () => { dialog.remove(); } document.body.append(dialog); if (app.canvas.ds.scale > 1) { = "scale(" + app.canvas.ds.scale + ")"; } var name_element = dialog.querySelector(".name"); var input = dialog.querySelector(".value"); var options_element = dialog.querySelector(".helper"); input.value = pathWidget.value; var timeout = null; let last_path = null; let extensions = pathWidget.options.extensions input.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { dialog.is_modified = true; if (e.keyCode == 27) { //ESC dialog.close(); } else if (e.keyCode == 13 && != "textarea") { pathWidget.value = input.value; if (pathWidget.callback) { pathWidget.callback(pathWidget.value); } dialog.close(); } else { if (e.keyCode == 9) { //TAB input.value = last_path + options_element.firstChild.innerText; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 87) { //Ctrl+w //most browsers won't support, but it's good QOL for those that do input.value = path_stem(input.value.slice(0,-1))[0] e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 71) { //Ctrl+g //Temporarily disables extension filtering to show all files e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); extensions = undefined last_path = null; } if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(updateOptions, 10); return; } this.prompt=false; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); var button = dialog.querySelector("button"); button.addEventListener("click", (e) => { pathWidget.value = input.value; if (pathWidget.callback) { pathWidget.callback(pathWidget.value); } //unsure why dirty is set here, but not on enter-key above node.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true); dialog.close(); this.prompt = false; }); var rect = app.canvas.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var offsetx = -20; var offsety = -20; if (rect) { offsetx -= rect.left; offsety -=; } if (event) { = event.clientX + offsetx + "px"; = event.clientY + offsety + "px"; } else { = canvas.width * 0.5 + offsetx + "px"; = canvas.height * 0.5 + offsety + "px"; } //Search code let options = [] function addResult(name, isDir) { let el = document.createElement("div"); el.innerText = name; el.className = "litegraph lite-search-item"; if (isDir) { el.className += " is-dir"; el.addEventListener("click", (e) => { input.value = last_path+name if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(updateOptions, 10); }); } else { el.addEventListener("click", (e) => { pathWidget.value = last_path+name; if (pathWidget.callback) { pathWidget.callback(pathWidget.value); } dialog.close(); pathWidget.prompt = false; }); } options_element.appendChild(el); } async function updateOptions() { timeout = null; let [path, remainder] = path_stem(input.value); if (last_path != path) { //fetch options. Must block execution here, so update should be async? let params = {path : path} if (extensions) { params.extensions = extensions } let optionsURL = api.apiURL('getpath?' + new URLSearchParams(params)); try { let resp = await fetch(optionsURL); options = await resp.json(); } catch(e) { options = [] } last_path = path; } options_element.innerHTML = ''; //filter options based on remainder for (let option of options) { if (option.startsWith(remainder)) { let isDir = option.endsWith('/') addResult(option, isDir); } } } setTimeout(async function() { input.focus(); await updateOptions(); }, 10); return dialog; } app.ui.settings.addSetting({ id: "VHS.AdvancedPreviews", name: "🎥🅥🅗🅢 Advanced Previews", type: "boolean", defaultValue: false, }); app.registerExtension({ name: "VideoHelperSuite.Core", async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData, app) { if(nodeData?.name?.startsWith("VHS_")) { useKVState(nodeType); chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function () { let new_widgets = [] if (this.widgets) { for (let w of this.widgets) { let input = this.constructor.nodeData.input let config = input?.required[] ?? input.optional[] if (!config) { continue } if (w?.type == "text" && config[1].vhs_path_extensions) { new_widgets.push(app.widgets.VHSPATH({},, ["VHSPATH", config[1]])); } else { new_widgets.push(w) } } this.widgets = new_widgets; } }); } if (nodeData?.name == "VHS_LoadImages") { addUploadWidget(nodeType, nodeData, "directory", "folder"); chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { const pathWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === "directory"); chainCallback(pathWidget, "callback", (value) => { if (!value) { return; } let params = {filename : value, type : "input", format: "folder"}; this.updateParameters(params, true); }); }); addLoadImagesCommon(nodeType, nodeData); } else if (nodeData?.name == "VHS_LoadImagesPath") { addUploadWidget(nodeType, nodeData, "directory", "folder"); chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { const pathWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === "directory"); chainCallback(pathWidget, "callback", (value) => { if (!value) { return; } let params = {filename : value, type : "path", format: "folder"}; this.updateParameters(params, true); }); }); addLoadImagesCommon(nodeType, nodeData); } else if (nodeData?.name == "VHS_LoadVideo") { addUploadWidget(nodeType, nodeData, "video"); chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { const pathWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === "video"); chainCallback(pathWidget, "callback", (value) => { if (!value) { return; } let parts = ["input", value]; let extension_index = parts[1].lastIndexOf("."); let extension = parts[1].slice(extension_index+1); let format = "video" if (["gif", "webp", "avif"].includes(extension)) { format = "image" } format += "/" + extension; let params = {filename : parts[1], type : parts[0], format: format}; this.updateParameters(params, true); }); }); addLoadVideoCommon(nodeType, nodeData); } else if (nodeData?.name =="VHS_LoadVideoPath") { chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { const pathWidget = this.widgets.find((w) => === "video"); chainCallback(pathWidget, "callback", (value) => { let extension_index = value.lastIndexOf("."); let extension = value.slice(extension_index+1); let format = "video" if (["gif", "webp", "avif"].includes(extension)) { format = "image" } format += "/" + extension; let params = {filename : value, type: "path", format: format}; this.updateParameters(params, true); }); }); addLoadVideoCommon(nodeType, nodeData); } else if (nodeData?.name == "VHS_VideoCombine") { addDateFormatting(nodeType, "filename_prefix"); chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onExecuted", function(message) { if (message?.gifs) { this.updateParameters(message.gifs[0], true); } }); addVideoPreview(nodeType); addPreviewOptions(nodeType); addFormatWidgets(nodeType); //Hide the information passing 'gif' output //TODO: check how this is implemented for save image chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { this._outputs = this.outputs Object.defineProperty(this, "outputs", { set : function(value) { this._outputs = value; requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (app.nodeOutputs[ + ""]) { this.updateParameters(app.nodeOutputs[""].gifs[0], true); } }) }, get : function() { return this._outputs; } }); //Display previews after reload/ loading workflow requestAnimationFrame(() => {this.updateParameters({}, true);}); }); } else if (nodeData?.name == "VHS_SaveImageSequence") { //Disabled for safety as VHS_SaveImageSequence is not currently merged //addDateFormating(nodeType, "directory_name", timestamp_widget=true); //addTimestampWidget(nodeType, nodeData, "directory_name") } else if (nodeData?.name == "VHS_BatchManager") { chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function() { this.widgets.push({name: "count", type: "dummy", value: 0, computeSize: () => {return [0,-4]}, afterQueued: function() {this.value++;}}); }); } }, async getCustomWidgets() { return { VHSPATH(node, inputName, inputData) { let w = { name : inputName, type : "VHS.PATH", value : "", draw : function(ctx, node, widget_width, y, H) { //Adapted from litegraph.core.js:drawNodeWidgets var show_text = app.canvas.ds.scale > 0.5; var margin = 15; var text_color = LiteGraph.WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR; var secondary_text_color = LiteGraph.WIDGET_SECONDARY_TEXT_COLOR; ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.strokeStyle = LiteGraph.WIDGET_OUTLINE_COLOR; ctx.fillStyle = LiteGraph.WIDGET_BGCOLOR; ctx.beginPath(); if (show_text) ctx.roundRect(margin, y, widget_width - margin * 2, H, [H * 0.5]); else ctx.rect( margin, y, widget_width - margin * 2, H ); ctx.fill(); if (show_text) { if(!this.disabled) ctx.stroke();; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(margin, y, widget_width - margin * 2, H); ctx.clip(); //ctx.stroke(); ctx.fillStyle = secondary_text_color; const label = this.label ||; if (label != null) { ctx.fillText(label, margin * 2, y + H * 0.7); } ctx.fillStyle = text_color; ctx.textAlign = "right"; let disp_text = this.format_path(String(this.value)) ctx.fillText(disp_text, widget_width - margin * 2, y + H * 0.7); //30 chars max ctx.restore(); } }, mouse : searchBox, options : {}, format_path : function(path) { //Formats the full path to be under 30 characters if (path.length <= 30) { return path; } let filename = path_stem(path)[1] if (filename.length > 28) { //may all fit, but can't squeeze more info return filename.substr(0,30); } //TODO: find solution for windows, path[1] == ':'? let isAbs = path[0] == '/'; let partial = path.substr(path.length - (isAbs ? 28:29)) let cutoff = partial.indexOf('/'); if (cutoff < 0) { //Can occur, but there isn't a nicer way to format return path.substr(path.length-30); } return (isAbs ? '/…':'…') + partial.substr(cutoff); } }; if (inputData.length > 1) { if (inputData[1].vhs_path_extensions) { w.options.extensions = inputData[1].vhs_path_extensions; } if (inputData[1].default) { w.value = inputData[1].default; } } if (!node.widgets) { node.widgets = []; } node.widgets.push(w); return w; } } } });