import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module="torchvision") import ast import math import random import os import operator as op import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageColor, ImageFilter import io import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision.transforms.v2 as T from nodes import MAX_RESOLUTION, SaveImage, common_ksampler import folder_paths import comfy.utils import comfy.samplers STOCHASTIC_SAMPLERS = ["euler_ancestral", "dpm_2_ancestral", "dpmpp_2s_ancestral", "dpmpp_sde", "dpmpp_sde_gpu", "dpmpp_2m_sde", "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu", "dpmpp_3m_sde", "dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu", "ddpm"] def p(image): return image.permute([0,3,1,2]) def pb(image): return image.permute([0,2,3,1]) # from class AnyType(str): def __ne__(self, __value: object) -> bool: return False any = AnyType("*") EPSILON = 1e-5 class GetImageSize: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("INT", "INT") RETURN_NAMES = ("width", "height") FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image): return (image.shape[2], image.shape[1],) class ImageResize: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "width": ("INT", { "default": 512, "min": 0, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8, }), "height": ("INT", { "default": 512, "min": 0, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8, }), "interpolation": (["nearest", "bilinear", "bicubic", "area", "nearest-exact", "lanczos"],), "keep_proportion": ("BOOLEAN", { "default": False }), "condition": (["always", "only if bigger", "only if smaller"],), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE", "INT", "INT",) RETURN_NAMES = ("IMAGE", "width", "height",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, width, height, keep_proportion, interpolation="nearest", condition="always"): if keep_proportion is True: _, oh, ow, _ = image.shape if width == 0 and oh < height: width = MAX_RESOLUTION elif width == 0 and oh >= height: width = ow if height == 0 and ow < width: height = MAX_RESOLUTION elif height == 0 and ow >= width: height = ow #width = ow if width == 0 else width #height = oh if height == 0 else height ratio = min(width / ow, height / oh) width = round(ow*ratio) height = round(oh*ratio) outputs = p(image) if "always" in condition or ("bigger" in condition and (oh > height or ow > width)) or ("smaller" in condition and (oh < height or ow < width)): if interpolation == "lanczos": outputs = comfy.utils.lanczos(outputs, width, height) else: outputs = F.interpolate(outputs, size=(height, width), mode=interpolation) outputs = pb(outputs) return(outputs, outputs.shape[2], outputs.shape[1],) class ImageFlip: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "axis": (["x", "y", "xy"],), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, axis): dim = () if "y" in axis: dim += (1,) if "x" in axis: dim += (2,) image = torch.flip(image, dim) return(image,) class ImageCrop: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "width": ("INT", { "default": 256, "min": 0, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8, }), "height": ("INT", { "default": 256, "min": 0, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 8, }), "position": (["top-left", "top-center", "top-right", "right-center", "bottom-right", "bottom-center", "bottom-left", "left-center", "center"],), "x_offset": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": -99999, "step": 1, }), "y_offset": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": -99999, "step": 1, }), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE","INT","INT",) RETURN_NAMES = ("IMAGE","x","y",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, width, height, position, x_offset, y_offset): _, oh, ow, _ = image.shape width = min(ow, width) height = min(oh, height) if "center" in position: x = round((ow-width) / 2) y = round((oh-height) / 2) if "top" in position: y = 0 if "bottom" in position: y = oh-height if "left" in position: x = 0 if "right" in position: x = ow-width x += x_offset y += y_offset x2 = x+width y2 = y+height if x2 > ow: x2 = ow if x < 0: x = 0 if y2 > oh: y2 = oh if y < 0: y = 0 image = image[:, y:y2, x:x2, :] return(image, x, y, ) class ImageDesaturate: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "factor": ("FLOAT", { "default": 1.00, "min": 0.00, "max": 1.00, "step": 0.05, }), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, factor): grayscale = 0.299 * image[..., 0] + 0.587 * image[..., 1] + 0.114 * image[..., 2] grayscale = (1.0 - factor) * image + factor * grayscale.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, 1, 3) return(grayscale,) class ImagePosterize: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "threshold": ("FLOAT", { "default": 0.50, "min": 0.00, "max": 1.00, "step": 0.05, }), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, threshold): image = 0.299 * image[..., 0] + 0.587 * image[..., 1] + 0.114 * image[..., 2] #image = image.mean(dim=3, keepdim=True) image = (image > threshold).float() image = image.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, 1, 3) return(image,) class ImageEnhanceDifference: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image1": ("IMAGE",), "image2": ("IMAGE",), "exponent": ("FLOAT", { "default": 0.75, "min": 0.00, "max": 1.00, "step": 0.05, }), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image1, image2, exponent): if image1.shape != image2.shape: image2 = p(image2) image2 = comfy.utils.common_upscale(image2, image1.shape[2], image1.shape[1], upscale_method='bicubic', crop='center') image2 = pb(image2) diff_image = image1 - image2 diff_image = torch.pow(diff_image, exponent) diff_image = torch.clamp(diff_image, 0, 1) return(diff_image,) class ImageExpandBatch: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "size": ("INT", { "default": 16, "min": 1, "step": 1, }), "method": (["expand", "repeat all", "repeat first", "repeat last"],) } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, size, method): orig_size = image.shape[0] if orig_size == size: return (image,) if size <= 1: return (image[:size],) if 'expand' in method: out = torch.empty([size] + list(image.shape)[1:], dtype=image.dtype, device=image.device) if size < orig_size: scale = (orig_size - 1) / (size - 1) for i in range(size): out[i] = image[min(round(i * scale), orig_size - 1)] else: scale = orig_size / size for i in range(size): out[i] = image[min(math.floor((i + 0.5) * scale), orig_size - 1)] elif 'all' in method: out = image.repeat([math.ceil(size / image.shape[0])] + [1] * (len(image.shape) - 1))[:size] elif 'first' in method: if size < image.shape[0]: out = image[:size] else: out =[image[:1].repeat(size-image.shape[0], 1, 1, 1), image], dim=0) elif 'last' in method: if size < image.shape[0]: out = image[:size] else: out =, image[-1:].repeat((size-image.shape[0], 1, 1, 1))), dim=0) return (out,) class ExtractKeyframes: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "threshold": ("FLOAT", { "default": 0.85, "min": 0.00, "max": 1.00, "step": 0.01, }), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE", "STRING") RETURN_NAMES = ("KEYFRAMES", "indexes") FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, threshold): window_size = 2 variations = torch.sum(torch.abs(image[1:] - image[:-1]), dim=[1, 2, 3]) #variations = torch.sum((image[1:] - image[:-1]) ** 2, dim=[1, 2, 3]) threshold = torch.quantile(variations.float(), threshold).item() keyframes = [] for i in range(image.shape[0] - window_size + 1): window = image[i:i + window_size] variation = torch.sum(torch.abs(window[-1] - window[0])).item() if variation > threshold: keyframes.append(i + window_size - 1) return (image[keyframes], ','.join(map(str, keyframes)),) class MaskFlip: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "mask": ("MASK",), "axis": (["x", "y", "xy"],), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("MASK",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, mask, axis): dim = () if "y" in axis: dim += (1,) if "x" in axis: dim += (2,) mask = torch.flip(mask, dims=dim) return(mask,) class MaskBlur: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "mask": ("MASK",), "amount": ("FLOAT", { "default": 6.0, "min": 0, "step": 0.5, }), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("MASK",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, mask, amount): size = int(6 * amount +1) if size % 2 == 0: size+= 1 blurred = mask.unsqueeze(1) blurred = T.GaussianBlur(size, amount)(blurred) blurred = blurred.squeeze(1) return(blurred,) class MaskPreview(SaveImage): def __init__(self): self.output_dir = folder_paths.get_temp_directory() self.type = "temp" self.prefix_append = "_temp_" + ''.join(random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstupvxyz") for x in range(5)) self.compress_level = 4 @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": {"mask": ("MASK",), }, "hidden": {"prompt": "PROMPT", "extra_pnginfo": "EXTRA_PNGINFO"}, } FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, mask, filename_prefix="ComfyUI", prompt=None, extra_pnginfo=None): preview = mask.reshape((-1, 1, mask.shape[-2], mask.shape[-1])).movedim(1, -1).expand(-1, -1, -1, 3) return self.save_images(preview, filename_prefix, prompt, extra_pnginfo) class MaskBatch: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "mask1": ("MASK",), "mask2": ("MASK",), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("MASK",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, mask1, mask2): if mask1.shape[1:] != mask2.shape[1:]: mask2 = F.interpolate(mask2.unsqueeze(1), size=(mask1.shape[1], mask1.shape[2]), mode="bicubic").squeeze(1) out =, mask2), dim=0) return (out,) class MaskExpandBatch: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "mask": ("MASK",), "size": ("INT", { "default": 16, "min": 1, "step": 1, }), "method": (["expand", "repeat all", "repeat first", "repeat last"],) } } RETURN_TYPES = ("MASK",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, mask, size, method): orig_size = mask.shape[0] if orig_size == size: return (mask,) if size <= 1: return (mask[:size],) if 'expand' in method: out = torch.empty([size] + list(mask.shape)[1:], dtype=mask.dtype, device=mask.device) if size < orig_size: scale = (orig_size - 1) / (size - 1) for i in range(size): out[i] = mask[min(round(i * scale), orig_size - 1)] else: scale = orig_size / size for i in range(size): out[i] = mask[min(math.floor((i + 0.5) * scale), orig_size - 1)] elif 'all' in method: out = mask.repeat([math.ceil(size / mask.shape[0])] + [1] * (len(mask.shape) - 1))[:size] elif 'first' in method: if size < mask.shape[0]: out = mask[:size] else: out =[mask[:1].repeat(size-mask.shape[0], 1, 1), mask], dim=0) elif 'last' in method: if size < mask.shape[0]: out = mask[:size] else: out =, mask[-1:].repeat((size-mask.shape[0], 1, 1))), dim=0) return (out,) def cubic_bezier(t, p): p0, p1, p2, p3 = p return (1 - t)**3 * p0 + 3 * (1 - t)**2 * t * p1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t**2 * p2 + t**3 * p3 class MaskFromColor: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE", ), "red": ("INT", { "default": 255, "min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1, }), "green": ("INT", { "default": 255, "min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1, }), "blue": ("INT", { "default": 255, "min": 0, "max": 255, "step": 1, }), "threshold": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 127, "step": 1, }), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("MASK",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, red, green, blue, threshold): temp = (torch.clamp(image, 0, 1.0) * 255.0).round().to( color = torch.tensor([red, green, blue]) lower_bound = (color - threshold).clamp(min=0) upper_bound = (color + threshold).clamp(max=255) lower_bound = lower_bound.view(1, 1, 1, 3) upper_bound = upper_bound.view(1, 1, 1, 3) mask = (temp >= lower_bound) & (temp <= upper_bound) mask = mask.all(dim=-1) mask = mask.float() return (mask, ) class MaskFromBatch: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "mask": ("MASK", ), "start": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": 0, "step": 1, }), "length": ("INT", { "default": -1, "min": -1, "step": 1, }), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("MASK",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, mask, start, length): if length<0: length = mask.shape[0] start = min(start, mask.shape[0]-1) length = min(mask.shape[0]-start, length) return (mask[start:start + length], ) class ImageFromBatch: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE", ), "start": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": 0, "step": 1, }), "length": ("INT", { "default": -1, "min": -1, "step": 1, }), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, start, length): if length<0: length = image.shape[0] start = min(start, image.shape[0]-1) length = min(image.shape[0]-start, length) return (image[start:start + length], ) class ImageCompositeFromMaskBatch: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image_from": ("IMAGE", ), "image_to": ("IMAGE", ), "mask": ("MASK", ) } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image_from, image_to, mask): frames = mask.shape[0] if image_from.shape[1] != image_to.shape[1] or image_from.shape[2] != image_to.shape[2]: image_to = p(image_to) image_to = comfy.utils.common_upscale(image_to, image_from.shape[2], image_from.shape[1], upscale_method='bicubic', crop='center') image_to = pb(image_to) if frames < image_from.shape[0]: image_from = image_from[:frames] elif frames > image_from.shape[0]: image_from =, image_from[-1].unsqueeze(0).repeat(frames-image_from.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)), dim=0) mask = mask.unsqueeze(3).repeat(1, 1, 1, 3) if image_from.shape[1] != mask.shape[1] or image_from.shape[2] != mask.shape[2]: mask = p(mask) mask = comfy.utils.common_upscale(mask, image_from.shape[2], image_from.shape[1], upscale_method='bicubic', crop='center') mask = pb(mask) out = mask * image_to + (1 - mask) * image_from return (out, ) class TransitionMask: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "width": ("INT", { "default": 512, "min": 1, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 1, }), "height": ("INT", { "default": 512, "min": 1, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 1, }), "frames": ("INT", { "default": 16, "min": 1, "max": 9999, "step": 1, }), "start_frame": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": 0, "step": 1, }), "end_frame": ("INT", { "default": 9999, "min": 0, "step": 1, }), "transition_type": (["horizontal slide", "vertical slide", "horizontal bar", "vertical bar", "center box", "horizontal door", "vertical door", "circle", "fade"],), "timing_function": (["linear", "in", "out", "in-out"],) } } RETURN_TYPES = ("MASK",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, width, height, frames, start_frame, end_frame, transition_type, timing_function): if timing_function == 'in': tf = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0] elif timing_function == 'out': tf = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0] elif timing_function == 'in-out': tf = [0, 1, 0, 1] #elif timing_function == 'back': # tf = [0, 1.334, 1.334, 0] else: tf = [0, 0, 1, 1] out = [] end_frame = min(frames, end_frame) transition = end_frame - start_frame if start_frame > 0: out = out + [torch.full((height, width), 0.0, dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu")] * start_frame for i in range(transition): frame = torch.full((height, width), 0.0, dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu") progress = i/(transition-1) if timing_function != 'linear': progress = cubic_bezier(progress, tf) if "horizontal slide" in transition_type: pos = round(width*progress) frame[:, :pos] = 1.0 elif "vertical slide" in transition_type: pos = round(height*progress) frame[:pos, :] = 1.0 elif "box" in transition_type: box_w = round(width*progress) box_h = round(height*progress) x1 = (width - box_w) // 2 y1 = (height - box_h) // 2 x2 = x1 + box_w y2 = y1 + box_h frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = 1.0 elif "circle" in transition_type: radius = math.ceil(math.sqrt(pow(width,2)+pow(height,2))*progress/2) c_x = width // 2 c_y = height // 2 # is this real life? Am I hallucinating? x = torch.arange(0, width, dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu") y = torch.arange(0, height, dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu") y, x = torch.meshgrid((y, x), indexing="ij") circle = ((x - c_x) ** 2 + (y - c_y) ** 2) <= (radius ** 2) frame[circle] = 1.0 elif "horizontal bar" in transition_type: bar = round(height*progress) y1 = (height - bar) // 2 y2 = y1 + bar frame[y1:y2, :] = 1.0 elif "vertical bar" in transition_type: bar = round(width*progress) x1 = (width - bar) // 2 x2 = x1 + bar frame[:, x1:x2] = 1.0 elif "horizontal door" in transition_type: bar = math.ceil(height*progress/2) if bar > 0: frame[:bar, :] = 1.0 frame[-bar:, :] = 1.0 elif "vertical door" in transition_type: bar = math.ceil(width*progress/2) if bar > 0: frame[:, :bar] = 1.0 frame[:, -bar:] = 1.0 elif "fade" in transition_type: frame[:,:] = progress out.append(frame) if end_frame < frames: out = out + [torch.full((height, width), 1.0, dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu")] * (frames - end_frame) out = torch.stack(out, dim=0) return (out, ) def min_(tensor_list): # return the element-wise min of the tensor list. x = torch.stack(tensor_list) mn = x.min(axis=0)[0] return torch.clamp(mn, min=0) def max_(tensor_list): # return the element-wise max of the tensor list. x = torch.stack(tensor_list) mx = x.max(axis=0)[0] return torch.clamp(mx, max=1) # From class ImageCAS: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "amount": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.8, "min": 0, "max": 1, "step": 0.05}), }, } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) CATEGORY = "essentials" FUNCTION = "execute" def execute(self, image, amount): img = F.pad(p(image), pad=(1, 1, 1, 1)).cpu() a = img[..., :-2, :-2] b = img[..., :-2, 1:-1] c = img[..., :-2, 2:] d = img[..., 1:-1, :-2] e = img[..., 1:-1, 1:-1] f = img[..., 1:-1, 2:] g = img[..., 2:, :-2] h = img[..., 2:, 1:-1] i = img[..., 2:, 2:] # Computing contrast cross = (b, d, e, f, h) mn = min_(cross) mx = max_(cross) diag = (a, c, g, i) mn2 = min_(diag) mx2 = max_(diag) mx = mx + mx2 mn = mn + mn2 # Computing local weight inv_mx = torch.reciprocal(mx + EPSILON) amp = inv_mx * torch.minimum(mn, (2 - mx)) # scaling amp = torch.sqrt(amp) w = - amp * (amount * (1/5 - 1/8) + 1/8) div = torch.reciprocal(1 + 4*w) output = ((b + d + f + h)*w + e) * div output = output.clamp(0, 1) #output = torch.nan_to_num(output) # this seems the only way to ensure there are no NaNs output = pb(output) return (output,) operators = { ast.Add: op.add, ast.Sub: op.sub, ast.Mult: op.mul, ast.Div: op.truediv, ast.FloorDiv: op.floordiv, ast.Pow: op.pow, ast.BitXor: op.xor, ast.USub: op.neg, ast.Mod: op.mod, } op_functions = { 'min': min, 'max': max } class SimpleMath: def __init__(self): pass @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "optional": { "a": ("INT,FLOAT", { "default": 0.0, "step": 0.1 }), "b": ("INT,FLOAT", { "default": 0.0, "step": 0.1 }), }, "required": { "value": ("STRING", { "multiline": False, "default": "" }), }, } RETURN_TYPES = ("INT", "FLOAT", ) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, value, a = 0.0, b = 0.0): def eval_(node): if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # number return node.n elif isinstance(node, ast.Name): # variable if == "a": return a if == "b": return b elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # return operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.left), eval_(node.right)) elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # e.g., -1 return operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.operand)) elif isinstance(node, ast.Call): # custom function if in op_functions: args =[eval_(arg) for arg in node.args] return op_functions[](*args) else: return 0 result = eval_(ast.parse(value, mode='eval').body) if math.isnan(result): result = 0.0 return (round(result), result, ) class ModelCompile(): @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "model": ("MODEL",), "fullgraph": ("BOOLEAN", { "default": False }), "dynamic": ("BOOLEAN", { "default": False }), "mode": (["default", "reduce-overhead", "max-autotune", "max-autotune-no-cudagraphs"],), }, } RETURN_TYPES = ("MODEL", ) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, model, fullgraph, dynamic, mode): work_model = model.clone() torch._dynamo.config.suppress_errors = True work_model.model.diffusion_model = torch.compile(work_model.model.diffusion_model, dynamic=dynamic, fullgraph=fullgraph, mode=mode) return( work_model, ) class ConsoleDebug: def __init__(self): pass @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "value": (any, {}), }, "optional": { "prefix": ("STRING", { "multiline": False, "default": "Value:" }) } } RETURN_TYPES = () FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" OUTPUT_NODE = True def execute(self, value, prefix): print(f"\033[96m{prefix} {value}\033[0m") return (None,) class DebugTensorShape: def __init__(self): pass @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "tensor": (any, {}), }, } RETURN_TYPES = () FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" OUTPUT_NODE = True def execute(self, tensor): shapes = [] def tensorShape(tensor): if isinstance(tensor, dict): for k in tensor: tensorShape(tensor[k]) elif isinstance(tensor, list): for i in range(len(tensor)): tensorShape(tensor[i]) elif hasattr(tensor, 'shape'): shapes.append(list(tensor.shape)) tensorShape(tensor) print(f"\033[96mShapes found: {shapes}\033[0m") return (None,) class BatchCount: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "batch": (any, {}), }, } RETURN_TYPES = ("INT",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, batch): count = 0 if hasattr(batch, 'shape'): count = batch.shape[0] elif isinstance(batch, dict) and 'samples' in batch: count = batch['samples'].shape[0] elif isinstance(batch, list) or isinstance(batch, dict): count = len(batch) return (count, ) class ImageSeamCarving: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(cls): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "width": ("INT", { "default": 512, "min": 1, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 1, }), "height": ("INT", { "default": 512, "min": 1, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 1, }), "energy": (["backward", "forward"],), "order": (["width-first", "height-first"],), }, "optional": { "keep_mask": ("MASK",), "drop_mask": ("MASK",), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) CATEGORY = "essentials" FUNCTION = "execute" def execute(self, image, width, height, energy, order, keep_mask=None, drop_mask=None): try: from .carve import seam_carving except ImportError as e: raise Exception(e) img = p(image) if keep_mask is not None: #keep_mask = keep_mask.reshape((-1, 1, keep_mask.shape[-2], keep_mask.shape[-1])).movedim(1, -1) keep_mask = p(keep_mask.unsqueeze(-1)) if keep_mask.shape[2] != img.shape[2] or keep_mask.shape[3] != img.shape[3]: keep_mask = F.interpolate(keep_mask, size=(img.shape[2], img.shape[3]), mode="bilinear") if drop_mask is not None: drop_mask = p(drop_mask.unsqueeze(-1)) if drop_mask.shape[2] != img.shape[2] or drop_mask.shape[3] != img.shape[3]: drop_mask = F.interpolate(drop_mask, size=(img.shape[2], img.shape[3]), mode="bilinear") out = [] for i in range(img.shape[0]): resized = seam_carving( T.ToPILImage()(img[i]), size=(width, height), energy_mode=energy, order=order, keep_mask=T.ToPILImage()(keep_mask[i]) if keep_mask is not None else None, drop_mask=T.ToPILImage()(drop_mask[i]) if drop_mask is not None else None, ) out.append(T.ToTensor()(resized)) out = torch.stack(out) out = pb(out) return(out, ) class CLIPTextEncodeSDXLSimplified: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return {"required": { "width": ("INT", {"default": 1024.0, "min": 0, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION}), "height": ("INT", {"default": 1024.0, "min": 0, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION}), "text": ("STRING", {"multiline": True, "default": ""}), "clip": ("CLIP", ), }} RETURN_TYPES = ("CONDITIONING",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, clip, width, height, text): crop_w = 0 crop_h = 0 width = width*4 height = height*4 target_width = width target_height = height text_g = text_l = text tokens = clip.tokenize(text_g) tokens["l"] = clip.tokenize(text_l)["l"] if len(tokens["l"]) != len(tokens["g"]): empty = clip.tokenize("") while len(tokens["l"]) < len(tokens["g"]): tokens["l"] += empty["l"] while len(tokens["l"]) > len(tokens["g"]): tokens["g"] += empty["g"] cond, pooled = clip.encode_from_tokens(tokens, return_pooled=True) return ([[cond, {"pooled_output": pooled, "width": width, "height": height, "crop_w": crop_w, "crop_h": crop_h, "target_width": target_width, "target_height": target_height}]], ) class KSamplerVariationsStochastic: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return {"required":{ "model": ("MODEL",), "latent_image": ("LATENT", ), "noise_seed": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}), "steps": ("INT", {"default": 25, "min": 1, "max": 10000}), "cfg": ("FLOAT", {"default": 7.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0, "step":0.1, "round": 0.01}), "sampler": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SAMPLERS, ), "scheduler": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SCHEDULERS, ), "positive": ("CONDITIONING", ), "negative": ("CONDITIONING", ), "variation_seed": ("INT:seed", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}), "variation_strength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.2, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step":0.05, "round": 0.01}), #"variation_sampler": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SAMPLERS, ), "cfg_scale": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step":0.05, "round": 0.01}), }} RETURN_TYPES = ("LATENT", ) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, model, latent_image, noise_seed, steps, cfg, sampler, scheduler, positive, negative, variation_seed, variation_strength, cfg_scale, variation_sampler="dpmpp_2m_sde"): # Stage 1: composition sampler force_full_denoise = False # return with leftover noise = "enable" disable_noise = False # add noise = "enable" end_at_step = max(int(steps * (1-variation_strength)), 1) start_at_step = 0 work_latent = latent_image.copy() batch_size = work_latent["samples"].shape[0] work_latent["samples"] = work_latent["samples"][0].unsqueeze(0) stage1 = common_ksampler(model, noise_seed, steps, cfg, sampler, scheduler, positive, negative, work_latent, denoise=1.0, disable_noise=disable_noise, start_step=start_at_step, last_step=end_at_step, force_full_denoise=force_full_denoise)[0] print(stage1) if batch_size > 1: stage1["samples"] = stage1["samples"].clone().repeat(batch_size, 1, 1, 1) # Stage 2: variation sampler force_full_denoise = True disable_noise = True cfg = max(cfg * cfg_scale, 1.0) start_at_step = end_at_step end_at_step = steps return common_ksampler(model, variation_seed, steps, cfg, variation_sampler, scheduler, positive, negative, stage1, denoise=1.0, disable_noise=disable_noise, start_step=start_at_step, last_step=end_at_step, force_full_denoise=force_full_denoise) # From def slerp(val, low, high): dims = low.shape low = low.reshape(dims[0], -1) high = high.reshape(dims[0], -1) low_norm = low/torch.norm(low, dim=1, keepdim=True) high_norm = high/torch.norm(high, dim=1, keepdim=True) low_norm[low_norm != low_norm] = 0.0 high_norm[high_norm != high_norm] = 0.0 omega = torch.acos((low_norm*high_norm).sum(1)) so = torch.sin(omega) res = (torch.sin((1.0-val)*omega)/so).unsqueeze(1)*low + (torch.sin(val*omega)/so).unsqueeze(1) * high return res.reshape(dims) class KSamplerVariationsWithNoise: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return {"required": { "model": ("MODEL", ), "latent_image": ("LATENT", ), "main_seed": ("INT:seed", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}), "steps": ("INT", {"default": 20, "min": 1, "max": 10000}), "cfg": ("FLOAT", {"default": 8.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0, "step":0.1, "round": 0.01}), "sampler_name": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SAMPLERS, ), "scheduler": (comfy.samplers.KSampler.SCHEDULERS, ), "positive": ("CONDITIONING", ), "negative": ("CONDITIONING", ), "variation_strength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.2, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step":0.01, "round": 0.01}), #"start_at_step": ("INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 10000}), #"end_at_step": ("INT", {"default": 10000, "min": 0, "max": 10000}), #"return_with_leftover_noise": (["disable", "enable"], ), "variation_seed": ("INT:seed", {"default": random.randint(0, 0xffffffffffffffff), "min": 0, "max": 0xffffffffffffffff}), }} RETURN_TYPES = ("LATENT",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, model, latent_image, main_seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, positive, negative, variation_strength, variation_seed): generator = torch.manual_seed(main_seed) batch_size, _, height, width = latent_image["samples"].shape base_noise = torch.randn((1, 4, height, width), dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu", generator=generator).repeat(batch_size, 1, 1, 1).cpu() generator = torch.manual_seed(variation_seed) variation_noise = torch.randn((batch_size, 4, height, width), dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu", generator=generator).cpu() slerp_noise = slerp(variation_strength, base_noise, variation_noise) device = comfy.model_management.get_torch_device() end_at_step = steps #min(steps, end_at_step) start_at_step = 0 #min(start_at_step, end_at_step) real_model = None comfy.model_management.load_model_gpu(model) real_model = model.model sampler = comfy.samplers.KSampler(real_model, steps=steps, device=device, sampler=sampler_name, scheduler=scheduler, denoise=1.0, model_options=model.model_options) sigmas = sampler.sigmas sigma = sigmas[start_at_step] - sigmas[end_at_step] sigma /= model.model.latent_format.scale_factor sigma = sigma.cpu().numpy() work_latent = latent_image.copy() work_latent["samples"] = latent_image["samples"].clone() + slerp_noise * sigma force_full_denoise = True #if return_with_leftover_noise == "enable": # force_full_denoise = False disable_noise = True return common_ksampler(model, main_seed, steps, cfg, sampler_name, scheduler, positive, negative, work_latent, denoise=1.0, disable_noise=disable_noise, start_step=start_at_step, last_step=end_at_step, force_full_denoise=force_full_denoise) class SDXLEmptyLatentSizePicker: def __init__(self): self.device = comfy.model_management.intermediate_device() @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return {"required": { "resolution": (["704x1408 (0.5)","704x1344 (0.52)","768x1344 (0.57)","768x1280 (0.6)","832x1216 (0.68)","832x1152 (0.72)","896x1152 (0.78)","896x1088 (0.82)","960x1088 (0.88)","960x1024 (0.94)","1024x1024 (1.0)","1024x960 (1.07)","1088x960 (1.13)","1088x896 (1.21)","1152x896 (1.29)","1152x832 (1.38)","1216x832 (1.46)","1280x768 (1.67)","1344x768 (1.75)","1344x704 (1.91)","1408x704 (2.0)","1472x704 (2.09)","1536x640 (2.4)","1600x640 (2.5)","1664x576 (2.89)","1728x576 (3.0)",], {"default": "1024x1024 (1.0)"}), "batch_size": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 4096}), }} RETURN_TYPES = ("LATENT","INT","INT",) RETURN_NAMES = ("LATENT","width", "height",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, resolution, batch_size): width, height = resolution.split(" ")[0].split("x") width = int(width) height = int(height) latent = torch.zeros([batch_size, 4, height // 8, width // 8], device=self.device) return ({"samples":latent}, width, height,) LUTS_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "luts") # From (MIT license) class ImageApplyLUT: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "lut_file": ([f for f in os.listdir(LUTS_DIR) if f.endswith('.cube')], ), "log_colorspace": ("BOOLEAN", { "default": False }), "clip_values": ("BOOLEAN", { "default": False }), "strength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.1 }), }} RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" # TODO: check if we can do without numpy def execute(self, image, lut_file, log_colorspace, clip_values, strength): from import read_LUT_IridasCube lut = read_LUT_IridasCube(os.path.join(LUTS_DIR, lut_file)) = lut_file if clip_values: if lut.domain[0].max() == lut.domain[0].min() and lut.domain[1].max() == lut.domain[1].min(): lut.table = np.clip(lut.table, lut.domain[0, 0], lut.domain[1, 0]) else: if len(lut.table.shape) == 2: # 3x1D for dim in range(3): lut.table[:, dim] = np.clip(lut.table[:, dim], lut.domain[0, dim], lut.domain[1, dim]) else: # 3D for dim in range(3): lut.table[:, :, :, dim] = np.clip(lut.table[:, :, :, dim], lut.domain[0, dim], lut.domain[1, dim]) out = [] for img in image: # TODO: is this more resource efficient? should we use a batch instead? lut_img = img.numpy().copy() is_non_default_domain = not np.array_equal(lut.domain, np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 1.]])) dom_scale = None if is_non_default_domain: dom_scale = lut.domain[1] - lut.domain[0] lut_img = lut_img * dom_scale + lut.domain[0] if log_colorspace: lut_img = lut_img ** (1/2.2) lut_img = lut.apply(lut_img) if log_colorspace: lut_img = lut_img ** (2.2) if is_non_default_domain: lut_img = (lut_img - lut.domain[0]) / dom_scale lut_img = torch.from_numpy(lut_img) if strength < 1.0: lut_img = strength * lut_img + (1 - strength) * img out.append(lut_img) out = torch.stack(out) return (out, ) FONTS_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "fonts") class DrawText: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "text": ("STRING", { "multiline": True, "default": "Hello, World!" }), "font": ([f for f in os.listdir(FONTS_DIR) if f.endswith('.ttf') or f.endswith('.otf')], ), "size": ("INT", { "default": 56, "min": 1, "max": 9999, "step": 1 }), "color": ("STRING", { "multiline": False, "default": "#FFFFFF" }), "background_color": ("STRING", { "multiline": False, "default": "#00000000" }), "shadow_distance": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1 }), "shadow_blur": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 1 }), "shadow_color": ("STRING", { "multiline": False, "default": "#000000" }), "alignment": (["left", "center", "right"],), "width": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": 0, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 1 }), "height": ("INT", { "default": 0, "min": 0, "max": MAX_RESOLUTION, "step": 1 }), }, } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE", "MASK",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, text, font, size, color, background_color, shadow_distance, shadow_blur, shadow_color, alignment, width, height): font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(FONTS_DIR, font), size) lines = text.split("\n") # Calculate the width and height of the text text_width = max(font.getbbox(line)[2] for line in lines) line_height = font.getmask(text).getbbox()[3] + font.getmetrics()[1] # add descent to height text_height = line_height * len(lines) width = width if width > 0 else text_width height = height if height > 0 else text_height background_color = ImageColor.getrgb(background_color) image ='RGBA', (width + shadow_distance, height + shadow_distance), color=background_color) image_shadow = None if shadow_distance > 0: image_shadow ='RGBA', (width + shadow_distance, height + shadow_distance), color=background_color) for i, line in enumerate(lines): line_width = font.getbbox(line)[2] #text_height =font.getbbox(line)[3] if alignment == "left": x = 0 elif alignment == "center": x = (width - line_width) / 2 elif alignment == "right": x = width - line_width y = i * line_height draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.text((x, y), line, font=font, fill=color) if image_shadow is not None: draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image_shadow) draw.text((x + shadow_distance, y + shadow_distance), line, font=font, fill=shadow_color) if image_shadow is not None: image_shadow = image_shadow.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(shadow_blur)) image = Image.alpha_composite(image_shadow, image) image = pb(T.ToTensor()(image).unsqueeze(0)) mask = image[:, :, :, 3] if image.shape[3] == 4 else torch.ones_like(image[:, :, :, 0]) return (image[:, :, :, :3], mask,) class RemBGSession: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "model": (["u2net: general purpose", "u2netp: lightweight general purpose", "u2net_human_seg: human segmentation", "u2net_cloth_seg: cloths Parsing", "silueta: very small u2net", "isnet-general-use: general purpose", "isnet-anime: anime illustrations", "sam: general purpose"],), "providers": (['CPU', 'CUDA', 'ROCM', 'DirectML', 'OpenVINO', 'CoreML', 'Tensorrt', 'Azure'],), }, } RETURN_TYPES = ("REMBG_SESSION",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, model, providers): from rembg import new_session as rembg_new_session model = model.split(":")[0] return (rembg_new_session(model, providers=[providers+"ExecutionProvider"]),) class ImageRemoveBackground: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "rembg_session": ("REMBG_SESSION",), "image": ("IMAGE",), }, } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE", "MASK",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, rembg_session, image): from rembg import remove as rembg image = p(image) output = [] for img in image: img = T.ToPILImage()(img) img = rembg(img, session=rembg_session) output.append(T.ToTensor()(img)) output = torch.stack(output, dim=0) output = pb(output) mask = output[:, :, :, 3] if output.shape[3] == 4 else torch.ones_like(output[:, :, :, 0]) return(output[:, :, :, :3], mask,) class NoiseFromImage: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "image": ("IMAGE",), "noise_size": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01 }), "color_noise": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01 }), "mask_strength": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01 }), "mask_scale_diff": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01 }), "noise_strenght": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.01 }), "saturation": ("FLOAT", {"default": 2.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0, "step": 0.1 }), "contrast": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0, "step": 0.1 }), "blur": ("FLOAT", {"default": 1.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 10.0, "step": 0.1 }), }, "optional": { "noise_mask": ("IMAGE",), } } RETURN_TYPES = ("IMAGE","IMAGE",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, image, noise_size, color_noise, mask_strength, mask_scale_diff, noise_strenght, saturation, contrast, blur, noise_mask=None): torch.manual_seed(0) elastic_alpha = max(image.shape[1], image.shape[2])# * noise_size elastic_sigma = elastic_alpha / 400 * noise_size blur_size = int(6 * blur+1) if blur_size % 2 == 0: blur_size+= 1 if noise_mask is None: noise_mask = image # Ensure noise mask is the same size as the image if noise_mask.shape[1:] != image.shape[1:]: noise_mask = F.interpolate(p(noise_mask), size=(image.shape[1], image.shape[2]), mode='bicubic', align_corners=False) noise_mask = pb(noise_mask) # Ensure we have the same number of masks and images if noise_mask.shape[0] > image.shape[0]: noise_mask = noise_mask[:image.shape[0]] else: noise_mask =, noise_mask[-1:].repeat((image.shape[0]-noise_mask.shape[0], 1, 1, 1))), dim=0) # Convert image to grayscale mask noise_mask = noise_mask.mean(dim=3).unsqueeze(-1) # add color noise imgs = p(image.clone()) if color_noise > 0: color_noise = torch.normal(torch.zeros_like(imgs), std=color_noise) #color_noise = torch.rand_like(imgs) * (color_noise * 2) - color_noise color_noise *= (imgs - imgs.min()) / (imgs.max() - imgs.min()) imgs = imgs + color_noise imgs = imgs.clamp(0, 1) # create fine noise fine_noise = [] for n in imgs: avg_color = n.mean(dim=[1,2]) tmp_noise = T.ElasticTransform(alpha=elastic_alpha, sigma=elastic_sigma, fill=avg_color.tolist())(n) #tmp_noise = T.functional.adjust_saturation(tmp_noise, 2.0) tmp_noise = T.GaussianBlur(blur_size, blur)(tmp_noise) tmp_noise = T.ColorJitter(contrast=(contrast,contrast), saturation=(saturation,saturation))(tmp_noise) fine_noise.append(tmp_noise) #tmp_noise = F.interpolate(tmp_noise, scale_factor=.1, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) #tmp_noise = F.interpolate(tmp_noise, size=(tmp_noise.shape[1], tmp_noise.shape[2]), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) #tmp_noise = T.ElasticTransform(alpha=elastic_alpha, sigma=elastic_sigma/3, fill=avg_color.tolist())(n) #tmp_noise = T.GaussianBlur(blur_size, blur)(tmp_noise) #tmp_noise = T.functional.adjust_saturation(tmp_noise, saturation) #tmp_noise = T.ColorJitter(contrast=(contrast,contrast), saturation=(saturation,saturation))(tmp_noise) #fine_noise.append(tmp_noise) imgs = None del imgs fine_noise = torch.stack(fine_noise, dim=0) fine_noise = pb(fine_noise) #fine_noise = torch.stack(fine_noise, dim=0) #fine_noise = pb(fine_noise) mask_scale_diff = min(mask_scale_diff, 0.99) if mask_scale_diff > 0: coarse_noise = F.interpolate(p(fine_noise), scale_factor=1-mask_scale_diff, mode='area') coarse_noise = F.interpolate(coarse_noise, size=(fine_noise.shape[1], fine_noise.shape[2]), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) coarse_noise = pb(coarse_noise) else: coarse_noise = fine_noise #noise_mask = noise_mask * mask_strength + (1 - mask_strength) # merge fine and coarse noise output = (1 - noise_mask) * coarse_noise + noise_mask * fine_noise #noise_mask = noise_mask * mask_strength if mask_strength < 1: noise_mask = noise_mask.pow(mask_strength) noise_mask = torch.nan_to_num(noise_mask).clamp(0, 1) output = noise_mask * output + (1 - noise_mask) * image # apply noise to image output = output * noise_strenght + image * (1 - noise_strenght) output = output.clamp(0, 1) return (output,noise_mask.repeat(1,1,1,3),) class RemoveLatentMask: @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return {"required": { "samples": ("LATENT",),}} RETURN_TYPES = ("LATENT",) FUNCTION = "execute" CATEGORY = "essentials" def execute(self, samples): s = samples.copy() if "noise_mask" in s: del s["noise_mask"] return (s,) NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = { "GetImageSize+": GetImageSize, "ImageResize+": ImageResize, "ImageCrop+": ImageCrop, "ImageFlip+": ImageFlip, "ImageDesaturate+": ImageDesaturate, "ImagePosterize+": ImagePosterize, "ImageCASharpening+": ImageCAS, "ImageSeamCarving+": ImageSeamCarving, "ImageEnhanceDifference+": ImageEnhanceDifference, "ImageExpandBatch+": ImageExpandBatch, "ImageFromBatch+": ImageFromBatch, "ImageCompositeFromMaskBatch+": ImageCompositeFromMaskBatch, "ExtractKeyframes+": ExtractKeyframes, "ImageApplyLUT+": ImageApplyLUT, "MaskBlur+": MaskBlur, "MaskFlip+": MaskFlip, "MaskPreview+": MaskPreview, "MaskBatch+": MaskBatch, "MaskExpandBatch+": MaskExpandBatch, "TransitionMask+": TransitionMask, "MaskFromColor+": MaskFromColor, "MaskFromBatch+": MaskFromBatch, "SimpleMath+": SimpleMath, "ConsoleDebug+": ConsoleDebug, "DebugTensorShape+": DebugTensorShape, "ModelCompile+": ModelCompile, "BatchCount+": BatchCount, "KSamplerVariationsStochastic+": KSamplerVariationsStochastic, "KSamplerVariationsWithNoise+": KSamplerVariationsWithNoise, "CLIPTextEncodeSDXL+": CLIPTextEncodeSDXLSimplified, "SDXLEmptyLatentSizePicker+": SDXLEmptyLatentSizePicker, "DrawText+": DrawText, "RemBGSession+": RemBGSession, "ImageRemoveBackground+": ImageRemoveBackground, "RemoveLatentMask+": RemoveLatentMask, #"NoiseFromImage~": NoiseFromImage, } NODE_DISPLAY_NAME_MAPPINGS = { "GetImageSize+": "🔧 Get Image Size", "ImageResize+": "🔧 Image Resize", "ImageCrop+": "🔧 Image Crop", "ImageFlip+": "🔧 Image Flip", "ImageDesaturate+": "🔧 Image Desaturate", "ImagePosterize+": "🔧 Image Posterize", "ImageCASharpening+": "🔧 Image Contrast Adaptive Sharpening", "ImageSeamCarving+": "🔧 Image Seam Carving", "ImageEnhanceDifference+": "🔧 Image Enhance Difference", "ImageExpandBatch+": "🔧 Image Expand Batch", "ImageFromBatch+": "🔧 Image From Batch", "ImageCompositeFromMaskBatch+": "🔧 Image Composite From Mask Batch", "ExtractKeyframes+": "🔧 Extract Keyframes (experimental)", "ImageApplyLUT+": "🔧 Image Apply LUT", "MaskBlur+": "🔧 Mask Blur", "MaskFlip+": "🔧 Mask Flip", "MaskPreview+": "🔧 Mask Preview", "MaskBatch+": "🔧 Mask Batch", "MaskExpandBatch+": "🔧 Mask Expand Batch", "TransitionMask+": "🔧 Transition Mask", "MaskFromColor+": "🔧 Mask From Color", "MaskFromBatch+": "🔧 Mask From Batch", "SimpleMath+": "🔧 Simple Math", "ConsoleDebug+": "🔧 Console Debug", "DebugTensorShape+": "🔧 Tensor Shape Debug", "ModelCompile+": "🔧 Compile Model", "BatchCount+": "🔧 Batch Count", "KSamplerVariationsStochastic+": "🔧 KSampler Stochastic Variations", "KSamplerVariationsWithNoise+": "🔧 KSampler Variations with Noise Injection", "CLIPTextEncodeSDXL+": "🔧 SDXLCLIPTextEncode", "SDXLEmptyLatentSizePicker+": "🔧 SDXL Empty Latent Size Picker", "DrawText+": "🔧 Draw Text", "RemBGSession+": "🔧 RemBG Session", "ImageRemoveBackground+": "🔧 Image Remove Background", "RemoveLatentMask+": "🔧 Remove Latent Mask", #"NoiseFromImage~": "🔧 Noise From Image", }