"""Magnitude charts.""" import vizro.models as vm import vizro.plotly.express as px from custom_charts import radar from pages._pages_utils import PAGE_GRID, gapminder, iris, make_code_clipboard_from_py_file, tips, wind bar = vm.Page( title="Bar", path="magnitude/bar", layout=vm.Layout(grid=PAGE_GRID), components=[ vm.Card( text=""" #### What is a bar chart? A bar chart displays bars with lengths proportional to the values they represent. One axis shows the categories to compare, and the other provides a value scale starting from zero.   #### When should I use it? Use a bar chart to help your audience compare sizes and identify patterns in categorical data, such as **how many?** in each category. Arrange the bars in any order to fit the message you want to emphasize. Ensure clear labeling, especially with many bars, and consider using a legend or abbreviations with fuller descriptions below. """ ), vm.Graph( figure=px.bar( gapminder.query( "year == 2007 and country.isin(['United States', 'Pakistan', 'India', 'China', 'Indonesia'])" ), x="pop", y="country", orientation="h", ) ), make_code_clipboard_from_py_file("bar.py"), ], ) # Note: Code example for magnitude/column differs from time/column. The text description is the same. column = vm.Page( id="magnitude-column", path="magnitude/column", title="Column", layout=vm.Layout(grid=PAGE_GRID), components=[ vm.Card( text=""" #### What is a column chart? A column chart is a type of bar chart where data is represented with vertical columns. Each column's height corresponds to the value it represents, with the y-axis starting from zero.   #### When should I use it? Use a column chart to compare sizes and identify patterns in categorical data, including time-based data. Arrange columns to fit your message, and for time-based data, order them chronologically to highlight trends. Ensure clear labeling, especially with many categories, and consider using a legend or abbreviations with fuller descriptions below. """ ), vm.Graph( figure=px.bar( gapminder.query( "year == 2007 and country.isin(['United States', 'Pakistan', 'India', 'China', 'Indonesia'])" ), y="pop", x="country", ) ), make_code_clipboard_from_py_file("magnitude_column.py"), ], ) paired_bar = vm.Page( title="Paired bar", path="magnitude/paired-bar", layout=vm.Layout(grid=PAGE_GRID), components=[ vm.Card( text=""" #### What is a paired bar chart? A paired bar chart, also known as a grouped bar chart, displays bars grouped together in pairs for each category, with the lengths of the bars proportional to the values they represent. One axis shows the categories to compare, while the other provides a value scale starting from zero.   #### When should I use it? Use a paired bar chart to compare multiple sets of data within the same categories. This type of chart is particularly useful for highlighting differences and similarities between groups, such as **how many?** in each category across different groups. Arrange the paired bars clearly to fit the message you want to emphasize. Ensure clear labeling, especially with many bars, and consider using a legend or abbreviations with fuller descriptions below. """ ), vm.Graph( figure=px.histogram( tips, y="day", x="total_bill", color="sex", barmode="group", orientation="h", category_orders={"day": ["Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]}, ), ), make_code_clipboard_from_py_file("paired_bar.py"), ], ) paired_column = vm.Page( title="Paired column", path="magnitude/paired-column", layout=vm.Layout(grid=PAGE_GRID), components=[ vm.Card( text=""" #### What is a paired column chart? A paired column chart, also known as a grouped column chart, displays columns grouped together in pairs for each category, with the heights of the columns proportional to the values they represent. One axis shows the categories to compare, while the other provides a value scale starting from zero.   #### When should I use it? Use a paired column chart to compare multiple sets of data within the same categories. This type of chart is particularly useful for highlighting differences and similarities between groups, such as **how many?** in each category across different groups. Arrange the paired columns clearly to fit the message you want to emphasize. Ensure clear labeling, especially with many columns, and consider using a legend or abbreviations with fuller descriptions below. """ ), vm.Graph( figure=px.histogram( tips, x="day", y="total_bill", color="sex", barmode="group", category_orders={"day": ["Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]}, ), ), make_code_clipboard_from_py_file("paired_column.py"), ], ) parallel_coordinates = vm.Page( path="magnitude/parallel-coordinates ", title="Parallel coordinates", layout=vm.Layout(grid=PAGE_GRID), components=[ vm.Card( text=""" #### What is a parallel coordinates chart? A parallel coordinates chart is a type of data visualization used to plot multivariate numerical data. Each axis represents a different variable, and lines connecting the axes indicate the values of individual data points across these variables.   #### When should I use it? Use a parallel coordinates chart to explore relationships and patterns in high-dimensional data. This chart is particularly useful for comparing multiple variables simultaneously and identifying correlations or clusters within the data. Ensure clear labeling of each axis and consider using color coding to distinguish between different data points or groups. """ ), vm.Graph( figure=px.parallel_coordinates( iris, color="species_id", dimensions=["sepal_width", "sepal_length", "petal_width", "petal_length"] ) ), make_code_clipboard_from_py_file("parallel_coordinates.py"), ], ) radar = vm.Page( path="magnitude/radar", title="Radar", layout=vm.Layout(grid=PAGE_GRID), components=[ vm.Card( text=""" #### What is a radar chart? A radar chart, also known as a spider plot or star plot, is a type of data visualization used to display multivariate data. It consists of three or more variables represented on axes that originate from the same central point. #### When should I use it? Use a radar chart to compare performance or characteristics across multiple variables. The chart effectively highlights strengths, weaknesses, patterns, and outliers. To maintain clarity, use consistent scales for all axes and clearly mark labels and data points. """ ), vm.Graph(figure=radar(wind.query("strength == '1-2'"), r="frequency", theta="direction", line_close=True)), make_code_clipboard_from_py_file("radar.py"), ], ) pages = [bar, column, paired_bar, paired_column, parallel_coordinates, radar]