Name,Description,Values |
NACCREAS,Primary reason for coming to ADC,"{'1': 'To participate in a research study', '2': 'To have a clinical evaluation', '7': 'Both to participate in a research study and to have a clinical evaluation, or another reason', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCREFR,Principal referral source,"{'1': 'Non-professional contact: self/relative/friend', '2': 'Professional contact: clinician, nurse, doctor, other health care provider, or other staff (ADC and non-ADC)', '8': 'Other', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
BIRTHMO,Subject's month of birth,{'range': '1 - 12'} |
BIRTHYR,Subject's year of birth,{'range': '>= 1875'} |
SEX,Subject's sex,"{'1': 'Male', '2': 'Female'}" |
HISPANIC,Hispanic/Latino ethnicity,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HISPOR,Hispanic origins,"{'1': 'Mexican, Chicano, or Mexican-American', '2': 'Puerto Rican', '3': 'Cuban', '4': 'Dominican', '5': 'Central American', '6': 'South American', '50': 'Other (specify)', '88': 'Not applicable; subject is not Hispanic', '99': 'Unknown'}" |
RACE,Race,"{'1': 'White', '2': 'Black or African American', '3': 'American Indian or Alaska Native', '4': 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander', '5': 'Asian', '50': 'Other (specify)', '99': 'Unknown'}" |
RACESEC,Second race,"{'1': 'White', '2': 'Black or African American', '3': 'American Indian or Alaska Native', '4': 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander', '5': 'Asian', '50': 'Other (specify)', '88': 'None reported', '99': 'Unknown'}" |
RACETER,Third race,"{'1': 'White', '2': 'Black or African American', '3': 'American Indian or Alaska Native', '4': 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander', '5': 'Asian', '50': 'Other (specify)', '88': 'None reported', '99': 'Unknown'}" |
PRIMLANG,Primary language,"{'1': 'English', '2': 'Spanish', '3': 'Mandarin', '4': 'Cantonese', '5': 'Russian', '6': 'Japanese', '8': 'Other primary language (specify)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
EDUC,Years of education,{'range': '0 - 36'} |
MARISTAT,Marital status,"{'1': 'Married', '2': 'Widowed', '3': 'Divorced', '4': 'Separated', '5': 'Never married (or marriage was annulled)', '6': 'Living as married/domestic partner', '9': 'Other or unknown'}" |
NACCLIVS,Living situation,"{'1': 'Lives alone', '2': 'Lives with spouse or partner', '3': 'Lives with relative or friend', '4': 'Lives with group', '5': 'Other', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
INDEPEND,Level of independence,"{'1': 'Able to live independently', '2': 'Requires some assistance with complex activities', '3': 'Requires some assistance with basic activities', '4': 'Completely dependent', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
RESIDENC,Type of residence,"{'1': 'Single- or multi-family private residence (apartment, condo, house)', '2': 'Retirement community or independent group living', '3': 'Assisted living, adult family home, or boarding home', '4': 'Skilled nursing facility, nursing home, hospital, or hospice', '9': 'Other or unknown'}" |
HANDED,Is the subject left- or right-handed?,"{'1': 'Left-handed', '2': 'Right-handed', '3': 'Ambidextrous', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCAGE,Subject's age at visit,{'range': '18 - 120'} |
NACCNIHR,Derived NIH race definitions,"{'1': 'White', '2': 'Black or African American', '3': 'American Indian or Alaska Native', '4': 'Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander', '5': 'Asian', '6': 'Multiracial', '9': 'Unknown or ambiguous'}" |
NACCFAM,Indicator of first-degree family member with cognitive impairment,"{'0': 'No report of a first-degree family member with cognitive impairment', '1': 'Report of at least one first-degree family member with cognitive impairment', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCMOM,Indicator of mother with cognitive impairment,"{'0': 'No report of mother with cognitive impairment', '1': 'Mother was reported to have cognitive impairment', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCDAD,Indicator of father with cognitive impairment,"{'0': 'No report of father with cognitive impairment', '1': 'Father was reported to have cognitive impairment', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCFADM,"In this family, is there evidence of a dominantly inherited AD mutation?","{'0': 'No/unknown', '1': 'Yes'}" |
NACCAM,"In this family, is there evidence for an AD mutation (from list of specific mutations)?","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes, APP', '2': 'Yes, PS-1 (PSEN-1)', '3': 'Yes, PS-2 (PSEN-2)', '8': 'Yes, other (specify)', '9': 'Unknown whether mutation exists'}" |
NACCAMS,Source of evidence for AD mutation,"{'1': 'Family report (no test documentation available)', '2': 'Commercial test documentation', '3': 'Research lab test documentation', '8': 'Other (specify)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCFFTD,"In this family, is there evidence for an FTLD mutation?","{'0': 'No/unknown', '1': 'Yes'}" |
NACCFM,"In this family, is there evidence for an FTLD mutation (from list of specific mutations)?","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes, MAPT', '2': 'Yes, PGRN', '3': 'Yes, C9orf72', '4': 'Yes, FUS', '8': 'Yes, Other (specify)', '9': 'Unknown whether mutation exists'}" |
NACCFMS,Source of evidence for FTLD mutation,"{'1': 'Family report (no test documentation available)', '2': 'Commercial test documentation', '3': 'Research lab test documentation', '8': 'Other (specify)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCOM,"In this family, is there evidence for a mutation other than an AD or FTLD mutation?","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes (specify)', '9': 'Unknown whether mutation exists'}" |
NACCOMS,Source of evidence for other mutation,"{'1': 'Family report (no test documentation available)', '2': 'Commercial test documentation', '3': 'Research lab test documentation', '8': 'Other (specify)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ANYMEDS,Subject taking any medications,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
NACCAMD,Total number of medications reported at each visit,{'range': '0 - 40'} |
NACCAHTN,Reported current use of any type of antihypertensive or blood pressure medication,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCHTNC,Reported current use of an antihypertensive combination therapy,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCACEI,Reported current use of an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCAAAS,Reported current use of an antiadrenergic agent,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCBETA,Reported current use of a beta-adrenergic blocking agent (beta-blocker),"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCCCBS,Reported current use of a calcium channel blocking agent,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCDIUR,Reported current use of a diuretic,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCVASD,Reported current use of a vasodilator,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCANGI,Reported current use of an angiotensin II inhibitor,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCLIPL,Reported current use of lipid lowering medication,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCNSD,Reported current use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCAC,Reported current use of an anticoagulant or antiplatelet agent,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCADEP,Reported current use of an antidepressant,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCAPSY,Reported current use of an antipsychotic agent,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCAANX,"Reported current use of an anxiolytic, sedative, or hypnotic agent","{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCADMD,Reported current use of a FDA-approved medication for Alzheimer's disease symptoms,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCPDMD,Reported current use of an antiparkinson agent,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCEMD,Reported current use of estrogen hormone therapy,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCEPMD,Reported current use of estrogen + progestin hormone therapy,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
NACCDBMD,Reported current use of a diabetes medication,"{'0': 'Did not report use at visit', '1': 'Reported use at visit'}" |
TOBAC30,Smoked cigarettes in last 30 days,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TOBAC100,Smoked more than 100 cigarettes in life,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
SMOKYRS,Total years smoked cigarettes,{'range': '0 - 87'} |
PACKSPER,Average number of packs smoked per day,"{'0': 'No reported cigarette use', '1': '1 cigarette to less than 1/2 pack', '2': '1/2 pack to less than 1 pack', '3': '1 pack to 1 1/2 packs', '4': '1 1/2 packs to 2 packs', '5': 'More than two packs', '8': 'Not applicable', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
QUITSMOK,"If the subject quit smoking, age at which he/she last smoked (i.e., quit)",{'range': '7 - 110'} |
ALCOCCAS,"In the past three months, has the subject consumed any alcohol?","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ALCFREQ,"During the past three months, how often did the subject have at least one drink of any alcoholic beverage such as wine, beer, malt liquor, or spirits?","{'0': 'Less than once a month', '1': 'About once a month', '2': 'About once a week', '3': 'A few times a week', '4': 'Daily or almost daily', '8': 'Not applicable, no alcohol consumption in last three months', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CVHATT,Heart attack/cardiac arrest,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HATTMULT,More than one heart attack/cardiac arrest?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable, no reported history of heart attack', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HATTYEAR,Year of most recent heart attack,{'range': '>= 1900'} |
CVAFIB,Atrial fibrillation,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CVANGIO,Angioplasty/endarterectomy/stent,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CVBYPASS,Cardiac bypass procedure,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CVPACDEF,Pacemaker and/or defibrillator,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CVPACE,Pacemaker,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CVCHF,Congestive heart failure,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CVANGINA,Angina,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CVHVALVE,Heart valve replacement or repair,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CVOTHR,Other cardiovascular disease,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
CBSTROKE,Stroke,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
STROKMUL,More than one stroke reported as of the Initial Visit,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable, no reported history of stroke as of the Initial Visit', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCSTYR,Most recently reported year of stroke as of the Initial Visit,{'range': '>= 1900'} |
CBTIA,Transient ischemic attack (TIA),"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TIAMULT,More than one TIA reported as of the Initial Visit,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable, no reported history of TIA as of the Initial Visit', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCTIYR,Most recently reported year of TIA as of the Initial Visit,{'range': '>= 1900'} |
PD,Parkinson's disease (PD),"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
PDYR,Year of PD diagnosis,{'range': '>= 1900'} |
PDOTHR,Other parkinsonian disorder,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
PDOTHRYR,Year of parkinsonian disorder diagnosis,{'range': '>= 1900'} |
SEIZURES,Seizures,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TBI,Traumatic brain injury (TBI),"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TBIBRIEF,Traumatic brain injury (TBI) with brief loss of consciousness,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Single', '2': 'Repeated/multiple', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TRAUMBRF,brain trauma - brief unconsciousness,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TBIEXTEN,TBI with extended loss of consciousness - 5 minutes of longer,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Single', '2': 'Repeated/multiple', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TRAUMEXT,brain trauma - extended unconsciousness,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TBIWOLOS,TBI without loss of consciousness - as might result from military detonations or sports injury,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Single', '2': 'Repeated/multiple', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TRAUMCHR,brain trauma - chronic deficit,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TBIYEAR,Year of most recent TBI,{'range': '>= 1900'} |
NCOTHR,Other neurological condition,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
DIABETES,Diabetes,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
DIABTYPE,"If Recent/active or Remote/inactive diabetes, which type?","{'1': 'Type 1', '2': 'Type 2', '3': 'Other type (diabetes insipidus, latent autoimmune diabetes/type 1.5, gestational diabetes)', '8': 'Not applicable, no diabetes reported', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HYPERTEN,Hypertension,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HYPERCHO,Hypercholesterolemia,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
B12DEF,Vitamin b12 deficiency,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
THYROID,Thyroid disease,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ARTHRIT,Arthritis,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ARTHTYPE,Type of arthritis,"{'1': 'Rheumatoid', '2': 'Osteoarthritis', '3': 'Other', '8': 'Not applicable, no reported arthritis', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ARTHUPEX,"Arthritis, region affected - upper extremity","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable, no arthritis reported'}" |
ARTHLOEX,"Arthritis, region affected - lower extremity","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable, no arthritis reported'}" |
ARTHSPIN,"Arthritis, region affected - spine","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable, no arthritis reported'}" |
ARTHUNK,Region affected - unknown,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable, no arthritis reported'}" |
INCONTU,Incontinence - urinary,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
INCONTF,Incontinence - bowel,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
APNEA,Sleep apnea history reported at Initial Visit,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
RBD,REM sleep behavior disorder (RbD) history reported at Initial Visit,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
INSOMN,Hyposomnia/insomnia history reported at Initial Visit,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
OTHSLEEP,Other sleep disorder history reported at Initial Visit,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ALCOHOL,"Alcohol abuse - clinically significant occurring over a 12-month period manifested in one of the following areas: work, driving, legal, or social","{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ABUSOTHR,"Other abused substances - clinically significant impairment occurring over a 12-month period manifested in one of the following areas: work, driving, legal, or social","{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
PTSD,Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
BIPOLAR,bipolar disorder,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
SCHIZ,Schizophrenia,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
DEP2YRS,Active depression in the last two years,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
DEPOTHR,Depression episodes more than two years ago,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ANXIETY,Anxiety,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
OCD,Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NPSYDEV,"Developmental neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., autism spectrum disorder [ASD], attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], dyslexia)","{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
PSYCDIS,Other psychiatric disorder,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Recent/Active', '2': 'Remote/Inactive', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCTBI,History of traumatic brain injury (TBI),"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HEIGHT,Subject's height (inches),{'range': '36 - 87.9'} |
WEIGHT,Subject's weight (lbs),{'range': '50 - 400'} |
NACCBMI,body mass index (bMI),{'range': '10 - 100'} |
BPSYS,"Subject blood pressure (sitting), systolic",{'range': '70 - 230'} |
BPDIAS,"Subject blood pressure (sitting), diastolic",{'range': '30 - 140'} |
HRATE,Subject resting heart rate (pulse),{'range': '33 - 160'} |
VISION,"Without corrective lenses, is the subject's vision functionally normal?","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
VISCORR,Does the subject usually wear corrective lenses?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
VISWCORR,"If the subject usually wears corrective lenses, is the subject's vision functionally normal with corrective lenses?","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable, does not wear corrective lenses', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HEARING,"Without a hearing aid(s), is the subject's hearing functionally normal?","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HEARAID,Does the subject usually wear a hearing aid(s)?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HEARWAID,"If the subject usually wears a hearing aid(s), is the subject's hearing functionally normal with a hearing aid(s)?","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable, does not wear hearing aid(s)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ABRUPT,Abrupt onset (re: cognitive status),"{'0': 'Absent', '2': 'Present'}" |
STEPWISE,Stepwise deterioration (re: cognitive status),"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Present'}" |
SOMATIC,Somatic complaints,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Present'}" |
EMOT,Emotional incontinence,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Present'}" |
HXHYPER,History or presence of hypertension,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Present'}" |
HXSTROKE,History of stroke,"{'0': 'Absent', '2': 'Present'}" |
FOCLSYM,Focal neurological symptoms,"{'0': 'Absent', '2': 'Present'}" |
FOCLSIGN,Focal neurological signs,"{'0': 'Absent', '2': 'Present'}" |
HACHIN,Hachinski ischemic score,{'range': '0 - 12'} |
CVDCOG,Cerebrovascular disease contributing to cognitive impairment,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable'}" |
STROKCOG,Relationship between stroke and cognitive impairment,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable'}" |
CVDIMAG,Imaging evidence,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable'}" |
CVDIMAG1,Single strategic infarct,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable'}" |
CVDIMAG2,Multiple infarcts,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable'}" |
CVDIMAG3,Extensive white matter hyperintensity,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable'}" |
CVDIMAG4,Other imaging evidence,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not applicable'}" |
PDNORMAL,UPDRS normal,"{'0': 'No, not normal', '1': 'Yes, normal', '8': 'Unknown'}" |
SPEECH,Speech,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Slight loss of expression, diction, and/or volume', '2': 'Monotone, slurred but understandable; moderately impaired', '3': 'Marked impairment, difficult to understand', '4': 'Unintelligible', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
FACEXP,Facial expression,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Minimal hypomimia, could be normal “poker face”', '2': 'Slight but definitely abnormal diminution of facial expression', '3': 'Moderate hypomimia; lips parted some of the time', '4': 'Masked or fixed facies with severe or complete loss of facial expression; lips parted one-quarter inch or more', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
TRESTFAC,"Tremor at rest - face, lips, chin","{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight and infrequently present', '2': 'Mild in amplitude and persistent; or moderate in amplitude, but only intermittently present', '3': 'Moderate in amplitude and present most of the time', '4': 'Marked in amplitude and present most of the time', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
TRESTRHD,Tremor at rest - right hand,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight and infrequently present', '2': 'Mild in amplitude and persistent; or moderate in amplitude, but only intermittently present', '3': 'Moderate in amplitude and present most of the time', '4': 'Marked in amplitude and present most of the time', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
TRESTLHD,Tremor at rest - left hand,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight and infrequently present', '2': 'Mild in amplitude and persistent; or moderate in amplitude, but only intermittently present', '3': 'Moderate in amplitude and present most of the time', '4': 'Marked in amplitude and present most of the time', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
TRESTRFT,Tremor at rest - right foot,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight and infrequently present', '2': 'Mild in amplitude and persistent; or moderate in amplitude, but only intermittently present', '3': 'Moderate in amplitude and present most of the time', '4': 'Marked in amplitude and present most of the time', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
TRESTLFT,Tremor at rest - left foot,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight and infrequently present', '2': 'Mild in amplitude and persistent; or moderate in amplitude, but only intermittently present', '3': 'Moderate in amplitude and present most of the time', '4': 'Marked in amplitude and present most of the time', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
TRACTRHD,Action or postural tremor - right hand,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight; present with action', '2': 'Moderate in amplitude, present with action', '3': 'Moderate in amplitude with posture holding as well as action', '4': 'Marked in amplitude; interferes with feeding', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
TRACTLHD,Action or postural tremor - left hand,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight; present with action', '2': 'Moderate in amplitude, present with action', '3': 'Moderate in amplitude with posture holding as well as action', '4': 'Marked in amplitude; interferes with feeding', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
RIGDNECK,Rigidity - neck,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight or detectable only when activated by mirror or other movements', '2': 'Mild to moderate', '3': 'Marked, but full range of motion easily achieved', '4': 'Severe; range of motion achieved with difficulty', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
RIGDUPRT,Rigidity - right upper extremity,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight or detectable only when activated by mirror or other movements', '2': 'Mild to moderate', '3': 'Marked, but full range of motion easily achieved', '4': 'Severe; range of motion achieved with difficulty', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
RIGDUPLF,Rigidity - left upper extremity,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight or detectable only when activated by mirror or other movements', '2': 'Mild to moderate', '3': 'Marked, but full range of motion easily achieved', '4': 'Severe; range of motion achieved with difficulty', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
RIGDLORT,Rigidity - right lower extremity,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight or detectable only when activated by mirror or other movements', '2': 'Mild to moderate', '3': 'Marked, but full range of motion easily achieved', '4': 'Severe; range of motion achieved with difficulty', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
RIGDLOLF,Rigidity - left lower extremity,"{'0': 'Absent', '1': 'Slight or detectable only when activated by mirror or other movements', '2': 'Mild to moderate', '3': 'Marked, but full range of motion easily achieved', '4': 'Severe; range of motion achieved with difficulty', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
TAPSRT,Finger taps - right hand,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude', '2': 'Moderately impaired; definite and early fatiguing; may have occasional arrests in movement', '3': 'Severely impaired; frequent hesitation in initiating movements or arrests in ongoing movement', '4': 'Can barely perform the task', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
TAPSLF,Finger taps - left hand,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude', '2': 'Moderately impaired; definite and early fatiguing; may have occasional arrests in movement', '3': 'Severely impaired; frequent hesitation in initiating movements or arrests in ongoing movement', '4': 'Can barely perform the task', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
HANDMOVR,Hand movements - right hand,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude', '2': 'Moderately impaired; definite and early fatiguing; may have occasional arrests in movement', '3': 'Severely impaired; frequent hesitation in initiating movements or arrests in ongoing movement', '4': 'Can barely perform the task', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
HANDMOVL,Hand movements - left hand,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude', '2': 'Moderately impaired; definite and early fatiguing; may have occasional arrests in movement', '3': 'Severely impaired; frequent hesitation in initiating movements or arrests in ongoing movement', '4': 'Can barely perform the task', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
HANDALTR,Alternating movement - right hand,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude', '2': 'Moderately impaired; definite and early fatiguing; may have occasional arrests in movement', '3': 'Severely impaired; frequent hesitation in initiating movements or arrests in ongoing movement', '4': 'Can barely perform the task', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
HANDALTL,Alternating movement - left hand,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude', '2': 'Moderately impaired; definite and early fatiguing; may have occasional arrests in movement', '3': 'Severely impaired; frequent hesitation in initiating movements or arrests in ongoing movement', '4': 'Can barely perform the task', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
LEGRT,Leg agility - right leg,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude', '2': 'Moderately impaired; definite and early fatiguing; may have occasional arrests in movement', '3': 'Severely impaired; frequent hesitation in initiating movements or arrests in ongoing movement', '4': 'Can barely perform the task', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
LEGLF,Leg agility - left leg,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Mild slowing and/or reduction in amplitude', '2': 'Moderately impaired; definite and early fatiguing; may have occasional arrests in movement', '3': 'Severely impaired; frequent hesitation in initiating movements or arrests in ongoing movement', '4': 'Can barely perform the task', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
ARISING,Arising from chair,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Slow; or may need more than one attempt', '2': 'Pushes self up from arms of seat', '3': 'Tends to fall back and may have to try more than one time, but can get up without help', '4': 'Unable to arise without help', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
POSTURE,Posture,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Not quite erect, slightly stooped posture; could be normal for older person', '2': 'Moderately stooped posture, definitely abnormal; can be slightly leaning to one side', '3': 'Severely stooped posture with kyphosis; can be moderately leaning to one side', '4': 'Marked flexion with extreme abnormality of posture', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
GAIT,Gait,"{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Walks slowly; may shuffle with short steps, but no festination (hastening steps) or propulsion', '2': 'Walks with difficulty, but requires little or no assistance; may have some festination, short steps, or propulsion', '3': 'Severe disturbance of gait requiring assistance', '4': 'Cannot walk at all, even with assistance', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
POSSTAB,Posture stability,"{'0': 'Normal erect', '1': 'Retropulsion, but recovers unaided', '2': 'Absence of postural response; would fall if not caught by examiner', '3': 'Very unstable, tends to lose balance spontaneously', '4': 'Unable to stand without assistance', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
BRADYKIN,body bradykinesia and hypokinesia,"{'0': 'None', '1': 'Minimal slowness, giving movement a deliberate character; could be normal for some persons; possibly reduced amplitude', '2': 'Mild degree of slowness and poverty of movement which is definitely abnormal. Alternatively, some reduced amplitude', '3': 'Moderate slowness, poverty or small amplitude of movement', '4': 'Marked slowness, poverty or small amplitude of movement', '8': 'Untestable'}" |
NPIQINF,NPI-Q co-participant,"{'1': 'Spouse', '2': 'Child', '3': 'Other'}" |
DEL,Delusions in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
HALL,Hallucinations in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
AGIT,Agitation or aggression in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
DEPD,Depression or dysphoria in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ANX,Anxiety in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
ELAT,Elation or euphoria in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
APA,Apathy or indifference in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
DISN,Disinhibition in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
IRR,Irritability or lability in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
MOT,Motor disturbance in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NITE,Nighttime behaviors in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
APP,Appetite and eating problems in the last month,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NOGDS,"Is the subject able to complete the GDS, based on the clinician's best judgment?","{'0': 'Able to complete the GDS', '1': 'Not able to complete the GDS'}" |
SATIS,Are you basically satisfied with your life?,"{'0': 'Yes', '1': 'No', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
DROPACT,Have you dropped many of your activities and interests?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
EMPTY,Do you feel that your life is empty?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
BORED,Do you often get bored?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
SPIRITS,Are you in good spirits most of the time?,"{'0': 'Yes', '1': 'No', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
AFRAID,Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
HAPPY,Do you feel happy most of the time?,"{'0': 'Yes', '1': 'No', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
HELPLESS,Do you often feel helpless?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
STAYHOME,"Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing new things?","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
MEMPROB,Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
WONDRFUL,Do you think it is wonderful to be alive now?,"{'0': 'Yes', '1': 'No', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
WRTHLESS,Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
ENERGY,Do you feel full of energy?,"{'0': 'Yes', '1': 'No', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
HOPELESS,Do you feel that your situation is hopeless?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
BETTER,Do you think that most people are better off than you are?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Did not answer'}" |
NACCGDS,Total GDS Score,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
BILLS,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Writing checks, paying bills, or balancing a checkbook","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TAXES,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Assembling tax records, business affairs, or other paper","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
SHOPPING,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Shopping alone for clothes, household necessities, or groceries","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
GAMES,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Playing a game of skill such as bridge or chess, working on a hobby","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
STOVE,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Heating water, making a cup of coffee, turning off the stove","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
MEALPREP,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Preparing a balanced meal","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
EVENTS,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Keeping track of current events","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
PAYATTN,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Paying attention to and understanding a TV program, book, or magazine","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
REMDATES,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Remembering appointments, family occasions, idays, medications","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
TRAVEL,"In the past four weeks, did the subject have any difficulty or need help with: Traveling out of the neighborhood, driving, or arranging to take public transportation","{'0': 'Normal', '1': 'Has difficulty, but does by self', '2': 'Requires assistance', '3': 'Dependent', '8': 'Not applicable (e.g., never did)', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NACCNREX,Were all findings unremarkable?,"{'0': 'Abnormal findings', '1': 'No abnormal findings or findings normal for age', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
NORMEXAM,Were there abnormal neurological exam findings?,"{'0': 'No abnormal findings', '1': 'Yes - abnormal findings were consistent with syndromes listed in Questions 2-8', '2': 'Yes - abnormal findings were consistent with age-associated changes or irrelevant to dementing disorders (e.g., Bell’s palsy)'}" |
FOCLDEF,Are focal deficits present indicative of central nervous system disorder?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
GAITDIS,Is gait disorder present indicative of central nervous system disorder?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
EYEMOVE,Are there eye movement abnormalities present indicative of central nervous system disorder?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '9': 'Unknown'}" |
PARKSIGN,Parkinsonian signs,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
RESTTRL,Resting tremor - left arm,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
RESTTRR,Resting tremor - right arm,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
SLOWINGL,Slowing of fine motor movements - left side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
SLOWINGR,Slowing of fine motor movements - right side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
RIGIDL,Rigidity - left arm,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
RIGIDR,Rigidity - right arm,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
BRADY,bradykinesia,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
PARKGAIT,Parkinsonian gait disorder,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
POSTINST,Postural instability,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
CVDSIGNS,Neurological sign considered by examiner to be most likely consistent with cerebrovascular disease,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
CORTDEF,"Cortical cognitive deficit (e.g., aphasia, apraxia, neglect)","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
SIVDFIND,Focal or other neurological findings consistent with SIVD (subcortical ischemic vascular dementia),"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
CVDMOTL,"Motor (may include weakness of combination of face, arm, and leg; reflex changes, etc.) - left side","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
CVDMOTR,"Motor (may include weakness of combination of face, arm, and leg; reflex changes, etc.) - right side","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
CORTVISL,Cortical visual field loss - left side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
CORTVISR,Cortical visual field loss - right side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
SOMATL,Somatosensory loss - left side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
SOMATR,Somatosensory loss - right side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
POSTCORT,"Higher cortical visual problem suggesting posterior cortical atrophy (e.g., prosopagnosia, simultagnosia, balint's syndrome) or apraxia of gaze","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
PSPCBS,"Findings suggestive of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), corticobasal syndrome (CBS), or other related disorders","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
EYEPSP,Eye movement changes consistent with PSP,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
DYSPSP,Dysarthria consistent with PSP,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
AXIALPSP,Axial rigidity consistent with PSP,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
GAITPSP,Gait disorder consistent with PSP,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
APRAXSP,Apraxia of speech,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
APRAXL,Apraxia consistent with CBS - left side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
APRAXR,Apraxia consistent with CBS - right side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
CORTSENL,Cortical sensory deficits consistent with CBS - left side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
CORTSENR,Cortical sensory deficits consistent with CBS - right side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
ATAXL,Ataxia consistent with CBS - left side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
ATAXR,Ataxia consistent with CBS - right side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
ALIENLML,Alien limb consistent with CBS - left side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
ALIENLMR,Alien limb consistent with CBS - right side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
DYSTONL,"Dystonia consistent with CBS, PSP, or related disorder - left side","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
DYSTONR,"Dystonia consistent with CBS, PSP, or related disorder - right side","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
MYOCLLT,Myoclonus consistent with CBS - left side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
MYOCLRT,Myoclonus consistent with CBS - right side,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes', '8': 'Not assessed'}" |
ALSFIND,"Findings suggesting ALS (e.g., muscle wasting, fasciculations, upper motor and/or lower motor neuron signs)","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
GAITNPH,Normal pressure hydrocephalus - gait apraxia,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
OTHNEUR,"Other findings (e.g., cerebella ataxia, chorea, myoclonus)","{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
MMSECOMP,Was any part of the MMSE completed?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
MMSELOC,Administration of the MMSE was:,"{'1': 'In ADC/clinic', '2': 'In home', '3': 'In person - other'}" |
MMSELAN,Language of MMSE administration,"{'1': 'English', '2': 'Spanish', '3': 'Other'}" |
MMSEVIS,Subject was unable to complete one or more sections due to visual impairment,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
MMSEHEAR,Subject was unable to complete one or more sections due to hearing impairment,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
MMSEORDA,Orientation subscale score - Time,{'range': '0 - 5'} |
MMSEORLO,Orientation subscale score - Place,{'range': '0 - 5'} |
PENTAGON,Intersecting pentagon subscale score,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
NACCMMSE,Total MMSE score (using D-L-R-O-W),{'range': '0 - 30'} |
NPSYCLOC,The remainder of the battery was administered:,"{'1': 'In ADC/clinic', '2': 'In home', '3': 'In person - other'}" |
NPSYLAN,Language of test administration,"{'1': 'English', '2': 'Spanish', '3': 'Other'}" |
LOGIMO,"If this test has been administered to the subject within the past 3 months, specify the date previously administered (month)",{'range': '1 - 12'} |
LOGIDAY,"If this test has been administered to the subject within the past 3 months, specify the date previously administered (day)",{'range': '1 - 31'} |
LOGIYR,"If this test has been administered to the subject within the past 3 months, specify the date previously administered (year)",{'range': '>= 1875'} |
LOGIPREV,Total score from the previous test administration,{'range': '0 - 25'} |
LOGIMEM,Total number of story units recalled from this current test administration,{'range': '0 - 25'} |
MEMUNITS,Logical Memory IIA - Delayed - Total number of story units recalled,{'range': '0 - 25'} |
MEMTIME,Logical Memory IIA - Delayed - Time elapsed since Logical Memory IA - Immediate,{'range': '0 - 85'} |
UDSBENTC,Total score for copy of benson figure,{'range': '0 - 17'} |
UDSBENTD,Total score for 10- to 15-minute delayed drawing of benson figure,{'range': '0 - 17'} |
UDSBENRS,Recognized original stimulus from among four options,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
DIGIF,Digit span forward trials correct,{'range': '0 - 12'} |
DIGIFLEN,Digit span forward length,{'range': '0 - 8'} |
DIGIB,Digit span backward trials correct,{'range': '0 - 12'} |
DIGIBLEN,Digit span backward length,{'range': '0 - 8'} |
ANIMALS,Animals - Total number of animals named in 60 seconds,{'range': '0 - 77'} |
VEG,Vegetable - Total number of vegetables named in 60 seconds,{'range': '0 - 77'} |
TRAILA,Trail Making Test Part A - Total number of seconds to complete,{'range': '0 - 150'} |
TRAILARR,Part A - Number of commission errors,{'range': '0 - 40'} |
TRAILALI,Part A - Number of correct lines,{'range': '0 - 24'} |
TRAILB,Trail Making Test Part B - Total number of seconds to complete,{'range': '0 - 300'} |
TRAILBRR,Part B - Number of commission errors,{'range': '0 - 40'} |
TRAILBLI,Part B - Number of correct lines,{'range': '0 - 24'} |
WAIS,WAIS-R Digit Symbol,{'range': '0 - 93'} |
BOSTON,boston Naming Test (30) - Total score,{'range': '0 - 30'} |
UDSVERFC,Number of correct F-words generated in 1 minute,{'range': '0 - 40'} |
UDSVERFN,Number of F-words repeated in 1 minute,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
UDSVERNF,Number of non-F-words and rule violation errors in 1 minute,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
UDSVERLC,Number of correct L-words generated in 1 minute,{'range': '0 - 40'} |
UDSVERLR,Number of L-words repeated in 1 minute,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
UDSVERLN,Number of non-L-words and rule violation errors in 1 minute,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
UDSVERTN,Total number of correct F-words and L-words,{'range': '0 - 80'} |
UDSVERTE,Total number of F-word and L-word repetition errors,{'range': '0 - 30'} |
UDSVERTI,Total number of non-F/L-words and rule violation errors,{'range': '0 - 30'} |
COGSTAT,"Per clinician, based on the neuropsychological examination, the subject's cognitive status is deemed","{'0': 'Clinician unable to render opinion', '1': 'Better than normal for age', '2': 'Normal for age', '3': 'One or two test scores abnormal', '4': 'Three or more scores are abnormal or lower than expected', '9': 'Missing'}" |
MOCACOMP,Was any part of MoCA administered?,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
MOCAREAS,"If no part of MoCA administered, reason code","{'95': 'Physical problem', '96': 'Cognitive/behavior problem', '97': 'Other problem', '98': 'Verbal refusal'}" |
MOCALOC,Where was MoCA administered?,"{'1': 'In ADC/clinic', '2': 'In home', '3': 'In person - other'}" |
MOCALAN,Language of MoCA administration,"{'1': 'English', '2': 'Spanish', '3': 'Other'}" |
MOCAVIS,Subject was unable to complete one or more sections due to visual impairment,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
MOCAHEAR,Subject was unable to complete one or more sections due to hearing impairment,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
MOCATOTS,MoCA Total Raw Score - uncorrected,{'range': '0 - 30'} |
NACCMOCA,MoCA Total Score - corrected for education,{'range': '0 - 30'} |
MOCATRAI,MoCA: Visuospatial/executive - Trails,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCACUBE,MoCA: Visuospatial/executive - Cube,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCACLOC,MoCA: Visuospatial/executive - Clock contour,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCACLON,MoCA: Visuospatial/executive - Clock numbers,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCACLOH,MoCA: Visuospatial/executive - Clock hands,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCANAMI,MoCA: Language - Naming,{'range': '0 - 3'} |
MOCAREGI,MoCA: Memory - Registration (two trials),{'range': '0 - 10'} |
MOCADIGI,MoCA: Attention - Digits,{'range': '0 - 2'} |
MOCALETT,MoCA: Attention - Letter A,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCASER7,MoCA: Attention - Serial 7s,{'range': '0 - 3'} |
MOCAREPE,MoCA: Language - Repetition,{'range': '0 - 2'} |
MOCAFLUE,MoCA: Language - Fluency,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCAABST,MoCA: Abstraction,{'range': '0 - 2'} |
MOCARECN,MoCA: Delayed recall - No cue,{'range': '0 - 5'} |
MOCARECC,MoCA: Delayed recall - Category cue,{'range': '0 - 5'} |
MOCARECR,MoCA: Delayed recall - Recognition,{'range': '0 - 5'} |
MOCAORDT,MoCA: Orientation - Date,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCAORMO,MoCA: Orientation - Month,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCAORYR,MoCA: Orientation - Year,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCAORDY,MoCA: Orientation - Day,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCAORPL,MoCA: Orientation - Place,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
MOCAORCT,MoCA: Orientation - City,{'range': '0 - 1'} |
CRAFTVRS,"Craft Story 21 Recall (Immediate) - Total story units recalled, verbatim scoring",{'range': '0 - 44'} |
CRAFTURS,"Craft Story 21 Recall (Immediate) - Total story units recalled, paraphrase scoring",{'range': '0 - 25'} |
DIGFORCT,Number Span Test: Forward - Number of correct trials,{'range': '0 - 14'} |
DIGFORSL,Number Span Test: Forward - Longest span forward,"{'0': nan, 'range': '3 - 9'}" |
DIGBACCT,Number Span Test: backward - Number of correct trials,{'range': '0 - 14'} |
DIGBACLS,Number Span Test: backward - Longest span backward,"{'0': nan, 'range': '2 - 8'}" |
CRAFTDVR,"Craft Story 21 Recall (Delayed) - Total story units recalled, verbatim scoring",{'range': '0 - 44'} |
CRAFTDRE,"Craft Story 21 Recall (Delayed) - Total story units recalled, paraphrase scoring",{'range': '0 - 25'} |
CRAFTDTI,Craft Story 21 Recall (Delayed) - Delay time,{'range': '0 - 85'} |
CRAFTCUE,Craft Story 21 Recall (Delayed) - Cue (boy) needed,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
MINTTOTS,Multilingual Naming Test (MINT) - Total score,{'range': '0 - 32'} |
MINTTOTW,Multilingual Naming Test (MINT) - Total correct without semantic cue,{'range': '0 - 32'} |
MINTSCNG,Multilingual Naming Test (MINT) - Semantic cues: Number given,{'range': '0 - 32'} |
MINTSCNC,Multilingual Naming Test (MINT) - Semantic cues: Number correct with cue,{'range': '0 - 32'} |
MINTPCNG,Multilingual Naming Test (MINT) - Phonemic cues: Number given,{'range': '0 - 32'} |
MINTPCNC,Multilingual Naming Test (MINT) - Phonemic cues: Number correct with cue,{'range': '0 - 32'} |
MODCOMM,Modality of communication used to administer neuropsychological battery,"{'1': 'Telephone', '2': 'Video-assisted conference', '3': 'Some combination of the two'}" |
MOCBTOTS,MoCA blind Total raw score - uncorrected,{'range': '0 - 22'} |
NACCMOCB,MoCA-blind Total Score - corrected for education,{'range': '0 - 22'} |
REY1REC,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 1 total recall,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
REY1INT,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 1 intrusions,{'range': '0 - 85'} |
REY2REC,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 2 total recall,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
REY2INT,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 2 intrusions,{'range': '0 - 85'} |
REY3REC,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 3 total recall,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
REY3INT,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 3 intrusions,{'range': '0 - 85'} |
REY4REC,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 4 total recall,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
REY4INT,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 4 intrusions,{'range': '0 - 85'} |
REY5REC,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 5 total recall,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
REY5INT,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 5 intrusions,{'range': '0 - 85'} |
REY6REC,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 6 total recall,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
REY6INT,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: Trial 6 intrusions,{'range': '0 - 85'} |
OTRAILA,Oral Trail Making Test - Part A: Total number of seconds to complete,{'range': '0 - 100'} |
OTRLARR,Oral Trail Making Test - Part A: Number of commission errors,{'range': '0 - 99'} |
OTRLALI,Oral Trail Making Test - Part A: Number of correct lines,{'range': '0 - 25'} |
OTRAILB,Oral Trail Making Test Part B: Total number of seconds to complete,{'range': '0 - 300'} |
OTRLBRR,Oral Trail Making Test Part B: Number of commission errors,{'range': '0 - 99'} |
OTRLBLI,Oral Trail Making Test Part B: Number of correct lines,{'range': '0 - 25'} |
REYDREC,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: total delayed recall,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
REYDINT,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: delayed intrusions,{'range': '0 - 85'} |
REYTCOR,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: recognition total correct,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
REYFPOS,Rey Auditory Verbal Learning: recognition total false positives,{'range': '0 - 15'} |
VNTTOTW,Verbal naming test: total correct without a cue,{'range': '0 - 50'} |
VNTPCNC,Verbal naming test: total correct with a phonemic cue,{'range': '0 - 50'} |
RESPVAL,How valid do you think the participant's responses are?,"{'1': 'Very valid, probably accurate indication of participant’s cognitive abilities', '2': 'Questionably valid, possibly inaccurate indication of participant’s cognitive abilities', '3': 'Invalid, probably inaccurate indication of participant’s cognitive abilities'}" |
RESPHEAR,What makes this participant's responses less valid? Hearing impairment,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
RESPDIST,What makes this participant's responses less valid? Distractions,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
RESPINTR,What makes this participant's responses less valid? Interruptions,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
RESPDISN,What makes this participant's responses less valid? Lack of effort or disinterest,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
RESPFATG,What makes this participant's responses less valid? Fatigue,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
RESPEMOT,What makes this participant's responses less valid? Emotional issues,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
RESPASST,What makes this participant's responses less valid? Unapproved assistance,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
RESPOTH,What makes this participant's responses less valid? Other,"{'0': 'No', '1': 'Yes'}" |
NACCNE4S,Number of APOE e4 alleles,"{'0': 'No e4 allele', '1': '1 copy of e4 allele', '2': '2 copies of e4 allele', '9': 'Unknown'}" |