import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.isotonic import IsotonicRegression from functools import lru_cache from functools import cached_property from typing import Self, Any from pickle import dump from pickle import load from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from . import ADRDModel from ..utils import Formatter from ..utils import MissingMasker def calibration_curve( y_true: list[int], y_pred: list[float], n_bins: int = 10, ratio: float = 1.0, ) -> tuple[list[float], list[float]]: """ Compute true and predicted probabilities for a calibration curve. The method assumes the inputs come from a binary classifier, and discretize the [0, 1] interval into bins. Note that this function is an alternative to sklearn.calibration.calibration_curve() which can only estimate the absolute proportion of positive cases in each bin. Parameters ---------- y_true : list[int] True targets. y_pred : list[float] Probabilities of the positive class. n_bins : int, default=10 Number of bins to discretize the [0, 1] interval. A bigger number requires more data. Bins with no samples (i.e. without corresponding values in y_prob) will not be returned, thus the returned arrays may have less than n_bins values. ratio : float, default=1.0 Used to adjust the class balance. Returns ------- prob_true : list[float] The proportion of positive samples in each bin. prob_pred : list[float] The mean predicted probability in each bin. """ # generate "n_bin" intervals tmp = np.around(np.linspace(0, 1, n_bins + 1), decimals=6) intvs = [(tmp[i - 1], tmp[i]) for i in range(1, len(tmp))] # pair up (pred, true) and group them by intervals tmp = list(zip(y_pred, y_true)) intv_pairs = {(l, r): [p for p in tmp if l <= p[0] < r] for l, r in intvs} # calculate balanced proportion of POSITIVE cases for each intervel # along with the balanced averaged predictions intv_prob_true: dict[tuple, float] = dict() intv_prob_pred: dict[tuple, float] = dict() for intv, pairs in intv_pairs.items(): # number of cases that fall into the interval n_pairs = len(pairs) # it's likely that no predictions fall into the interval if n_pairs == 0: continue # count number of positives and negatives in the interval n_pos = sum([p[1] for p in pairs]) n_neg = n_pairs - n_pos # calculate adjusted proportion of positives intv_prob_true[intv] = n_pos / (n_pos + n_neg * ratio) # calculate adjusted avg. predictions sum_pred_pos = sum([p[0] for p in pairs if p[1] == 1]) sum_pred_neg = sum([p[0] for p in pairs if p[1] == 0]) intv_prob_pred[intv] = (sum_pred_pos + sum_pred_neg * ratio) intv_prob_pred[intv] /= (n_pos + n_neg * ratio) prob_true = list(intv_prob_true.values()) prob_pred = list(intv_prob_pred.values()) return prob_true, prob_pred class CalibrationCore(BaseEstimator): """ A wrapper class of multiple regressors to predict the proportions of positive samples from the predicted probabilities. The method for calibration can be 'sigmoid' which corresponds to Platt's method (i.e. a logistic regression model) or 'isotonic' which is a non-parametric approach. It is not advised to use isotonic calibration with too few calibration samples (<<1000) since it tends to overfit. TODO ---- - 'sigmoid' method is not trivial to implement. """ def __init__(self, method: str = 'isotonic', ) -> None: """ Initialization function of CalibrationCore class. Parameters ---------- method : {'sigmoid', 'isotonic'}, default='isotonic' The method to use for calibration. can be 'sigmoid' which corresponds to Platt's method (i.e. a logistic regression model) or 'isotonic' which is a non-parametric approach. It is not advised to use isotonic calibration with too few calibration samples (<<1000) since it tends to overfit. Raises ------ ValueError Sigmoid approach has not been implemented. """ assert method in ('sigmoid', 'isotonic') if method == 'sigmoid': raise ValueError('Sigmoid approach has not been implemented.') self.method = method def fit(self, prob_pred: list[float], prob_true: list[float], ) -> Self: """ Fit the underlying regressor using prob_pred, prob_true as training data. Parameters ---------- prob_pred : list[float] Probabilities predicted directly by a model. prob_true : list[float] Target probabilities to calibrate to. Returns ------- Self CalibrationCore object. """ # using Platt's method for calibration if self.method == 'sigmoid': self.model_ = LogisticRegression(), prob_true) # using isotonic calibration elif self.method == 'isotonic': self.model_ = IsotonicRegression(y_min=0, y_max=1, out_of_bounds='clip'), prob_true) return self def predict(self, prob_pred: list[float], ) -> list[float]: """ Calibrate the input probabilities using the fitted regressor. Parameters ---------- prob_pred : list[float] Probabilities predicted directly by a model. Returns ------- prob_cali : list[float] Calibrated probabilities. """ # as usual, the core needs to be fitted check_is_fitted(self) # note that logistic regression is classification model, we need to call # 'predict_proba' instead of 'predict' to get the calibrated results if self.method == 'sigmoid': prob_cali = self.model_.predict_proba(prob_pred) elif self.method == 'isotonic': prob_cali = self.model_.predict(prob_pred) return prob_cali class CalibratedClassifier(ABC): """ Abstract class of calibrated classifier. """ def __init__(self, model: ADRDModel, background_src: list[dict[str, Any]], background_tgt: list[dict[str, Any]], background_is_embedding: dict[str, bool] | None = None, method: str = 'isotonic', ) -> None: """ Constructor of Calibrator class. Parameters ---------- model : ADRDModel Fitted model to calibrate. background_src : list[dict[str, Any]] Features of the background dataset. background_tgt : list[dict[str, Any]] Labels of the background dataset. method : {'sigmoid', 'isotonic'}, default='isotonic' Method used by the underlying regressor. """ self.method = method self.model = model self.src_modalities = model.src_modalities self.tgt_modalities = model.tgt_modalities self.background_is_embedding = background_is_embedding # format background data fmt_src = Formatter(self.src_modalities) fmt_tgt = Formatter(self.tgt_modalities) self.background_src = [fmt_src(smp) for smp in background_src] self.background_tgt = [fmt_tgt(smp) for smp in background_tgt] @abstractmethod def predict_proba(self, src: list[dict[str, Any]], is_embedding: dict[str, bool] | None = None, ) -> list[dict[str, float]]: """ This method returns calibrated probabilities of classification. Parameters ---------- src : list[dict[str, Any]] Features of the input samples. Returns ------- list[dict[str, float]] Calibrated probabilities. """ pass def predict(self, src: list[dict[str, Any]], is_embedding: dict[str, bool] | None = None, ) -> list[dict[str, int]]: """ Make predictions based on the results of predict_proba(). Parameters ---------- x : list[dict[str, Any]] Input features. Returns ------- list[dict[str, int]] Calibrated predictions. """ proba = self.predict_proba(src, is_embedding) return [{k: int(smp[k] > 0.5) for k in self.tgt_modalities} for smp in proba] def save(self, filepath_state_dict: str, ) -> None: """ Save the state dict and the underlying model to the given paths. Parameters ---------- filepath_state_dict : str File path to save the state_dict which includes the background dataset and the regressor information. filepath_wrapped_model : str | None, default=None File path to save the wrapped model. If None, the model won't be saved. """ # save state dict state_dict = { 'background_src': self.background_src, 'background_tgt': self.background_tgt, 'background_is_embedding': self.background_is_embedding, 'method': self.method, } with open(filepath_state_dict, 'wb') as f: dump(state_dict, f) @classmethod def from_ckpt(cls, filepath_state_dict: str, filepath_wrapped_model: str, ) -> Self: """ Alternative constructor which loads from checkpoint. Parameters ---------- filepath_state_dict : str File path to load the state_dict which includes the background dataset and the regressor information. filepath_wrapped_model : str File path of the wrapped model. Returns ------- Self CalibratedClassifier class object. """ with open(filepath_state_dict, 'rb') as f: kwargs = load(f) kwargs['model'] = ADRDModel.from_ckpt(filepath_wrapped_model) return cls(**kwargs) class DynamicCalibratedClassifier(CalibratedClassifier): """ The dynamic approach generates background predictions based on the missingness pattern of each input. With an astronomical number of missingness patterns, calibrating each sample requires a comprehensive process that involves running the ADRDModel on the majority of the background data and training a corresponding regressor. This results in a computationally intensive calculation. """ def predict_proba(self, src: list[dict[str, Any]], is_embedding: dict[str, bool] | None = None, ) -> list[dict[str, float]]: # initialize mask generator and format inputs msk_gen = MissingMasker(self.src_modalities) fmt_src = Formatter(self.src_modalities) src = [fmt_src(smp) for smp in src] # calculate calibrated probabilities calibrated_prob: list[dict[str, float]] = [] for smp in src: # model output and missingness pattern prob = self.model.predict_proba([smp], is_embedding)[0] mask = tuple(msk_gen(smp).values()) # get/fit core and calculate calibrated probabilities core = self._fit_core(mask) calibrated_prob.append({k: core[k].predict([prob[k]])[0] for k in self.tgt_modalities}) return calibrated_prob # @lru_cache(maxsize = None) def _fit_core(self, missingness_pattern: tuple[bool], ) -> dict[str, CalibrationCore]: ''' ... ''' # remove features from all background samples accordingly background_src, background_tgt = [], [] for src, tgt in zip(self.background_src, self.background_tgt): src = {k: v for j, (k, v) in enumerate(src.items()) if missingness_pattern[j] == False} # make sure there is at least one feature available if len([v is not None for v in src.values()]) == 0: continue background_src.append(src) background_tgt.append(tgt) # run model on background samples and collection predictions background_prob = self.model.predict_proba(background_src, self.background_is_embedding, _batch_size=1024) # list[dict] -> dict[list] N = len(background_src) background_prob = {k: [background_prob[i][k] for i in range(N)] for k in self.tgt_modalities} background_true = {k: [background_tgt[i][k] for i in range(N)] for k in self.tgt_modalities} # now, fit cores core: dict[str, CalibrationCore] = dict() for k in self.tgt_modalities: prob_true, prob_pred = calibration_curve( background_true[k], background_prob[k], ratio = self.background_ratio[k], ) core[k] = CalibrationCore(self.method).fit(prob_pred, prob_true) return core @cached_property def background_ratio(self) -> dict[str, float]: ''' The ratio of positives over negatives in the background dataset. ''' return {k: self.background_n_pos[k] / self.background_n_neg[k] for k in self.tgt_modalities} @cached_property def background_n_pos(self) -> dict[str, int]: ''' Number of positives w.r.t each target in the background dataset. ''' return {k: sum([d[k] for d in self.background_tgt]) for k in self.tgt_modalities} @cached_property def background_n_neg(self) -> dict[str, int]: ''' Number of negatives w.r.t each target in the background dataset. ''' return {k: len(self.background_tgt) - self.background_n_pos[k] for k in self.tgt_modalities} class StaticCalibratedClassifier(CalibratedClassifier): """ The static approach generates background predictions without considering the missingness patterns. """ def predict_proba(self, src: list[dict[str, Any]], is_embedding: dict[str, bool] | None = None, ) -> list[dict[str, float]]: # number of input samples N = len(src) # format inputs, and run ADRDModel, and convert to dict[list] fmt_src = Formatter(self.src_modalities) src = [fmt_src(smp) for smp in src] prob = self.model.predict_proba(src, is_embedding) prob = {k: [prob[i][k] for i in range(N)] for k in self.tgt_modalities} # calibrate probabilities core = self._fit_core() calibrated_prob = {k: core[k].predict(prob[k]) for k in self.tgt_modalities} # convert back to list[dict] calibrated_prob: list[dict[str, float]] = [ {k: calibrated_prob[k][i] for k in self.tgt_modalities} for i in range(N) ] return calibrated_prob @lru_cache(maxsize = None) def _fit_core(self) -> dict[str, CalibrationCore]: ''' ... ''' # run model on background samples and collection predictions background_prob = self.model.predict_proba(self.background_src, self.background_is_embedding, _batch_size=1024) # list[dict] -> dict[list] N = len(self.background_src) background_prob = {k: [background_prob[i][k] for i in range(N)] for k in self.tgt_modalities} background_true = {k: [self.background_tgt[i][k] for i in range(N)] for k in self.tgt_modalities} # now, fit cores core: dict[str, CalibrationCore] = dict() for k in self.tgt_modalities: prob_true, prob_pred = calibration_curve( background_true[k], background_prob[k], ratio = 1.0, ) core[k] = CalibrationCore(self.method).fit(prob_pred, prob_true) return core