misantamaria's picture
trying to fix cuda error
history blame
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# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: ../nbs/load.ipynb.
# %% auto 0
__all__ = ['TSArtifact', 'infer_or_inject_freq']
# %% ../nbs/load.ipynb 2
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from fastcore.all import *
import wandb
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from .imports import *
from .utils import *
import pickle
import pyarrow.feather as ft
# %% ../nbs/load.ipynb 7
class TSArtifact(wandb.Artifact):
default_storage_path = Path(Path.home()/'data/wandb_artifacts/')
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' # TODO add milliseconds
handle_missing_values_techniques = {
'linear_interpolation': lambda df : df.interpolate(method='linear', limit_direction='both'),
'overall_mean': lambda df : df.fillna(df.mean()),
'overall_median': lambda df : df.fillna(df.median()),
'backward_fill' : lambda df : df.fillna(method='bfill'),
'forward_fill' : lambda df : df.fillna(method='ffill')
"Class that represents a wandb artifact containing time series data. sd stands for start_date \
and ed for end_date. Both should be pd.Timestamps"
def __init__(self, name, sd:pd.Timestamp, ed:pd.Timestamp, **kwargs):
super().__init__(type='dataset', name=name, **kwargs)
self.sd = sd
self.ed = ed
if self.metadata is None:
self.metadata = dict()
self.metadata['TS'] = dict(sd = self.sd.strftime(self.date_format),
ed = self.ed.strftime(self.date_format))
def from_daily_csv_files(cls, root_path, fread=pd.read_csv, start_date=None, end_date=None, metadata=None, **kwargs):
"Create a wandb artifact of type `dataset`, containing the CSV files from `start_date` \
to `end_date`. Dates must be pased as `datetime.datetime` objects. If a `wandb_run` is \
defined, the created artifact will be logged to that run, using the longwall name as \
artifact name, and the date range as version."
return None
def from_df(cls, df:pd.DataFrame, name:str, path:str=None, sd:pd.Timestamp=None, ed:pd.Timestamp=None,
normalize:bool=False, missing_values_technique:str=None, resampling_freq:str=None, **kwargs):
Create a TSArtifact of type `dataset`, using the DataFrame `df` samples from \
`sd` (start date) to `ed` (end date). Dates must be passed as `datetime.datetime` \
objects. The transformed DataFrame is stored as a pickle file in the path `path` \
and its reference is added to the artifact entries. Additionally, the dataset can \
be normalized (see `normalize` argument) or transformed using missing values \
handling techniques (see `missing_values_technique` argument) or resampling (see \
`resampling_freq` argument).
df: (DataFrame) The dataframe you want to convert into an artifact.
name: (str) The artifact name.
path: (str, optional) The path where the file, containing the new transformed \
dataframe, is saved. Default None.
sd: (sd, optional) Start date. By default, the first index of `df` is taken.
ed: (ed, optional) End date. By default, the last index of `df` is taken.
normalize: (bool, optional) If the dataset values should be normalized. Default\
missing_values_technique: (str, optional) The technique used to handle missing \
values. Options: "linear_iterpolation", "overall_mean", "overall_median" or \
None. Default None.
resampling_freq: (str, optional) The offset string or object representing \
frequency conversion for time series resampling. Default None.
TSArtifact object.
sd = df.index[0] if sd is None else sd
ed = df.index[-1] if ed is None else ed
obj = cls(name, sd=sd, ed=ed, **kwargs)
df = df.query('@obj.sd <= index <= @obj.ed')
obj.metadata['TS']['created'] = 'from-df'
obj.metadata['TS']['n_vars'] = df.columns.__len__()
# Handle Missing Values
df = obj.handle_missing_values_techniques[missing_values_technique](df) if missing_values_technique is not None else df
obj.metadata['TS']['handle_missing_values_technique'] = missing_values_technique.__str__()
obj.metadata['TS']['has_missing_values'] = np.any(df.isna().values).__str__()
# Indexing and Resampling
if resampling_freq: df = df.resample(resampling_freq).mean()
obj.metadata['TS']['n_samples'] = len(df)
obj.metadata['TS']['freq'] = str(df.index.freq)
# Time Series Variables
obj.metadata['TS']['vars'] = list(df.columns)
# Normalization - Save the previous means and stds
if normalize:
obj.metadata['TS']['normalization'] = dict(means = df.describe().loc['mean'].to_dict(),
stds = df.describe().loc['std'].to_dict())
df = normalize_columns(df)
# Hash and save
hash_code = str(pd.util.hash_pandas_object(df).sum()) # str(hash(df.values.tobytes()))
path = obj.default_storage_path/f'{hash_code}' if path is None else Path(path)/f'{hash_code}.feather'
ft.write_feather(df, path)
obj.metadata['TS']['hash'] = hash_code
return obj
# %% ../nbs/load.ipynb 11
def to_df(self:wandb.apis.public.Artifact):
"Download the files of a saved wandb artifact and process them as a single dataframe. The artifact must \
come from a call to `run.use_artifact` with a proper wandb run."
# The way we have to ensure that the argument comes from a TS arfitact is the metadata
if self.metadata.get('TS') is None:
print(f'ERROR:{self} does not come from a logged TSArtifact')
return None
dir = Path(self.download())
if self.metadata['TS']['created'] == 'from-df':
# Call read_pickle with the single file from dir
#return pd.read_pickle(dir.ls()[0])
return ft.read_feather(dir.ls()[0])
print("ERROR: Only from_df method is allowed yet")
# %% ../nbs/load.ipynb 13
def to_tsartifact(self:wandb.apis.public.Artifact):
"Cast an artifact as a TS artifact. The artifact must have been created from one of the \
class creation methods of the class `TSArtifact`. This is useful to go back to a TSArtifact \
after downloading an artifact through the wand API"
return TSArtifact(name=self.digest, #TODO change this
sd=pd.to_datetime(self.metadata['TS']['sd'], format=TSArtifact.date_format),
ed=pd.to_datetime(self.metadata['TS']['sd'], format=TSArtifact.date_format),
# %% ../nbs/load.ipynb 15
def infer_or_inject_freq(df, injected_freq='1s', start_date=None, **kwargs):
Infer index frequency. If there's not a proper time index, create fake timestamps,
keeping the desired `injected_freq`. If that is None, set a default one of 1 second.
start_date: the first date of the index (int or string).
inferred_freq = pd.infer_freq(df.index)
if inferred_freq == 'N':
timedelta = pd.to_timedelta(injected_freq)
df.index = pd.to_datetime(ifnone(start_date, 0), **kwargs) + timedelta*df.index
df.index.freq = pd.infer_freq(df.index)
df.index.freq = inferred_freq
return df