import gradio as gr import re # Load language detection model only (smaller model) from transformers import pipeline language_detector = pipeline("text-classification", model="papluca/xlm-roberta-base-language-detection") # Omdurman National Bank-specific guidelines in Arabic ONB_GUIDELINES_AR = { "balance": "يمكنك التحقق من رصيدك عبر الإنترنت أو عبر تطبيق الهاتف الخاص ببنك الوطني.", "lost_card": "في حالة فقدان البطاقة، اتصل بالرقم 249-123-456-789 فورًا.", "loan": "شروط القرض تشمل الحد الأدنى للدخل (5000 جنيه سوداني) وتاريخ ائتماني جيد.", "transfer": "لتحويل الأموال، استخدم تطبيق الهاتف أو الخدمة المصرفية عبر الإنترنت.", "new_account": "لفتح حساب جديد، قم بزيارة أقرب فرع مع جواز سفرك أو هويتك الوطنية.", "interest_rates": "أسعار الفائدة على الودائع تتراوح بين 5% إلى 10% سنويًا.", "branches": "فروعنا موجودة في أم درمان، الخرطوم، وبورتسودان. زيارة موقعنا للتفاصيل.", "working_hours": "ساعات العمل من 8 صباحًا إلى 3 مساءً من الأحد إلى الخميس.", "contact": "الاتصال بنا على الرقم 249-123-456-789 أو عبر البريد الإلكتروني" } # Omdurman National Bank-specific guidelines in English ONB_GUIDELINES_EN = { "balance": "You can check your balance online or via the ONB mobile app.", "lost_card": "In case of a lost card, call 249-123-456-789 immediately.", "loan": "Loan requirements include minimum income (5000 SDG) and good credit history.", "transfer": "To transfer funds, use the mobile app or online banking service.", "new_account": "To open a new account, visit your nearest branch with your passport or national ID.", "interest_rates": "Interest rates on deposits range from 5% to 10% annually.", "branches": "Our branches are located in Omdurman, Khartoum, and Port Sudan. Visit our website for details.", "working_hours": "Working hours are from 8 AM to 3 PM, Sunday to Thursday.", "contact": "Contact us at 249-123-456-789 or via email at" } # Menu options in both languages MENU_AR = """ قائمة الخدمات المصرفية: 1. رصيد - استعلام عن رصيد حسابك 2. بطاقة - الإبلاغ عن بطاقة مفقودة 3. قرض - معلومات عن القروض 4. تحويل - تحويل الأموال 5. حساب - فتح حساب جديد 6. فائدة - أسعار الفائدة 7. فرع - مواقع الفروع 8. ساعات - ساعات العمل 9. اتصال - معلومات الاتصال """ MENU_EN = """ Banking Services Menu: 1. balance - Check your account balance 2. card - Report a lost card 3. loan - Information about loans 4. transfer - Transfer funds 5. account - Open a new account 6. interest - Interest rates 7. branch - Branch locations 8. hours - Working hours 9. contact - Contact information """ # Map intents to keywords (enhanced) INTENT_KEYWORDS = { "balance": ["balance", "check balance", "account balance", "how much", "رصيد", "حساب", "كم المبلغ", "1"], "lost_card": ["lost", "card", "stolen", "missing", "فقدت", "بطاقة", "مسروقة", "ضائعة", "2"], "loan": ["loan", "borrow", "borrowing", "credit", "قرض", "استدانة", "إئتمان", "3"], "transfer": ["transfer", "send money", "payment", "تحويل", "ارسال", "دفع", "4"], "new_account": ["account", "open", "create", "new", "حساب", "فتح", "جديد", "إنشاء", "5"], "interest_rates": ["interest", "rate", "rates", "return", "فائدة", "نسبة", "عائد", "6"], "branches": ["branch", "location", "where", "office", "فرع", "موقع", "أين", "مكتب", "7"], "working_hours": ["hours", "time", "open", "close", "ساعات", "وقت", "مفتوح", "مغلق", "8"], "contact": ["contact", "phone", "email", "call", "اتصال", "هاتف", "بريد", "اتصل", "9"] } def detect_language(text): # Use Hugging Face language detection model result = language_detector(text) language = result[0]['label'] return language def classify_intent(message: str): # Check for menu request menu_keywords = ["menu", "options", "help", "قائمة", "خيارات", "مساعدة"] message_lower = message.lower() for keyword in menu_keywords: if keyword in message_lower: return "menu" # Use keyword matching for intent classification for intent_key, keywords in INTENT_KEYWORDS.items(): for keyword in keywords: if keyword.lower() in message_lower: return intent_key return "unknown" def respond(message: str): if not message.strip(): return { "ar": "الرجاء كتابة سؤالك.", "en": "Please type your question." } # Detect language language = detect_language(message) # If the language is neither Arabic nor English, default to English if language != "ar" and language != "en": language = "en" # Classify the user's intent using keyword matching intent = classify_intent(message) # Prepare responses in both languages responses = { "ar": "", "en": "" } # Special handling for menu request if intent == "menu": responses["ar"] = MENU_AR responses["en"] = MENU_EN return responses # If intent is recognized, return the corresponding response if intent != "unknown": responses["ar"] = ONB_GUIDELINES_AR.get(intent, "عذرًا، لم يتم التعرف على الخيار المحدد.") responses["en"] = ONB_GUIDELINES_EN.get(intent, "Sorry, the selected option was not recognized.") else: # Default response if no intent is matched - show menu responses["ar"] = "عذرًا، لم أفهم سؤالك. إليك قائمة بالخدمات المتاحة:" + MENU_AR responses["en"] = "Sorry, I didn't understand your question. Here's a menu of available services:" + MENU_EN return responses # Custom CSS for better UI custom_css = """ .gradio-container { font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; } .chat-message { padding: 1rem; border-radius: 10px; margin-bottom: 1rem; max-width: 80%; } .user-message { background-color: #e6f7ff; margin-left: auto; text-align: right; } .bot-message { background-color: #f0f0f0; margin-right: auto; text-align: left; } .bot-message-ar { background-color: #f0f0f0; margin-left: auto; text-align: right; } .header-section { background-color: #1a5276; color: white; padding: 1rem; border-radius: 10px; margin-bottom: 1rem; text-align: center; } .footer-section { font-size: 0.8rem; text-align: center; margin-top: 2rem; color: #666; } .lang-selector { text-align: right; margin-bottom: 1rem; } .menu-button { margin-top: 0.5rem; } """ # Chat interface with enhanced UI with gr.Blocks(css=custom_css) as demo: # Store conversation history state = gr.State(value=[]) # Store selected language selected_lang = gr.State(value="ar") with gr.Row(elem_classes="header-section"): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("# Omdurman National Bank | بنك أم درمان الوطني") gr.Markdown("### Virtual Banking Assistant | المساعد المصرفي الافتراضي") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(elem_classes="lang-selector"): language_btn = gr.Radio( ["العربية", "English"], value="العربية", label="Language | اللغة" ) with gr.Row(): chat_box = gr.Chatbot(elem_id="chatbox", height=400) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=8): text_input = gr.Textbox( placeholder="Type your question here | اكتب سؤالك هنا", label="", elem_id="chat-input" ) with gr.Column(scale=1): submit_btn = gr.Button("Send | إرسال", variant="primary") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(elem_classes="menu-button"): menu_btn = gr.Button("Show Menu | إظهار القائمة") with gr.Row(elem_classes="footer-section"): gr.Markdown("© 2025 Omdurman National Bank. All Rights Reserved. | جميع الحقوق محفوظة لبنك أم درمان الوطني ٢٠٢٥ ©") # Update language state when language is changed def update_language(lang): if lang == "العربية": return "ar" else: return "en" language_btn.change( fn=update_language, inputs=language_btn, outputs=selected_lang ) # Handle message submission def on_submit(message, chat_history, lang): if not message.strip(): return "", chat_history # Add user message to chat history chat_history.append([message, None]) # Get response responses = respond(message) # Select response based on language response = responses[lang] # Update bot response in chat history chat_history[-1][1] = response return "", chat_history # Handle menu button click def show_menu(chat_history, lang): menu_responses = { "ar": MENU_AR, "en": MENU_EN } # Add system message showing the menu menu_text = menu_responses[lang] chat_history.append([None, menu_text]) return chat_history # Link inputs and button to response function fn=on_submit, inputs=[text_input, chat_box, selected_lang], outputs=[text_input, chat_box] ) # Link menu button to show menu function fn=show_menu, inputs=[chat_box, selected_lang], outputs=[chat_box] ) # Also trigger on Enter key text_input.submit( fn=on_submit, inputs=[text_input, chat_box, selected_lang], outputs=[text_input, chat_box] ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch( server_name="", server_port=7860, share=True # Enable public link )